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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7195354 No.7195354 [Reply] [Original]

one of the best games ever made. definitely top 3 rpg games of all time. it happens to have strategy battles. but the story is as deep as the best final fantasy game

>> No.7195583

It's fantastic. I think the story is much better in SF1 though, or maybe it's the more dark tone of the music and visuals that give it a better appeal.

>> No.7195815

>but the story is as deep as the best final fantasy game
is that supposed to be a good thing?

>> No.7195816

>is that supposed to be a good thing?
that's what your mother said to the doctor when you were born

>> No.7195975

Got this game at random from Sega classic collection or whatever it's called on steam a few years ago and was completely engrossed. Never played it. It's awesome

>> No.7195984

i played a bit of the first one but got kind of bored

>> No.7196224
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I want to fuck this horse

>> No.7196332
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>rpgclassics called this guy worthless

>> No.7196349

>but the story is as deep as the best final fantasy game
Nigga what. I get FF's storylines are pretty on the 2d4u side but Shining is as simple as it gets.

>> No.7196363

I agree with you on that, SF1's got a much more serious war tone, where as SF2 is much more light-hearted. I like SF2 a lot, but SF1 really hits the spot for me.

>> No.7196660

You are my nakama.

>> No.7198697

No, it's only a rather good game of some of the time.

>> No.7198787

I will say that SF2 is a better game. SF1 has really bad character balance so each time I've played it I basically had the same end game team. The only real choice I felt I had was to grind Bleu or nor. In SF2 any team seems to work, but in SF1 a well leveled Bleu can solo the whole game but half the cast will die to a few end game mobs despite grinding.

>> No.7198871

I wish the stat gains in these games was truly random. I enjoy how off-the-wall some of the level ups in Shining Force 1 can be - Ken suddenly gains 9 HP or something - but they're all according to some level chart; characters will always have around the same stats at the max levels. I want to play a Shining Force game that surprises me with its character growths, and allows me to replay not knowing what I'll get into.

>> No.7198887

There where like 2 moments that pissed me off in this game due to not knowing what the hell I was suppose to do.

One of them being pulling the sword of the stone by FIRST observing it.

>> No.7198931

>Wile e coyote
>Sleeping beauty

>> No.7199520
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Do you need to play though Shining Force 1 and 2 to be able to fully appreciate Shining Force 3? I have been planning on playing SF3, but I haven't played any other games in the series.

>> No.7199532

what about SF cd? Any good?
I have just played through SF1 recently and plan to do 2 next yeat then SFcd at some point.

>> No.7201481
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Let's go defeat Zeon I... I am in your final party right Anon?

>> No.7201545
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Damn, Karna, you really let yourself go. You still remember Boost and Aura, though, right?

>> No.7201705

Can't believe I never played this as a child, the only rpg I ever played back then was normie fantasy 1 but I didnt get super into it.

>> No.7201996

Answer my question god damn it

>> No.7202014 [DELETED] 

No, but it'll make you dislike and/or enjoy less SF1 and SF2

>> No.7202531
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Loved the 1st one as a kid and was stoked to see it was getting a sequal in some magazine. Remember it costing like $80 when it came out but as a kid who rode the genesis all the way till like 1998 it was worth it.

>> No.7202534


It pleases me to see the likes of you in every Shining Force thread. We must keep this dream alive, anon

>> No.7202550
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No but why wouldn't you

SF games are loaded with waifus

>> No.7202831

I dropped it after I got stuck not knowing what to do on one of the maps.
This was a long ass time ago so I doubt I can recall the map. But I could go to the overworld and there was a temple or something in the bottom left.
Just like how I dropped Chrono Trigger after not being able to find the cave to go into with Frog with the Masamune. Later I would at least beat that one several times.

>> No.7202854

It however does not have this song.

>> No.7203208

that's my /vr/

>> No.7204782

outclassed by every other healer in the game.

>> No.7206001

Ah. the Circus Battle theme. It will always have a place in my heart.

Shining Force 3 is in effect, its own thing since plot stuff happens that effectively mean no one remembers what happened in 1 and 2.

Those are still great games though, and you should play them at least once. Neither is very long.

>> No.7206084

Yes its good, basically the game gear games with better graphics and music

>> No.7206197
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>> No.7207619

>Sarah in D tier when she's best girl AND can become a Monk
>Karna not in S+ tier
Your taste and opinion are S H I T.

>> No.7208259

sarah is objectively outclassed by the other 3 healers. she isnt good looking, her character is stupid and annoying as shit, her spells are trash, and she takes too much catering to keep up in levels.

im willing to concede karna to s+, and the only real choice at creed's is between her and tyrin. i usually just go tyrin to balance the team out, and just pick up frayja and sheela later. but you're right, theres nothing wrong with going karna instead, and just forsaking frayja.

>> No.7208328

>imagine not jumping out the window to be with your waifu

>> No.7208331

Sarah literally has the best spell you retard

>> No.7209815
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cope harder with your mediocrity

>> No.7210157

>doesnt have aura
>doesnt have boost
>doesnt have atlas
>doesnt have freeze
imagine thinking you had something worth saying.

>> No.7211367

which is more hype/memorable? the circus battle or the chess battle?

>> No.7211434

>any healers in any Shining Force
>taking too much catering to keep up in levels
Are you actually this retarded? You might as well take them to 40/40 in SF2
But then again, looking at your tierlist, I'm not surprised that you don't really know how the game works.

>> No.7211437

Post the team.
Arthur and all three archers are on it, right?

>> No.7212896

Gyan in C?
makes sense desu, I use him a lot but it's mainly becuase there's only 4 Gladiators/Barons.
(and Lemon's late and I've never picked randolf).

