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7195426 No.7195426 [Reply] [Original]

Ecco the Dolphin.What do you think about this game?

>> No.7195435

i'm kind of haunted by it. the music and dolphins bug me out. it feels sad

>> No.7195456

Does it count as a scotformer or is it something else?

>> No.7195465

quintessential post-socialist era depression with dolphins

>> No.7195482

Scared the shit out of me as a kid.

>> No.7195489

The quintessential scot-adjacent fishforming porpoisescroller echolocatemup.

>> No.7195504

I played the shit out of this as a kid, but nothing makes me feel older than trying to play this game as an adult for some reason. I feel too feeble and blind to control it even though my hands and eyesight are still fine.

>> No.7195527

Ecco 1 is much harder than it looks. I think it's an OK game, but it's definitely an unusual game with an unusual/non-existent intended audience. I feel like most people who got this game were children whose parents bought into the sea animal craze back then, despite the fact that the game was not intended for dumb kids (for the most part).

Even as an adult, I rarely get far in Ecco 1 without some assistance, and that's at least somewhat unusual among these sorts of games.

>> No.7195925
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More like post-socialist optimism era ludo 2bh. I mean seriously - overwhelming feel of freedom, low key sexually animalistic, newagey af.

>> No.7195927

Yeah I can imagine giving this game to a kid they would find it obtuse and unplayable. Outside of a couple small sections it's really not hard at all, it just requires a different kind of play from most games. Even though you're always running out of air, trying to rush will usually get you killed. It's why octopus friend is right at the beginning of the game to teach you to be cool and slow under the pressure.

Easily one of my favorite 16 bit games ever made.

>> No.7196114

meh and a half

>> No.7196127

Up until Sep 30, 2020, I didn't have an opinion of it. But you wanna know what I think about it after that? I think it's a rancid load of dolphin diarrhea oozing out of Ecco's asshole! FUCK THIS FUCKLOAD OF SHIT! IT'S AAAAASSSSSS

>> No.7196131

Globalist propaganda and proof that gommunisms doesn't work.

>> No.7196135

As a game it is honestly fucking awful but it looks and sounds incredible and has a genuinely terrifying atmosphere.

>> No.7196136

many keks

>> No.7196146

Bad gameplay but it has a cool atmosphere

>> No.7196183

James, how does it feel to be this irrelevant?

>> No.7196254

I like my games to be games and not arthouse fever dreams.

>> No.7196475

>arthouse fever dreams.
For me it's Pathologic

>> No.7196482

What an unusual game. I am glad its out there.

>> No.7196490

The first Ecco is alright, I only beat it twice, have no desire to ever play it again.
Tides of Time is really good though, although the Tubes of Medusa can be pretty frustrating.

>> No.7196531
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I love Ecco. The Dreamcast/PS2 game is criminally underrated

>> No.7196617
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>it's a out-of-water flop uncontrollably on the ground level

>> No.7196781

Ecco the Dolphin VR

>> No.7196950

I played it as a teenager and almost got to the end but then we had to give the Sega CD back or something I think. I liked it well enough.

Then I played it on an emulator as an adult and liked it a lot. And also I finished it. It's fun.

>> No.7196961

I can easily see the appeal of the novelty back then. Personally played the Game Gear games.

>> No.7197135

Do the Vortex represent the Japanese whaling industry?

>> No.7197227


>> No.7197246


really unique game with decent gameplay and completely haunting atmosphere. dunno how they managed to make a game about a time travelling dolphin a traumatic experience but they did

>> No.7197271

It was a big deal at the time. Got to play it at a K-Mart kiosk and I remember being very impressed by the intro sequence. I felt very proud of myself for making it past the first crystal blockade before my mom came back to pick us up. Later that year I played the segaCD version and got stuck on that damn wall breaking puzzle and never tried it again. That version has a god tier soundtrack I fall asleep to from time to time.

>> No.7197280

I was too retarded to understand what I was supposed to do in the game back in the 90s when I played. Probably I'm still too retarded to play it today.

>> No.7197281
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>> No.7197509

I'm playing the sequel and I'm too retarded to understand what it wants me to do most of the time. Do not like it.

>> No.7197554

It's one of those games you rented on the weekend and thought
>what the fuck did i just play?
Looking back now i think sega was trying to ride the Lisa Frank and Flipper wave mixed with some who knows fuck.

>> No.7197774

The Vortex canonically are the progenitors of crabs.

>> No.7197820

Ecco had one of the most seamless transformations from 2d to 3d gameplay ever.

>> No.7198219

It would be pretty damn impressive if they didn't keep all the issues.

>> No.7198242

I never played it until adulthood, despite being a Genesis kid.