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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 25 KB, 265x375, Ashittonofbullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7195218 No.7195218 [Reply] [Original]

This doesn't play like a real Resident Evil game. Maybe that's why they called it Aresident evil.

>> No.7195245

it's a devil may cry game

>> No.7195247

It says 4resident evil, genius.

>> No.7195325

Makes perfect sense.

ThAt's whAt I thought At first, but it's clearly An A, not a 4.

>> No.7195327

devil may cry came from the first attempt at re4. the castles and some of the music are the same

>> No.7195352

>This doesn't play like a real Resident Evil game
you're absolutely right
it plays like a better game

>> No.7195371

That would make a lot of sense, since it doesn't look like it takes place in modern times.

*it plays like a shitty game

Fixed it for ya.

>> No.7195384


>> No.7195463

got me into the series (i only like and replay 4 though)

>> No.7195501
File: 73 KB, 810x400, re4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Game is objectively better than the previous games in the series by a country mile
>also manages to become one of the best paced action games ever made with an extremely memorable story filled with funny moments and interesting characters
>You still see people bitching about it to this day not realizing that they wouldn't have kept shitty tank controls in Resident Evil forever and they would've made it an action game eventually or just killed the franchise off because that's the direction games were going in. (See MGS4)
The fact that people still complain about this game is mindboggling to me since the alternative would either have been the franchise being killed off or a shittier sequel being released instead that was a generic action game (like RE5) made years later.

>> No.7195517

You can just say it's not a horror game and you don't like the direction it took, you don't have to go full bad-starwars-fanboy with the way you talk about it.

>> No.7195632

Fuck you cunt. Some fat ass loser jannie gave me a warning "troll post" for posting a RE4 thread a few days ago and yet they dont delete your shit.

>> No.7195634

Whose "they"?

>> No.7195667

How is it "objectively" better? Action games are (and were) a dime a dozen, to be it was a boring cow-tow to the action crowd when I wanted suspense, light puzzle-solving and general resident evil-ness.

>> No.7195825

nothing boring about it.
>every fight is different from the last
>new variations of enemies constantly being introduced like chainsaw mobs, plagas mutations, dynamite mobs, shield mobs, flail mobs, that crazy blind guy and a million others
>bullets interact with everything like shooting knees to kick/suplex enemies, shooting heads to stun them/decapitate them, shooting projectiles out of the air, blowing up dynamite, explosive barrels, making enemies fall off ledges, shooting through shields
>every weapon in the game has a place and time and you can buy and sell them at will to experience fights differently or challenge yourself
it's basically nothing but a shooting gallery but it's a highly interactive one. only weak parts of the game were playing as ashley and the bosses would probably benefit from a different camera setup IMO

>> No.7195928

>Game is objectively better than the previous games in the series
RE4 is garbage and objectively worse than all other previous entries in the series.

>> No.7196165

Resident Evil 4 revolutionized an entire genre of video game and somehow against all odds managed to set an industry standard that was impossibly high even in one of the most jam packed years in the history of the entire medium.

Fuck old Resident Evil. I say this as someone who grew up playing the shit out of 2 and 3, and even played Code Veronica and REmake and Zero on the Gamecube. REmake was always overrated, Code Veronica and Zero were outright awful, it was time for the series to change.
You fucking ancient survival horror boomers (describes me as well) really forget how fucking shitty that genre was becoming in the middle of the PS2 era. Aside from Fatal Frame most of the other major franchises completely shit the bed with their sequels by that point, the genre was becoming stale horse shit nobody wanted to play and the games kept getting middling 6/10 or lower review scores and bad sales. Get over it that RE4 is an all time masterpiece of game design and the other games aren't.

>> No.7196175

>You can just say it's not a horror game
but Resident Evil 4 is legitimately the scariest and most intense Resident Evil game.

>> No.7196329

>extremely memorable story filled with funny moments and interesting characters
the amount of retardation of re4fags never ceases to amaze me.
I agree for the most, It's true that the genre was stagnated. But the standard set by RE4 comes with the stupid shit that RE4 did too, which is embarrassing, like QTE and other things like that that only break immersion and they're not fit for a Survival Horror. RE4 revitalized 3rd person action games and put the final nail in the coffin of 90s Survival Horror, it was only with Amnesia that the genre was revived with the stupidest tropes ever for shitty youtube react videos.
>but Resident Evil 4 is legitimately the scariest and most intense Resident Evil game.
I cannot fathom why people can even think this, the fucking items in the game have a glowing aura worthy of Arcades and the fucking Merchant is a meme, along with all the stupid shit in the dialogues.

