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7214753 No.7214753 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7214759

well for one, it isn't retro

>> No.7214760
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Its more linear than I'd like, but still a great game.

>> No.7214778

Probably my first 2D metroid game with prime. I did see what the big problem was after playing super, because super is like sidescrolling prime with no reading required.

But my appreciation of this game improved and made of bathtub curve when I came around to realizing how exemplary the action focused gameplay and boss battles are for the series. Also chase scenes with SA-X was a top shelf idea for metroid, I wish encounters were random for replay value.

I really recommend japanese hard mode. Kind of a chore to get going because you have to english patch it and find a save file. I also wish it could be combined with a reduced text romhack..

>> No.7214780

GBA has shit sound, and Metroid deserves better.

Great game overall. Really can't think of a flaw other than the water section where many people got stuck.

>> No.7214782
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>> No.7214784

Great game, but holds your hand too much and it too linear, it really loses the exploration aspect that made Super Metroid so lush.

>> No.7214794

really good and a solid sequel
ZM is a tighter feeling game though and much more fun to return to

The overabundance of dialogue and scripted sequences also disrupt the flow a bit, but it's got the best boss fights of the series

I kinda wish more Metroid bosses were as skill based as they are here, instead of just being able to tank your way through after getting enough upgrades

>> No.7214805

Never bothered with the linearity aspect everyone ramt about, and quite liked SA-X idea, Adam and the general setting.

>> No.7214835

Not retro.

>> No.7214836

Works better a boss gauntlet game than a metroid game. It laid the foundation for other m's story.

>> No.7214851

It has some great gameplay and bosses, but overall is too linear, especially compared to Super and Prime. There were some great ideas though like SA-X and Adam, it just needed to be more open.

>> No.7214853

I didn't understand why you had to kill the final boss first before you could get 100 percent.

>> No.7214858

Its good but zero mission is better.

>> No.7214864
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ta mig tillbaks

>> No.7214869

Not retro

>> No.7214871

Could’ve been released 5 years later and it’d still be retro. Cope, grandpa.

>> No.7214879

Zero mission was good. But the final boss was a joke, what were they thinking? Robot Ripley right after you killed the original Ripley? And the metal one was even easier.

>> No.7214882

Good game, fun boss battles. Exploration suffers a little, and the more restricted walljumping kinda sucks, but I still revisit it every few years.

>> No.7214947

>Robot Ripley right after you killed the original Ripley? And the metal one was even easier.
Did you get 100% items?

>> No.7214959

The linearity of the map design stinks but this game's controls and handling and combat are a massive leap ahead for the series. No more mashing select to clunkily scroll through inventory. no more awkward floaty jumps and momentum fuckery with ledges. No slowly crawling up walls and ceilings in ball mode or awkwardly flailing with a crappy grappling hook. Movement is just so fast and snappy and everything feels good.

>> No.7214974

>the GBA can't do good mus-

>> No.7214984

Capcom honestly should have sued.

>> No.7214992

god tier bosses, atmosphere, and design
awful forced linearity
Adam and exposition dump rooms is awful
Final metroid fight is just a rehash of super
>no walljumping
>no bombjumping
>that fucking section in zone 6 where you literally have to just bomb a random part of the wall to continue

>> No.7214995

My first non-prime Metroid game. I have a lot of fond memories and it was really great.

>> No.7215057

>No walljumping
There's walljumping in Fusion though

>> No.7215092

What does that effect?

>> No.7215096

No I guess you had to go back to Kraid's lair and Norfair after you got the best equipment but I just wanted to finish the game

>> No.7215107
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My 1st Metroid game and still one of my favorites in the series.

>> No.7215108

No, it can. Just it sounds like shit.

>> No.7215131

Imagine a guy in his mid thirties...heck mb forties... Waiting gleefully to comment "not retro" on every post that isn't something he consider retro... Every day ... For weeks...mb months... Mb years...

>> No.7215163

Not retro

>> No.7215237

Awful controls, awful sound design(the shooting), bad walking animation, nerfed wall jumps when they wouldn't have broken anything anyway, awful bosses in a series with bad bosses.

>> No.7215242

Not retro

>> No.7215248

Not retro

>> No.7215259

Better than any Prime title.

>> No.7215268

One of my favorite Metroid titles. Too linear but very enjoyable. Great music and locations, cool story, and the X were pretty spooky when I first played. Doesn't really hold a candle to Super Metroid, but still great.

