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File: 112 KB, 563x791, castlevania-2-simons-quest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
722072 No.722072 [Reply] [Original]

Why did so many people hate this game?

>> No.722081



>> No.722103

To be fair, his complaints are very typical. I often hear people call I or III the best game ever made, I never hear II get that honor. It's not a horrible game but it's frequently annoying and feels unpolished.

>> No.722113

Because it's a not very good game in a series of very good games.

>> No.722125

It's funny, it's more of less a predecessor to the Metroidvania games that'll come later.

>> No.722131

Here is the core problem. It's an rpg. Yet the dialogue from npcs is either a horribly vague truth, a lie that it's opposite is true or just a lie. The invisible holes are everywhere in a castle and removes any fun you might of had by accident. Gameplay constantly interrupted by your curse. It is not just a bad Castlevania, it's a bad game.

>> No.722132

There are a lot of problems with this game, but I'd say the two biggest offenses are:
A)Speech with NPCs and the info they give are ridiculously cryptic.
B)There was so much RPGish gameplay bullshit added to artificially lengthen game, turning most of it into a dull chore.

It's a functional game, sure, but it doesn't compare to Castlevania I or III.

>> No.722130

Because it's a sequel to a frustrating game that doesn't really fix any of the problems in the original?

>> No.722204


Oh shut the fuck up. People hated this game back in the 80s when it came out.


>Poorly translated game in which you needed to listen to people to know what to do
>Townspeople that lied to you (I know this was in the Japanese version, too. Doesn't make it any less annoying
>Bad dungeon design (Invisible floors come to mind. Take a step, holy water, take a step, holy water, repeat)
>Absolutely no challenge

>> No.722238

Even if there are people who hate this game because AVGN didn't like so they never played it, it's still pretty obvious you haven't played it yourself because this is not a good game so you dismiss everyone hating it as "AVGN fanboys"

>> No.722272

Despite all the negativity and hate I saw I was eager to give it a try. I couldn't enjoy it for the life of me. They seemed to take everything bad from the first game except the difficulty and add a shit ton of other problems.

>> No.722303

>The invisible holes are everywhere in a castle
They're always, always, always in front of pillars.

>> No.722315

It was basically a failed experiment. However, it did introduce some fantastic music to the series(you know the one) and paved the way to games like Symphony of the Night.

>> No.722329

>>Townspeople that lied to you (I know this was in the Japanese version, too. Doesn't make it any less annoying
>>Bad dungeon design (Invisible floors come to mind. Take a step, holy water, take a step, holy water, repeat)
>>Absolutely no challenge

One of these things is not like the other.

>> No.722338



Needlessly cryptic dialogue doesn't make the game challenging, especially if it straight up doesn't make sense.

And there's no challenge from the bosses at all. Death goes down like a bitch.

>> No.722347

>Needlessly cryptic dialogue doesn't make the game challenging, especially if it straight up doesn't make sense.

Like what?

>> No.722358

In Castlevania I, the game is about learning the game. You have to learn the patterns and increase your skills to beat it, so when you beat it, you feel accomplished.

In Castlevania II, the game is about owning a Nintendo Power (or going to Game FAQs) to figure out where to go and what to do, since the hints the game gives are incorrect. You basically follow a guide, grind some, and then it's over without the feeling of any real accomplishment.

>> No.722370


I can go make screenshots tomorrow if this thread is still here, but so many townspeople. It's nearly 4 AM here.

>> No.722374
File: 3 KB, 256x224, BadHint1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.722375

I enjoyed it because, and let's be perfectly honest here, I barely knew how to f'n read when I played it. The NPC dialogues weren't going to help me one way or the other, and I'm skeptical that any other kid was that much smarter than me to have been done wrong by them. The game's atmosphere was really cool. Loved how it changed from day to night and got all 'scary' and shit. It was good times, for a kid.

>> No.722376
File: 3 KB, 256x224, BadHint3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.722382

You should probably explain the intended action, too, if you're going to post the dialogues.

