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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 15 KB, 512x512, retroarch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7179227 No.7179227 [Reply] [Original]

Should I use RetroArch or separate emulators for each console? Also what emulators do you recommend? I know for newer consoles like Gamecube or PS2 or N64, but have no idea on the older gen.

>> No.7179237

Are you emulating on a PC, or something else?

>> No.7179263

PC is my main focus, but I do sometimes want to play on the phone too. I have tried Retroarch, but for a frontend that is supposed to unify the process, I feel like a brainlet because I can't seem to set up things properly.

>> No.7179268

On PC I would just us individual emulators. The only time I would recommend Retroarch in retropie on a raspberry pi.

>> No.7179280


>> No.7179415

It's still the better option for N64 (mupen 64 with parallel rdp) and PS1 (beetle hw with dynarec). Plus its the only way to use genesis plus gx which is way superior to other alternatives. Otherwise it's on par with standalones (mednafen standalone is better for saturn), and you should use it only if you want runahead, shaders or netplay.

>> No.7179420

It depends on the core, really. The advantages of retroarch are portability, but if you need features it's lacking and are playing on PC, you probably want a separate emulator.
There's also the issue of how well maintained the cores are, you probably want to use the flycast core for dreamcast emulation, but the dolphin one is pretty abandoned and unsupported.
Last but not least is the interface. With some work you can make it manageable, but it's one of its weakest points and it does tend to break periodically.

>> No.7179437

Depends on what you are playing. For someone like me who only plays PSP and GBA, I find standalone enough without hogging too much space on my laptop

>> No.7179856

retroarch beetle core are behind mednafen standalone is one i cant think of

>> No.7179887

how to setup retroarch

>> No.7179972

Retroarch, don't listen to this nigger >>7179268
Most standalones are outdated or no onger developed. Also read the sticky
Read the sticky

>> No.7179996

Duckstation standalone, RetroArch everything else.

>> No.7180012

ackshuallly, retroarch IS separate emulators

>> No.7180026

It cant load zipped cd games.

>> No.7180070

Ima keep it real with you chief. The only time I used RetroArch was for the mindfuck that was https://www.alistairaitcheson.com/games/magicbox.html

>> No.7180081

If there's a decent retroarch core for what you're emulating, use retroarch
>Less input delay
>Less audio delay
>Better video/audio syncing
Assuming you set up frame delay, GPU sync and runahead correctly. It's just a better quality emulation than standalones. Plus shader support if you're into that kind of thing

NES, SNES, Master System, Genesis, PCE, PS1, N64, Saturn and maybe Dreamcast, I'd stick with retroarch

Gamecube, MAME, DOS I'd go with standalones as the cores just aren't really up to snuff yet

>> No.7180093

ive only tried for playstation but you can use chd files they bring the size down as if it were zipped

>> No.7180190

I dont use chud files chud.

>> No.7180215

yikes sweaty

>> No.7180226

Is RetroArch good for PS2? Which core?
I just lost an endgame savefile for my first playthrough of SotN btw. Still coping.

>> No.7180243
File: 388 KB, 1920x1080, retroarch_2020-12-14_16-20-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No reason not to use retroarch at this point, with the pcsx2 core and the ai translations I'm playing obscure as fuck jp ps2 games, shit's awesome.

>> No.7180278

>Should I use RetroArch
If the retroarch core the best emulator? Yes
If there's a better standalone emulator but you need to run retroarch because you're using some little shitbox thing? Don't play the game unless you can play it properly fag

>> No.7180289

I'd go RetroArch for anything pre-Dreamcast, for everything after I'd go standalone with Dolphin, PPSSPP, PCSX2 etc

>> No.7180568

Maybe I should try that feature one day. Google translate's JP to ENG translation isn't really as bad as it used to be. It will never be as good as a real translation but a lot of dialogue and plot can be understood through it

I use it sometimes to read untranslated doujins with OCR on my computer. I think in 5-10 more years the AI translation is probably going to be good enough to not have to bother with learning japanese anymore.

>> No.7180802

Emulators are not retro

>> No.7181620

use retroarch if you like asinine garbage interfaces and standalone emulators if you aren't confined to a raspberry pi.

>> No.7181630

The big-brained thing to do is to use other emulators for everything and then run to RA as a last resort. Works for me. :)

>> No.7181640

The first MAME build was 1997, I think. That's pretty fugging retro.

>> No.7181650

Retroarch is buggy trash that barely works
It also adds more overhead over the emulators (they will be slower than running standalone)

>> No.7181659

These are 100% true facts and not memes.

>> No.7181661

>Windows is buggy trash that barely works
RA does suck for ease of use in that it's unintuitive as fuck, but it gets the job done if you know what you're doing.
t. never, ever got a PS1 game to work truly correctly outside of using a epsxwhatever core in RA

>> No.7181667

Windows has nothing to do with it

>> No.7181668

How would you know? You've never used anything else.

>> No.7181672

I have installed gentoo

>> No.7181673
File: 145 KB, 1600x900, Eo4Vhy3UcAc9wE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How on earth do I emulate PC-Engine Games on Retroarch for the PS3? I know most of the games I want to play are ISOs and Bin/Cue files. But I can't even run it for whatever reason. I'm trying to download Retroarch on Linux Ubuntu hoping it will run. I curse myself for trying to emulate PC Engine games after watching so many shmup youtube videos.

