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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7190972 No.7190972 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7191000

Is this fan art?

>> No.7191050

Dissidia NT screenshot

>> No.7191056

For some reason now I want to play ff6

>> No.7191067

Game sucks

>> No.7191113

any other thread >>> this one
fuck off for the love of god, this thread is absolute shit

>> No.7191147

>Final Fuckery
nah son it's all weebshit

>> No.7191149

anime website

>> No.7191156

still weebshit you weeb

>> No.7191157

Go back to rebbit

>> No.7191163

>Twitter users

>> No.7191169

make me

>> No.7191220


T-Edition is basically done now I think.

>> No.7191398

Agreed. FFVI was the crowning achievement of the 16-bit sprite era while FFVII was a hot mess with inconsistent art style and glitchy graphics.

>> No.7191442

Tifa > Tina

>> No.7191450
File: 268 KB, 1920x1080, 52b3eb64-cfca-4344-a9ae-081e79091f1d-sephiroth-smash-bros[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ff6fags still crying decades later

>> No.7191453

Who is Tina?

>> No.7191631

6 is the same movie shit as 7 except the movie sucks and the gameplay is completely broken instead of poorly balanced

>> No.7191649

Why did she suddenly have blonde hair and blue eyes? The Japs sure are obsessed with this phenotype.

>> No.7191652

Tina is Terra

>> No.7191674

Nvm I googled it. Why did Square constantly rename characters for different locations? I'm kinda glad we got Terra as is sounds more regal and not like some 80's whore turning tricks on a street corner. I would have preferred Aeris to Aerith with a lithsp though.

>> No.7191676

FFVI has some issues FFVII fixed. VI's micromanagement is a pain. You can tell it's the first game to let you freely swap active characters because it's an annoying process and there are SO MANY different equips that need to be swapped around in a game that forces you to jump between active party members all game long. FFVII is super streamlined in comparison.

>> No.7192227

FFVI is just a gorgeous, well-written and musically fantastic story-game. I'd rather replay FFV which had far, far, FAR superior gameplay to FFVI or FFVII, and equally great music even if it doesn't look as good or have the story FFVI did.

FFVII had the systems to have good gameplay (wouldn't match FFV but would enjoy a sizable fun increase) but held back its variety of actually interesting options until too late into the game, wasting it almost completely. A lot of it wouldn't be overpowered even in Midgar, and would add sorely needed complexity to it so you don't have to be limited to Stab, Stab But Using MP, and Heal early on.

>> No.7192253

It wasn't Square who localized the games. Nearly all RPG at the time had absolutely random name changes. FF6 is fairly harmless with just Tina and Mash being renamed entirely and Lock, Stragos and Cayenne getting respelled.

>> No.7192269
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More news at 11.

>> No.7192378

when is ff6 getting the ff7 remake treatment?

>> No.7192379
File: 2.94 MB, 1539x1069, 1606247711765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's your main protagonist, bro

>> No.7192390

Soooo....which FF should I play first?
I need to try a turn-based rpg besides poke rby.
I've played Crises Core. FFIV looks pretty cool.

>> No.7192415

Tactics and don't bother with the rest

>> No.7192418

Why was he so obsessed with Quentin Tarantino's facial aesthetics? Did he like his face so much?

>> No.7192420

I didn't know Terra was jewish, that's cool I guess

>> No.7192424
File: 775 B, 109x231, sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thanks for the concept art, here's the sprite

>> No.7192426
File: 1.30 MB, 2236x3168, Final Fantasy 6 - DaveRapoza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7192521

strago is as beefy as sabin

>> No.7192525

why is mog so racist

>> No.7192534

because asians have slant eyes.

>> No.7192537

wtf man you can't just say something like that

>> No.7192541

pretty sure i can.

>> No.7192549

I beat 6 and it seems worse than 7 in every way. Why do hipsters gravitate towards it so much?

>> No.7192562

ff4 is a classic but it sits at a crossroads of simpler previous gen rpgs and the (at the time) new gen, so it's kind of overly straight forward and bland. basically it's an snes game with nes sensibilities.

if you like sprite art i'd play ff6. if you prefer 3d then ff7.

>> No.7192585

You just answered your own question.

>> No.7192736

But it's cute

>> No.7192808

Yes, shitty fan art too because Terra has green hair.

>> No.7192815

Because they considered the shitty little scribbles by Amano to be canon over the actual in game sprites.

>> No.7192817

Let's see you do better.