>> No.722384

>yes! I posted it before anybody else!

>> No.722398

Or maybe that would be the original Metroid.
Castlevania II has nothing to do with SOTN.

>> No.722419

I grew up with that piece of shit.
You can cry AVGN all you want, but he hit the nail on the fucking head.
Cryptic dialog, trap doors all over the fucking place, and it's impossible to know what the fuck to do at any given point without a guide.
He went over the top with the "what a horrible night to have a curse" rant, but other than that, he was right.
It was so close to being a great game, and the music was fucking amazing, but I could never get far. I didn't have Nintendo Power or any other magazines or guides, and there was no publicly available internet.
I've never gone back to it, and I never have any desire to. Again, I do have a large amount of nostalgia for the music, though. So well done. The gameplay itself had very solid foundations, too. It was just ruined by fucking terrible design.

>> No.723445

Uh, because it's shit?

>> No.723456

Well, I guess if there are retards who enjoyed Sonic 06 out there, there are probably a minority of retards who actually enjoyed CVII. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.723470

Duck bullshit.

>> No.723504

>Castlevania II has nothing to do with SOTN.

Weird I thought SOTN was also a Castlevania game. Seriously though, they both had a larger emphasis on puzzles and RPG mechanics than other previous entries in the series.

>> No.723597


Because it's fucking terrible. I remember renting it after finally beating Dracula and being fully prepared for more great platforming and challenging combat with dickishly placed enemies and shit, and the only decent thing I got was Bloody Tears.

I liked it at first, and was excited by the fact that I could go to towns and explore the world, and then I realized that everything was horrible. The enemies just spawned randomly and flew at you, villagers fucking lied, there were invisible holes that would send you to your death through no fault of your own. I spent hours and hours not being able to figure out the obtuse bullshit you needed to do to proceed.

So glad I didn't actually buy it. I tried it again when I got older and it was just as fucking horrid as I remember.

>> No.723604


Fuck your stupid shit, I have hated this game since I was six because it's terrible. I'm so sick of this shit, I wish this fucking youtube celebrity didn't exist. I've never watched any of his videos but GOD FORBID YOU HOLD AND OPINION WITH HIM because he is the originator of playing bad video games and no one else could have possibly fucking played these games before watching his shitty videos.


>> No.723646
File: 5 KB, 212x159, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>year be 1989
>have played friends copy of castlevania for months.
>get simons quest for birthday
>play it a few times
>go back to duck hunt
yeah this game sucked, just didnt have dem same feels like the first one
>beg parents for part ii

>> No.723648
File: 7 KB, 257x196, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw my story came out all fucked up lulz

>> No.723696

I had fun playing it. It is really flawed, but still.

For most people, I think 2 would still be more enjoyable than 3, if they use a guide.

3 is just way too unforgiving. After beating it, it felt great, but I fucking despised it while I was actually playing, most of the time.

I think most people would hate 3 way more than 2 if they actually tried to beat it, even though it is the better game. It's like Ninja Gaiden, the feeling of accomplishment is great, but it's still flawed as hell.

>> No.723727

There is nothing to explain, those phrases are wrong. You have to give garlic to some guy, but its not who he refers to.

>> No.723745

>Why did so many people hate this game?
A funny guy on Youtube told them to.

>> No.723751


And then there's this idiot. A thread full of people explaining why they dislike the game (some giving personal anecdotes about how much they hated it as a kid) and he still comes in and posts some dumb shit like this.

The thread isn't even 40 posts long. Maybe you should try reading it next time.

>> No.723793

implying I watch his videos or give a shit what his subpar opinions are about. just cuz HE sucks at most games he plays doesnt mean the games suck. he's unfunny unwitty and his skits are shit tier.

I just disregard losers that reference his videos or rants and assume his reviews are worth a damn.

just a no talent hack screaming at the camera and autists eating it up cuz they love noise and yelling about games they dont have the skills for.