>> No.7196428

And Resident Evil Nemesis is not true RE3.

>> No.7196448


>> No.7196487

Shut up faggot. RE4 is a shoot em up action game with monsters (not a horror game) and the hatred it gets from fans of actual horror games/survival games is completely justified.
>Get over it that RE4 is an all time masterpiece of game design and the other games aren't.
RE4 was designed to appeal to a broader, more casual/low IQ audience and you took the bait.

>> No.7196495


>> No.7196705

>i only like and replay 4 though
then you're not really into the series. You're only into a game that has nearly no connection to the other Resident Evil games.

Except you're wrong because the classics were very well loved, that they decided to remake them and those games are making a lot of money. The only ones who complain about "tank controls" are the ones who don't know how to play the classics(IE: nuRE fans) and only like the ridiculous action RE games like RE4, 5 and 6(don't know about 7, never played it). Of course RE4 does get complaints, no game is perfect. For example I enjoyed Splinter Cell Blacklist, that doesn't mean everyone who loves the Splinter Cell series is going to enjoy it.

The Star Wars sequel trilogy is awful. Of course I would agree that it's not a horror game, but I could also say that it's not a real Resident Evil game because of the direction it took, playing more like Devil May Cry than Resident Evil. Plus there were no zombies.

>Being this triggered by my thread
Don't like it, hide it. LOL


>Fuck old Resident Evil
>RE2 and RE3 gets remakes
Old Resident Evil is alive and well, which is why it is gaining huge success. Newer RE games such as RE4, RE5 and RE6 are always going to be shit on because they are garbage and it steered the direction of Resident Evil to the wrong path.

I agree. I view Code Veronica as the true RE3.

The same can be said about Marvel ripping off DC with characters like Deadpool being a ripoff of Deathstroke.

Yes, you are crying.

>> No.7196749

>Imagine making the same thread every say.

>> No.7196814
File: 26 KB, 220x284, GTA3boxcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't play like a real GTA game.

>> No.7196819

this gets more replies than real threads, he doesn't have Areason to stop

>> No.7196986

Revolutionary and amazing
>Art and level design:
Beautiful and intelligently designed
>Story, characters, and writing:
Shit, and anyone who says otherwise is completely kidding themselves.

Also Resident Evil doesn't feel like Resident evil without fixed camera angles and pre-rendered backgrounds

>> No.7197043 [DELETED] 
File: 891 KB, 960x720, sony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, do I buy this off a crackhead for 50 bucks?

>> No.7197234

>Imagine making the same thread every say.
>every say.

You're right. It plays more like Driver.

Well said.

>> No.7197240

RE4 is a horror-THEMED action game, it's plainly not horror anon. Unless the oven man and the very first Regenerator you encounter change the entire game's genre singlehandedly.

>> No.7197261

>Shit, and anyone who says otherwise is completely kidding themselves.
the writing in the earlier games made ed wood look like george romero.

>> No.7197363

RE4 is not a resident evil game. It's a great action game though.

RE2 remake is the second most disappointing game I've ever played. The most disappointing game ever was FF7 remake.

>> No.7197375

I take RE4&6 over Last of Us part 2 and Anthem.

>> No.7197432

>A instead of 4
That's hilarious, I thought the faggot was calling it Aresident evil because it's action oriented

>> No.7197853

It's both because the 4 looks like A and it's Aresident evil because it's nothing like the previous games and ruined the franchise.

>> No.7197898

Weird because I find RE2 Remake to be better than any other RE game, especially with how I am able to use a nude mod of Claire.

I don't like any of those games you mentioned. Never played Anthem though.

Actually it's called "Aresident evil" because of how the 4 looks like an A.

>> No.7198581

Wow, it feels so good when you see an anon again.
You posted the same thing a few days ago.

>> No.7198876

Hi friend.

>> No.7198998

remake 2 was shitty as a specific homage to RE2 but it was great to finally see capcom realize that just because they had a modern tps control scheme didn't mean they had to dump the classic survival horror structure in the trash, shame that they immediately unlearned it in 3make.

>> No.7200665

Anything before Re4 is a shit game

>> No.7200717

Based. They're all embarrassing workaround.

>> No.7200923

The classic RE games are way better than Aresident evil.

>> No.7201315

Honestly you've probably done more to damage the reputation of classicfags with your retarded and schizophrenic posting alone. You make everyone realize what a fun game Resident Evil 4 is and how the only people obsessed with the originals are seemingly socially retarded sperglords. Of course I realize you're just one guy so I won't taint my view of classicfags and classic RE with your retardation.