>> No.7192828


>> No.7192831
File: 215 KB, 409x512, Natalia Poklonskaya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blonde hair and blue eyes rank highest on the attractiveness scale plus it makes brownies like you seethe hard.

>> No.7192832

did you know that ff6 is the only final fantasy game with a female lead character? it's true...

>> No.7192845

"...and here's why that's a good thing."

>> No.7192874

But it doesn't pass the Bechdel test.

>> No.7192875

>you men have to add more female characters to your fictional stories!
>how dare you, a male, try to write a female character! that's sexist!

>> No.7193009

Is that supposed to be celes left of Sabin? Big fucking yikes. Fucked up tranny face going on

>> No.7193023
File: 34 KB, 512x448, 20-17062011_170020[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "Bechdel test" is that there's two female characters in your story and they have a conversation that doesn't focus on men.
However, he still is a shitposter because Terra and Celes do. In fact their interactions throughout the game never focus on men, only themselves and each other.

>> No.7193041

if you try to make a story appeal to everybody it ends up appealing to nobody

if "female jrpg players" were a real market then there'd be games targeting them. but the reality is they barely exist, women are more likely to just read stories instead of play video games for the story, that's why there's a metric shit ton of fantasy books targeting female readers

>> No.7193043

Are you just ignoring lightning because she's cloud with tits?

>> No.7193049

lightning is biologically male, did you even play the ff13s?

>> No.7193054

IIRC there's 1 conversation between them about Locke and celes, but the lack of male gossip makes the conversation more meaningful

>> No.7193229
File: 30 KB, 700x1162, FF7? you're a terrible person.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who like FFIV: well, this was enjoyable!
>people who like FFV: such fun! I loved the jobs
>people who like FFVII: had a great time with it! the hype was worth it!
>people who like FFIX: truly the last of the old school FFs! magical!
>people who like FFX: the last one that was good! I cried at the end!
*record scratch*
*enter the mentally ill*

>> No.7193250

FFVIII is based

>> No.7193265


does it, tho? Most of the male cast talks about women in their lives, and are the rest of us to believe this somehow diminishes their character or sexual identity based on some truly arbitrary sexist measuring stick? Doesnt pass the sniff test.

but on the other side of the coin

>if "female jrpg players" were a real market then there'd be games targeting them.

there are in japan, they're skinned with the trappings of dating sims, and the rpg stuff is usually pretty shallow, but they exist.

>women are more likely to just read stories instead of play video games for the story, that's why there's a metric shit ton of fantasy books targeting female readers

But the point was not about all women, but women who play vidya. I think there's probably an interest for that sort of thing that's been untapped, but someone will have to make a product first intended to be consumed and let the chips fall where they may.

>> No.7193278


I love the absolute cluelessness of this cartoon, how even the cartoonist has lost the plot on the double-edge sword of this. Using the loaded phrase of 'deeply held beliefs' betrays the artist's intended way they want the reader to receive this, but it utterly fails to see this happens in both directions.

>> No.7193281

>there are jrps that target females, they're just disguised as dating sims!

no, those are actually dating sims, we're talking about jrpgs

>I think there's probably an interest for that sort of thing that's been untapped

there isn't or else they would be making them, women as a group just aren't interested in autism simulators inb4 b-b-but muh streaming waifu, they play for tips, not fun

>> No.7193290


Tina? TINA?!?

wtf bro

>> No.7193294

What's the difference between a dating sim and a JRPG?

>> No.7193298

There are actually a lot of "female JRPG players." They just happen to gravitate to games that don't go out of their way to appeal to them. Kingdom Hearts, for example.

>> No.7193351

>no, those are actually dating sims, we're talking about jrpgs

look, if you're going to try to neuter the discussion about what makes a jrpg as to eliminate all the constituent elements when they appear outside of what you want the definition to be, then i'll just ignore it for now.

I wouldn't hold your breath for an answer.

but whats really sad is when some clueless actually sexist fuck tries to read into it some kind of specific meaning behind its popularity with females and either a:argue that it was intended to appeal to them or b:try to use elements from it in a copycat effort to make another game targeted toward female on false premise.

There's enough room to consider idiocy at all angles here.

>> No.7193525
File: 3.48 MB, 1706x2493, __tina_branford_final_fantasy_and_1_more_drawn_by_marina_mrn9__758b7ca4f1abba199f0a6e9f676cb1ce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7194026
File: 426 KB, 2000x1262, FF13 Threads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who like FFXIII: See pic related.

>> No.7194031

Aw, fuck. I thought I was in a /vrpg/ thread. Disregard previous post, I suck cocks.

