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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7246425 No.7246425 [Reply] [Original]

What was your favorite game when you were twelve years old?

>> No.7246427

Fuggin yer mum

>> No.7246453

I was riding that PS1 high, so either FF7, MGS or Tekken 3.

>> No.7246461

Stronghold Crusader 1

>> No.7246473

That was before I got into RPGs with Earthbound, so... Sonic 3 & Knuckles, maybe? It's kind of hard to think of just one favorite game when you were a certain age. I mean in my case, I was playing lots or NES, SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, and N64 between ages 12 and 18, with some of the greatest games ever made taking up most of my time.

>> No.7246478

Dark Souls II

>> No.7246481

Kingdom Hearts II
Zelda: Twilight Princess
Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando
Jak 3
Metal Gear Solid 3
Halo 2
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Tales of Symphonia
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
Star Wars: Battlefront II
Resident Evil 4
Star Fox: Assault
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Final Fantasy IX
Paper Mario: TTYD
Animal Crossing: Wild World
Mario Kart DS

2004-2006 were so good to me.

>> No.7246510

Bunch of GBA games like FF series Gunstars siper heroes etc

>> No.7246538

Fuck, too long ago. Probably one of these:
Sonic 3
Mega Man X2
Donkey Kong Country

>> No.7246549

Warcraft 2.

>> No.7246553

Chrono Trigger and Goldeneye were probably my favorites right there.

>> No.7246557

Did your parents get divorced that year or something? That's a fuckload of games for a 12 year old lol. Summer job?

>> No.7246560

Myth: The Fallen Lords

>> No.7246604

>I had a Gamecube
>Dad had a PS2 (parents did indeed divorce and he lived in another town but I saw him often)
>Best friend had an Xbox
>Mom's friend had a gaming PC

Felt good having connections with good vidya and not being a fanboy fag.

>> No.7246606

Also reminder that vidya rentals were still a thing back then.

>> No.7246608

I was born in 97, so....unreal tournament or tf2 when she wasonly one year old.
Where does the time go

>> No.7246624

Devil May Cry 3 hadn't come out yet so probably Melee or Kirby Air Ride.

>> No.7246669

Pokémon Silver

>> No.7246673

Max Payne or Symphony of the Night, I think.

>> No.7246696


My friend and I loved it because it said curse words and had poopoopeepee jokes

>> No.7246703
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Still my favorite at 32 lol

>> No.7246709

How am I supposed to remember that? Most likely Monster Hunter or Armored Core I guess

>> No.7246731

Probably either Fallout 2, Unreal tournament or the Sims. Didn't get a console until the Dreamcast, and that was a year later

>> No.7246738
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River City Ransom EX, along with Super Mario 64 DS and Kirby & the Amazing Mirror.

>> No.7246745

I might get the normie award of this thread, but what I was probably doing by then is playing FIFA 98 and enjoying it quite a bit.

>> No.7246785

Not really familiar with this game as it looked like a traditional kid's point and click, what kind of profanity and dirty jokes are in it?

>> No.7246801

Fallout 2 if I remember correctly

>> No.7246803

Not him but I had way more games since I was a PC-gamer and pc-games games were already free back then

>> No.7246821
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>> No.7246889

Spiderman 2000 for the ps1

>> No.7246913


>> No.7246918

I was 12 when both DKC and YI were new, so that was pretty good

>> No.7246943
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Cool blog thread, guys.

I'm sure everyone on the board really gives a fuck about what you were doing on your 12th birthday in 2014.

Remember, the longer your posts, the better!

>> No.7246959

Red faction

>> No.7246994

Will never understand what prompts this kind of unwarranted, impotent rage. Bet you wish you started a family in your twenties instead of playing games all day, huh.

>> No.7247012

Mega Man and Tomb Raider, heh.

>> No.7247176

this nigga got the baby dick

>> No.7247182

Don't remember. I was 12 at a slow time when SNES games weren't coming out anymore but PC classics weren't in full swing yet. Probably Diablo 1.

>> No.7247183

Hide the sausage with uncle Moe

>> No.7247189

I used to have this little basket ball hoop and when I jacked off I tried to shoot my load through the rim.