>> No.7215274

Found it to be a little more on the linear side like Metroid II. Fusion also out emphasis on in-game cutscenes. But, it is still a really good Metroid game. Worth playing. I think Zero Mission is overall a better game. But, both of the GBA Metroid games are worth getting. I still prefer both titles over the Metroidvanias on the system

>> No.7215276

Pretty good game, but not retro.

>> No.7216032
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I hoped the plot twist will be that you're the clone and what chases you is the real Samus. I was dissapointed when I finished the game.

>> No.7216042

It's pretty good and only works in the linear fashion that it was made. Having the map change after getting a new power then using said power to decipher a new route back out wouldn't work in an open ended game. It also helps with how tough the bosses get compared to the other games. >>7214782 would have been infuriating if you potentially lost a bunch of progress if it killed you.

>> No.7216070

I think you could remove the "new route back" part and fix it.

The game could've been like super metroid. Instead of going to each zone, do a mission, get powerup, come back. They could've done it like super metroid with a round of orientation in each area before opening up the game. You could've gone to the first mission, then the game sawtooths you by breaking the elevators. For the first pass, you go to each sector once in geographical order by using the connection bridges, adam briefing you remotely or in rooms between sectors. After you've been to most sections once you get the elevators working again and can do the second act of each section in any order. And instead of story events choosing which sector you have to go to next, the appropriate event is chosen by entering the respective sector.

>> No.7216074

figured out how to beat this guy easily the second try, never had any problem since

>> No.7216076

But I just had another thought. I think the reason they avoided this scheme is because it was a handheld game. They knew if your goals were small and outlined by a mission with a return, you could play the game short sessions of a few minutes and accomplish something every time and also not get lost in the big picture of exploring a huge map.

>> No.7216126

It may be linear, but still a great game.

>> No.7216185

ridleys difficulty

>> No.7216195


>> No.7216221

The game gets halfway to something like this, where getting the speed booster allows you to connect different sectors and get previously inaccessible powerups. But I think it's only a couple of them. I imagine time/budget constraints had something to do with it.

>> No.7216343

I agree with you but next time drop the ellipses and use those saved keystrokes to type out the word "maybe". Unless you were trying to overshadow his faggotry with your own, then carry on.

>> No.7216483

I got stuck at the gravity monster.

Yes, you are meant to wander with metroid games. That is it's flaw, that damned ship bullying you when you're meant to be lonely and lost.

>> No.7216498

Great game. People that complain about "muh linearity" or "muh story" have downs syndrome

>> No.7216520

I just realized metroid 5 is in limbo because sakamoto trashed adam's audience reception in between making him samus's AI sidekick at the end of fusion and a new sequel that has to include him. What an idiot.

Such a based game we could never have

1) Samus is a fugitive and has to be frenemies with space pirates
2) Federation AI becomes mother brain as foreshadowed in the prime series
3) Samus has metroid DNA so metroids could be friendly, possibly suck on enemies for you

>> No.7216564
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stop that

>> No.7216573
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Best controls and bosses in a 2D Metroid game, actually decently challenging which is again pretty rare for a Metroid game. But exploration is completely axed and there are tl;dr story scenes that break the pace.

Nowadays we have AM2R though and it's the best of both worlds.

>> No.7216581

I never got the "Samus is a fugitive" angle. Trashing the space station to remove evidence of the Metroid habitat and SA-X was a mission priority. It wasn't really "evil" for the federation to keep Metroids when storing indigenous life from around the galaxy was modus operandi for that vessel. There was one shadow figure pulling strings against Samus and he probably would have been internally investigated and court marshalled. Nothing to make a game out of.

>> No.7216608

Watch fusion on youtube again

They were cloning metroids to use as weapons, and were going to try to capture SA-X(s) to use as even better weapons. This is a pretty large conspiracy because at the very least the former was the whole point of the SR-388 station. Samus knows about this plot, adam can prove it, and she destroyed the station and SR-388. No one gave a shit about zebes apparently, but if the point was preservation she fucked that too.

But they literally spell it out.


>> No.7216659
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I agree, but you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

>> No.7216673

I don't know. I don't think Mother Brain will show up again. The Aurora Units in Prime 3 had their load blown by deciding to make one the final boss of that game. I don't think Prime 4 or Metroid 5 will go that route.
But that's not to say that the Galactic Federation's technology isn't fucked. Nightmare is an abomination.

