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7200248 No.7200248 [Reply] [Original]

Wait, do people unironically like Duke?

>> No.7200252

Wait, did a good thread unironically die for this?

>> No.7200282
File: 73 KB, 288x499, fDJnM2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of the most groundbreaking and innovative games of all time no longer gets proper credit because trannies kept spamming the "muh strippers" meme

>> No.7200568

He's based and in my opinion Duke 3D is the best FPS of the 2.5D era, it has the best level design and the most enjoyable challenge. inb4 Blood, if I wanted to be pissed off while running out of ammo all the time I'd play Resident Evil 0

>> No.7200571

Blood is godawful but I enjoyed Shadow Warrior

>> No.7200642

Still better than the gay raider girl

>> No.7200668

>Wait, does this thing people actually do actually do?

Are you retarded or just a faggot cunt?

>> No.7200682

>reeeee why does a game that was popular have a fanbase, reeeeeee

>> No.7200687

What do you mean? The Character? Because if so, yes. He's a cliche gruff action hero who's charisma consists of being a dude-bro and killing aliens. The game? Of course, it's a fucking classic. No idea what the point of your post was.

>> No.7200697

blood is great its just hard as fuck

>> No.7200786

Based Based'em 3D is my favorite game.

>> No.7200789

Is everyone just shit at vidya on this board? Blood is not any more harder than Duke is.

>> No.7200818

Oh you've never played it. Great to know
Every enemy in blood is a hitscan chaingunner with twice dps

>> No.7200841

I beat the game on extra crispy you shitter. Play on lightly broiled instead of whining the game's hard when playing on hard difficulty you absolute retard.

>> No.7200847

>it's no harder than duke nukem
>it's no harder than duke nukem
>it's no harder than duke nukem
>it's no harder than duke nukem
>it's no harder than duke nukem
You haven't

>> No.7200850

>this assblasted after being calked out as the shitter he is

>> No.7201017

you need to be 18 to post here

>> No.7201049

Babes and shooting pig aliens. Koolaid.

>> No.7201050

>any more harder

>> No.7201057

Haven't played it. Shadow Warrior was hard for me other than episode 1. The expansion missions kills you in seconds unless you know exactly what to do and memorise where all the enemies are.

>> No.7201083

Fuck yeah I do. Doom 2, Duke, and Quake are my holy trinity of 90's FPSes.

>> No.7201106

Its a bit derivative of Doom in its aresenal (until you get your hands on the wackier weapons) but its still a super fun and innovative game, and one of the only old school shooters i can think of that gets considerably better after the shareware episode. I wouldnt place it above Blood but I would absolutely say its better than Shadow Warrior.

>> No.7201190

Imagine being bad at video games but still wanting to play them or discuss them with other people. Why would you want to do this instead of just finding another hobby you might actually be good at?

>> No.7201202

honestly i like his character infinitely than i like his games.

>> No.7201207

Yes, Randy, people actually like Duke Nukem.

>> No.7201357


>> No.7202180
File: 51 KB, 428x716, 49983A1C-395F-4A93-B00F-6F98FC4B8E6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duke and Shadow Warrior make trannies seethe

>> No.7202302

I mean, objectively you're wrong. It is more difficult than Duke Nukem since there are more hitscanning enemies and they do more damage as well.

>> No.7202428

Duke on the highest difficulty feels like Blood's second lowest difficulty.
Also Duke isn't a faggy retard game that demands you know 100% of all its secrets so you won't run out of ammo, because it knows running and gunning is more fun than running out of ammo every two seconds and using a gay pitchfork.

>> No.7202646

the only logical conclusion anyone can make from this (without just assuming that you're lying, which you are) is that somehow you're good at blood and really, really, REALLY bad at duke 3d.

>> No.7202667
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>> No.7202672
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>running out of ammo every two seconds and using a gay pitchfork.
This is the first time I've ever heard this complaint. Are you perhaps more used to console FPS and not accustomed to doing the aiming yourself or something?

>> No.7202692

Duke > Powerslave (Console) > Shadow Warrior > Blood > the rest

>> No.7202818

The ammo feels about right to me. I only beat the first episode though, but I think you are a bit worried about running out of ammo then the ammo supply is in a good spot.