>> No.7213919

Not him, but pre-promoted characters other than healers and maybe mages aren't worth being used over any other characters.

>> No.7214514


The game is so easy that any character you like is worth using because you like it.

>> No.7214537

Can't argue here, but it was a reply to a post that was talking about a character placement in a usefulness (anti-Sarah bias aside) chart.

>> No.7214608
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Yes but only because I prefer Tyrin

>> No.7214625

>he doesn't return in Creed's Mansion to pick up characters that weren't initially chosen
But why?
Tyrin and Karna are the fastest to catch up among them too.

>> No.7214643
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You have to wait until you open the gate to Moun and after 100+ playthroughs I don't care enough to grind =)

>> No.7214660

Spells don't scale with a character level and any MP left at the end of the battle are wasted MP.

>> No.7214685
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come on man, it's christmas why are you being intentionally obtuse
if you go pick up characters that are ~10-15 levels behind your main force, they don't just catch up organically. you have feed them kills if you want them to reach level parity with your team. it's easier with healers of course but even so i just like to play through the game and finish it without kill-feeding and egress-grinding.

>> No.7214739

That's the point, they are useful at levels they are joining at AND get more XP then the others just by doing their job. Especially against tougher enemies.
But you do you, of course.

>> No.7215957

Randolf is the only one who can't contribute at all if he joins after Moun. Eric and Tryin have no problem doing relevant damage from a distance and Karna's just a boost bot anyway.

>> No.7216871

ngl I would do

>> No.7216892
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Man I miss the 90's.

>> No.7216979

Always, Sarah
Btw, Bowie should have ended with her. That princess is useless

>> No.7217394

How? Dude is in the second most brocken class and is the best healer of the game.
He's better than Sarah unless she delays promotion for stats and always better than Sheela.
Karna is just brocken and using her as a bar means everybody else is shit.

>> No.7217570

What is the first most broken class in your opinion?

>> No.7218254

>unless she delays promotion for stats
There are zero reasons not to wait until at least level 30.
Promotion at the earliest level is dumb and gimps your party right around the chess battle.

>> No.7219110
File: 17 KB, 460x288, questiontime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking to get into the SRPG genre and have been looking for a good beginner game. I've whittled the list down to Shining Force and Fire Emblem for the GBA. I've read that the director of Shining Force wanted to make it a game for people who weren't into super deep hardcore tactical sim games and thus a good entry point into the genre. Fire Emblem GBA was built to be the game to introduce the west to the series so they gave it a really great tutorial and the game isn't very difficult. For those of you who have played both which one would be better for a beginner? This isn't a question of which game is better but which would be more suited for someone who's never played this genre before, thanks.

>> No.7219126

Shining Force. It's almost too simple.

>> No.7219131

She has a spell literally equivalent to boost that can debuff any enemy including the last boss

>> No.7220609

Monk, makes vicars even more retarded.

Shining Force is super easy mechanicaly, you have five stats, movement and sometimes terrain gives a small bonus. Fire Emblem has a lot of extra shit in comparison, starting with weapons breaking and not having a single clue where you are in your first blind game.
Shining Force is designed around you almost never being unable to advance. If it's to hard you retreat and try again, if they kill you, you lose half your money and try again. The only possible way to get stuck in Shining Force games is by being unable to hit the very first enemy in the board without getting any xp with your hero.
Give it a try they're fun.

Slow can not work, boost is better.

>> No.7221291

>finally promote everyone
>onlline guide says i have to find secret items behind the scenes
>lose a battle once, lose money, can't buy anything

I guess i'll restart the game

>> No.7221292

Which game?

>> No.7221452

i just replayed ff6 and this is absolutely equal to that. shining force 2 has the epic story, great characters, beautiful and bright music. never gets old. i've played shining force a lot but the sequel is more fun and has a better story overall. it ranks in the best of the genre

>> No.7221580

>finally promote everyone
Damn, you must've been around the Grans already.

>> No.7221627

It's a weird thought that RoDD discussion belongs on /vr/ too now.

>> No.7221630

Have you tried Phantasy Star IV though?

>> No.7221662

yes! good of you to bring that up. same sensation as with the others. that feeling of the perfect rpg. perfect in every sense. phantasy star 4 has that, too

>> No.7223013

And here people been saying that Mega Drive wasn't good for RPGs.

>> No.7223748
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>> No.7223837

It was only lacking in quantity not quality. Phantasy Star IV and Lunar 2 are some of the best 16 bit JRPGs ever made, only rivaled by the SNES absolute best like Chrono Trigger and FFVI. Shining Force and Langrisser are some of the best 16 bit SRPGs again only rivaled by the SNES absolute best like Fire Emblem and Tactics Ogre. Also it had a ton of excellent top down action RPGs like Beyond Oasis, Crusader of Centy, Landstalker and Light Crusader, on the SNES really only Terranigma and Seiken Densetsu 3 can compare.

>> No.7224446

What do you think about western ones, like Buck Rodgers, Warriors of Eternal Sun and Rings of Power?

>> No.7226330

This was before all platforms were considered when making a game, so they were built around the use of a mouse and keyboard first thus making the transition to console a little awkward but they are good for what they are.

>> No.7226331

I preferred the first one. Second game had more of the awful overworld adventuring and exploration that just doesn't work with the UI and controls, the first game being almost nothing but battles and occasionally talking in a town was much more palatable to me.

>> No.7226362

>so they were built around the use of a mouse and keyboard first thus making the transition to console
Two of those are literally exclusive for Mega Drive and never were on any PCs and third one didn't really use mouse.

>> No.7226758

Since it's now retro, I highly suggest Disgaea for any SF fans.

>> No.7227237
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