>> No.7216693

Will it ever get a followup or did they fuck up the plot too bad

>> No.7216778

It was a pretty strong showing for a linear progress game that also featured backtracking - the layouts and scenery underwent physical changes so regularly from X and SA-X related damage and station shutdowns, and the areas were just different to get through in reverse often enough, that it made a linear adventure feel exploratory. That feeling is all that is really required.

ZM felt like a sloppy fangame of SM, not something that could stand on its own merit or employ anything especially original besides the hated suitless sections and the asinine suit replacement plot. Say what you will about Fusion but at least the main interesting things it did weren't ALSO the hated parts of it.

>> No.7216897

definitely explains the generous amount of save rooms and the Sleep function

>> No.7216973

ZM is way too easy (they listened to the casuals) and the stealth section sucks cock. The movement and controls are even better than in Fusion though.

>> No.7216991

Fusion's walljump actually felt ok. Since the game would be linear with AND without single wall climbing, what it actually did was prevent you from getting pointlessly lost with nothing to show for it. You access a currently dead-end room 3 sectors early, receive no reward and probably get your shit slapped by a lategame enemy with more contact damage than health you could get there with. That's actually worthless, guys. Wish people would get that.

>> No.7216993

So you don't like Metroid games? People hate re4 because it breaks a mold. This game breaks the mold.

>> No.7216996

Breaking a mold is neither negative or positive, stop huffing your own farts.

>> No.7216997


>> No.7217002

They should make a mario game where mario doesn't jump then. A castlevania without vampires. A metroid without wandering around alone. Re without zombies.

Games went to shit. Everyone hated other m because of the lack of being lonely and shit.

>> No.7217006

Fun fact, there's a very hard to pull off sequence break late in the game and Adam reacts to it in a unique scene.

>> No.7217021

I know I beat it back in the day but I don't remember much beyond that first creepy clone reveal.
I get it and Zero Mission crossed a lot

>> No.7217024

IMO it explains Metroid II's linearity also. Although even that is overstated, II is quite open within each area (and it introduced upgrades that reflect that, like Spider Ball and Space Jump). But keeping the overall progress within the world linear from map to map was a good choice for a handheld.

Honestly Samus Returns fucked it up by adding pointless backtracking and papering over the added slog by adding teleporters. To say nothing of introducing useless power bombs and super missiles (pretty much only used to get more power bombs and super missiles) and transforming the triumphant ending into an unpleasant trudge just so they'd have an excuse to shoehorn in Ridley AGAIN (and rip off Super Metroid's ending but badly). Turning Samus Returns into a lesser Super Metroid was a mistake, they should have handed development to a team that could appreciate and build on II's strengths.

>> No.7217051

It was decent, but it didn't advance the series from Super Metriod, so it was a disappointment. In those days we expected each new installment in a series to be better than the last.

>> No.7217126

Zero mission is just original Metroid remade
Fusion feels a lot more original with the space station

>> No.7217169


>> No.7217202

Yeah, it's a shame Prime failed on that front as well.

>> No.7217207

>Nowadays we have overrated fangame made by faggots who didn't understand or appreciate Metroid II's greatness and thought it needed to be fixed, i.e. turned into another Super Metroid clone ala Zero Mission
A bit weird to bring that up all of the sudden, but I agree.

>> No.7217491

prime 3

>> No.7218651
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>Castlevania without vampires

>> No.7218754

Awesome, dank, and relevant meme image anon.

And I don't doubt if they'll do it. Really, they already did, and, predicably, it was praised as the best version ever of Castlevania. The Sorrow games. There are spirits, demons, but no actual vampires in the two Soma games. And it was the best, but also objectively dishonorable and not a real Castlevania game.

Then again there was that black haired guy that was the son of Dracula I think, so he's the only actual vampire in the Soma games. But you do not fight him if I recall. And he's a good guy. Soma, a human infected with spirits, is a 'possible reincarnations, but he's not literally a vamp. In my opinion the succubi don't count also.

My point is that people love the shit because they are zoomers and sheep go brrrrr to the point boomers agree with them.