>> No.7202857

Just played the world tour rerelease this summer and it made quarantine a hell of a lot more fun

>> No.7202885

It gets exactly what it deserves. The most popular retro PC gaming youtuber uses it as a test case for everything. What more do you want?

>> No.7202890

WTFrick is a power slave? Is it like a power bottom?

>> No.7202898

I can’t the 20th anniversary. The mouse acceleration ruins it for me.

>> No.7202932

hail to the king baby

>> No.7202934

It was genius

>> No.7202971

Unironically patrician way to play Duke incoming.
Pistolstart, Come Get Some.

0) Tiberius Station e2l6

1) Red Light District e1l2 [beta, from the garage that was subsequently cut down in the release version, maps from the beta are compatible at least with current eduke32] -> Launch Facility e1l6 [both beta and released, they are fairly different] -> Freeway e3l11 -> Going Postal e4l6

2) Toxic Dump e1l4 [beta, procure the shotgun immediately from the pigcop above, then drop down to ammo supplies] -> Fusion Station e2l4 -> Lunar Reactor e2l7 -> Spaceport e2l1 -> Derelict e4l9

3) Plug'n'Pray on pistolstart CGS consecutively, Alien Rendezvous included.

>> No.7203162

t. Allen Blum

>> No.7203167

why stop playing games instead of playing them further to improve your skills at them

>> No.7203180

Imagine being so dumb you don't realize why games have easy difficulty settings and cheat codes

>> No.7203198

Well, yeah? They're fantastic FPS games with amazing realism circa 1996.

>> No.7203270

I've said this before but I'm convinced that anyone who says that blood is too hard is 8 years old or just haven't played past the first two levels. It gets significantly easier after you start to get ammo for everything.

>> No.7203286

>he doesn't pitchfork start every map

you probably save during levels as well, not wonder you think it's easy

>> No.7203312

Also, WGCity, eduke32 only, the level gets simplified as you progress, by explosions, try to play interestingly.

As for beta, there was a leak, it can be found over the Internet quite easily, maps are somewhat different, first episode only.

>> No.7203314


>> No.7203319

I have never been able to do even the first mission without running out of flare gun, that is without using alt fire or missing.
also it's a fucking BILD game it autoaims anyways.

>> No.7203325

Refreshing to see someone who isn't blindly parroting the stock opinion that the shareware episode is the best.

>> No.7203337

I believe if you turn off vsync it's problem solved.

>> No.7203352
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>> No.7203493

i mean, the first mission is the first mission. of course you don't have shit. you're supposed to be using the pitchfork to kill the axe guys. i've never had a problem with ammo after the first mission, maybe the second.

>> No.7203520


>> No.7203543

I've seen it on here a few times, but it read almost exactly like that post even with the "Need to know 100% of the secrets" shit. So my best guess is it's a meme some dude who didn't play past the first level is trying to force. No point trying to talk sense into him.

>> No.7203780

i think as someone who has played blood for like 300 hours and duke for like 20
i can see where he's coming from
once you know blood you can master it inside and out easy like you're playing hotline miami
most enemies die fast as shit with two shotgun blasts
duke is definitely easier but if you aren't as familiar with it i can see why you might find it hard at times
it has a lot of hitscan enemies too (enforcers in particular are fucking annoying)

>> No.7203867

Duke was my role model at age 14

>> No.7205063

you have to go through a bit of hoops but you can get the world tour edition working on eduke barring new enemies and weapons

>> No.7205121

all you need is
>world tour

and it's been updated with new enemies and weapons and everything working

>> No.7205130

Of course we do anon. If you stopped your hrt for a few weeks you would too.

>> No.7205169

You just don't understand survival horror. Maybe Resident Evil 4 is more your spend, heh.

>> No.7205203

I used to pretend all the Babes you rescue in Zero Hour were girls from my school and would fantasize about them having sex with me as a reward for saving them. I would roll dice to determine which girl it was and which hole/handjob/titfuck I was fucking.

>> No.7205458

Duke is almost the only thing I like about the games. Duke is based.

>> No.7205590

multiplayer is great and i had a lot of fun growing up with it, roleplaying on dukeburger or just running around with my friends in coop playing random levels like that pirate themed one in episode 4. that said i quite dislike episode 2, and dont think ive ever consecutively beaten the game because this episode filters me so hard. i tried lifes a beach recently and its genuinely fun, fuck i should really try to beat that