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File: 23 KB, 640x400, f117a-splash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7229160 No.7229160 [Reply] [Original]

I was playing Vietnam era, elite,

Sneak thru their radar screens largely unseen and bombed my primary and secondary in the Saigon area, having a field day , its all going great.

Turning for home to Thailand I had a bunch of MIG interceptors cutting off my path home , when unbeknown too me my missile warning failed as well as the reporting system that would tell me it failed(this is a thing)
Out of the blue A sa-12 Yallops me and takes out my bar doors and a few other bits and pieces. A routine bombing run is now a fight for life.

My EMV is now tru the roof all those SAM batteries i snuck past can see me and sky fills with SAMs and MIGS. Crippled I fight and dogde my way thru them and all and limp towards Thailand.

I am not too far from frontier when a MIG-23 rust bucket gets the jump and me and blasts me with gunfire , FUEL warning comes on Engine thrust 44% , flight control damged ,

Somehow manage to crawl towards an friendly airfield and put her down in an emergency landing with 001 on the fuel clock.

Computer gives me a purple heart


>> No.7229172

superior game coming though


>> No.7229179
File: 4 KB, 250x247, freerealestate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>F 117a Nighthawk Stealth Fighter
>Vietnam era

>> No.7229187

Funny thing about Vietnam is their is Mig-23 and Yak-38 , The Yak-38 is a Soviet naval Aviation aircraft the only other theatre it is in is North Cape . Vietnam never had it and the manual makes no mention of it it says vietnam has some just got some Mig-29's.

Seems to be a bug or an oversight.
They gave em the wrong planes.
It makes Vietnam easier as the Yak is pretty crap.

>> No.7229193

Its a fictional conflict with Vietnam set in 1994

>> No.7229213 [DELETED] 

is this 1.29 bucks on GOG?

>> No.7229261

I have only been hit by enemy aircraft gunfire once that was a F-14 over Iran.