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File: 57 KB, 640x443, secretevermore0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7205509 No.7205509 [Reply] [Original]

>a squaresoft snesjrpg didnt get a japanese release


>> No.7205512


bad game?

>> No.7205531

They didn't want gaijin crap.

>> No.7205536


No. It's pretty good.

>> No.7205809

The Startropics of Square.

>> No.7205905

It's secret of mana but with less characters to fight with and better graphics.

>> No.7206223

>It's secret of mana but with less characters to fight with and better graphics.

The game was made by Square USA, comprised of American developers. It was Jeremy Soule's first soundtrack. Game definitely borrowed a lot from Secret of Mana. The Dog AI is pretty interesting in itself. I like how you can set the dog to be more aggressive or investigate the area more. The game has an alchemy system that is basically "crafting". The game's story is a little weak by the end, and the game isn't one of the greatest IMO. But it is worth a playthrough.

>> No.7207103

>kino soundtrack
>good humor
>good gameplay
>lots of secrets (high replay value)

>> No.7207143

Its one of those first outings that's a little rough around the edges but overall a quality game and shows that the development studio has promise. Sadly the team was immediately dissolved by Square after and never got a chance to do a second game that would have absolutely been great.

>> No.7207182

Underrated as fuck.

Square really missed an oppurtunity with the Mana collection, including this game (and finally giving it a Japanese localization, in return for getting Seiken Densetsu 3) would have made it feel complete, regardless of whether it can be considered a "true" Mana game.

>> No.7207195

I heard some of the team later went on to help develop Shadow Madness on the PS1, but it's a huge downgrade from Evermore unfortunately and you can tell it just didn't have the budget and pollish it needed.

>> No.7208698

Or The Lone Ranger.

>> No.7208946

So it's crap then.

>> No.7208986

>The game has an alchemy system that is basically "crafting"

Do you even know what the words you use mean? A magic system with consumable ingredients instead of MP is not in any fucking way "crafting"

>> No.7209146

>Do you even know what the words you use mean? A magic system with consumable ingredients instead of MP is not in any fucking way "crafting"

It's the same concept as crafting. Find items in world map. Combine them to make new items.

>> No.7209164

But you're not making items, you're casting spells. It's more like material components in D&D but without a lazy DM saying you have all the bat guano, rabbit furs, and glass rods you need at all times.

>> No.7209237

I loved and I love it

>> No.7209254 [DELETED] 

>But you're not making items, you're casting spells. It's more like material components in D&D but without a lazy DM saying you have all the bat guano, rabbit furs, and glass rods you need at all times.

Yeah, I get what you are saying. This is one of the first console games I have ever played where you have to collect ingredients from the world map (ash, clay, bone, iron, etc) and combine them into healing items/ spells/ and combine them into spells/ healing items and such. I also like the mechanic of holding down the L and R shoulder buttons to make the dog sniff the area for ingredients.

>> No.7209263

>But you're not making items, you're casting spells. It's more like material components in D&D but without a lazy DM saying you have all the bat guano, rabbit furs, and glass rods you need at all times.

Yeah, I get what you are saying. This is one of the first console games I have ever played where you have to collect ingredients from the world map (ash, clay, bone, iron, etc) \and combine them into spells/ healing items and such. I also like the mechanic of holding down the L and R shoulder buttons to make the dog sniff the area for ingredients.

>> No.7209623

Ultima 4 and 5 had a crafting magic system. You need to find/buy components and then mix them together to get usable spells.

>> No.7210307

someone was making a fan game port of evermore with expanded locations and regions. seems he put about 3 years of work into it. obviously it got c&d. textbook stuff i know but it still breaks my heart and it seemed to have happened only a few months ago

>> No.7210421

>tfw you will never play the superior Japanese localization of Eburamora no Himitsu

>> No.7211635

>obviously it got c&d. textbook stuff i know but it still breaks my heart and it seemed to have happened only a few months ago

This should come to a surprise to no one. The developer should have kept this project a secret (no pun intended) until it was released. Even if the designer got C&D's after release, the game is still floating around online, like that Metroid 2 remake or those Pokemon fan games. But Square likes to protect their IP's. It is in their right to do so. Nintendo is the same way. Sega seems to be open to fan creations of their work (just look at all the Sonic fan games they acknowledge).