>> No.7201335

Classic GTA games were bland and not very fun. I'm sorry but not every change made in gaming history was a mistake.

>> No.7201343

>Aresident Evil
I was trying to figure out what the hell that was about in the last spam thread.

>> No.7201564

>still samefagging
>pretending to be a new poster
>Lies about Aresident evil being fun
>Calls any anti-RE4 threads "spam".
Thanks for the rage posts.

Very true. Classic GTA was an unplayable mess, it didn't utilize the full power of the Playstation. Driver definitely influenced Rockstar games to create a good 3D GTA game.

>> No.7201691
File: 125 KB, 1432x891, 1595371215798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shit, and anyone who says otherwise is completely kidding themselves.
You mean amusing and very enjoyable? It's funny when people get all twisted over the fun video game having a fun video game plot.

You can almost filter any whiny killjoy faggot over who gets all bent out of shape over the plot of RE4. Are you telling me you have a stick in your anus over a shooter where you get to shoot Spanish peasants with brain worms to rescue the president's daughter because it has goofy dialogue and one-liners?

>> No.7201738

You're still going?

>> No.7201754

I don't think classic GTA was bad, but it's clear that the concept of a "criminal doing whatever they want in a city" was going to be naturally complimented by the 3D medium.

>> No.7201760

>"Just turn ur brain off and enjoy stoopid game retard lol"

>> No.7201783
File: 2.64 MB, 320x240, 1407793979258.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm an intellectual I take Resident Evil plots seriously
Mouth breather detected. Do you get butthurt over the plot of Dynamite Cop or Time Crisis? Because that's basically what RE4 is. A video game obstacle course designed expressly to give the player a good time. And if I wanted a deeper video game plot, I'd play a proper CRPG or something that isn't an engrish interpretation of a George Romero movie. But here you are trying to flex over the plot of a shooter like a complete midwit. Maybe Last of Us 2 is more your speed.

>> No.7201993

>I only enjoy RE4 because I get to kill dirty Mexicans because some brown looking Mexican fucked my mother.

Going for what?


>> No.7202090

>>RE2 and RE3 gets remakes
And would you look at that, they're using the perspective from 4.

>> No.7202129

>I suck at classic RE because "fixed camera angles".
Without the success of the classics, you wouldn't have Aresident evil, numbnuts.

>> No.7202160
File: 7 KB, 167x144, 1597347289642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is THIS mad about a video game plot

>> No.7202169

I hate RE4 with a burning passion.

>> No.7202189

Does anyone have any archives of 2004 /v/ talking about this game?

>> No.7202192

>series starts in one place
>tries other things as it goes on
Woah, what a betrayal, how could this happen?

Ironically your asshurt is antithetical to the very spirit of the times all of these games came out during, including the original RE games. Getting mad about technology progress is a distinctly contemporary phenomena, since during the 5th and 6th gen people were excited about what new developments these games could gain from improved tech. They certainly won't going "Gee whiz I sure hope these games stay exactly the same and don't change." Also, nearly all of it's sequels were shitting the bed in the 6th gen and people were getting bored of these games. People were getting "tired" of RE as early as 3, and certainly weren't begging for tired and shitty games, who even the developers were tired of making. It's only a unique sperglord phenomena in recent times where anyone got mad that game series didn't stay stagnant for a few more decades, and even then those types are a loud minority.

>> No.7203794

Not really. But you're definitely mad that this thread exist.


Is there a way to look that up?

False. The only one asshurt here is you over the fact that I pointed out a simple truth that without the classic games, RE4 wouldn't exist. That can't be denied because every single classic RE game was a massive success and they continued to get re-releases on multiple platforms. They were even available to buy on PSN via the PS3. The RE games started to become divisive or hated by the time RE4 showed up and it got progressively worse with RE5, RE6 and RE7. So much so that Capcom decided that they were going to remake RE2 and RE3 to please the classic fans and bring them back. The only people who think the classic games were shitty, are the nuRE fans who suck at them, with the most common complaint being "fixed camera angles" and "tank controls".

>> No.7204437

They don't need the classic fans. RE5, RE6, and RE7 sold gang busters. The old RE games are embarrassing workarounds that RE4 fixed.

>> No.7204449

As a classic nigger I love RE7

>> No.7205026

yet here you are everyday like clockwork making threads crying about how much you hate RE4.

congratulations you're unironically worse than that schizo who shitposts about half-life because it reminds him of that chill autumn night in 1998 with 3 black men in an alleyway.