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7275915 No.7275915 [Reply] [Original]

It's just not fun: the game progression and mechanics feel more like a chore than anything else. The challenges are satisfying to overcome, but a good "game" should be more than that.

>> No.7275916

the virgin zelda 2 vs the chad wonderboy 3

>> No.7275917

Agreed but it's the new hipster choice for best game ever so you're just going to get people whining at you

>> No.7275920
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>> No.7275923

Reading your vague opinions is a chore.

>> No.7275929

Maybe he's trying to replicate an NPC in Zelda II

>> No.7275930

shift+click is good for me

>> No.7275953

There are rom hacks that make it less tedious, but ultimately you are right - it’s not worth going back to play. For however good it may have been at release, it’s not worth it now.

That said, I do want to get through it someday - I just don’t know when.

>> No.7275965

>zoomzoom ez mode hacks
Turn in your retro card. You're done, son.

>> No.7275976

Zelda 2 is all about overcoming challenge. Once you do, you realize how tight the controls are, how much leeway combat gives you, and how fun Palaces are to explore.

Don’t be a baby. Take some time to learn how to play a game before you write it off.

>> No.7275986

I've played and beaten the game; did it recently again with a VC release. As I said, upgrading your stats and getting the hang of combat is satisfying, but it just isn't fun. It's just grinding.

>> No.7275993

I disagree. This game is only bad on a blind playthrough.
Once you know the bullshit, I really like it.

>> No.7276006

shut the fuck up Miyamoto

>> No.7276012

play Panalopy of Catalia

>> No.7276038


Yeah, this. I noticed a sudden influx of "But Zelda II's the best one!" on /v/ in 2012 and while I don't see it quite as much anymore, that idea still persists. Sure, some people legitimately like the game and think that, but you can tell that most people on 4chan that say it are just contrarians.

>> No.7276043

This, so much this. Have an upvote!

>> No.7276049

Thanks kind stranger! I can't believe how this blew up with well-argued counterpoints and civil discussion as expected of the golden age of /vr/

>> No.7276095

You'll come around with time, anon. In 10 years, Zelda 2 will be one of your favorite games.

>> No.7276096

It's genuinely one of the best action RPGs on the NES. People who say Z2 is one of the best Zelda games are often trolling, but I think that's only because the criticism against the game has been so vocal for so loud (and so few people have actually played it in full.)

>> No.7276716

>water is wet

>> No.7276719

it gets annoying around the last 2 palaces

>> No.7277078

Shut up faggot. Your shitty bait thread gets what it deserves.

>> No.7277362

Agreement and triggering around 50/50?

>> No.7277434

It's not imo

>> No.7277487

imagine inticreates doing a remake of Adventures of Link

>> No.7277519

You just suck. I bet if I Google, I’ll find your post is a direct quote from the intro to some YouTube video.

>> No.7277545

Who cares. Its an interesting experiment but ultimately a failed one.
I mean even Nintendo mustn't have liked it that much since they dropped it right after.
It still has value, but more as a time capsule novelty than an actual game.

>> No.7277547

Zelda 2 is unironically my favorite one. I was 4 when my older brother bought it. I loved watching people play it because I wasn’t good enough yet, and as I got older I finally was able to beat it. Shit blog I know, but not everyone who likes Zelda 2 is memeing

>> No.7277552

That isn't an excuse since the same could be said about Mega Man X6 and fuck if anyot would call that a good game.

>> No.7277638

>interesting experiment but a failed one
>every Zelda game after it plays like it

>> No.7277654

water makes you wet, it's not actually wet
I have noticed the opposite, it seems more like it's the hipster choice for haters, if you think the game is bad it's most likely because you are bad at games

>> No.7277673

Imagine being a kid and you have free time every day from 3pm to 7pm and all day on weekends to play this game. You only have this game and Mario 3. After 6 months you will be very good at this game and no where the enemies are and have made hand drawn maps.

It's a good game. It would be cool to see an updated remake of it with some modern conveniences.

