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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 882 KB, 900x622, SSB64_box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7245450 No.7245450 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any reason to go back to this when Melee has pretty much everything this game has to offer and much more, but better?

>> No.7245468

You can't set the physics back to N64 mode on Melee.
There's still a devoted tourney community to Smash 64 as well.

>> No.7245476

People go back to Smash 64 for the same reason people go back to Street Fighter II' occasionally instead of Super Turbo. Sometimes it is fun to take a quick peek back at what once was.

>> No.7245495

muh n64

>> No.7245515

Aside from Pikachu, Samus is the best character in the roster.

>> No.7245517

Yoshi is.

>> No.7245526

Smash 64 offers plenty on its own. A fun classic mode, break the targets, board the platforms, and satisfying gameplay that's different from Melee while still being fun to this day. Hell, with shit like Smash Remix there's even more reason to go back to it. Melee is great and definitely improves in many ways, but I don't think it makes 64 obsolete.

Honestly, 64 and Melee are the only Smash games worth going back to. Brawl? Maybe if you're really fucking craving the SSE for some reason, but most people would be playing PM/P+ over Brawl anyway. Nobody gives a shit about Sm4sh, and most people will move on from Ultimate, which is already barebones compared to previous titles, whenever Smash 6 inevitably releases.

>> No.7245575

Brawl, Ultimate and "Smash 6" are not retro. Not sure why you brought them up.

>> No.7245591

Fox looks like he has a ball gag in his mouth

>> No.7245904

Why in the fuck would I want to play with 64s slow ass physics?

>> No.7246182

why would I want to play with Melee's outdated engine?

>> No.7246508

It's not slow, just because it's not as fast as Melee doesn't make it "slowass".

>> No.7246525

Never was, series is pure garbage faggotry.

>> No.7246551

You “single player modes in a party game” fuckers are out of your minds

>> No.7246693

SO much fun to replay it with friends

Fast paced and simple

>> No.7246772

it's a e s t h e t i c

>> No.7246829

This game has a soul factor that Melee can’t beat, and Melee is a very soulful game itself.

>> No.7246834


>> No.7246837

stop using that word

>> No.7246851

Ok but I really like the style of the music, the menu and some visuals

>> No.7246903

world of light is not a good replacement for adventure mode. adventure mode was pretty based in melee & brawl and then they got rid of it in 4 because sakurai got butthurt about the cutscenes going on youtube.

also spirits are a lame replacement for trophies.

>> No.7246917

It can be fun to go back to Hyrule Castle and Peach's Castle and Mushroom Kingdom, all great stages.

>> No.7246923

Why would you play Melee when ultimate exists?

>> No.7246982

because i'm not good at real fighting games and i need to pretend that my party game is one so i can feel like i'm part of the FGC without getting good at an actual fighting game.

>> No.7247041

>i can feel like i'm part of the FGC
aren't they mostly Black furry rapist anime fans? like how is it different from Smash

>> No.7247823

>like how is it different from Smash
smash has less black people but more pedophiles.

>> No.7247851

Melee's adventure mode was way more interesting in concept than execution. It feels like they only finished the Mario and Zelda sections, then ran out of time and had to slap the rest together.

>> No.7247930

please just take a shower and dont abuse children anymore.

>> No.7247986

because they're better than melee's clunkiness and ultimate's lack of balance and grace

>> No.7248026

An honest smasher, that's a first.

>> No.7248080

thats like saying why play the original super mario when mario world exists . Bad stupid bait thread

>> No.7248094

My kid got me this cart for Christmas, I hadn't played it in a decade so it was cool to refresh my memory, but we played it for like 30 minutes then went back to Ultimate. He said when locals start back up he wants to be able to be able to say he's played the first one haha

>> No.7248175

World of Light is a replacement/improvement on Event Mode. It’s true that it lacks a “fleshed out” single player mode beyond Classic, but please see my previous comment about valuing single player modes in a party game.

>> No.7248207

your daughter will never be a man. stop forcing it.

>> No.7248298

Sakurai realized those modes only had three things going for them: being able to beat up enemies from other franchises, watching characters interact in the cutscenes, and the bosses. Smash wasn't built to be a platformer, so those three things were the only reason anyone tolerated those awful mechanics. So he just did the smart thing and swapped the cutscenes for announcement trailers, added an entire mode that was nothing but beating up random enemies in Smash 4, and brought the bosses back in Ultimate. So the good parts stuck around while the awkward platformer sections were filtered out.

>> No.7248779

its a masterpiece in its own right with its own rules and set of mechanics. its fun as fuck desu

>> No.7248786

even the platform and race to the finish mini games were fun to speed run. i have a soft spot for the og smash, it does its own thing without being overtly flashy like it is these days.

