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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7213507 No.7213507[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this accurate?

>> No.7213514

>hiring based purely on skillset
This never happens in any industry.

>> No.7213524

muh ebil ess jay double (You)s are just a symptom, the problem is games simply got too big
indie shit is where it's at now.

>> No.7213576

Even before diversity hiring many games flopped and studios closed, even small studios during the PS2 era. The problem now is that all's we have is AAA multinational studios or indie garbage, no middle ground.

>> No.7213583

There's a lot of great indie games, I don't know where this meme is from that they're all bad somehow.

>> No.7213647
File: 110 KB, 1000x563, 54A6417A-2F33-4C0E-A37C-6497D2E9BED5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just a symptom

Nah, it’s the industry’s ouroboros.

White liberals destroy everything they touch, which is why they must be destroyed first ideologically in Quake 3 Arena.

>> No.7213671

Sk0oGe was here

>> No.7213687

Everything except the heavy metal blaring across the office. Half of the team will be autists who are overly sensitive to sound and they won't be able concentrate and program with an epic 7 minute long Dream Theater classic pumping in the back so you gotta take that shit elsewhere.

>> No.7213692

this is at least the 3rd time you've made this thread, are you mentally ill?

>> No.7213710

this is the first time i've made this thread

>> No.7213736


Making Games in America isn't as great as it use to be. I could see Asia eating up most of their competent devs and the US entering a dark age. I'm not very keen about it. There are game companies now trying to replicate the same 90's nostalgia feeling. But they can only make it work for so long.

>> No.7213743

I can see the same trend except the CCP cracks down on anything creative (see the recent hip-hop bans).

>> No.7213753

They need an excuse for not making their own games.

>> No.7213756

>there's a lot of great indie games
if you like 2D roguelikes made in unity by 23 year old homosexuals, sure

>> No.7213786

nah, look at puppet combo for example

>> No.7213798

boring hipster garbage. where is my Ocarina of Time? where is my StarCraft? where are my legitimately good games made by teams of passionate, educated people backed by corporate resources? i don't want to play little 6 hour hobby games made by some faggot in his basement just like i don't want to play some trash cooked up by a company like Epic or Activision. i don't want these fucking games man, i want good, actual good, games.

>> No.7213828


it really is this. Zun, Toby Fox, whoever did Cave story, and to a lesser extent Yume Nikki's creator...

there are SOME great indie games but most are middling at best, and many are just terrible.

We're forgetting that shit shovelware is what ultimately caused the atari crash in the west, among other factors.

we can bitch about Nintendo's liscensing model, chip hoarding, lockouts, and copy protection court cases, but their gatekeeping directly contributed to the across the industry stabilization in development quality. The only difference today is that they don't really need to worry about locking down the hardware in the same way since the ps3, since its all going to online ecosystems. Now they gate-keep from the cloud.

>> No.7213842

Make them instead of bitching. Who gives a fuck if there was a homo in your game's developers? I swear you're worse than the SJWs you complain about.

>> No.7214002


>> No.7214506

This makes it sound like every old game is a classic and everyone was trying to make classics that would still be played in 20 years.

Most devs have always produced shovelware, and this dates from the Atari age.

In the 90's most devs were still making shovelware, and even doing that was a struggle to get paid and find publishers.

And few people cared about doing a game "that would still be played in 2 decades", that would be incredibly delusional and out of touch with the "graphics arms race", as anything made on one year old teach was already "outdated", under that context noone thought they'd make games still being played 2 decades after.

Not caring about "muh graphics!" anymore is a very recent thing, and it's a blessing, as that step of mind was absolutely toxic for video games.
Games that everyone consider classic today got dismissed at launch by reviewers and palyers alike because they were released on NES... in 1995. These days more people enjoy the games for what they are instead of how many colours/pixels/polygons are displaying on screen at once.

>> No.7214564

A bit hyperbole.

But yes.

>> No.7214617

no jesus christ, take your /v/ /pol/ shit somewhere else

>> No.7214689

>to the gaming industry used to be so fucking based
Because you're less interested in video games as time goes along and constantly impressing your own personal apathy/cynicism onto things you don't want to enjoy rather than attempting to actually enjoy new things. You hide into your comfortable nostalgia of times past by claiming "Games from (year I was born) were just made better!" because you had the freedom to play them whenever you wanted without the guilt of growing older and lack of drive/passion/growth. There's no other explanation.

>> No.7214707
File: 4 KB, 239x133, smuglain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many zoomers in this thread extremely butthurt about the fact that they will never know what living with freedom felt like. Your generation sucks, simple as.

>> No.7214713

>I'm just talking out my ass.

>> No.7214716

IDK, there's plenty of interesting games made in China nowadays, genshin blew up heavily.

>> No.7214727

You're not getting your "golden" days back.

>> No.7214731

It's easy if you try.

>> No.7214743

Keep trying then.

>> No.7214751


>> No.7215081

Not really. It misses the point that that sort of development is simultaneously the same environment you get at any start up before someone starts writing you checks and you have to start showing results and that they were the SJW boogeymen of the time, listening to their heavy metal band with the make up and long hair and making a game about demons on mars.