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7188997 No.7188997 [Reply] [Original]

So this gets good after all the tutorial shite, yeah?

>> No.7189008

It gets okayish. I wouldn't call it out and out bad but Zelda 2 and the CDI games aside I think it's the most boring of the games overall. It's basically OOT pt2 but now with a half-baked wolf mechanic.

>> No.7189046

So the wolf thing isn't very fun?

>> No.7189065

It's not that it sucks so much as there just isn't a ton to do with it. It really needed a full on dungeon or something just as wolf

>> No.7189078
File: 217 KB, 1500x2000, hena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*implies fetish for fucking in an open boat in the middle of a lake in your path*
Why does TP want me to fuck a girl in waders?

>> No.7189136

No one liked playing as a wolf, this would've gone down as the worst part of the game had it existed

>> No.7189154

Never veer off the game's decided path, don't bother trying to do side shit, just complete it and be done with it.

>> No.7189171

>Zelda II
Ask me how I know you've never played it?

>> No.7189181

So don't even bother playing it, is what you're saying?

>> No.7190401

Play it once to see what's wrong with it. It's a playable game, but nothing great.

>> No.7190434

once you beat the forest temple and actually get out into hyrule field, yeah, it gets better and better. a few bumps along the way but overall a solid game. unfortunately the pacing is so slow, and the game so linear, that Ocarina of Time still takes a hot salty shit all over it. but it's good.

>> No.7190703

Better than wind waker

>> No.7190710

Play it and find

>> No.7190715
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>linear bad
>open world good

>> No.7190735

being better than wind waker isn't an accomplishment

>> No.7190745

OoT is linear as fuck too so I'm not even sure what you're talking about

>> No.7190750

Not really no.

It's fun to dick around with the long jump glitch though.

>> No.7190758

honestly the first town and early content is the best part.
hyrule field sucks and wolf becomes a catch the big filler thing
the dungeons and dungeon items need work. you'll get items that are only used in said dungeon.

its like a next-gen oot but not as good unless you like shortstack imp porn.

>> No.7190765

t. parroting retard who doesnt play OoT. you can beat every adult dungeon in any order without any glitches or sequence breaks. this wasnt even an unintended mechanic because the map screen literally tells you to go to any of the first three dungeons when you become an adult. combined eith the entirely non-linear item and quest options, OoT is the least linear Zelda ever made.

>> No.7190772

>OoT is the least linear Zelda ever made.
based zoomer posting

>> No.7190781

says the dumb faggot with no argument who didnt even realize you can play the dungeons out of order. zoomers didnt play OoT and neither have you

>> No.7190796

played it on n64, gamecube, wii virtual console, various emulators and 3DS

stay dumb

>> No.7190803

you played it at least 5 times but were too retarded to figure out that the dungeons are non-linear? sounds like a good reason to disregard your opinion. i dont know why OoT having more replayability triggers you but you are extremely butthurt and very low IQ

>> No.7190815
File: 10 KB, 331x473, 1598724507834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less linear than Zelda 1
>less linear that BotW
>less linear than Majoras

nevermind im just extremely butthurt with low IQ

>> No.7190838
File: 39 KB, 431x450, 940DD11C-5DD7-4AF0-A656-1C77F6DFF6D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ive played ocarina of time 5 times but never realized that you could do the dungeons out of order. btw zelda 1 is less linear even though the world is small as fuck, there are no quests and there are only 8 tool items. i am also extremely butthurt and have a low IQ

>> No.7190849

Would be the best Zelda in my opinion if it wasn't for those wolf parts
Annoying as fuck to have a supercool Link to play with, only to be obligated to do that every new town I enter

>> No.7190865

I wish the items were more useful too. You pretty much just need the bow, bombs and sword for the whole game

>> No.7190910

Isn't that the case with pretty much every zelda game? Items are always sword/bomb/arrow or so specialized that they don't see much use outside of the dungeon they're obtained in. Like look at OoT's adult dungeon items:
>upgraded slingshot
>sword reskin that lets you press buttons
>upgraded hookshot
>mirror shield that's basically useless outside of it's dungeon
>boots that let you walk on air that get barely any use even inside the dungeon you get them

