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File: 24 KB, 768x672, snes1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7231578 No.7231578 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of this scene?

>> No.7231589

Edgar was a known lover boy or ladies man. Maybe relm knew of his reputation.

>> No.7231658

It's supposed to show Edgar's dismay that children are being forced into action, the situation is that dire. But it's placed in a dumb position (not the only line in this game) that it gives a misleading implication.

>> No.7231678

10 year olds are sexual beings. I think this was the big takeaway here.

>> No.7231767
File: 36 KB, 506x606, images (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 is a good number

>> No.7231808 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 850x1396, __relm_arrowny_final_fantasy_and_1_more_drawn_by_equal_melomelopunch__sample-fd03db99532ecbc99558bc79f5d6496b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never realized there was so much Relm art out there, but I can't say I'm surprised.

>> No.7231841
File: 100 KB, 628x800, Relm & Edgar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To reinforce the facts that Relm dresses provocatively and Edgar is a sad, lonely man.
If she ain't bleedin' she's ready for breedin'

>> No.7231845 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1593661532716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh story
>muh jarpigs!

>> No.7231915

idk how about you look at the japanese version instead of trying to get anything from an extremely poorly translated english version

>> No.7231929


>> No.7231942

>extremely poorly translated english version
Shut the fuck up weeb, Ted Woosley is a professional. If you really need a more ""acurate"" (i.e. autistic) translation, this is from the GBA version:
>Strago: Oh, all right already! Not like you stay at home when you're told, anyway...
>Relm: Yay!
>Sabin: All right, let's go!
>Relm: What's wrong, lover-boy?
>Edgar: ...How old are you?
>Relm: Ten... Why?
>Relm: Weirdo. I'm going on ahead, okay?
>Edgar: Not even a lady yet... Here's hoping you're still arond in eight years, kid.
It's almost exactly the same because surprise, surprise, Woolsey got it right the first time.

>> No.7232023
File: 141 KB, 718x640, CHAINSAW AND HOCKEY MASK -FF6 Edition-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's supposed to show Edgar's dismay that children are being forced into action, the situation is that dire.
Right. Also Edgar was forced to assume the throne of Figaro at a young age, having a bunch of responsibilities thrust on him. There's probably some part of him that still resents that, and seeing this child all gung-ho to join the rebels instead of enjoying their youth... probably stirred something in him.

Well, that's what I got out of it.

>> No.7232032

Why would someone draw this?

>> No.7232036

Imagine thrusting into action at 10 years of age.

>> No.7232037
File: 132 KB, 900x1350, relm in real life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The japanese back then hardly cared about pedo paranoia and found loli's to be sexy and a popular fetish. The age of consent (then) in one region was 13, so by 10 they're already starting to think about it, so the loli's are a thing.

She's sexually aware and you're meant to laugh at how uncomfortable it makes the adults.

What a fuddy duddy!

>> No.7232047

You are right. It is a surprise when that dude gets something right.

>> No.7232049

Not only did these games single handedly kill arcade style games, they also promote pedophilia. Great.

>> No.7232139

I said japanese version, not equally shitty GBA translation

>> No.7232169

>The Game Boy Advance translation does indeed re-translate almost everything from scratch. The new translation is wonderfully accurate, almost every line retains the same tone as the original Japanese text, and character nuances are recognized and conveyed properly
It's your word over that of a professional translator's
It's over. You lost.

>> No.7232184

Yes, the GBA translation is pretty good. It still has quite a few errors, but much better then the original. There's several better fan translations through, some even use a lot of the work from legends of localization.

>> No.7232346
File: 43 KB, 1600x960, Final Fantasy VI (Japan)-118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7232348
File: 40 KB, 1600x960, Final Fantasy VI (Japan)-119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7232364

In the japanese versión he asks her age and then says to himself something like: "That would be a crime, don't even think about It".

>> No.7232376

What's the followup in the English versions?

>> No.7232391

Something like:
"They grow too fast" in the old translation.
"See you in 8 years" in the GBA translation.

>> No.7233119

Reminder that the line was written by a woman.

>> No.7233127

>The age of consent (then) in one region was 13
The only reason the age of consent was 13 in that "region" was because it was literally an uninhabited island you retard.

>> No.7233136

This scene was censored, try again.

>> No.7233171

Age of consent is more of a recent thing the past hundred years or so. Historically, people were allowed to marry at the time they were capable of reproducing and it was really up to family rather than the law to decide if that was socially acceptable. Japan is likely a little late to these norms because they were still relatively isolationist at around the time this broader shift started.