>> No.7277694

You'd be surprised. They've attempted to redo "sword combat Zelda" after Zelda 2 at least two times since Miyamoto, for a few years at least, felt really annoyed with the final product (I wonder if the differences in the US version are due extra dev time as well?)

The Zelda FX demo, whose models we finally have after the "gigaleak" show their first attempt at a flat polygonal Link with a focus on sword fighting, while Ocarina of Time also had that strong focus (hell, the first enemies programmed in the demo were Iron Knuckle and Stalfos).

Zelda II might be divisive, it did made a strong impact on the creators, if it didn't they wouldn't had bothered taking it as a starting point for OoT.

>> No.7277697

>It would be cool to see an updated remake of it with some modern conveniences.
Takuya Aizu of Inti Creates has expressed interest on wanting to make a remake, and it does make sense. Mega Man Zero, particularily the first game, has many Zelda 2 conventions such as the punishing life system, or the Triple Rod allowing for Downthrust to bounce of enemies as well as an up trust, and exploration of an interconnected world map.

>> No.7277701

I wouldn't be surprised if it originally wasn't a Zelda game. Feels like something else.

>> No.7277760

>It's just grinding.
There's little to no grinding if you max out attack first. Most people don't realize you can skip level up screens until you have enough points for attack.

>> No.7277767

OP is Error

>> No.7277775

Zelda 2 actually is a good game, although it's debatable whether Zelda 2 is a great game. You know what's not a good game? Circus Charlie is not a good game. Fester's Quest is not a good game.

>> No.7277785

I feel like if they did a remake it's gotta be done with a bunch of changes. Keep it side scrolling in the dungeons but a fully explorable overworld in 3d would be cool. Enemies you encounter then put you into a sort of locked in battle (like in the Trials of Mana remake) and you get exp for beating everyone. But then again maybe they should keep it to a cartoony overworld view and not make a bunch of changes. I really think a 60$ full fledged game done in the style of the N64 games would be cool within this world.

>> No.7277805

>there’s no grinding if you grind first

>> No.7277812

Hardly a controversial opinion, nobody likes Zelda II, is a miracle it didn't kill the franchise.

>> No.7277819

where have these absolutely trash opinions come from recently

>> No.7277829

ignore what that guy said. there's no grinding if you dont game over too much.

>> No.7277840
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>> No.7277903
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only hipsters and staunch contrarians will defend Zelda II

>> No.7277927

it's pretty much the opposite, but you keep being "cool"

>> No.7277936
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>imagine thinking most people like Zelda II or that it comes even close to a popular opinion

>> No.7277942

>3pm to 7pm and all day on weekends to play this game
This is what hell must be like

>> No.7277964
File: 44 KB, 703x436, Egi1ZySWkAU9-nZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending normie opinions
Time to off yourself anon

>> No.7277993

So you admit of only liking it for contrarian reasons, its not even about the game.

>> No.7278004

>disliked at the time
>everyone thrilled that the next game ditches its change of gameplay, 10/10
>disliked for the next four generations
>suddenly in 2019-2020 flocks of people emerge declaring it their favorite
If there's a better indication that contrarianism is real than Zelda II, I don't know it.

>> No.7278068

>disliked at the time
>disliked for the next four generations
now that is absolute bullshit, it was only disliked at release because it was different and hard
It sounds like there is one person in this thread that hates it and has some agenda against it

>> No.7278074

In fact, it's the only Zelda with actual RPG elements, unlike all the others which smoothbrains still think are RPGs.

>> No.7278086

>it's the only Zelda with actual RPG elements
and is worse off for it

>> No.7278112

Why would someone brag about their opinion contradicting science and common sense?

Water is actually wet. And it's super cringey that you think claiming otherwise makes you sound clever. I can get that a child might not understand the science behind it but lacking such basic common sense is abnormal, even for your kind. Did you mom drink a lot while she was pregnant with you?