>> No.7190924

true to an extent but in the case of OoT specifically, items had more opportunity to be used in the overworld and more combat potential. outside of hoverboots and shield there arent many itema that dont see significant use. 3 spells for combat, 4 types of arrows with different advantages, two swords for choice of offense/defense or straight offense, megaton hammer could be used in many ways, bombs in many ways, hookshot in many ways, even the lens of truth could be used in multiple places outside the two dungeons you need it in (e.g hidden skulltula cave near jabu jabu). with TP there were basically a few hookshot points and bomb spots and the items were otherwise pretty useless outside of boss fights

>> No.7190927

The only okay 3D Zelda is Windwaker, all the others are lame

>> No.7190936

WW gets way too much hate but pretty much every post-Zelda 2 mainline game shits on it other than SS

>> No.7190968
File: 79 KB, 940x704, fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wear Zora Armor because it looks neat
>arbitrary x2 damage taken against elemental attacks penalty for wearing it, put on the armor just so you don't keep wearing it
>also if you fall into lava wearing it, it's an instant no-bullshit Game Over
You can't make me take off the fish armor by playing dirty, game

>> No.7191102

Can you imagine the smell?

>> No.7191115

The wolf thing is a lot of fun. I probably spent hours just running around the fields listening to Midna moan and groan. Good times.

>> No.7191119

>OoT is the least linear Zelda ever made
Oh, is this where someone reminds you about BotW and then you mutter some cope about it not counting because it's a Far Cry ripoff or some bullshit? Can I be the one to make you seethe and cope, please?

>> No.7191123
File: 66 KB, 749x780, 18ad89315c6a50e1297473953590c1a6f39d7f64r1-749-780v2_uhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not running around in wolf form every chance you get just because wolves are cool

>> No.7191132

BotW is vastly more linear because it only has 16 enemies, no real dungeons and effectively 4 tool items, but you're clearly too retarded to understand that scope doesnt equate to non-linearity in gameplay so i wont stress your little peanut with more big think

>> No.7191134
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, 1596089314490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BotW is vastly more linear because it only has 16 enemies

>> No.7191141

>anime girl reaction pic
lol got em

>> No.7191146

Lava should be a game over in TP with how graphic it is

>> No.7191158
File: 1.48 MB, 1536x2048, Twilight_Princess_Knightmember.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That said, there is a lot more wolf areas than Epona areas.

>> No.7191202

Worst part of the game is the wolf shit. Was the forced in there because of Okami? Okami is a better Zelda game than this.

>> No.7191236

I know the HD port added the ability to go through the 100 floor dungeon as the wolf. That's something, I guess?

>> No.7191262



>> No.7191606

Don't think of it as a tutorial, think of it as narrative buildup.

>> No.7191615

Wolf Link never gets a single upgrade. He'll control the exact same in the final dungeon as he did in Ordon Village. Combat also sucks as Wolf Link, it's either "shitty jump attack" or "energy ring that's flat out better than the other attacks

>> No.7191618

>shit with ilia comes up
>try to pull off the sky writing skip since i saw it a day before
>first try
>tfw i saved myself an entire hour
get fucked Ilia, you worthless bitch.

>> No.7191791

How do people rate the story for Twilight over the rest of the series?

>> No.7191809

I had to quit ten minutes after playing becau

>> No.7191872

it's 3D Zelda, the whole fucking thing's a tutorial

>> No.7191873

It's actually pretty great until halfway through and then it becomes generic.

>> No.7191910
File: 662 KB, 667x719, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remember when this game was new
>hyped up as this revolutionary game and Nintendo's comback
>it's a retro game now

Damn, time flies.

>> No.7192590


>> No.7192595

>you can beat every adult dungeon in any order

>> No.7192643

IIRC, the adult dungeon orders are:

Forest - Fire - Water - Shadow - Spirit

Forest - Fire - Water - Spirit - Shadow

Fire - Forest - Water - Shadow - Spirit

Fire - Forest - Water - Spirit - Shadow

Forest - Water - Fire - Shadow - Spirit

Forest - Water - Fire - Spirit - Shadow

Forest - Water - Spirit - Fire - Shadow

You can technically start with Water first, but you can't finish it without the Fairy Bow or glitches.

