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7193943 No.7193943 [Reply] [Original]

You lied. You said DKC3 was “underrated”. It’s not. DKC3 is a slog that never ends.

The boss fights are boring, out of place, and just absurd.

What the hell was going on with the development? No wonders the series was canceled for years.

>> No.7193952

The over world gimmick is shit too.

>> No.7193976
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>The fact that so many gamers still name Donkey Kong Country as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" video game ever only tells you how far video games still are from becoming a serious art. Video game developers have long recognized that the greatest video games of all times are The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros., which were not the most graphically advanced or acclaimed or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. I myself rank the highly controversial Super Mario U.S.A. over video games that were highly popular in arcades around Japan. Gamers are still blinded by good graphics. Donkey Kong Country had better graphics than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore it must have been the greatest. Music enthusiasts grow up listening to a lot of music of the past, film enthusiasts grow up watching a lot of films of the past. Gamers are often totally ignorant of the video games of the past, they barely know gameplay mechanics. No wonder they will think that Donkey Kong Country is anything worthy of being played.
– Shigeru Miyamoto (1995)

>> No.7193979

Anyone else get negative vibes when playing this one, moreso than the other DK games?

>> No.7193985
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>> No.7194012


>> No.7194073

Female protagonist is the most egregious thing.

>> No.7194175

>DKC3 is a slog that never ends.
less of a slog than the previous games

>> No.7194180
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Dixie is /ourgal/

>> No.7194185


It sucks. Everybody knows that.

>> No.7194351

GBA soundtrack was nice, though.

>> No.7195674

Yep it’s an embarrassment. I don’t even consider it a real part of the series. Even from the start, Everyone wanted donkey + diddy, so the whole introduction of kiddy was unexplained and deranged and it was all downhill from there. I suspect a lot of devs quit after dkc2 and the team was taken over by a tranny faggot who decided to shit and vomit over everything

>> No.7195723

DKC3 was developed partly by a b-team of rookies while the original staff focused on N64 projects, to get the new staff experienced.

>> No.7195747

But you can visit Wrinkly and she's playing N64 and you can the Peach's castle music in the background and the N64 had just come out, isn't that cool?

>> No.7195784

>citation needed

>> No.7195797

That is one hell of a step between the a team and the b team.
Citation on his opinions and suspicions? lol

>> No.7195858

DKC3 my favourite though. Baby Kong shite though it's like a punishment for getting hit with Dixie.

>> No.7196403


What makes you like it? Levels are slow and boring and the boss fights are even worse.

>> No.7196461
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>Donkey + Dixie

>> No.7196524

It is utter shit. But I thought the bosses were the best part. Yeah they’re out of place but they aren’t the weak point, everything else it. Weak level design, bad music, kiddy, difficulty curve was weird unlike the first two that nailed it. I hate the elephant. It felt more tedious and I had no desire to collect things and scavenger hunt. It was made by Rare’s jv team and its blatently obvious. Kiddy kong is dumb enough that anyone with a brain knows it should have just been dk. I don’t like that fucking elephant on a personal level. And I miss rambi. Rambi was great, simple, fun. Dixie wasnt the problem though. And the overworld thing is no big deal either way I’m pretty neutral on it. I mean yes its dumb but its just like a menu for the platforming sections, who cares. It looks like my finger paintings from preschool though. Making all the enemies look stupider was another obvious mistake. Setting was in... Canada? Did they throw a dart at a map? Now granted if the game was great being set in canada would be no big deal, but great it is not. Kiddy was the worst idea in the history of donkey kong. But I really don’t like that fucking elephant.

>> No.7196546

Wait a minute OP, you listened to Nintendo fans? Big mistake, they think everything Nintendo shits out is gold.

This is a lie, DKC3 shares a lot of the same staff as DKC2. DKC3 is an even bigger production than DKC2 with more developers on staff.

>> No.7196572

The music is really good and the game has better graphics in the sense that all the assets are a better translation from the renders to the limited SNES palette.
Art design and world design are a huge step down from 2, though.
Stop moving slowly, then.

>> No.7196586

DKC, DKC2, DKC3 are all the same game and you guys are autists

>> No.7196594

The lead designers from DKC 1+2 moved on to Banjo and the DKC3 team went on to make DK64.

>> No.7196608

programmers, not designers. Check the credits yourself.

>> No.7196610

Yeah, except for having different characters that handle differently, different level focus, different art styles. Who is autistic here?

>> No.7196636

This has been debunked, though.

>> No.7196645

t. didn't beat
t. was looking for shit to complain about during the short duration he did play

>> No.7196845
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I think people tend to exaggerate and nitpick at details that don't really take away from the enjoyable experience that is DKC3.