>> No.7194036


>> No.7194637
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>> No.7195321

>So, you were born with the power of magic!? Isn't it a lovely gift...
??? She didn't know? She was a general in the empire.

>> No.7195326


>> No.7195350

>not Final Faggotry

>> No.7195948

>Alien virus intercepts the planet
>was then used and infused to birth the most edgiest of edgelords
>A blondie was then placed in the mix
>go on a fucking cat and mouse chase for the first 2 CDs that is in actuality reuniting the alien virus
>powers up silver haired edgelord to summon a meteor to burn the planet
>heroes stop him and win
>the end

>Be in a world devoid of magic thanks to the Empire
>woman being the definitive half of the magic looking to take down the empire
>gathers allies goes on many skirmishes to take out said empire
>in the middle of their battles, they discover that the source of magic is still out there
>Empire feigns to parley, but a fucking lunatic clown curbstomps his emperor and garnest the source of the most powerful of magics.
>literally ends the fucking world.
>heroes go on a desparate means to reunite and take down the clown god
>reunites and tears down clown god's tower like how God tore down Babel.
>the fucking end.

Idk folks. Both have their charms. But if FFVI was treated with a remake, I would pay top dollar love to see Kefka cause the cataclysmic demise of their world in glorious fucking 3D.

>> No.7196138

>But if FFVI was treated with a remake, I would pay top dollar love to see Kefka cause the cataclysmic demise of their world in glorious fucking 3D.

Me too but it would probably take 8 games to get to WoR and it would likely be cancelled due to underperforming after 3 or 4.

>> No.7196412

Is there any value in playing the original FF4 or can I just play the DS remake on Steam?

>> No.7196527

>the DS remake on Steam
Play the PSP version.

>> No.7196553

I long for a full on Remake of FFVI, I don't care what people say or how much money FFVII makes. FFVI is far superior, better characters better story, plus I want to fucking suplex a Train in HD and die to the Glory of Kefka. Also, fuck One-Winged Angel when you have 17 mins of insanity that is Dancing Mad.

>> No.7196649

>I long for a full on Remake of FFVI
It's going to be crappy photorealistic nomura garbage

>> No.7196959

Joke's on you because I think Final Fantasy XV is a masterpiece.

>> No.7197013

It's an error in the SNES translation, they actually know each other

>> No.7197225

Please sir, a link?

>> No.7197258

Polygonal DS/mobile one is a remake, so it's pretty different content-wise to the SNES/GBA/PSP one.

>> No.7197267
File: 129 KB, 1208x935, link model 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7197626

Just like Amano intended

>> No.7197841

What did you think of Episode Ardyn? I really enjoyed XV, its setting, backstory, and characters, but Episode Ardyn and its anime prologue totally ruined it for me.

>> No.7198368

hopefully never
don't fix what ain't broken
except Evade and Sketch, we won't talk about those

>> No.7198387

the answer I heard somewhere is that the nips think the white man's blond hair is "exotic" bc all slanteyes look the same
that's why they made her hair green for the Western release

>> No.7198753

They didn't really figure out plot structure until FFV. So while FFIV starts out amazing the story rapidly deteriorates and turns into a series of increasingly absurd ass pulls that exist just to either juggle your party members or move you to the next dungeon.

>> No.7198796

Very clever.

>> No.7199040

found it with google for anyone lazy who wants it

>> No.7199054


I've played almost all versions. I still like the original's sounds, musics, and effects above all the others, even though there are good things in the others. And, since the story of ff4 is pretty derivative, its presentation doesn't really make as much a diff either.

I normally don't make a 'purity' argument, but this is my exception.

>> No.7199070 [DELETED] 
File: 1.25 MB, 481x512, download_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i admit it. i lolled.

>> No.7200146

dissidia sucks
why couldn't they do an actual final fantasy smash clone?

>> No.7200871
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an Ashkenazi Jew in fact

>> No.7200972
File: 395 KB, 514x601, cloud.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot for the life of me understand the appeal of FFVI. I swear I tried, I've trying playing it many times and got even got pretty far, but I can't bring myself to complete it. It's just so fucking boring and mediocre (outside of the music, of course). I loved FFIV, V, VII, VIII, IX, even X was fun enough with all of it's problems, but I can't stomach VI at all. Is there something wrong with me?

>> No.7201029

It's amazing how retarded you just showed yourself to be. First by incorrectly interpreting the cartoon, and then second by attempting to reprimand the artist. Good showing.