>> No.7233221

What a yummy, probably broken woman.

>> No.7233327

It was just the usual "he's a casanova so he'll try to charm every woman he comes across" stereotype for Edgar's kind of character, even in anime these kinds of characters exist.
This scene was one of the few japanese humor in the game that will never be understood by the west.

>> No.7233334

Oh so he contemplated about it being a crime, all right.

>> No.7233347

>This scene was one of the few japanese humor in the game that will never be understood by the west.
Yes nothing says deep and hard to understand like a pervert.

This post is an inch away from "There's no english term for nakama."

>> No.7233362

I'm quite sure you understood what I meant with that sentiment so I don't have much to say

>> No.7233365

For likes and retweets.

>> No.7233383

>look at japanese version
No. Fuck no.

>> No.7233391

I didn't, because a similar joke appeared in Family Guy of all things.

>> No.7233398

I want more of this style of art.

>> No.7233461

To show that there is one line that Edgar's debauchery won't cross. There's also a little girl in Figaro who tells you that Edgar wanted her to marry him when she was older.

>> No.7233553

There is no English term for Nakama. You can't make a neologism with the same meaning.

>> No.7233597


>> No.7233602

How does comrade convey the fact that they are demons? You are just translating 仲間, not 仲魔.

>> No.7233643
File: 52 KB, 640x480, 1553358373584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't start this shit. It's not even the weekend.

>> No.7233816

how about FAGGOT? because thats what you sound like, FAGGOT

>> No.7233823

What's the best translation out there if I want to play SNES version of FFVI?

>> No.7233839

Play it in glorious Nihongo like the developers intended.

>> No.7233854

Ok but is there a bug fix too? Heard it had tons of bugs.

>> No.7233860

Don't fix them, at least not for your first playthrough if ever.

>> No.7233868

oh ok. interesting.

>> No.7233960
File: 98 KB, 913x845, ted woolsey cuckcensored cuckdition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until the retranslated version by hairy_hen is done then use Revised Old Style Edition. It includes comprehensive bug fixes too. Never settle for anything that says uncensored because it's the most dogshit, not even proofread, and playtested "re-translation" out there.

>> No.7234306
File: 556 KB, 800x691, edgargogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The joke is that as hard as Edgar tries to act like a ladies' man he is in fact a massive fucking nerd and awkward as all hell. A few of the women in Figaro even mention it when you talk to them. Dude's fucking desperate

>> No.7234469

Based on her doujinshi, I'm pretty sure that she also shipped them.
Not surprising at all, that's how a ton of shoujo goes.

>> No.7234484

>Doesn't ask why
>Doesn't say anything about coming back in 8 years

>> No.7234615

I'm using the Ted Woolsey uncensored translation. It also fix some stuff like the sketch glitch and blind. But the Vanish glitch is left.

>> No.7234647
File: 484 KB, 765x690, YOU'RE COMING WITH US.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm using the Ted Woolsey uncensored translation. It also fix some stuff like the sketch glitch and blind.
>But the Vanish glitch is left.
So you already encountered shits like these? Which I assume the author expects retards, who got baited to play retarded "translation" like TWUE, to report?

>> No.7234671

Currently i haven't found any errors in the translation but idk, maybe later on the game.

>> No.7234764

Watch out for when you save Mog in the WoB and it says CAN YOU TALK? instead of "You can talk?" There are a lot of errors from SNES that has been retained and claiming that it improves from Woolsey and taking into account Mato's notes about the TL is a blatant lie.
Also ROSE is the better choice.

>> No.7235001

Best translation is a totally literal one, with no dumb-ass flourishes and clever takes from the translator.
Too bad fan translators are up their asses so far they'll never accept that fact and deliver.

>> No.7235057

sure thing pedo

>> No.7235158

That what he says, retard. In any case the pedos are the writers that put that scene in the game on the first place.
Small Correction tho: In the old translation Edgar says "YOU'VE grown too fast", no "They grow too fast"

>> No.7235175

>woolseytards think this is how a 10 year old girl should talk

>> No.7235182

I understand the sentiment but in his site Mato wrote an essay detailing why literal translations aren't always a good idea and a lot of contextual meaning can be lost.

I agree that it isn't an excuse for translators to insert their shitty jokes and pop culture references in though, these are unforgivable in my opinion.

>> No.7235190

Link it, please

>> No.7235206

Oh, I don't remember the title now and it was some time ago.
Go to his site, Legends of Localization and search in the "Informative" tab, it shouldn't be hard to find.

