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File: 180 KB, 1024x768, Final-Fantasy-VI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7261836 No.7261836 [Reply] [Original]

One of my favorite things about FF VI that I never see being mentioned is how it kinda subverted expectations when it came to romantic relationships.

I played Chrono Trigger and FF IV around the same time I played FF VI so when Terra meets Locke it felt like that typical moment in JRPGs when you have the main hero and heroine meet for the first time and you know they are meant for each other like with Chrono and Marle or Cecil and Rosa, but surprisingly, there is no romantic subplot between these two, it develops more like a friendship instead and it seems like Terra feels something for General Leo who is a much more mature man.

FF VI also stands out when it comes to tragic love stories because FIVE of the main characters have their apparent love interests die.
I went in expecting the same popular and common romantic subplots present in most works of fiction and got a very different experience with characters that really have well developed personalities. FF VI is a great story.

>> No.7261995

Terra wanted daddy, which is the much more patrician choice than some spaz fag with peach fuzz like Locke. Eventually Celes will get tired of him too, and even in flashbacks you can tell he was already wearing on Rachel's last nerve before she fell. Locke is a dumb fuck.

>> No.7262015

While Celes and Locke's relationship felt a bit half-baked, the fact that Locke had to move on was quite nice. I would have wanted more development for Celes' icy exterior but pure as snow where she "melts" in a cutscene. We never really saw that happen.
Terra's relationship with Leeo always felt like a father and daughter with the short time they interacted, it was effective. I got mad when Leo died.

>> No.7262059

>Terra's relationship with Leeo always felt like a father and daughter
Yeah, now that you mention it, I have to agree.
Leo is too honorable and full of integrity to see Terra in any sexual or romantic way.

Celes and Locke's relationship didn't feel rushed to me. Then there's the fact that she used to be an emotionless fighting machine and started to feel something after she had her life saved.

>> No.7262221

>Then there's the fact that she used to be an emotionless fighting machine and started to feel something after she had her life saved.
Way before, she started to feel something when Doma happenwd.

>> No.7262303

It's been a while since I played it

Need to play again

>> No.7262312

Celes was never really this unfeeling robot. She had emotions, she just kept them to herself. Doma's poisoning and the blatant abuse of power made her defect and got branded as traitor.
Poetically, Locke unlocked that and made her more expressive.

>> No.7262447

It also stands out as a snore-worthy movie game of minimal customization after FFV was full of CUSTOMIZATION AND STRATEGY GAMEPLAY

>> No.7262842
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Where are you getting that the Doma incident caused Celes to rebel? The scenarios happened simultaneously and Celes was already chronologically locked up before or during it.

For that matter, I know Doma is supposed to be shocking, but it made no semse to me. Kefka poisons the moat and then..the cadtle inhabitants start dropping like flies? When did they drink the water and not notice the off-color? Were there invisible fumes coming from the water? If so, why weren't Kefka, Cyan, and that one other survivor affected? What DID happen to that last guy and why did the game completely forget about him?

>> No.7262962

The water is pink!
It's supposed to be purple!
Something's not right here...

>> No.7263270

It also deviates from a typical heroes vs evil setting. Evolution of RPGs. There should be more existentialist rpgs

>> No.7263446

It was implied that she knew about Kefka's plan of poisoning Doma.

>> No.7263447


>> No.7263453

In her introductory scene.

>> No.7263560
File: 104 KB, 850x850, 4838318ec74b69383010c40cf94558fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh damn you're right, my bad, I always imagined Kefka did it as a spontaneous act of chaos like he always does, not planned it for a while now. Too bad Celes didn't have her own scenario showing how this all went down, but I guess the reason they didn't do it is for the minor "is Celes a mole?" sideplot that doesn't really go anywhere.

>> No.7263771

Yeah, the main party isn't just a bunch of "big damn heroes", they actually are flawed people that sometimes lean into a moral grey area.

Just goes to show what a masterpiece FF VI is.

>> No.7263882

>Terra feels something for General Leo who is a much more mature man.

>> No.7264146

I agree with you OP, truly final fantasy VI is a masterpiece in many aspects.
I really liked how the characters interact, grow and in general their personalities.

