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7199883 No.7199883 [Reply] [Original]

What video game crash?

>> No.7200265

In 1983 shitty game makers who saturated the market died out, th is gaming got better. The crash didn’t happen in bongistan so the shitty games stayed in their market

>> No.7200502

I legit want a Speccy. It look so bad.

>> No.7200505

Can't crash if it always sucked.

>> No.7200512

Imagine being so incompetent you have to get your vidya industry saved by some slant-eyed yellow island monkeys.

Let's take a moment to laugh at the yanks.

>> No.7200532

depends on the cover tape

>> No.7200585

nobody outside of Bongistan gave a single fuck about this hideous abomination or its shitty games.

>> No.7200617

We cared about the Speccy here in Stralia, ya poofter.

>> No.7200645

Eurofag here (meaning I'm not an UKbong). Australian market was very heterogeneus, wasn't it? Weren't Microbee computers more sold than Spectrums there?

>> No.7200669

>In 1983 shitty game makers who saturated the market died out
No mention of the million almost completely forgotten computers that also saturated the market? Hm. Oh, and nice bit of revisionist history and COPE.
>th is gaming got better
Nice bit of spastic "English", and gaming didn't get better; the Nips saved you. Double COPE.
>The crash didn’t happen in bongistan so the shitty games stayed in their market
More barely comprehensible English from the "gringo". Why can't you just concede that our games were better during that time? Is it really that hard to admit that you were completely incompetent, and your acceptance of shovelware (because you're spastics) was the reason why your industry almost went into complete meltdown? It was merely a matter of taste. Us having it, and you lacking it. Triple COPE.

>> No.7200683

>Like, oh my GOD! Why did you buy that jacket, hon? It is so last YEAR!
>Like, oh my GOD! Why did you buy that computer, hon? It is so last YEAR!
Found the valley girl faggot. So, valley girl faggot, what's it like being a valley girl faggot?

>> No.7201129
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>In 1983 shitty game makers who saturated the market died out, th is gaming got better. The crash didn’t happen in bongistan so the shitty games stayed in their market
exactly right
nobody gives a single fucking shit about the spectrum, jimmy savile.

>> No.7201181

What in the literal fuck are you going on about?

>> No.7203016

If you don't know, then you're part of the problem, vacuous mallrat valley girl.

>> No.7203020

>jimmy savile
>because the U.S. doesn't have paedophiles. Oh wait - it DOES. It just does a better job of hiding them. Usually...

>> No.7203852

>somehow some ancient british computer is related to some outdated southern california stereotype
Just stop.

>> No.7204113

>she can't see, or is more likely just ignoring the correlation - because it's an uncomfortable truth
No, I think I'll just keep on going, valley girl console wars faggot bitch.

>> No.7204130

No one is console warring, and your obsession with "valley girls" is completely unrelated and weird. Does the mere sight of a Bongland computer do this to you?

>> No.7204136


>> No.7204138

Wonder why nobody has put some compact modern parts into one of those. It's awfully neat looking but it can barely do shit.

>> No.7204271

Japs are more highly evolved than Angl*ids

>> No.7204276

>your acceptance of shovelware

That was everything on the Shitrum

>> No.7204381

What a gay looking computer.

>> No.7204393

dizzy fucking sucked and the whatstheirfuck bros made shit games
suck it ya limey cunts

>> No.7204409
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this slant-eyed cunt walks into the pub and grabs your ZXs arse
wat do?

>> No.7204587 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 219x230, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It must be tough being a bong and having grown up with only the shittiest of shit games, resenting anyone who grew up with actual good games in other countries.

>> No.7204747
File: 3.84 MB, 350x236, disgust.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Double COPE
>Triple COPE

>> No.7204751

lmao holy fuck thats a good pic

>> No.7204786

Delusional yank cope tastes so sweet.

>> No.7204793 [DELETED] 

>nobody mentioned nintendo
>he still talks about nintendo
Obsessions aren't good, anon. You still had a shit bong childhood. Yanks also suck btw, fuck angloscucks.

>> No.7204837

Non-mutted yanks are generally Germanic and Irish descendants, not Anglo, though.
Brush up on your US history.

>> No.7204846 [DELETED] 

>nooo nintendo bad!
I love this speccer cope, the pulseline thread obliterated your psyche forever.

>> No.7204859

Oh look, another Ninty fanboy trying to spread propaganda for his overrated jap corp. Your childhood will always be weebcucked.

>> No.7204863

For me it's the Atari 800

>> No.7204869 [DELETED] 

Yeah yeah whatever, I prefer to be "weebcucked" rather than bongcucked with awful unplayable garbage on the speccer.
Also I'm more of a Sega fan, I just enjoy seeing you getting forever psychologically mobbed by the pulseline thread.

>> No.7204927

they had a time
i agree it was overblown in the burger market, but what can you expect? literally everything was a "nintendo" back then. didnt matter if it was a master system, a genesis, tgfx-16, whatever. they were also incredibly aggressive about marketing to children. fucking mario was in half of the US childrens populations underwear drawer in the late 80s. they merchandised the hell out of all their IPs. plus there was nintendos monopolistic tendencies of not allowing 3rd parties to dev for competing platforms which absolutely strangled any competition until the genesis came on the scene. and the only reason THAT worked as well as it did was because of the familiar arcade ports on release, and SoAs own hyper-aggressive marketing campaign.
burgers respond well to having adverts shoved down their throats 24/7
smol heda
cultur of consoom

but both NES and SNES had a solid library. and ime, at least in the 8bit era, the nips absolutely walked all over any yuro or burger devs of the time
after that they can fuck off imo. n64 games were novel at the time i guess, and gamecube had some good exclusives.
the corporation itself can suck my cock

>I'm more of a Sega fan
same desu
no denying how good some of those old NES games were tho
shame they havent bothered to try to make a challenging game in like 30 years

>> No.7204948

There are fates worse than death, anon.