One of my fav games is Aria of Sorrow, but I suck at original type Castlevania games. They stress me the fuck out. As it is I will still bash it's cock every now and again to remind people that SOTN was a capitalist scheme to target the new users of the games and to ignore who originally gave them the cash. This is why we need Communism.
t. millennial, the angst generation

>> No.7218958

>Zero mission is just original Metroid remade

Zero Mission still reuses the majority of the map design from the original game, but does expand it by adding additional areas, and retconning locations from Super Metroid, like the haunted space ship. Zero Mission does borrow a lot of gameplay elements from Super Metroid. It also adds a few new ones, like the "grip" item. Super Metroid also adds the Zero Mission suit segment at the end. Zero Mission isn't a hard game to complete. But I enjoyed it, and earning a 100% on the item collecting was a challenge in itself. In some ways I like Zero Mission more than Super Metroid.

>> No.7218959

It's not really a sequence-break, as the game makes you turn around and follow the correct route anyway. It's just an easter egg for those skilled enough with shinesparks to actually make it back to where you started.

>> No.7220268

lmao you're trying too hard

>> No.7220312

>and retconning locations from Super Metroid, like the haunted space ship.

pirate ship isnt the ghost ship, real ghost ship is part of chozodia

>> No.7220453

And you're not trying at all.

>> No.7220468

>pirate ship isnt the ghost ship, real ghost ship is part of chozodia

That's what I meant. Part of the Wrecked ship from Super Metroid is playable in Zero Mission. It's a small area and not essential to the game. Part of Chozodia area.

>> No.7220470

AM2R was so well received the guy got hired to work on the Ori games. But of course it's shit according to some schizo on 4chan lmao.

>> No.7220475

>retconning locations from Super Metroid
WTF do you mean? Super is Metroid III, not a remake of 1, even though it does follow a very similar formula. The ghost ship wasn't a thing in 1 so it's not in ZM.

>> No.7220616

>AM2R was so well received the guy was hired to work on some shit third game you've never heard of
"Lmao" indeed, Anon. Well argued.
>But of course it's shit according to some schizo on 4chan
No, it's shit for the reasons I gave. Pro tip: when you want to discredit someone you disagree with, it pays to actually address what they said and not just call them a schizo because your autistic little pea brain can't comprehend someone both disagreeing with you and being sane.

>> No.7220617

>third game
*third party game

>> No.7220631

Not retro.

>> No.7220640

fusion was the first game with the control overhaul though, it just lacked shooting from ledges

Yes the map and progression was a huge downgrade, but metroid II gets a pass for the same thing. Fusion just isn't remembered as a mobile game for some reason, maybe because with zero mission they decided players don't instantly become retards when they use a handheld.

>> No.7220648

>I've never heard of Ori
then you're just a clueless retard who should stop wasting everyone's time

>> No.7220659

>zoom zoooom, why haven't you heard of my game of the year zoom zoom
Do you even know what board you're on?

>> No.7220663

Oh I thought you meat by retconning that it fucks up the lore, when really it just ignores it in an obtuse way.

>> No.7220667

>No, it's shit for the reasons I gave.

Your shitpost had no content other than super metroid and zero mission are supposed to be bad games for no reason. You already discredited yourself

>> No.7220682

>made by faggots who didn't understand or appreciate Metroid II's greatness and thought it needed to be fixed, i.e. turned into another Super Metroid clone ala Zero Mission
Can you read? Is English your second language, Anon?

>> No.7220685

First time through it is not very good as a Metroid game, but compared to replaying other games when you already know where everything is, it's one of the best.

>> No.7220743

Being on /vr/ isn't a license to be retarded, if you're legitimately out of touch don't pride yourself on being so, let alone try to embarrassingly use your *lack* of knowledge as a point against (this was especially funny that you tried to squeak by). Just google it and bow out gracefully like a sane person.

>> No.7220746

>haha I shitposted twice what now

>> No.7220758

1. This isn't /v/ Lite. This is the retro video game board, and as such, the people who post here are not expected to have to know diddly squat about whatever AAA flavor of the week you think we should be impressed by.
2. To say I used my ignorance of this game as a point implies you had made a point to argue against. You hadn't. You simply said something to the effect of "lmao this guy got hired to work [game], that proves AM2R was good and you're a schizo".
Glad to see it's still going over your head, ESL-kun.

>> No.7220780

It does what it needs to, and does it well. Its not like other Metroid games in it isn't nonlinear, in fact you physically can't sequence break save for when it lets you for an Easter Egg.

