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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7263947 No.7263947 [Reply] [Original]

What I propose is simple
>/vr/ for everything up to and including 5th gen and /v2k/ for 6th and 7th gen
>/vr/ for everything up to and including 3rd gen with /v90/ for 4th and 5th gen and /v2k/ for 6th and 7th gen

>> No.7263950

>>/vr/ for everything up to and including 5th gen and /v2k/ for 6th and 7th gen
People have been asking for this for years anon, its not going to happen

>> No.7263979

The real issue is allowing 4chan to be any kind of incel gamer haven. All video game boards and discussion should be purged permanently.

>> No.7263990

Yet you browse them.

>> No.7263994

He is just a /v/irgin baiting, ignore him

>> No.7264040

Or you could post in the threads that interest you and ignore those that dont.

>> No.7264059

That would be fine and dandy if everyone did this, but you damn well know they don't.

>> No.7264065

If we're dividing by genre it should be 1-4 and 5-7 since gen 5 shares more with 6 and 7 than with 1-4. In fact it should probably be 1-2, 3-4, and 5-7

>> No.7264073

I meant by generation

>> No.7264076
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>> No.7264089

I had no idea that only posting in threads that interest you means that the total number of threads allowed on the board at a given time increases to keep the ratio of != 6th gen what it was before the tranny mod changed the sticky.

>> No.7264118

Only if the dreamcast is lumped in with /vr/ instead of /v2k/

>> No.7264125

What an amazingly accomplished level of delusion

>> No.7264198

Yet he's right.

>> No.7264204

the last thing this website needs is more /v/ boards.

>> No.7264205

Even /tv/ and /a/ manages to keep their stuff contained in their boards.

>> No.7264207

Right, so let's just delete all video game boards except /v/ and try to have niche threads on there.

>> No.7264215

I think 4chan's problem isn't so much the boards but the ammount of people who use it.
The site grew WAY too big, no wonder moot decided to sell it and get rid of it.
It borders on imposible to have a real conversation on 4chan compared to 15 years ago, unless you're on a niche board like /m/.

>> No.7264217

it's not the amount of people, it's the type of people. It used to be (primarialy) for people enthusiastic about their hobbies, now it's for normalfags and viral marketing

>> No.7264237

The real problem is underage fags.

>> No.7264250

Underage meaning under 30, right?

>> No.7264251

>it's not the amount of people
That's exactly what it is. The boards on this site that get the most traffic are also the shittiest.

>> No.7264452

Ignoring 6th gen threads does not bring back the retro threads that they pushed off the board.

>> No.7264468

>/vrn/ for nintendrones.
This board would be so much better if Nintendo shilling was contained.

>> No.7264469

>What I propose is simple
>goes on to post convoluted garbage
/vr/ is for all games 2 generations ago.
PS5 released? PS3 is fine for /vr/.

>> No.7264557

Nigga, we've been asking for this /vr/ started.
Also, we are under hiroshi. He deliberately made the decision to add 6th gen to /vr/, because that means a guaranteed shitstorm. And shitstorm generates traffic, which generates revenue through ads.
That slant fuck cares only about that, so tough luck getting this place working ever again. And there is a good chance 4chan will be closed next year due to (completely unrelated with 4chan itself) change in law regarding online payments.

>> No.7264558


>> No.7264563

is there an alt chan with activity that has old /vr/ stuff I can go to? I'm not interested in this board now and the new people here don't want me here

>> No.7264624

What we really need is /retrolike/ for pixel-based games with retro gameplay.

>> No.7264684

I found it it's over at

>> No.7264704

theres prolly more 6th gen threads in /v/ at any given time than in /vr/ so i really dont understand the change

>> No.7264709

>I found it
Found what, your opinion?

>> No.7264717

1: no, and this’ll never happen anyway so you are just writing a pathetic letter to Santa.

2: even if it did, anything post 4th gen should go to v2k, the cut off should be 3D graphics, so 5th to 7th

>> No.7264718

I was looking into this a week or two ago. The only other board, I believe its 8kun seems very sketchy.