>> No.7278118

Literally the only people who seem to be butthurt about it being hard are Americans; meaning that Japanese companies were right in thinking they were too retarded to play rpgs.

I mean, most people who hate the game have no clue that "I am Error" isn't an actual error because they never made it far enough into the game to know that he's mentioned by name as the person who tells you how to get into the third temple.

>> No.7278142
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>so you admit
I admit that I don't think popular opinion makes a game good, like you do.

>> No.7278148

>meaning that Japanese companies were right in thinking they were too retarded to play rpgs.
Zelda II did worse than both the first Zelda and A link to the past both in America and Japan.

Just a second before you were claiming everyone loved Zelda II ergo it was good. Truth is the game sucks, only hipsters and contrarians defend it for brownie points.

>> No.7278152

>science behind etymology

>> No.7278156

The game was literally made easier for Burgers, though.

>> No.7278179
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I wasn't the guy claiming that Zelda 2 is well liked, and I don't believe that either. Truth is that the game is hated by a lot of people because it was differen't from the first game and a lot more challenging.

That's why aLttP is so similar to Zelda 1. It was made to appease all of the crybaby fans.

>> No.7278183

yeah, but the game´s problem was that it wasn't very fun and the first Zelda also set an expectative with its gameplay so most people ended dissapointed by that.

Also, the argument that westerner can't into 2deep4u superior nihon rpgs is a facetious one considering those games are based (more like rip off) on western pen and papers games who are more complex than them, western crpgs, text based rpgs and dungeon crawlers are also more autistic than jrpgs were. "muhrica dumb fatties don't get nihon rpgs" is just cope for not making fun enough games.

>> No.7278187

The "Westerners are too stupid to play RPGs" was more a "They can't even read or do math at a grade school level" than it has to do with 2deep4u. It was literally believed that if you didn't hold their hands for the entire game, they wouldn't understand why they can't just press R to win and give up. Besides, D&D nerds absolutely insist that no one but actual top-grades earning nerds have even been smart enough to play ttRPGs back then.

>> No.7278196

>they wouldn't understand why they can't just press R to win and give up.
Japanese developers plagiarize Wizardry and then have the balls to say this, if anything their games are a whitewash version of western rpgs. And i say this as someone who prefers jrpgs but is still a shitty take

>> No.7278629

>every Zelda game after it plays like it
Now THIS is competitive-level delusion

>> No.7278684

>he chad wonderboy 3

>> No.7278960

>zoom zoom zoom?
zoom. Lemme guess. You're a 2+2=5 kind of faggot.

>> No.7279369

There is a special toilet for dunking the heads of all the seething contrarian retards that need to make "Zelda 2 is not a good game" posts for (You)s.

>> No.7279373

>Truth is that the game is hated by a lot of people because it was differen't
Literally fucking fake. Zelda II is one of the best-selling NES games of all time. This "everyone hated it because it was different!!" narrative DID NOT EXIST until "angry video game nerds" with youtube channels and cracked.com/buzzfeed articles started perpetuating it, and all the drooling simpletons chomped on the bit because they wanted to be part of the hip cool contrarian crowd.
>Whoa you know that thing you liked that was good, H- He- Heh. AKSHUALLY, it was BAD!

>> No.7279463
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>> No.7279929

bitches never played Xanadu nor any other sidescroller RPG? Zelda II while not being the best Zelda, that honor belongs to BOTW, its really a cool title by its own right.

>> No.7279946
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The hipster contrarian once again using avgn as a crutch, predictably

>> No.7280048

ALttP was originally going to be a turn based RPG. Do some actual research before you talk out of your ass.

>> No.7280071

My favorite Zelda is Four Swords Adventures. My second favorite is the very first Zelda. My third favorite is Zelda 2.
Direct all your seething over people having different tastes to me.

>> No.7280113

Not him but he's not exactly wrong either. Zelda II was actually popular during it's release among kids who loved the first game. We just sort of accepted sequels being different (SMB2, Simon's Quest, Zelda II) with the one exception that comes to mind being Mega Man.