Being linear has its strengths however, allowing a more involved story that some might like and some won't due to liking the silent storytelling of older titles.

However one thing i will defend this games linearity for is its difficulty. Due to controlling what the player can do, they can control the difficulty to raise over the course of the game more radically, rather than taking into account what a player can and can't have. Bosses like Nightmare, Yakuza, and the final B.O.X fight are absolutely brutal on normal difficulty, can't imagine what the Japanese releases hard mode is like.

>> No.7220809

lol, incredibly based. that anon got btfo.

>> No.7220816

lol, incredibly based. that anon got btfo

>> No.7220857

>this isn't /random board/, i don't have a trivial ability to google
>I'm going to instead use my ignorance of normal ass shit as a counterpoint, which isn't at all a counterpoint because the original point was literally that the guy got a gamedev job out of making such a quality fangame, which is near unheard-of, and the games he now works on are successful and acclaimed entries in the genre, which ALSO doesn't have anything to do with whether I, personally, am ignorant of it
Again, you chose the route of a not sane person when you went down this road. Nobody picked it for you, you dug this hilarious hole yourself. Shat your own pants in public.

>> No.7220889

>this isn't /random board/, i don't have a trivial ability to google
It's amusing, the fact that you're still hung up on the fact that I'd never heard of that game. I imagine it's because you think my ignorance on the subject somehow undermines the brilliant takedown you wish you had by arguing for AM2R's quality in that way. But from post one, you haven't accurately represented what I said about AM2R. Just a few posts ago you showed that you didn't even understand it. The rest of your greentext evidences this as well, as you continue to blubber about the game developer getting hired to work on AAA titles, as if it had anything to do with the bulk of my original post.
>Nobody picked it for you, you dug this hilarious hole yourself. Shat your own pants in public.
These aren't the words of someone who is truly confidence in their argument, Anon. You don't have to appeal to an imaginary audience of onlookers who agree with you when you've really truly made a salient point. But you just keep repeating the same bad counterargument to a strawman version of my own that you've cooked up in your mind, and that's sad.

>> No.7220895

Oh, I see, talking about your points, which you used your own shortcomings as, is "blubbering". Fascinating. By all means, keep digging? Are you going to say the game the guy was talking about was clearly bad because you wet the bed next?

>> No.7220896

>But you just keep repeating the same bad counterargument to a strawman version of my own that you've cooked up in your mind, and that's sad.
Actually, let me amend that. What's even sadder is that you were so triggered by some driveby shitting on of AM2R that you're still going on about this. You're so obviously assblasted over this difference in opinion
that you even took the appearance of Super Metroid and Zero Mission in the post to mean I was dissing those games, too (which is why I say you still don't get it).
Case in point.

>> No.7221116

best game of the series

>> No.7221124

I almost agree, but it's roughly tied with Metroid II for me. Perhaps neither are technically the best, but they are my favorites.

>> No.7221398

Love it. Great art direction, loved the darker shading on everything. Music was top notch like always.
SA-X managed to spook the shit out of me which is incredible considering this is a 2D game on a handheld.
Samus's movement was also improved. She felt so stiff on the SNES.


mannnn shut the fuck up, yeah I like doing bosses out of order in SM but not every game has to be a clone of it.

>> No.7221602

It's 2020 anon gba games are fucking retro now.

>> No.7221635

>that you even took the appearance of Super Metroid and Zero Mission in the post to mean I was dissing those games, too (which is why I say you still don't get it).

He wasn't that anon, that was me

I didn't need you to backpedal by the way. You can dislike super and zero all you want

>> No.7221702

beautiful thing about metroid is it's designed in such a way that it's a pleasure to backtrack. sotn was the same way. but god damn it if you make me backtrack in an fps, you can kiss my fat gamer ass.

>> No.7221981

I hate the backtracking is a discredit but necessary evil meme

The best kind of backtracking is when the way back is easier because of level geometry and enemy placement, or you have a new powerup that makes a difficult room easy.

>> No.7222989

I didn't backpedal one bit. Whether it was one anon or two who misread my post, I clearly wasn't knocking either game.

>> No.7223170

thats because the movement in super metroid was actually fun and momentum based, just like quake. having acceleration and skill based tricks like wall jumps are always fun. sotn wasnt obviously as fun but it had its own fair share of skill based movement.