>> No.7235245

I've found it. Thanks

>> No.7235401

The worst bug is the Sketch glitch, which only exists in US 1.0 cartridge (it's not even in the Japanese version!). All other versions, including Virtual Console and the Classic Mini, use US 1.1, which has Sketch behaving normally. (Sure, some people can have niche fun with this glitch if they're lucky and know what you're doing, but nine times outta ten it'll mess the game up.) There are bugfix patches, but no all-encompassing cocktail that doesn't also subjectively script edit.
I'd say that, until it's done, just use Total Graphics Uncensorship (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3813/)) with the included MP growth restoration. Even in incomplete state, none of the older "relocalization" hacks I've tried come close to hairy_hen's retranslation. That said, I don't know too much about the new ROSE. Seems it has less weirdness like >>7234764 though.

>> No.7235478 [DELETED] 
File: 259 KB, 789x1024, jews and age of consent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7235634


>> No.7235652

Is the original translation that bad?

I know about enemies with graphic changes to cover skin and the pub to cafe thing as it's typical of old JRPGs but I don't remember the translation being bad, then again I played FF VI nearly 10 years ago.

>> No.7235663

>FFVI scriptwriter wrote doujin
>FFVI writer
Dude, you can't just bait me with that. Elaborate, please!

>> No.7235695

That's literally EXACTLY what she says in the Japanese version, you triple, no, quadruple, no, quintuple nigger.


How do you fail this hard? How do you let your seething over Ted Woolsey blind you to the truth? What faggoty cope will you offer now that you've been btfo?

>> No.7235736

The link literally says the official translations were censored, holy shit take your meds dude

>> No.7235771
File: 259 KB, 789x1024, jews and age of consent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7235790

>the link literally proves your point but let me move the goalpost here instead so I can tell you to take your meds lmao
Eat shit:
>Relm: What’s wrong, lover-boy?
>Edgar: Say, how old are you?
>Relm: Ten.
That's the Japanese version of what's IN THE OP. It is 99٪ identical to the Woolsey line you just sperged over: >>7235175

It's over. Consider suicide.

>> No.7235810

>That's the Japanese version of what's IN THE OP.
And the original post asked for the point of this SCENE, not SCREENSHOT, Jesus you're bad at this.

>> No.7235831

That's not how imageboard communication works, you seething retard. When you write a shitty little one line greentext response you are assumed to be responding to the image first, text second.

>> No.7235860

And this is a massive cope anyway because the only line of Relm's that got changed (here's where you move the goalpost again and pretend you were talking about Edgar) is
>Relm: Weirdo. I’m going on ahead.
>I'm coming, too.
But holy shit, Woolseytards think 10 year old girls say things like THAT?

>> No.7235868

jesus christ get help

>> No.7235879

ya might be losing some cultural translation

>> No.7235881

not an argument

>> No.7235887

Who said I was greentext poster? Are you so blind by your irrational, mentally ill seething that you think everyone who disagrees with you is greentext poster? I kind of feel sorry. Please take care of yourself better, anon.

>> No.7235898

FF6 involved multiple writers due to the different characters. Edgar and Sabin were written by Soraya Saga who later worked on Xenogears and Xenosaga. I know she's done some FF6 and Xenogears doujins, but I've never seen them online (I don't think they're porn doujin either).

>> No.7235928

Oh, that hack? She and her hack husband can't make one game together without coating it with edgy nihilist themes of dead gods and corrupt churches. Of course the Japs eat it up every time, but still, I'm surprised to learn that she wrote two of my favorite characters from the game.

>> No.7235987
File: 23 KB, 768x672, snes3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This rewrite is the best and adds character to Edgar. Once again Ted improves garbage nipscript.

>> No.7236064


>> No.7236102

Isn't hairy_hen translation done already? It was released pretty much ready. I don't think it's going to be updated anymore

>> No.7236134

Next update is gonna be the big one but hairy_hen is a perfectionist. It is technically finished but the current version is more of a draft. It was released due to peer pressure, not really in its final state, because it was frankly already much better than the other attempts.

>> No.7236151

Translations/localizations are not supposed to do either of those. Their job is to convey what's there, not change it. A translator holds no authority over the material to judge it's quality in any way.

>> No.7236207
File: 19 KB, 230x235, e_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Localization is culturally driven and as such has every right to change aspects to suit its target audience.