The gameplay is fun, the Pacific North-West setting is beautiful and well presented, enjoyable soundtrack and a good difficulty with levels that synergize well with the character's unique strengths.

It is a very good game, could have been even better, but it isn't an absolute masterpiece like DKC2 and it brought some new characters that didn't have much charm, those seem to be major flaws for most people.

>> No.7197294

I'm not saying the music is bad, and I never got really far in either version as a kid, but from what I can tell none of the GBA music really fits the levels. Some of it doesn't even sound like it comes from a DKC game, which is odd considering the composer.
Then again I may just be biased since I played the SNES version first.

>> No.7199000

It's a good game.

>> No.7199072

>Pacific North-West

It's like the people calling it Canada have never realised this is what a big chunk of the US looks like, Every type of scenery in the game is probably covered by Washington and Oregon alone, if not either one.

>> No.7199385

So me and a friend have been playing the DKC trilogy co-op over some beers and just cleared 3 last night. Last time i played 3 was over 10 years ago and he had only played 1 and 2. Now that we are both boomers we enjoyed 3 the most (atleast for co-op). 1 Was great not much to say really. 2 had the best soundtrack by a fucking mile, but difficulty towards the end gets a bit much. 3 Had the best graphics, bosses were cool, its alot easier than 2 but the soundtrack was pretty boring. 2 Probably is maybe "technically" the best but co-op after a few beers on those final levels kicked our fucking ass. 3 was more chill.

>> No.7199486

All the Boss fights in DKC are shit but they at least kind of tried to make them slightly unique in 3.

>> No.7200389

>posting a fake quote

>> No.7200990

Its gets good towards the end.
When things are industiral.

>> No.7201042

I don't think David Wise cared enough to bother with the GBA port. I mean, he just recycled Aquatic Ambiance from DKC1 for the water stages, even though the SNES's water stage music was one of the more standout tracks.

>> No.7201594

Game has a pretty nuts difficulty spike on the last two levels. Died more there than the rest of the game combined.

>> No.7203597


>> No.7203632
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Here's your art direction bro

>> No.7203853

The magazine I used to buy rated it higher than the previous entries.
My disappointment was immense.
Still a good game.

>> No.7203861

I fucking hated Kiddy Kong to the point that I never beat the game until this year.
Overall, definitely the worst DKC, but still a very good game. Don't know what people complaining about the soundtrack are on about, it is good.

>> No.7204346
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The secret is that Donkey Kong Country was always shit. It just took 3 games for people to realise it. It was tLoU of it's day.

>> No.7204360

Nice blog

>> No.7204445
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>> No.7204478

Honestly, people hype up the DKC3 GBA OST because it's David Wise, but it feels extremely mediocre compared to his other work (Tropical Freeze included) and many themes don't even fit. The Mill level theme on the GBA port sounds like like a sequel to Fear Factory than a mill.

>> No.7204735

Can it Miyamoto.

>> No.7206153

Technically, it is one of the best looking games in the Donkey Kong Country series. The music is fine as well. Not as good as the original DKC soundtrack, or its sequel. But fine. The levels do feel less inspired in this game. It's still a good platformer on the SNES. But the weakest of the three SNES games, IMO. Though I find this one to be the hardest.

>> No.7206159

I'd say it is the easiest, based on the fact that I'm much less familiar with it than 1 and 2, but barely die until the last two levels.
Barrel timings in the first game are MUCH stricter than later games, but they give you shortcuts to skip the worst parts. And number 2 has those Squawks stages.

>> No.7206173

>I'd say it is the easiest, based on the fact that I'm much less familiar with it than 1 and 2, but barely die until the last two levels.
>Barrel timings in the first game are MUCH stricter than later games, but they give you shortcuts to skip the worst parts. And number 2 has those Squawks stages.

I guess I would have to replay DKC3. Donkey Kong Country 2 does have the hero medals as well, which were some of the hardest challenges(in some stages) in DKC2. Though in DK3 there are those Croc enemies that use them as a shield. I have completed DKC1 and DKC2 many times. But I have never finished DKC3.

>> No.7206213
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DKC 1 & 2 felt like a slightly edgy 90s cartoon. DKC 3 felt like a Disney movie or a terrible "[franchise] but babies" spinoff because of Kiddy Kong. That's one of the main reasons why it's liked less than other entries, honestly.

>> No.7206327


This. 3 is by the far the easiest. 2 is way harder.

>> No.7206454

Rare were the only western devs that had a sliver of soul, I love their designs.