>> No.7223284

I like it. They would have never been able to follow up the hype with a sm2, trying something different was the right decision. Even if its the weaker game its at least unique.

>> No.7223331

Excellent taste anon, I feel similarly.

>> No.7223391

Why do people like metroid II so much?

I even like metroid 1. Metroid II just feels like metroid 1 with reduced FOV, worse color and sound, and a linear map. I don't know if the powerups and better boss fights make up moment to moment downgrades like that. It's the only metroid game I couldn't play longer than an hour before having no desire to continue.

>> No.7223407


Entities that hate RE4 are not people.

>> No.7223435


I honestly haven't played it. I also think that I haven't played it. OTHER THOUGHTS: It is probably not as good as the ones that I have played. Although Metroid Prime has many good points I still prefer to pretend that this series contains only three games of which Super Metroid is the last. Apparently this game has a clone of Samus in it? I'm learning that from this thread. That sounds like a terrible story element. Why would there be a Samus clone? That's something from a cruddy superhero story. Now there's a clone of her, now there's a dark world with a dark version of her, now there's mystical loooooooore about her childhood among the birdmen, oooo she's so precious and special and important! MEANWHILE in the three Metroid games I've actually played, she is indeed special and important, and what's special about her is that she is the one who shoots the things and jumps into the places. And she does it all right in front of me and under my command, not in some stupid cutscene or backstory blurb. And there are hardly any words and most of the ones that are there are only there so that the hardware can embarrassingly yet adorably show off its capacity for holding a recording of a lady(?) saying the last metroid is in captivity the galaxy is at peace.

>> No.7223439


Wait sorry that's four Metroid games that I've actually played. I temporarily edited Metroid Prime out of my reckoning because I subconsciously wanted it to not exist even though it is generally good.

>> No.7223497

This hasn't been funny the first fifty thousand times.

>> No.7223519

Please don’t judge a game before you’ve played it. Fusion is amazing. Prime is sorta an alternate timeline if I remember correctly.

>> No.7223562

>Prime is sorta an alternate timeline if I remember correctly.

That's just butthurt, it's canon and nintendo does a pretty decent job of not retconning it

>> No.7223621

Well then I don’t remember correctly. Either way fusion is a good game.

>> No.7223634

It's a Metroid and its fused.

>> No.7223649

Metroid II's linearity is overstated as has been described elsewhere in this thread. Meanwhile, they took the Game Boy's limitations—small screen, no color—and used them to their advantage by creating a game that feels tense and atmospheric, in a good way. Combine that with the good sound design (people seem to love it or hate it, I personally love it), good variety in bosses, lots of powerups that became series staples, and a phenomenal ending, and the elements add up to a really great game with a feel that hasn't been duplicated since.

>> No.7223779

Metroid 2 is great but its linearity isn’t overstated. Its very linear compared to metroid 1 and 3.

>> No.7223862

>I even like metroid 1. Metroid II just feels like metroid 1 with reduced FOV
It in fact feels very different from Metroid 1.
>I don't know if the powerups and better boss fights make up moment to moment downgrades like that
You don't know because you gave up on the game.
Well, yes, it's a handheld game. A fairer comparison would be against Fusion, which also restricts you to exploring a single area at a time, but is largely constructed of straight forward shafts and corridors. Metroid II, on the other hand, often places you in enormous caverns that scroll in all directions, requiring you to use the Space Jump and Spider Ball to search for hidden Metroid lairs. In that regard, the game's limited FOV works to its advantage, as off-screen paths and powerups can be easily obscured, increasing the challenge of the game in a way that feels organic to the Game Boy.

>> No.7223874


>> No.7223887

I said overstated, not nonexistent. It is overstated—each area is very open, even though the overall game progress is linear through the tunnel.

>> No.7224265

>the game's limited FOV works to its advantage, as off-screen paths and powerups can be easily obscured, increasing the challenge of the game in a way that feels organic to the Game Boy.

I think thats a pendantic way to avoid saying they made samus's sprite too big

>> No.7224279

And I think that's a rather pedantic way to avoid recognizing the point that I made. It sounds like you already made up your mind about Metroid II and have determined that Samus is a sprite size is a flaw.

>> No.7224281

>Samus is a sprite size is a flaw.
*Samus' sprite size