>> No.723797

I haven't read your shitty thread. Simon's Quest has a lot of flaws, but it is a decent game.

>> No.723798

A unfunny guy on youtube autism'd out in videos saying they suck


>> No.723806

James himself said that it was commedic exaggeration and that it's still a decent game.

>> No.723812

>and that it's still a decent game.

Well I think he's wrong.

>> No.723815

"What a horrible night to have a curse"

>> No.723838

>James himself said that it was commedic exaggeration and that it's still a decent game.
Which is exactly true.

The Nintendo Nerd exists to entertain, not to inform. BUT children with no opinions watch him and other YT comedians and base their opinions on their sketches, which is laughable.

Not to say CV2's without it's flaws and questionable mechanics, but those are often greatly, greatly exaggerated. No, it's not impossible without the guide. Walk around a little bit, tru different things and you'll manage. Just like, you know, in most NES-era adventure games, like Legacy of The Wizard et al. Cryptic? Yes - that was the whole fucking point.

>> No.723847

Was their any indication in the game of how to use the red and blue crystals?

>> No.723857


No, fuck you, I hated this in the early 90's when I got my copy and I hate it now

>> No.723860

I think this game is okay, but it's a bad Castlevania game

>> No.723861

>still a decent game.

How is a game that is fucking unfinishable without a guide decent in any way?

>> No.723863


"Drain the lake" and "Hit your head on the cliff" or some shit, it was obtuse as fuck.

>> No.723869

>How is a game that is fucking unfinishable without a guide decent in any way?
It only is unfinishable if you're a complete fucking retard.

>> No.723873

>like Legacy of The Wizard
That wasnt cryptic at all. You just had to explore, so it was similar to metroid/LoZ and other great adventure games. In CV2 there are "puzzles" which are nearly impossible to solve without Nintendo Power.
Sure the game is underrated, but that doesnt mean its good.

>> No.723906

Simon's Quest is easier than LotW. Walk around, learnt he environments, try different items, an dyou've won.

Both games were a bit cryptic, but not nearly as impenetrable as some say.

>> No.723928


This guy.

>> No.723943

What are you looking at, nerd?

Is that your sister? What's her name?

>> No.723946

>Blaming any bad reception to a game on shit like AVGN or Game Grumps
Please stop doing this.
The games reputation as a black sheep of the series existed before he ever put up that review.

>> No.723949

Congrats on being a videogame savant!
I still think crouching at that specific title at that one specific grave for whatever many minutes was a bit too much.

>> No.723952

Yes, the game is imperfect, especially compared to the original and 3. But it's not "unbeatable without a guide". It's run-of-the-mill in terms of obtuse puzzles.

If you merely consider it one of the weaker Castlevanias, sure, nothing to do with the Nerd sketch. If you foam at the mouth about how it's a terrible, horrible evil game, most likely your experience with the game is limited to the video and, like, 10 minutes of gameplay.

>> No.723956

He's lying. That or he doesn't consider Nintendo Power a guide or something.

>> No.723957

>crouching at that specific title at that one specific grave for whatever many minutes
Thankfully, you neer have to do that int he actual game.

TO PEOPLE FOAMING AT THE MOUTH: this is what I've been talking about when I said it's because of the Nintendo Nerd. Here. Behold. If you personally have a valid reason to dislike the game, it doens't mean that everyone does. Most people haven't even seen the supposedly impossible puzzle in action.

>> No.723962

>have a desire to play through older series I never touched before in the order of their release as if I was experiencing them as a child again

>beat Castlevania 1, hard as fuck toward the end but a great game overall

>get to this

I just got Draculas Heart and good lord /vr/ please help me. The mansions fucking suck, you just spam holy water every step, theres no difficulty whatsoever from the actual monsters. So much wandering and trying to figure out archaic bullshit, I'm not having fun at all.

>> No.723981

Except you fucking do you colossal asshole. Once you get the Blue Orb/Gem/whatever you have to go to a specific grave that is never specified and crouch for several seconds straight with it equipped.