I feel like Secret of Evermore has its rough spots. But showed a lot of promise for a first effort. Really wanted to see a sequel or a second game by this team. Ah well.

>> No.7211856

Lots of glitches in this game that could freeze the game, especially in Ebon Keep Castle, where you could enter the Rat boss room from the wrong direction, only to see the Boy getting stuck in the barrels.

>> No.7211861
File: 126 KB, 256x224, Ivor_Tower_Alley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the left in pic related, there was a guy I said something like "come back later and we will put on that beard on you". What was that about? Some kind of supersecret? Because you can't go back to Ivor Tower Alley again after the Pig race

>> No.7212638


>> No.7212798

exactly. the damage, or in this instance the GIFT is done by dropping the full game at announcement. i dont the technicals completely but if by then you would receive a C&D you can play dumb not knowing the law in the first place. the resident evil 1.5 restoration project seemed to have caught on and went silent. hopefully that guy doing the symphony of the night one will too.

>> No.7212858


whats with the bone instead of a sword? is that the first weapon in the game?

>> No.7213148
File: 25 KB, 256x224, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of which i remember the creator mentioning unseen and unfinished easter eggs in the game like 10 years ago. went by "itsbillsfault" or something.
he said if you pick on the chickens to much during the game a giant chicken on rollerskates would run over you during the final boss battle dealing a lot of damage. he said they never finished it but the sprites were in the rom which was never found. also there is supposed to be some sorta shop or hidden man behind the wall directly left of this picture. its yet to be found but i did use walk through walls to get over there and there is a strange black sheet that obscures the player in that specific spot that is no where else on that screen. weird

>> No.7213204

>whats with the bone instead of a sword? is that the first weapon in the game?

The first area is a prehistoric land, and your first weapon is a bone (AKA: blunt object).

>> No.7213212

Why is Liam Niesen a dog?

>> No.7214310
File: 551 KB, 1000x600, 1375125710387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heavily western entertainment themed game doesn't get a release in a xenophobic country

>> No.7214317

Can you blame them? Americans destroy every culture they touch.

>> No.7214335

He's the bone of his sword.

>> No.7214552


I don't think pretending you don't know the law is a good defense against accusations that you have broken the law, generally. But more importantly, if you release your thing sneakily and only once when it's finished, like a sensible person, then you don't have to maintain any continuing public presence that might let any authorities know you were actually the one who created it or who you even are to begin with. Like, just throw it on a file-sharing site, post about it anonymously in some shady places like this one, encourage people to start sharing it via torrents or whatever other underground-ish channels they may have access to, and fade into the darkness. It seems obvious enough...

>> No.7214590

Ever had real Chinese food? It's gross. Why would you even eat the peasant food that is Italian pizza? Or spaghetti without meatballs? America perfects more cultures.

>> No.7214757
File: 3 KB, 256x224, star2-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is this an Evermore thread, or a thread for console games from companies that were never released in their country of origin?
'Cause Nintendo has a few in their library.

And have any of these games ever gotten fan-translated by japanese fans so they could be played in their native language? That's be interesting to see.

>> No.7214951

Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge is another US-only game, despite the prequel Battle Clash being released in Japan.

>> No.7215802

Coz It was a mediocre secret of mana fan game made by americans

>> No.7216223

if you love the game youll get a kick out of this. 10 minutes of e3 95 footage of a prototype. some places are actually more detailed than the final game. im guessing because they didnt have the final zone in the game yet and had to cut stuff down to fit it. at one point he brings up the debug menu ring and the boy with bug npc turns into gizmo from gremlins!

>> No.7216515


This game is easily as good as Secret of Mana.
(Whether Secret of Mana is good to begin with is a separate question.)