>> No.7192657

>the passage of time has occurred

>> No.7192848

Nah, just drop it and play Breath of the Wild, the superior retro Zelda game.

>> No.7192938

Imagine OOT but with 5x the padding, the tools are useless outside of contextual situations and a rule34 bait companion. It kinda ruined Nintendo's image for me.

>> No.7192942

the dungeons really sucked and the final boss hits for quarter heart damage

I was really hyped for the game when it first came out, thought it wasn't going to be designed for babies, since it was going to be rated T, but in the end it's literally the easiest zelda game there is

if you go afk in this game it will literally take you several minutes to die

>> No.7193039

>can do the glitch to steal menu screen link and get the tunic, sword and shield early
>can't do the glitch to get the master sword early which you need to make the previous glitch actually worth doing

>> No.7193074
File: 47 KB, 455x479, ZeldaGenre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it quite a bit but its also kinda rushed. Lots of the game feels like they never really got to do what they wanted. 99% of the time if you get a tool in a dungeon you have no place to ever use that tool ever again outside of it. Like when you first get the slingshot you use it once then you get the boomerang and never use the slingshot again. Right after that dungeon you find the bow so you have no reason to ever use the boomerang again either. You just started the game and have 2 wasted item slots.

Also the whole story with the "resistance fighters" was completely and utterly dropped until they show up for 2 seconds near the end and vanish again. I think if you dig around old E3 footage you'll see endless stuff that never made it into the final game.

Super fun boss fights though. The skeleton dragon fight is my favorite in the series.

>> No.7193129

It gets alright
4/10 game, wasn't worth the wait, didn't live up to the hype, not really worth playing through.

>> No.7193132

the minigames are like the only fun thing outside dungeons, anon

>> No.7193412

The first few dungeons aren't too bad, better than the oot child section. After that the game is just a worse oot

>> No.7193496

Im only at the water temple but the game has been shit so far. Its so much longer than OoT without being even slightly more fun or interesting. Also it looks ugly.

>> No.7193546

So did nintendo fire everyone who worked on ocarina of time after it was released? Because every zelda since has tried emulating it unsuccessfully, and I can't imagine anyone who worked on oot other than aonuma is still around to point out how and where they keep fucking up.

>> No.7193748

deku tree and dodongo's are infinitely better than the first 6 hours of TP

>> No.7193786

they're short and painless, but there's not much to them. TP's first dungeon already has key management and a unique miniboss fight.

>> No.7194130

As zoomchads would say, 'take ur meds schizoid lmao'.

>> No.7194170

I still remember watching with a friend over and over the reveal trailer with all the people hyping up in some shitty media player whenever we went to a internet cafe.

>> No.7194183

I'd hardly call it key "management" when the temples are still linear. 3d zelda games just use locked doors as a gate keeping device, not an actual resource for the player to manage as they travel about the dungeon, weighing which doors they should enter in which order

>> No.7194354

Even SS is better than WW.

>> No.7194454

Just finished those ML upscaling Dolphin versions of RE2 and RE3 and I forgot that TP existed. Stoked to play a new Zelda game.

>> No.7194521

>overall a solid game
>it's good
>worse than Ocarina of Time because it's slow *and* linear
When your brain has less registry space than the average /vr/-approved computer, it might be time to seppuku, anon.

>> No.7194614

Zelda 2 is actually great.

>> No.7194679

>more relatability
>same fucking dungeons

>> No.7194716

Nigger, they all have the same fucking dungeons. If you replay ANY zelda game, you're getting the same content, it's just a matter of choosing how you approach that content.

>> No.7194727

the side shit is the good part of the game though

>> No.7194754

>no real dungeons
Congrats on doing exactly what I predicted you would do, you actual fucking retard. You made a 'no true Zelda argument based on what your zoomie brain perceives as flaws while moving the goalpost waaaaay back so you wouldn't have to face the fact that, yes, you can technically go straight to the fucking final boss after the opening segment of the game.

>> No.7194867

literal NPC post

>> No.7194880
File: 86 KB, 600x600, wiiutwi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Wii U version the best version?

>> No.7194901

Can't imagine it being worse than the GC version. Wii's easily the worst way to play.

>> No.7194958


Amiibo support really improves the story