>> No.7264767


>> No.7264826

>anything post 4th gen should go to v2k
PS1 came out in 1994 though. If it was 1996, or even 1995, maybe, but it's the first half of the 90s. I don't think it belongs in a board dedicated to games from 2000+

>> No.7264847
File: 257 KB, 600x600, pc-and-video-games-games-ps3-call-of-duty-black-ops-3-iii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is correct. Would be so sweet if we were allowed to talk about Black Ops 3 on this board.

>> No.7264858

I cant tell if this is an actual zoomer who legitimately thinks that BO3 and SMB3 should ever be discussed on the same board, or if its /vr/ old guard demonstrating the sheer retardation of allowing generations based on age.

>> No.7264896

Seethe incel, 30 years from now gen 8 will be considered retro too.
Not like it will be a that much of a deal for you since by then you'll probably (and hopefully) have already kicked the bucket old fart

>> No.7264906
File: 566 KB, 1920x1080, ss_bdf71b743e07b2dc2e3a892e4b4279a271e8300e.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic Mania and Bloodstained Curse of the moon are both retro in style but were released recently so they don't classify as retro. You agree with that so why not the other way round?

>> No.7265060
File: 30 KB, 559x298, v2k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is inevitable.

>> No.7265105
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the only thing they had to do was to create another board /v2k/, nothing else
but they went and created /vm/, /vmg/, /vrpg/, /vst/ nobody asked for and destroyed /vr/
this site is infiltrated and really is time to go
>inb4 you are here forever
right now there is no reason for me to stay here, even /doom/ is being derailed to hell and back
I have a wagelife, live in a failed state and little kids to keep wasting time here making me even bitter (I'm divorced)
I'll be back, maybe next year, to see what this smoking crater has become
good bye anons

>> No.7265396

>let's make a slow board even slower
Here's a better take: stop posting in obvious b8 threads you retard.

>> No.7265403

>let's make a slow board even slower
Why is this a bad thing? /vr/ was objectively better when it was slower.

>> No.7266107

We need /v2k/

>> No.7268145


Its a matter of room

>> No.7268150


>> No.7268158

There's plenty of room for every thread. The problem is the threads you like die on the vine. It's a matter of your threads being shit.

>> No.7268164

Or how about we just ban all zoomers?

>> No.7268191

Since this place has become a complete bust, I'll just ask: is there anywhere left in the internet that's good for talking about retro games? N64/PS1/etc. era is fine if it's included, but not necessary either.

>> No.7268286

The fact that no one knows anymore is ridiculous. It could go either way and I have no idea either.

>> No.7268364

There are six(6) /v/ derivatives right now all because faggots couldn't contain their autism.
Splitting up /v/ was a mistake, even just into /vg/ because it was never going to end with just /vg/ it will end with a dozen dead boards and calls for a dozen more.
Call me a fag you know I'm right.

>> No.7268523

This board still slow because a romhacking general was kept in weeks, sure it got a little faster but it's just giving a snail a speed boost but it still slow as shit.
>imb4 shitposting
/vr/ always had shitposting even before 6th gen was a thing, check the fucking archives.
>imb4 niche
During 5h gen, i started a thread about some obscure games that i can't remember because i didn't take notes unfortunatley and it got archived with 16 replies while Zelda threads and DOOM generals reached bump limit, sure it's a "niche board".
The main difference is that faggots like OP and some /v/ermins still doing mental gymnanistics here, basically keeping the fire.
Want /v2k/? Ok, just fucking shut up and talk about video games already.

>> No.7268645

LMAOOO Wow some people are soooo gay on here the rule changed in like, august and you're STILL crying over it?? Do you actually remember what it was like before? Because it wasn't even that different. You can still make a thread on an actually obscure game and it will get bumped off the board with 5 replies and you can still go to 100+ posts arguing over RGB vs Composite, or talking about some gay shit like sonic, mario, zelda etc. Before 6th gen about 5% of people here knew fuck all about video games and that number has remained pretty much static. If you don't like it now you probably never did so who cares

>> No.7269182

I want 6th gen
banned just so people like you go away. I would love to talk about 6th gen if it did not come with retarded nigger children from /v/.

>> No.7269305

Even simpler, /vr/ becomes a catch-all for everything /v/ decides is too old to post there.

>> No.7269550

... that's what /vg/ is for