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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7210494 No.7210494[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's list some words that are nowadays used on a daily basis in video game discussion that didn't exist back in the day.
I'll start:
>Casual and Hardcore as a noun.
While some people might have used the words "hardcore" or "casual/casually" here and there, as adjectives, the notion of a person being a "Hardcore" or a "Casual" gamer wasn't seen back in the day. Which leads to:
I remember some other funny nicknames that magazine editors used for video game fans, such as "Gamemaniacs" or "Video freaks", maybe there are some old magazines that coincidentally used "gamer" as another of all these many others nicknames, but in general, there wasn't really a word to describe a person who likes games, nor people referred themselves as "Gamemaniacs" or anything of the sort. Liking games back then wasn't as tribal, it was ironically more general, instead of another isolated group of people in society.
First of all, RPG wasn't even a popular genre back then, only in the very late 90s is started picking up steam after FF7, back then, the people who knew what RPGs were, didn't differentiate between J and W, it was just RPG.

What are some other words or expressions you can think of?

>> No.7210513

Apart from a few magazines nobody said PSX, it always was The Playstation

>> No.7210526
File: 2.53 MB, 1784x6512, yes_it_was_called_PSX_w_dev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7210529

He ddi say "apart from a few magazines" though. It's true that everybody said "the playstation". The 90s were edgy but not stupid, nobody called it the Pee Ess Ecks, much less the gay Play Station eXperience.

>> No.7210530
File: 351 KB, 1794x611, PSX in the wild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7210532

>t. Mr.Pleb from Plebville.

>> No.7210534

>dreamcast blows
typical sony fanboy