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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 145 KB, 1500x1304, 71fcgLiR6JL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7183460 No.7183460 [Reply] [Original]

how good are these for retro games?

>> No.7183475

about as good as you are for this board

>> No.7183478
File: 2.13 MB, 4032x1960, 20201116_155211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worse than a ps4 controller. Really stiff cheap feeling buttons and a mediocre dpad. Sticks feel nice but again I dont know why you'd use it over a ps4 controller

The only good 8bitdo controller in my experience is the m30. It has a quality feel and the buttons feel nice and not miserably stiff. If you want snes style specifically, honestly I'd cut the bullshit and get an actual snes controller with a raphnet adaptor, everything else is a compromise

>> No.7183483

I was considering it for the triggers and sticks but I'll probably just get a Bluetooth adapter for the ps4 controller

>> No.7183494

they're not

>> No.7183496

Its your better bet. I have both and the ps4 feels tons better

The only big downside is the dodgy windows compatibility with wonky drivers, but if you launch games/emulators through steam then it works flawlessly without needing any sketchy drivers

>> No.7183789

> doesn't hook up to snes
why would i care

>> No.7183821

its ok dpad was kind of stiff but after using it for a while it seems better

>> No.7183831

>worse than a ps4 controller
Zoom zoom

>> No.7184218

These ones are dogshit. The ones that are styled to look like normal SNES controllers are solid, got mine in 2017 and it's going strong.

>> No.7184236

These are great for modern games.

>> No.7184243

DS4 start and select are impossible to reach and the game fucks up windows audio when you plug it in.

>> No.7184859

do you have small hands?

>> No.7186767

It's the best money can buy. DS4 sucks with it's mushy buttons and shitty button d-pad.

>> No.7186771

>the game fucks up windows audio when you plug it in.
explain further

>> No.7186783
File: 57 KB, 800x800, 8bitdo-sn30prog-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this model. It can attach to everything, from Linux computer to old as some posters here android phones. Via Bluetooth or wire.

>> No.7186792

If I'm on voice chat with a buddy I want to play 2 player beat em up fun in Turtles or SoR, the second I plug in a Dual Shock, windows detects it as an audio device and changes my audio output to it. Changing this every time the thing is plugged it is way too annoying to even bother with.

>> No.7186793

Also it has multiple input options - like direct or xinput emulating 360 pad.

>> No.7186835

I see, I though it was something more serious. Mine doesn't do that, but idk why.

>> No.7186847

I just got gifted one of these baddies, it’s fantastic. Worked right out of the box with retroarch.

>> No.7186857

Yea it is, tho you can update the firmware.
In general, it works with everything, I guess. I have not encountered a game or emulator that didn't work with at least one of its modes
Fucking 1998 versions of X-wing and TIE FIghter work with it.

>> No.7187056

Why use these when console controllers are plug and play now? Is it just because they're cheaper?

>> No.7187058


>> No.7187062

but mr chaiwanese. DS4s are the best all around controllers for retro. Nice try though.

>> No.7187105

I bought one locally for $20, felt pretty good on ALTTP and contra 3. It apparently has gyro but I could never get steam to pick it up.
The one in OPs pic can do it too.

>> No.7187118

Yea, I talking about model range. Just named this one specifically as what I have

>> No.7188586

The SN30 Pro was a huge disappointment for me. I actually bought an iBuffalo controller from Japan to make up for it, but the Xbox Series X Dpad was a big surprise and I actually love that thing, so I mostly just use that now

>> No.7188602

Be aware that this is a shill

>> No.7188624

Trying to buy a controller is fucked.
You can;t even ask for advice any more because of the high chance of being tricked. Not being able to handle pads before you buy them is going to be one of the banes of this niche.

>> No.7188629

They're shit. Don't make me list all the problems again.

>> No.7188630

For retro games where a dpad is important, just stick with saturn pads. Nothing comes close. Originals work fine with a cheap adaptor, or retrobit make official new ones.

>> No.7188631

I've had a logitech 310 pad for decades and it's still the best one I've ever used.

>> No.7188646

What about retrobit's mega drive pads? Are they the same as saturn or different?

>> No.7188921
File: 100 KB, 1000x747, Logitech F710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is perfect for playing games 'till 6th gen

>> No.7188959

i have retrobit's saturn and genesis controllers and they both nice, just depends what shape you prefer.

>> No.7189140


>> No.7189160

retrobit controllers are hot garbage

>> No.7189190

>for retro games?
Why does a retro game require a different type of controller? Play with a keyboard, like a real chad.

>> No.7189592
File: 1.64 MB, 3024x3024, 054344-B3-DC1-E-46-D3-8537-577-E69-BD9755(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you faggots like to know a secret?

Remember those piece of shit PlayStation Classics you couldn't even give away they were so shitty? Well you can find them used and new for extremely cheap, and they all come with Sony OEM quality USB plug-and-play DirectInput controllers, TWO of them.

I received one as a gift, and picked another one up out of a bargain bin for 20 dollars at Walmart (maybe it was target idk). The build quality of these controllers is extremely high, even the texture on the face buttons is exactly like the ones we grew up with. Only caveat is the 6-ish foot long cable but I have them all plugged into a wired usb hub anyways. Check it out too, they even modeled the little plastic grip piece on the USB connector like the real deal, just tiny.

PS classics are dirt cheap and come with some of the nicest retro controllers you can purchase.

>> No.7189796
File: 23 KB, 691x400, 233795_detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inferior to the pokken tournament controller for anything that doesn't need analog sticks

>> No.7189804

love it for anything pre dualshock

>> No.7189818
File: 1.91 MB, 2848x1602, 0815201301b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically love 8bitdo
wish they had a longer run of their N64 wireless controllers and a retro adapter for the console.