It was also really fucking hard to find for the first few months of release.

>> No.7280408

This also Links Awakening was going to be a jai alai sport/dating sim and OoT was originally intended as a new variety of cheese

>> No.7280508

This thread isn't good but anyway I like Zelda 2.

>> No.7280853

most likely it's just one shit poster

>> No.7282476

I love Zelda 2 because it's the only Zelda game that challenges the player.

>> No.7282516

It looks more appealing to me than Zelda 1, as somebody who's only watched gameplay but never got round to it.
What I don't understand is how people can enjoy top down games? Do you guys use an excessive amount of imagination to fill in the gaps, or do you just look at the game like its a strategy map thing?

>> No.7282530

Is today the "zoom zooms come in to whine about 30 year old games they are playing for the first time in 2021" time? there's also a thread whining about Symphony of the Night and Silent Hill 2.

>It's just not fun:

It is fun. Partly because it's challenging and thus beating levels is rewarding.

>the game progression and mechanics feel more like a chore than anything else.

Because you have little patience and a whiner.

>The challenges are satisfying to overcome, but a good "game" should be more than that.

It has incredibly combat, resource management, exploration, and level design. It's incredibly rewarding.

>> No.7282592

>>disliked at the time

It got like 9/10 scores on release. The Z2 is bad is a meme that came about when people who started with Ocarina of Time went back and played it. It's so diametrically opposite to what a modern Zelda game is, they ended up hating it. It doesn't mean it's bad, just that it's the exact kind of game "Zelda fans" absolutely abhor.

>> No.7282959
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Adopting your format:

>It is fun. Partly because it's challenging
What's the other part?

>Because you have little patience and a whiner
I was patient enough to beat the game without it providing much reason to keep playing, as the upgrades and other powerups make an overall annoying experience simply less annoying. Too much stick, almost no carrot. Oh and I DO have a whiner, but that was a shot in the dark bro wtf

>It has incredibly combat, resource management, exploration, and level design. It's incredibly rewarding.
It's way more linear and corridor-like than the Zelda-style Zelda games (or even exploration side-scrolling games like Metroid), and the management is simpler as well, as there are no shops and the collectables/pickups are fixed, not spawned so it's more about endurance rushes between safe "bases" -the towns- than about on-site survival and resource gathering.

The combat is the most notably satisfying aspect to master just for its sheer frequency, but I wouldn't call it "rewarding": like with the rest of the game, the positive feel you can get from it is more like the relief you get from something bothersome becoming somewhat less so.

>> No.7283016

Considering that only 15% of households computers in 1989 and games lik3 Wizardry had primarily been played by college students or dedicated computer nerds, it's understandable for them to think that a regular 10 year old American would be too stupid to read and enjoy an RPG.

>> No.7283156

>"b-but Wonder Boy 3 is Metroidvania"

>> No.7283158

Nah it's a Wonderforia

>> No.7283183

Or maybe people didn't want to shit talk it cause Zelda and then when it became 'okay' people could finally talk about how shitty and what a let down it was.
or you know, the fact that the internet wasn't a thing and thus the only 'source' is sells (which easily is mostly cause Zelda 1 was so great) and vidya reviewers which lol if you try to use that as a standard

>> No.7283187

I don't really like it, but I like a lot less how this game got mainstream bad reputation to the point you'll get contrarians for the sake being contrarian going about saying how much they love it for shitty reasons.

>> No.7284045


>> No.7284642

Yet it wasn't ...

Either way it's still undeniably similar to the first game. So shut up retard.

>> No.7285620
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We're at full circle now with people making a point of saying it's terrible just because saying it's great got popular though. Saying it's basically an ok game is not even an option anymore.

It's the usual cycle of contrarianism and counter-contrarianism (which is, in fact, just contrarianism after all)

>> No.7287534

>The challenges are satisfying to overcome, but a good "game" should be more than that.
really? I dunno dude

>> No.7287537
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that honor belongs to BOTW