The only hint whatsoever is at


and it's both vague as shit about WHERE in the graveyard you need to be and referring to the wrong item.

>> No.723987




>> No.724013

You mean crouch at Deborah Cliff with the red crystal like 3 fucking different people tell you in the game?

I love how you sucking at the game and not playing it like the action/adventure/rpg it is and and actually TALKING TO TOWNSPEOPLE is what makes the game bad.

Sounds to me like you don't do good with these types of games.

>> No.724017

>If you foam at the mouth about how it's a terrible, horrible evil game, most likely your experience with the game is limited to the video and, like, 10 minutes of gameplay.

not only is this wrong but it's also illogical

>> No.724020

Beyond "it wasn't like part 1"...
>slow movement, uninspired combat
>wonky subweapons
>day/night system
>cryptic puzzles to create a-word challenge

>> No.724028

Bro, you drop garlic anywhere about 1 screen in and turn around and the gravekeeper is there. No kneeling with any crystal there. the kneeling is at the cliff with red and the blue ON THE EDGE OF THE BLUE WATER AFTER SOMEONE TELLS YOU CLEARLY. The white one you equip when you enter the first mansion.

further proof that you haven't even played the game and are reiterating some fucking youtube video.

Ralph, Pls go.

>> No.724030

Did you go around crouching for half a minute in every location in the game just in case something happened?

Good for you, I guess.

>> No.724037


Whatever it takes to be pro at games, I guess.

>> No.724040

You're right, I played it so long ago I don't care about it anymore. I even said I thought the puzzles were a bit too much for me.
We must agree to disagree.

>> No.724050

I agree that you totally missed the point.

You're making it out to be some cryptic mess, I'm telling you the puzzles are solved by reading what people tell you.

>> No.724059

I think you trolled me hard, lel. :DDDD

>> No.724073

>You're making it out to be some cryptic mess

And he's right. It is.

>> No.724075

I don't get why those games are called "Metroidvania" when they owe more to the designs from Metroid than any Castlevania

>> No.724093

>it's flaws
>it is flaws

>> No.724096

Huh, howbout that. Wasn't even trying.

Only if you can't read and comprehend for shit. Yeah, there's fake advice mixed in with what you do in the game but that's the fun of it, figuring out what's bullshit and what isn't. Almost like lurking 4chan.

>> No.724120

People are exaggerating the difficulty of the red crystal puzzle, especially considering the spot where you kneel equipping it is an obvious dead end, that you reach after jumping through small blocks that are only visible if you have the red crystal in the first place

>> No.724127

That doesn't make it at all obvious that you have to crouch for several seconds at the dead end.
Especially as a young kid.

>> No.724128

Hes trolling you.

>> No.724145

It isn't, but you only have a few items in your inventory to try out at a dead end and you will figure it out soon enough. More forgiving than your average adventure game where using the wrong item would kill you and send you back to a checkpoint

>> No.724149


>Have to throw holy water at random floors with no indication

>The cliff and the lake

Yeah, no.

>> No.724158

>Thankfully, you neer have to do that int he actual game.

Yes you fucking do, have you fucking played it?

>> No.724164


No one ever fucking tells you to hold crouch next to it, they just say "Drain the lake with the crystal" or some shit

>> No.724179

>a lie that it's opposite is true or just a lie
This is never a legitimate complaint about Simon's Quest. The manual warns you that some of the villagers are going to lie to you, and this is the era where you're expected to read the manual.

>> No.724185


>the manual explained this bad feature
>that makes it good


>> No.725448

Knowing to select a specific item and crouch for 10 seconds in a corner given no clues is next to impossible without a guide.

>> No.725460

I'd like to see the guy in this thread defend Hoshi wo Miru Hoto

>> No.725473

"Hit your head on Debora's cliff"

Means crouch at a dead end screen. Are some of you seriously acting like you would have figured that out on your own? Bullshit

>> No.725494

I like it. I've beaten it a bunch of times, and gotten the best ending once.