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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7253812 No.7253812 [Reply] [Original]

So I had a trinitron computer monitor blow out on me and just so happen to find this one right after. I'm constantly on my Dreamcast so this Trinitron monitor will be in definite use. I don't want to fast forward it to it's death. What are my options? Thanks

>> No.7253841

Based on your pic it looks like you're playing in a humid non climate controlled basement so that might be the problem.

>> No.7253848

I just moved, it's going in my room tonight.

>> No.7253857

If i was you go look for more old used trintron and buy them for extra down the road so that when first one go you can used the all the extra old crt monitors you have to keep gaming in future. If you can't do that just get a old new led monitor 32inch 1008p that still go for cheap now before it will be over price too.

>> No.7254058
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>with retro gaming

>> No.7254128

Unplug it and leave it off for about a day. Take it apart, don’t touch the anode cap or the flyback, unplug everything from the circuit boards that you can, then remove them. CAREFUL with the neck board, pull back with even pressure. If you can’t get everything unplugged just pull the boards out enough to where you have full access. Clean the boards with 90% IPA and a paintbrush. Also clean out the housing as best you can. Mainly the back shell if you don’t plan on removing the tube from its housing, which I don’t recommend if you have no experience.
Friendly reminder that CRTs can KILL you so seriously don’t touch the flyback, the anode cap, or hell even the wire connecting the two. Most CRTs still worth using today will have no trouble discharging themselves but to be sure hit the power button about 10 times after it’s been powered off for a day. This will for sure discharge the boards and caps. To discharge the tube (the most IMPORTANT and most DANGEROUS component to discharge) all it takes is a simple discharge tool you can make yourself with a screwdriver, an old power cable, an alligator clip, some solder, and some QUALITY electrical tape. But since most tubes will discharge themselves and again since you shouldn’t fucking touch the cap or the flyback anyway, you should be fine without the discharge tool.
Just clean the boards really well with the IPA and the paint brush and let them dry COMPLETELY. Don’t bother recapping unless you have bulging or leaky caps, but definitely keep an eye out for that kinda thing since it’s a likely possibility. Also be fucking careful. If you’re scared to do any of this, don’t. I take zero responsibility for you killing yourself if you do decide to fuck around with CRTs and find out. These things are DANGEROUS but if you work on them properly and not like a retard it’s probably fine.

>> No.7254309

I screenshoted your post, thank you. I'll keep that in mind. I just want to keep this particular CRT for at least 10 more years.

>> No.7254363

might have to start replacing capacitors soon even though it is tedious, the youngest crt's are now pretty old