>> No.7248796

First one was such an innovative title for the N64, no one saw that coming until it did
If you're a tourneyfag though you'll want to stick to Melee and Ultimate, all the rest aren't that suitable for esports

>> No.7248936
File: 130 KB, 1200x675, 80142FB1-46F7-440A-8EFF-BEC87A446404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smash 64 is great as long as you arent into tourney faggotry where the game becomes nothing but stalling and baiting because committing at all is overcommitting.

The game is unironically way better played casually. Wether you’re fucking around with friends or feel like going through what’s basically the arcade mode, the fantastic presentation and general options and movement are all a lot of fun.

Melee is also amazing for casual play, arcade style play, and despite what faggots say a really damn fun competitive meta. But melee’s pacing is much faster and the presentation while great has a different appeal, sometimes you’re just more in the mood for the first.

Perfect sequels don’t actually invalidate the first game even after meaningfully iterating on them. 64 is more primitive than melee but is absolutely not made obsolete by it.

The game is fun.

>> No.7249131
File: 176 KB, 267x373, Melee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any reason to go back to this when Ultimate has pretty much everything this game has to offer and much more, but better?

>> No.7249185

Wii's break, are expensive now days, and dolphin is hard to emulate unless you had enough money to buy a gaming pc and at that point you'd probably be efficient enough to have something better to do.

So, it's easier to get ahold of if you see.

>> No.7249239

Literally the only good post in this thread.

>> No.7249252

It's ignoring the fact that if you liked the first the second ruins the first for you, so it's actually of the shittiest in the thread and also reeks of common sense.

>it was good for it's time!
Yeah, but, guess what, gamecube was added to the retro list. OP is right.

t. >>7249185

>> No.7249263

>wii are expensive
Zoom-zooms are buying back their childhoods ahead of schedule. What happened?

Also the first time I've heard of wiis breaking. Poor care I would guess, or something with overheating.

>> No.7249298


>> No.7249338

That's not true though. I love Melee because I grew up with it, hated Brawl and then fell in love with 64 when I finally got around to playing it. It's a good game in its own right and I personally prefer the smaller roster and deeper mechanics when compared to everything release post-melee.

>> No.7249341

Just for your own fucking fun

>> No.7249495

>first three games in the series have a fuckton of content
>surprised people would expect that worthwhile content out of future entries

>> No.7249519

>I personally prefer the smaller roster and deeper mechanics
Exactly how I feel.

This doesn’t just apply to smash but traditional fighters as well. 13ish viable characters that each have tons of depth seems to be the sweetspot. I dont want to learn 80+ fucking characters, give me a bakers dozen of unique ones and solid mechanics that I can learn quickly then spend forever mastering.

Giant rosters are extremely overrated.

>> No.7250058

The jewtendo wii increased normalfag awareness of hacking and emulators and such, so the prices went up to make it prohibitive from my neet-tier income.

I could buy several computers that do both internet browsing and emulation of many systems rather than use a wii for the top five gamecube games I'd even bother to play, and it'd be less protable than a laptop or android devices or pis, the thing would be.

Also, I don't even know how hard it'd be to boot up the isos from an sd anyway, so I've never went past gamecube in jewtendo console ownership and as it is I generally just let the consoles sit.

Anyway, I would buy one before make a portable computer nor buy a cellphone that could do dolphin as that'd be an even worse pricetag, and I'd be afraid to even touch it as it might break. I hate expensive things. I'm typing on a nebtook that cost 68 usd that I bought 2 years ago. Win7 but borderline xp era, 1.6 ghz etc, it games okay. I'd rather have it than some wii that costs 150+ usd that will only be good for it's tv it's attached to, and wall, and play merely gamecube games. i can do without the two metroids, two zeldas, and baten kaitos.

Brawl is worse than melee.

What do you mean deeper mechanics?

Deeper mechanics?

>> No.7250640

melee nerfed kirby and has less memorable stages

>> No.7250768

Nostalgia which is a pretty solid reason considering that's the motivation of 80% of this board.

>> No.7250779

This shit is actually fun to play with friends and not tourneyfags. Melee is too fast for casuals, and god forbid you put on items, just about everything explodes.

64 >>> Melee.

>> No.7250971

That's always been my biggest issue with melee, by far. Whenever my cousins were over, we'd sit and play Smash64 for hours because it was so damn easy to pick up and play. They always got bored with trying to figure out Melee, because the faster gameplay and reduced knockback made the visual feedback on attacks way less obvious.

>> No.7251484

This is the only smash worth playing, thats why.