>> No.7236253
File: 20 KB, 256x223, finalfant3-134.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I don't know how you can discuss this scene without bringing up the follow-up interaction during the (if Relm is recruited) ending: Edgar is clearly hitting on Celes, who walks off disinterested when he's not looking to join Locke, then Relm walks up eager to take Celes' spot, and Edgar turns around upset that he was talking to Relm, much to her amusement. Now tell me: which version of the scene makes the most sense of this interaction?

>> No.7236271

That's a different thing. Taking crosses and other religious stuff out of US versions because ameritards are stupid is localization. Changing a reference to a Japanese folklore character to a american folklore character because americans wouldn't understand otherwise is localization. Making up stuff and changing dialogue to "make it better" is not localization, it's stupidity.

>> No.7237226

ROSE has a page where it shows all the script changes or modifications it did
And so far it's much better than what others did.

>> No.7237228

Not yet there are still rough patches in the current version, she said that she's been working on it but it has been months ago.

>> No.7237235

Fan service

>> No.7237241

I don't really care about the script changes, but I love ROSE for the smaller text that allows for more space to write and less weird abbreviations.

>> No.7237251
File: 7 KB, 265x190, sdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is only 10 years old you sick fuck!

>> No.7237287


>> No.7238095
File: 47 KB, 480x272, Cloud_Terra_Rose_Dissidia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The purpose of the hack is to bring FF6's superficial elements as close as possible to the standard set by FFOrigins and FF6's immediate successors, while preserving the difficulty of the game's 1994 North American version as designed.
Final Fantasy Origins, yes, underrated script, but..by "immediate successors" I hope he did not mean the "this guy are sick" guys.
>Like several hacks of its kind currently available, FF6:ROSE includes bugfixes, decensored graphics, quality-of-life enhancements, and a revised script based on multiple translation sources, both official (Woolsey, Slattery) and unofficial (KWhazit, Clyde Mandelin, Lina Darkstar, et al.).
Can we stop pretending these hacks are inspired by KWhazit and Lina Darkstar? If they were, they'd have been made years ago, not boomed after Clyde Mandelin's analysis. At least be honest, they're an afterthought if anything to make your project stand out.
Not much to say about the bullet points there. I never felt like soft reset and a game over prompt were needed, and NPCs avoiding you might make trying to talk to them annoying. I like the button swap option though, so there's that. Let's move on to the readme.

>> No.7238101

Virgin Relm
Chad Krile

>> No.7238102
File: 276 KB, 800x1132, dzoan-d7614i5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Novelties are occasionally introduced by the author, usually for one of the following reasons: - Replacing a Slattery novelty of higher complexity - Attempting to capture better the tone of an untranslatable phrase - Resolving a continuity error - Joy
That last one (or two, depending on what's defined as an error) doesn't bode well.
>Cancel button dash - Press the configured Cancel button (A or B) to double walking speed on the field. Effect stacks with Sprint Shoes. - Effect is disabled during timed challenges. - Based on ff3DashB (MasterZed) + Sliding Dash fix (SilentEnigma)
Good change, it's one thing to dash but PSX/GBA-introduced "sprint-dashing" breaks the timed sequences. Other hacks take note, this is what you should do if you add dashing.
>A limited selection of dummied-out character dialog & unfinished NPC content has been reconstructed.
What, exactly? I want to know what I'm in for.
>The music track used for on-foot WOR* world map navigation is kept constant. (Implementation published by SSJ Rick.)
For what purpose? There's a reason the renewed-hope post-Falcon track is called "Searching for Friends". Other hacks take note, this is what not to do.
>The author's preferred game configuration may be silently activated by holding the Select button as a new game is about to start.
Well that's just silly.
Oh BTW >>7235401 there are bugfix "cocktails" out there, it's just not hosted by ROMhacking.net. Here's the one used by ROSE: https://www.ff6hacking.com/forums/thread-3764.html

>> No.7238148

incredibly key-ed

>> No.7238465

The 2020 Milhouse, everyone

>> No.7238940

At least ROSE does not botch the dialogue.

>> No.7239415

to show what happens when daughters are raised without a father figure.

>> No.7239554

She still has her grandpa tho

>> No.7239625

Hello, translator Anon from the working designs thread.

I insist, the only time you're allowed to pull a "my cultural" change, is when a pun or a Joke simply does NOT work directly translated from a language to another language, you're adjusting there for the audience, while still keeping the overall aim of the original work present. A lot of English translators, on the other hand, seem to want to make divas or celebrities out of themselves and re-write games as they see fit. I really hate the whole adition of whole new dialogue (especially if it's just crude humor), or something that to this day blows my mind: adding voice overs in scenes that were supposed to be silent or introspective.

>> No.7239664

Simpsons reference.