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7205975 No.7205975 [Reply] [Original]

What are some 5th-gen 3D games that don't look horrifically, unplayably ugly compared to 6th-gen games?
Banjo-Kazooie is the only one I can think of

>> No.7206121
File: 373 KB, 615x454, Llama's_Temple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crash bandicoot and spyro still hold up really well
DK 64 is basically a better lookin bajo

>> No.7206467

The environments in DK64 are great but the characters themselves look like shit

>> No.7207201

Rayman 2 the great escape. you should play the PS1 version and the DC version.

>> No.7207261

Conker looks great

>> No.7207263

Is something happening out of frame?

>> No.7207345

>zoomer opinion
>coombait OP
its all so tiresome

>> No.7207351

Funny, I can't stand how Banjo, DK64, Conker and other Rare games look now in high resolution. The pre-rendered blurry textures are ass and the colors are too garish.

Meanwhile games like Megaman Legends still look amazing.

>> No.7207382
File: 52 KB, 639x430, fuckoffniggr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5th gen looks fine tho

>> No.7207408

Conker’s fidelity makes no sense and it doesn’t make ANY use of the expansion pak. Every character is fluidly animated, the texture work is some of the the best on the entire system, it’s fully voice acted, had in-engine cutscenes that buried the pre-rendered video competition, above average amount of competent AI on screen at once (multiplayer mode, lessons were learned from Perfect Dark) and huge sprawling levels to explore in addition to a large variety of game mechanics. Rare really made that 64mb cart sing. IMO it is the most technically impressive console game of 5th gen. Playing this on release was really an experience.


Compare the fluidity of the animation (fully reflected ground too) compared to anything else that gen (Jak and Daxter came out 9 months later on brand new state-of-the-art hardware, and because Conker pushed N64 to the absolute limit it made me question the capabilities of the PS2.

Bongistan is vindicated by Rare.

>> No.7207521

ok, there are no FMV (is a N64 game). But how they fit all those audio files in such small memory.

>> No.7207534

Conker did 3rd person shooting better than Aresident evil did. Proper analog movement, plus movement while aiming.

>> No.7207624

Crash looks good, I like how Jumping Flash looks, Megaman Legends and that Dr. Slump game look great too. I think Resident Evil 1 and 2 have aged decently as far as visuals go. Croc has really appealing designs. Ridge Racer Type 4 is another one that looks awesome.

>> No.7207704

Quality compression. Rare got really good at it by their final N64 game.

IIRC there are about two hours worth of cutscenes, on top of that there is a full original soundtrack and tons of spoken lines in-game.
There are 8 chapters in the single player portion consisting of large open levels and gameplay varieties.
Multiplayer has 7 different modes that all play differently.

This is one of those games where I pity folks who didn’t grow up with it. This was also a game you could play split screen with friends until your thumb pad was branded with the analogue stick circles.

64 megabytes folks.

>> No.7209637

Is that the Dreamcast version of DOA2?

>> No.7209642

Why yes. Red XIII is giving Rinoa a full body massage

>> No.7209643

Rayman 2 still looks great though because of the art direction. There's a reason they ported it to every single thing imaginable up to the 3DS.

>> No.7209652
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>mfw was a millennial and found this at a pawn shop in 2003 with the box in perfect condition, and my Mom saw me playing it at the part where you piss on hippos at the strip club and threw it all away

I'll never let her forget

>mfw not being able to find it with my other cartridges

>> No.7209683

Does Rayman 1 count? It's a 5th-gen disguised as a 4th-gen game

>> No.7209758

>low effort shitpost reaction
>objectively correct opinion=le zoomer!!!!!1!!!
dial 8

>> No.7209871

Damn that's impressive. In some aspects it actually outdoes some Dreamcast games

>> No.7210519

R1 no because
>5th-gen 3D games

>> No.7210550
File: 46 KB, 491x500, kirikou_ps1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is a combination between Super Mario (sword mechanic work like Mario mushroom) and Castlevania (a balanced combination of platforming and fight).

>> No.7210554

pretty sure its DOA 1

>> No.7210628

being this dumb of a bread... the ps2 version looks worse than the dreamcast version you motherfucking stupid piece of shit

>> No.7211117
File: 564 KB, 640x837, sopa de japones uma delicia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for it

>> No.7211468

>doesn't even hide it

>> No.7213318

hide what?