>> No.7204978

Why did Euros give these up for Sega and Sony consoles. They had the future in the palm of there hands and threw it away

>> No.7205016 [DELETED] 


>> No.7205035

theres no way the UK micro scene could last in serious competition with the nips of the time
you gotta remember nips in the 80s were chinks now
took r jerbs and all
the yen was worth piss all compared to other stronger currencies, and their economy was as strong as it had ever been
they were able to produce shit for very cheap and undercut everyone.

in the 80s, they were focused on the burger market because the dollar was strong. sega got cucked out of burger market, so they set their sights on yurop/bongistan. and once nintendo saw all the shekels they were missing out on, they decided to try to swoop in
once that happened the writing was on the wall

>> No.7205040

It’s not just the computers but even the euro style was seen as outdated and out of touch even by euros themselves

>> No.7205041 [DELETED] 

>he actually thinks bong games could compete with japanese games at all

>> No.7205045
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>> No.7206578

There's nothing better than a good Speccy thread full of seething yank nonces.

As you were.

>> No.7206619

>yanks are generally Germanic and Irish descendants, not Anglo

you're a special kind of moron aren't you, Anglo ARE germanic

>> No.7206752

Hard to have a video game crash if you don't have any video games

>> No.7206870 [DELETED] 

>As you were
lol As you were

>> No.7207095
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>Anglo ARE germanic

>> No.7207137
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>There's nothing better than a good Speccy thread full of seething yank nonces.

>As you were.

>> No.7207187

yall realize we had commodores, right?

>> No.7207242 [DELETED] 

>muh commie
Damn sharts!

>> No.7207361

prove me wrong you wont

England was united by a germanic
Genes are overwhelmingly germanic
language is germanic
Danelaw was germanic
Right down to our political By-Elections By = old norse for village i.e GrimsBY
Everyplace ending in Thorpe 210 -by places and 155 -thorpes in Yorkshire alone
And thats not even getting into Amglo Saxon places nd surnames

I could go on and on bytfo

>> No.7207371 [DELETED] 

Imagine crying for germanic genes because you hate your bong origins.

>> No.7207386
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t:swamp kraut

>> No.7207390

>your bong origins
Yeah lets all go larping as ancient britons of which practically no traces remain, neither in customs, genes, language, or law unlike the germanic Anglo-Saxxon and Norse infuences that still remain lmao

>> No.7207391

Ik ook.

>> No.7207392 [DELETED] 

so you DO

>> No.7207394

do what?

>> No.7207737

ive been larping on official documents that im like 1/8th injun to try and get free school and shit

>> No.7207880

You got mutted by mixing with celts on your island.
You will never be a full-blooded, true German.

>> No.7207926

Just like, use your eyes?

>> No.7209162

>No one is console warring
Why, what's this?: >>7201129
>your obsession with "valley girls" is completely unrelated and weird
...said the valley girl console wars faggot. Keep acting like what other people like is relevant. That's what vacuous airhead teenage girls do, valley girl. Or are you a homosexual? Yup. Fags act like that, too. Every burger that invades a bong thread is obviously a huge flaming faggot. I mean, if it walks like a duck...

>> No.7209171 [DELETED] 

The only valley girls I know are the girls i fuck, fucker. Because I own cool computers like the ChadPC, specucks!

>> No.7209236
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, x68k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you aint even seen pussy till youve owned a sharp X68000

>> No.7209332

Going after spelling errors? So you admit you have no actual argument against me?

>> No.7209338

nice mental gymnastics you fucking race-tranny
imagine wanting to be a fucking kraut

>> No.7209368

i don't get why the speccy causes so much white-hot flaming nerd rage here, almost always from americans, is it from missing out or something? being told that something exists outside of america does tend to piss them off for some reason, unless its japanese, then it's the best thing ever until it gets translated and they realize it's painfully mediocre

>> No.7209515

>Danelaw was germanic
>Right down to our political By-Elections By = old norse for village i.e GrimsBY

You got cucked by Norman chads. Deal with it.

>> No.7209558

It’s because one or two anons keep spamming spectrum, like australiakun.Speccy is not a bad machine, especially for when it came out

>> No.7209615
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it's like 2 people, i love coming into these threads just to experience the pure seething. look they are even talking about Germanic and Anglo ancestry for some fucking reason.

>> No.7210585

>i don't get why the speccy causes so much white-hot flaming nerd rage here, almost always from americans
i kinda just figured we were all just funposting desu
i can certainly imagine that theres some autists that would get unironically angry about an 8-bit computer, but figured theyd be the minority

>> No.7210595 [DELETED] 

>is it from missing out or something?
yes anon, I suffer a lot for having missed out on speccy, ha ha ha ha

>> No.7210713

if i ever get filthy rich tho, i unironically want an MSX2 and/or a sharpX68k
always thought it was so cool how you could combine different MSX games to play alternative versions of your games
and the sharpX68k has a ton of incredible arcade ports as thats what a lot of devs were using to make them at the time. nevermind all the cool exclusives that were unfortunate enough to never make it off such an obscure system.
and thats not even talking about all the cool external MIDI peripherals it had

>> No.7211538
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