>> No.7189830

8bitdo's Genesis controller is great. I have had bad experiences with their SNES style controller (ghost imputs).

>> No.7190335

That shit is fucking embarrassing. I wouldn’t be caught dead holding a faggot zoomer controller like that.

>> No.7190420

shit's comfy nigger faggot

>> No.7190438

Not retro

>> No.7190441

Wrong. 8Bitdo's controllers work with real Sega Genesis and SNES hardware.

>> No.7190463

That's a legit fucking hack, nice.

>> No.7190480

Shame about no analogues.

>> No.7190498

Pretty sure your main audio device isn't set as default.

>> No.7190519

This controller is fucking garbage, I had one. Just get a PS1/PS2 controller and an adapter, it's a much better experience.

>> No.7190528

Hori fighting dpads are the real deal and that pokken controller is possibly the best pad I have ever had the pleasure to use. I recommend it to everyone

>> No.7190551



>> No.7190558

the only people who complain about gatekeeping are the people who deserve to be gatekept faggot

>> No.7190583

>8Bitdo's controllers
Not retro. This board is a discussion for things from older generations.

That controller is not.

>> No.7190601

Psclassic is one of the best mainstream products for retro fans imo. An emulation box that's stupid simple to setup with autobleem and retroarch, TWO legit USB ps1 controllers, and it goes for like 20-30 bucks normal price. If you see it as an emulation starter kit it's awesome

>> No.7190724

I use Logitech game pads. They are good on PC and Android boxes.

>> No.7190874

one look at /v/ or everything else this in decade shows gatekeeping is a necessity

>> No.7190951

What is it with you people and wireless.
Trying to buy a wired controller is turning into a real ordeal.

>> No.7191072

Thanks mines comes hopefully on Christmas eve

>> No.7191084
File: 29 KB, 640x640, 1599111669622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forghot my picture

>> No.7191895

I have the Wii U version and it can't even do diagonals.

>> No.7191905


give it 2 more face buttons for saturn emulation and it's perfect

>> No.7191907


nothing wrong with these esp. if youre on a budget

>> No.7191965

That's some cringe.
That N64 controller is horrible but you don't even know because you're just a consoomer

>> No.7191985
File: 107 KB, 1500x1333, the best n64 controller you can buy today for twenty bucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horipad style best n64 controller

>> No.7192693

You sure told me!

>> No.7194076

By the way, the cable is connected to the internals of the controller by a microUSB-port, so if it ever breaks you can open it up and replace it.

>> No.7194139

My boyfriend has this controller, I played Blaster Master Zero 2 with it and it was pretty fun.

>> No.7194204

Good to know, thank you anon.

>> No.7194214

Sucks how there isn't a wired version of this though.

>> No.7194672

what the fuck is that shit

>> No.7194817

you can use all the wireless ones connected with the usb they are like twice the price as the wired one though

>> No.7194973

The saturn one is kino. Use for everything

>> No.7194990


Why not just use the built in bluetooth instead of buying an adapter?

>> No.7195335

Oh my god what the fuck is this

>> No.7195432

Not good buy Logitech F310

>> No.7196198

Yeah, and they contain batteries and pointless shit like that.

>> No.7196501

Mines came today, and it's trash. The dpad is nice but the buttons are squishy and the give changes depending on the angle you press them at. Also the bumpers are chink bootleg console tier.
Thankfully the delivery driver claimed he handed it to me but actually left it in a communal area so it probably got stolen and I can get a refund.

>> No.7196569

So incredibly good?

>> No.7196809

> no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted)
maybe fuck off

>> No.7196951


>> No.7197017

lol fuck off
Saturn controller for anything that piece of shit does.

>> No.7197030


>> No.7197506

>Saturn controller for anything that piece of shit does.
unless you're actually playing saturn and need the six face buttons no

>> No.7197508
File: 69 KB, 1200x798, 1200px-HoriMiniPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a copy of hori's extremely late to the party n64 controller that used a gamecube analog stick and wasn't designed for three armed aliens

>> No.7197520
File: 83 KB, 1058x792, 61qexQlSPxL._SL1058_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best.

>> No.7197535

Games that emphasize the d-pad would be complete dog shit on that thing.

>> No.7197538

That thing looks sexy as fuck. I think I need one.

>> No.7197557

how many n64 games do you know that emphasize the dpad?

>> No.7197694

Did they get sued or just suddenly get nervous?
I notice there's just a sudden shift away from all of their stuff being actionably on-model to nintendo controllers.
I even hear people pronouncing the do part weird as if to really make sure they aren't pronouncing 8bitdo like Nintendo

>> No.7198251

I had the previous model and the dpad was a mess for anything requiring diagonals. Had to block parts of the dpad pcb contacts with tape pieces to make it usable.

>> No.7198393

I heard the wireless version has terrible input lag on switch when you have multiple controllers connected. Is there any truth to that?

>> No.7198809

Sux, mine works

>> No.7199770

I always play THPS with the D pad. But I use the Admiral so it's in a better place than that thing.

>> No.7199776

Nintendo complained when the controllers were exactly like the originals.
Ghost I have my SNES and NES wireless duplicates already.

>> No.7199818

Yes. VR is gatekept by a group of 30-50 year old autistic white men which is why it’s one of the last good boards left on 4chan.

>> No.7199831

D-pad never worked in mine. Recently the A button got sticky, seems likely the rubber pad needs a replacement. Supposedly they ship those for free....

>> No.7199894

Nah it's memed trash like 8bitdo

>> No.7199950