>> No.7247210

So many zoomers. Mine were Gothic 1 and 2.

>> No.7247213

Sonic 3

>> No.7247226

12 years old in 1993, so prolly megaman 2, road rash 2 or something

>> No.7247250

I was gonna Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, but apparently that came out in English when I was already 13 (as did OoT, which was my next choice). So I guess it was plain old Mario 64.

>> No.7247251

I honestly don't fucking remember. Just checking game releases to get a sense of what would have been out, I'd assume Starcraft and Ocarina of Time would have been up there if I played them the year of their release. Harvest Moon apparently came out in 1997 so I'd assume I'd have played that by that point.

The problem with these things is that unless you have specific memories, you kinda have to look at games that came out on/before that year and guess that you played them on release.

>> No.7247258

I usually got games for christmas, so my favorite game of 1998 was Fallout, whereas my favorite game in 1999 was Starcraft.
1997, though, I have no clue. Diablo or some SNES rental like King of Dragons or Doom.

>> No.7247269

Probably Metal Gear Solid 1. I first finished it when I was 9, and haven't beat a game more times than it. A year later or so, I tried out FFVII and that one became my favorite for quite a while.

>> No.7247284

meet n fuck

>> No.7247347

Probably Doom II or GoldenEye.

>> No.7247418

Secret of Mana

>> No.7247436
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I was 12 in 1995. It was most likely The Dig by LucasArts. I turned down seeing Jumanji in the cinemas to play this game.

>> No.7247469

Mario 64 I think

>> No.7247592
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Phantom Dust.
It's still my favorite game, wish more people knew about it.

>> No.7247602

Killer Instinct

>> No.7247650

Theme Park.

>> No.7247660

Either Shenmue or Majora's Mask. I was real into games with persistent worlds around that time.

>> No.7247690
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>borrowing from friends
>sibling bought games they wanted
>waiting a couple of months for game to drop in price or become "Greatest Hits" ($20)

plus thats in a span of 3 years, and most of those games came out before 2004(so not full price purchases)

>> No.7247697

Call if Duty: Black Ops

>> No.7247802
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At that time, it was pic related.

>> No.7247846
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Still one of my all time favorites. I still remember the day I got it in the mail. Good times man...I'd love to go back to 2002.

>> No.7247849
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(I am turning 19 in a week, boomers)

>> No.7247893
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My bad, I thought it said favorite that came out when you were 12. My top 2 games had never changed until I was 12, actually (DKC2 and TTYD). Mother 3 became my favorite game that year.

>> No.7248418
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Spider-Man: Mysterio's Menace on GBA.

2001 was magical (before September, anyway). I remember my dad ordering this and an X-Men beat-em-up from the JCPenney catalog.

>> No.7248431


>> No.7248436

its difficult anon... i was 12 in 93 and by 91 on megadrive rings of power got its pal release... but streets of rage was there, roadrash 2, sonic 2, Desert strike, toki and kid chameleon were around in 92... european club soccer was the shit... speedball 2... going into 93 sensible soccer, streets of rage 2... powermonger, 2 crude dudes, flashback... shining force,, fantastic dizzy, ranger X, streetfighter 2 superduperuberbopper edition.. puggsy, ...

its real difficult.. kidcchameleon and streets of ragec2 are my fave titkes but in 93 i was probably heavy into the immense epic flashback... it was the bomb.. still is...

bt kid chameloen.. i.. i... its still kid chameleon innit

>> No.7248456

Well, i'd be 12 in november of 2003, so by that point it would've been Majora's Mask or Conker's or Resident Evil 2 or Vice City. Not sure which.

>> No.7248463

Actually, scratch that. San Andreas was out before i turned 13. So it was that game

>> No.7249549
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Ninja Spirit (I was 12 in 1992).

I had surgery for cerebral palsy at 12, they had a TG16 at the hospital. Spent four days playing (and finally beating) this game. Bought a TG16 shortly after just to keep playing it.

>> No.7249552

Street Fighter 2 or Doom 2

>> No.7249557
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My favourites.

>> No.7249575

Says hell, bullshit, damn and lots of toliet humor and sexual innuendo. The Sega CD version has voice acting.

