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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7206363 No.7206363 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this, the sequel, and third games?

>> No.7206452

Legend 3 is a good 8bit RPG.
Legend 2 is flawed, but a very charming RPG.
Legend 1 is for crazy people. It is completely bonkers and broken. I like it.

Final Fantasy Legend Collection coming to Switch is a weird one.

>> No.7206596

I'm replaying the first one after probably 20 years. I like the game a lot but CHRIST, getting your footing at the beginning is a ball buster.

>> No.7206979

1 is good
2 is great
3 is subpar. No surprise since Kawazu had nothing to do with it

>> No.7207148

This is the one where you climb the tower right? I adored it. Had some really janky mechanics. Raising your max hp as a human character was awful, but it was one of those games that really stoked my imagination.

>> No.7207196

I just got the Switch compilation. It's pretty barebones, but being able to play at double speed without fucking up the music is really nice.

>> No.7207219

Wait, how does that work?

>> No.7207648

No idea, I would guess it's an emulation trick they're doing or even just using audio recordings, but it works great and makes the games much less of a slog. I don't mind grinding one bit, but they are s l o w titles on the GB.

>> No.7207671

The third one is fucking amazing. I had no idea you could fit that much and have that much going on in a gb game.

>> No.7207869

Why the fuck are there two completely different games named "Final Fantasy Legend"

>> No.7207920

objectively bad games

good music

passable because you don't have a lot of rpg options on the gb

>> No.7207998

1 felt archaic and limited even back then, and I don't remember much else, so it was forgettable I guess. The start of the game was rough.
2 had some memorable moments, the inside of a body being a dungeon, fighting greek gods, that lady who cut her own face as a fuck you to Aphrodite. Cool magi system.
3 was my favorite on gameplay alone. Easily holds up today.
The ability to turn party members into monsters and cyborgs by having them eat monster meat or install parts was the best thing. A lot of experimentation to be had there.

>> No.7208763
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>be kid
>see FFL2 in Nintendo Power
>read through the Nintendo Power guide probably a hundred times over a couple years before eventually forgetting about it
>years later, see the complete series in the used bin at a game store for cheap, buy them all
>play for like 15 minutes
>get bored and never play them again

>> No.7208793

I know that fee. Sometimes I can't wait for dementia to set in so I can mentally revert to being a child and actually enjoy all these games...

>> No.7208863

They're part of the SaGa series, but were renamed to be more appealing to gaijin. Mystic Quest is part of the SaGa series too(at least in my head canon), since the art style is so eerily similar, and in Mystic Quest you also get companions that are way stronger than you(just like in FFL 3)