>> No.7264148

>minimal customization
I prefer FFV, but you clearly have not played VI.

>> No.7264190

The water changes color as a visual cue for the player to show it's poisoned. The point of a good poison is to NOT be detected. It was implied that everyone regularly drinks water from that river, and Cyan probably hadn't yet since he was probably the type of stubborn knight who wouldn't go for a drink of water while standing watch.

As for the other survivor, he probably hadn't had any water yet. Given the only other civilization nearby would be through a death trap forest, he probably died soon after.

>> No.7264269

Cyan was away from town when it happened, no?

>> No.7264362
File: 316 KB, 532x481, kaie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The water changes color as a visual cue for the player to show it's poisoned.
Now this one, I swear to god the water color is pointed out in-universe.

>> No.7265093

>"is Celes a mole" sideplot goes nowhere
but it actually is important
Locke doubts her and she gets butthurt about it
Not Edgar or Sabin or Gau
Likewise, she finds Locke’s bandana on a pigeon when she's stuck on Solitary Island
Not Cyan's or Setzer's or Relm's. That was a deliberate choice by the writers.
It's very lowkey, but undeniable.

>> No.7265286

What is the message? That she loves Locke?

>> No.7265291
File: 373 KB, 913x514, Blackjack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you like or hate the Blackjack?

>> No.7266304

The party should have stolen it from Setzer

>> No.7267008

Celes being a mole is a fake story made by Kefka to sever the trust between Celes and the Returners and much more Celes and Locke.
What really bothered me instead is that Celes was ready to go back to the Empire and be a general again like nothing ever happened.

>> No.7267094

>Celes was ready to go back to the Empire and be a general again like nothing ever happened
She wasn't. She'd never betray Locke.

>> No.7267154

>Shee wasn't. She'd never betray Locke
Then why did she work with them again to the point that she was called General again by General Leo after the Espers wrecked Vector and Gestahl feigned peace?

>> No.7267173

In a way they did...Setzer too.

>> No.7267376
File: 65 KB, 409x519, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Too bad Celes didn't have her own scenario showing how this all went down,
because she's not the main character.

>> No.7267392

Could Tina copulate in Esper form?

>> No.7267586

I remember disliking Setzer for some reason when I first played it many years ago.

>> No.7268001

i'm just speculating here
but Celes and Leo both acted with honor and integrity
unlike Gestahl and Kefka
so he probably called her General out of respect

>> No.7268005

having an item shop on board was pretty nice

>> No.7268013

well clearly they're into each other but he's not over his dead gf and there's also the literal end of the world going down
i agree with OP this subplot is never cheesy or hamfisted
a successful case of "show don't tell"

>> No.7268023

If Tina doesn't turn into her Esper form during sex, you're doing it wrong

>> No.7268347


I think she probably could.

>> No.7268564

We tried, no. Really hot though.

>> No.7268886

>FF VI is a great story.
>Evil pushover man becomes CLOWN GOD OF FUCK
Don't get me wrong I think its cool but I dont think this rates as good story

>> No.7268960

>story is all about Kefka

>> No.7269103
File: 1 KB, 148x125, 5844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a lotta pressure! What's a good "performance" Magicite? Asking for a friend.

>> No.7269916

That's because you're oversimplifying it in order to make a stupid point. You're a moron.

>> No.7270127

He's a pompous ass?
It needed more than two...airships.

>> No.7271447

Relm was right, you're a weirdo.

>> No.7271763

>He's a pompous ass?
Yeah I think that was it. I just didn't like his attitude and felt like he didn't really give a shit about saving anyone.

>> No.7271786

Maybe because he already failed in that venture much like Locke did.

>> No.7271812

That's true. I need to replay it asap, I barely remember why I feel how I feel about certain characters.

Is the original translation alright? I don't remember having any problems with it, but I found some of Kefka's lines really funny

>> No.7272235

Subversion for the sake of subversion does not constitute good writing.

>> No.7272242

>romantic relationships

sure is nu/vr/ in here

>> No.7272283

>and it seems like Terra feels something for General Leo who is a much more mature man.
roasties gonna roast
whores love their daddies