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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 173 KB, 600x630, 1609554580923.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7249742 No.7249742 [Reply] [Original]

>have tens of thousands of roms for every retro console
>can't decide which to play
>play nothing

>> No.7249752

Get a nice job, find a girlfriend and settle down.

>> No.7249759

start over from scratch and only download the good games

>> No.7249760
File: 3.00 MB, 1120x630, pepe.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7249772
File: 2.00 MB, 418x314, 1608415461205.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, ya played yourself, kid. Now go clean the attic or you're grounded, ya little shit.

>> No.7249774
File: 45 KB, 506x700, backbeardtan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You WILL post the green frog and all of its permutations.

You WILL post the feels guy and all of its permutations.

You WILL blog about your uninteresting, sad, and pathetic life.

You WILL use one or more of the following words in your posts
>meme, alpha, beta, blackpill, boomer, bruh, chad, chud, comfy, consoomer, cope, cringe, cuck, dilate, discord, doge, doomer, dubs, enbie, kek, gatekeeping, incel, lel, lole, manlet, mfw, nofap, poggers, reddit, redpill, seethe, shitpost, simp, sjw, sneed, onions, stacy, tfw, thot, trad, tranny, twitter, upvote, vtuber, wholesome, weeaboo, wojak, zoomer

You WILL create threads using ONLY the tried and tested formulas we have prepared for you
>be me >write everything in greentext >sadface.jpeg
>this kills/triggers the ...
>you will never ...
>now that the dust has settled ...
>what went wrong?
>for me it's ...
>what the fuck was his problem?
>what did he mean by this
>blocks your path
>nuthin personnel kid
>so this is the power of ...
>imagine the ...

You WON'T create original content.

You WON'T be funny.

You WON'T change.

>> No.7249783

Bro, I had this conversation with my /x/file friends. We know there are hivemind aspects of 4chan, that's what makes it a community. The thing is, most of us are capable of having good conversations here and there. It happens a lot, just not as much as the trolling or bullshiting. Besides, things do slowly change, that's why pepe is a dead meme. Normalfags come to 4chan to mine for memes and once it hits facebook, we create more memes, more new hip lingo, cause we constantly devour ourselves in endless conflict.

>> No.7249970

Just stop emulating bro.

>> No.7249976

You might have ADHD.

>> No.7249985

Specifically why i dont emulate. Not that buying dirt cheap ps1 and n64 games is that much more of a barrier.

>> No.7249987

lol this, ive played way more retro games on real hardware

emulation just takes away the commitment and makes you look like a fag

>> No.7250001

lol, you have a spoil of riches my friend. Download a /vr/ chart for the genres and pick one from each and give it a go, then if you beat them try others.

>> No.7250004

Go play Magical Pop'n then. Really good plataformer on the SNES

>> No.7250019

I know that feel, as does everyone here or they'd not be on /vr/ shitposting.

Ironically trans related shit being brought up is cancer at this point too you realize, and it stems from right winger pandering.

>that image
I loved that game back in the early 2000s.

I have systems that I can't emulate, such as a gamecube, and refuse to play it as I know discs scratch and carts and such break too easy and are harder to replace. Emulation and roms collecting is a lifestyle.

I never hardly played games until I started emulating.

Spoil, that is the real issue. Once you've played the best you'll circle around and play them again, but do it too often and all games are ruined for you. Games you've not played will never be your new favorite. You can only replay great games so many times.

Play shit like tetris and pinball until you get bored and are motivated to go into better games. Dedication could be an issue, tetris takes none, mario more, rgps even more, shit like myst takes the most I am aware of. So you could work your way up.

Right now I'm playing yoshi's island because I know it's stress free. You might start playing stress free games with good aesthetic. Another example is Golden Sun 1/2. Another example is Summon Night, a less pleb game but not as immersive. Another example is shadowgate, n64 because it's relaxing. Then go play a point and click. You won't be stressed but train your brain to be more and more deticated to taking time to play a single game. Just don't flop between one mario then the next. Actually complete yoshi's island before you go and play mario 64 or super mario 2. Why these examples? I'm listing easy shit. Most /vr/ is super hard, and you're obviously spoiled and all.

>> No.7250026

This is why you buy games instead of falling for the temptation of emulation

>> No.7250041

see >>7250019

Emulation doesn't stop you from playing, having played too many games does as you end up spoiled.