>> No.7249592

Must have been San Andreas if I remember that time period of my life correctly.

>> No.7249662

Golden Axe

>> No.7249667

Pokemon Red. Probably. By age 11 I had pokemon red I think, if not I was awaiting the game and did eventually get it. I had cards, watched the anime a lot, had a vulpix doll back in 1999, etc.

>> No.7249683

I'm jealous of the zoomers and or rich people. i was not allowed to get games for presents but miraculously got the gameboy color that I played red on at 12.

t. >>7249667

Even back in the day I and others were well aware that we were living a shit lifestyle for a US citizen.

It's not that many games. One should have like 20 games at least and he lists merely 22. You're not satisified until you have hundreds of games if you like video games, so what is the issue? 20*60 usd, some spend that much per day on specialized food products in first world nations. It's 20 days of eating out, and people tend to do that multiple times per month in nice living scenarios. 04-06 is potentially 3 birthdays and 3 christmasses. It's not a lot of games, though indeed I had about five games in a course of 10 years growing up myself and they were hand-me-downs from others.

You and I were likely raised by conservative assholes that were trying to 'make a man' out of their little projects rather than just let the human live a life. As it is I'm a broken man, 31 and have never worked, and you're here on 4chan too so that's why you're here.

That guy that isn't fucked, he's a zoomer, so zoomers are more disconnected by default, hence their normalfaggot invasions killing all imageboards and such. it's sad and why I'm on /vr/, that and range bans are a thing, but /vr/ was to escape the faggotry.


he's a normalfaggot alright, but they tend to sit online all day, increasing the likelihood we get a bunch of redditor castoffs.

>> No.7249689


yes normalfaggotry indeed indeed

such normaltry

t. >>7249683 >>7249667

>> No.7249727

It's a slept on game, an insane amount of depth in a unique combat system.

>> No.7249737

When I was twelve I had just gotten metal gear solid and ff7. I played them on a ps2, and was engrossed in their world, to the point I bought more ps1 games and didn't really care about ps2 games until metal gear solid 2 came out.

>> No.7249757

All my friends were nerds who knew about zsnes, but we still rode our bikes around hustling. Fuckin walking up to people's houses with our rakes n shit asking people if we could clean up their yard for twenty bucks, hit n miss but in a weekend we usually could make 60-80 if we hustled. You're weak and your lineage is weak.

>> No.7249773

you're not happy to be alone, you're just COPING, retard

>> No.7249786

monster hunter freedom unite at that point probably. i bought it for psp and then harassed my one other friend with a psp to buy it as well so he could play it with me. he loved it too, and we went all the way up to g rank before we eventually stopped talking around the time i turned 14.

>> No.7250046
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>> No.7250067
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>> No.7250104

Is raking people's gardens really hustling? I can imagine biggie smalls and snoop dawg raking gardens to rake in the big bucks

>> No.7250447

DOOM. It's still my favourite game 8 years later.

>> No.7250536
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I played Spank The Monkey a couple times a day

pic not related

>> No.7250538

Animal Crossing Wild World here, too.
Maybe also Urbz on PS2 and Pokemon FireRed.

>> No.7250649
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Still is one of my favorites. And SMB3

>> No.7250949

nigger lover stop baiting 4chan and fuck back off to africa

>> No.7251034
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Quake II

>> No.7251448

Earthworm Jim 2 for SNES
Rayman for PSX
Ranger-X for Genesis
Perfect Dark for N64
World Cup for NES
Asterix for Game Gear
Redneck Rampage for PC

>> No.7251539
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The 16 bit chip toon of og rayman was great

>> No.7251757

Super Metroid. Still is. Kirby's adventure close 2nd. and smash gaylay but i was 16

>> No.7251996

timesplitters 2

>> No.7252162

At 12 in 1999, I was still playing Genesis games along with PC ones as my parents refused to let me upgrade until the Xbox came out in 2001 so here goes:

- Shining Force 2 (Genesis)
- NHL 94 (Genesis)
- Total Annihilation (PC)
- NHL 99 (PC)
- Half Life Uplink (PC)
- Streets of Rage 3 (Genesis)
- Sonic 3 and Knuckles (Genesis)