>> No.7181674
File: 38 KB, 300x171, 1580143283283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7181735

Yes you should use RA for everything up to and including Dreamcast. Here're the cores you should use.
MSX - Bluemsx
C64 - Vice
Amiga - PUAE + WHDLoad
Nes - Mesen
SMS/MD/MCD - GenesisplusGX
SNES - Snes9x (bsnes/higan has stupidly high cpu requirements and zero additional benefit unless you want to play Air Strike Patrol)
32x - Picodrive
PC Engine - Mednafen
PS1 - Beetle SW (HW is broken, it and the other cores will give you problems guaranteed)
Saturn - There's only one core and it's 18 months out of date. Use standalone mednafen or SSF
Arcade - FB Neo (MAME core has input lag not in the standalone so use that if you want to use MAME)
N64 - Mupen Plus Next with Parallel
DC - Flycast
Fuck off with these troll responses
Flycast is currently the best option for DC, surpassing Demul.
Complete horse shit.

>> No.7181739

Retroarch is strictly worse, I'll always use standalone.

>> No.7181768

>Complete horse shit.
No its true, how do you think retroarch works in the first place? There will always be more overhead since the emulator has to pass the display contents to the bloated retroarch which then has to render it using opengl

>> No.7181830

You should only use retroarch in niche environments like a raspberry pi. The interface and implementation are beyond retarded and if you tell this to supporters, they will say "git gud" when the program hides important settings in menus that don't exist until you have a game running, controls settings have to be mapped to a virtual gamepad which you map your actual gamepad to. GUI menus exist, but are essentially hidden and incomplete. Features are cut from the standalone versions of the emulators.The whole thing is more difficult to use than standalone emulators which is the antithesis of what it's supposed to be.

Fuck retroarch

>> No.7181859

This. It's only useful for running emulators on weird shit where standalone probably isn't available.

>> No.7181875

It's a shame emulation on PS3 will always be shit because the ps3 doesn't support opengl.

>> No.7181891

Retroarch/Libretro has a bunch of exclusive emulators that you can't get standalone that are worth using it for. Never got the people that think it's hard to use, it's easy as shit to set up.

>> No.7181905

They're working on a core for DOS called DOSBox-Pure which is suppose to be a really easy to use version of it that run things better then standalone DOSBox.

Not right now, all there is is a core version of Play! which isn't good. They're working on a core version of PCSX2 though which looks like it'll be good.

>> No.7181914

Beetle PSX HW runs great though, especially if you use Vulkan.

>> No.7181995

Shut the fuck up. Retroarch sucks, and it is not faster than any of its respective cores’ individual emulators.

>> No.7182000

>ITT: people who have been alive for less time than I’ve been emulating spread FUD amongst each other
RetroArch is garbage and you are retarded.

>> No.7182417

It's a case by case basis per emulator and even per game.
N64 is agreed to run better on it than standalone, unless you want mouse controls then you need a standalone.
The most important thing to remember is like all programs it adds extra overhead. I have a new ryzen CPU so I don't even notice it, if you have something weaker it might be hogging performance that you otherwise need.

>> No.7182420


>> No.7182421

the new n64 core on retroarch is the best you can get IMO including standalone. Also prefer RA's ps1 cores to the standalones

>> No.7182429

>Flycast is currently the best option for DC, surpassing Demul.
It's also standalone.

>> No.7182520

Retroarch is good for most everything up until 6th gen. I'd recommend using standalone versions of Dolphin, PPSSPP, and PCSX2 instead of their Libretro cores.

>> No.7182549

>Retroarch is buggy trash that barely works
t. retard

>> No.7182560

I'll never understand the literal autistic niggers who can set up 12 different standalones, but fling their shit the minute they try to use an all in one setup like RA and go out of their way to not learn how to use it.

>> No.7182564

Retroarch. Run-ahead, hard sync and frame delay alone justify with the flaws and quirks. Individual game/console settings are nice too once you wrap your head around RA's weirdass priority system for them.

>> No.7182579

on PC I use bizhawk for almost everything since it's basically the same thing as retroarch but with an UI that makes sense

>> No.7183231

found your problem right there

>> No.7183235

because i dont want some faggot gui or shaders, but i do want lua scripting - youre a dumb faggot

>> No.7183329

This is how I'd use Retroarch, I just don't get it otherwise. I get that it's a frontend and useful for things where standalone don't exist like on a Pi, but you know what's a better front end loader than Retroarch? My OS. It's designed for installing programs and opening them, why would I want to add another barrier there between playing a game?

Because it's not an all in one. Every core is separate. There are more steps involved to run on Retroarch than standalones

>> No.7183361
File: 8 KB, 69x62, Sega gamegear mini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know this isn't necessarily /vr/ but its related to the thread.
for any anons that've used it, is the xbox series s actually a good way to emulate games, as in its a box that will run ps2/gamecube/dreamcast and previous generations without technical issues ?
what's the customizable options for emulation on it like ?
i have a spare $400 and im tempted to get one just for the convenience of having one box to run all my old games on.

>> No.7183610

>There are more steps involved to run on Retroarch than standalones
like ?
retro arch handle controllers automatically and you set it up only once and forget, plus you can backup the config and use it to skip setting it up again in the future.

>> No.7183625

>There are more steps involved to run on Retroarch than standalones
>load core
>load game
Yeah, and?

>> No.7183628

>. I get that it's a frontend and useful for things where standalone don't exist like on a Pi
No one uses retroarch because it's a front end. Hell a lot of people launch retroarch cores with different front ends altogether

People use retroarch because it has lots of input delay mitigation features and better syncing in general, as well as shader support if you're into that. If you care about input delay then retroarch is really your only option

>> No.7183630

And most of the cores are better than standalones.

>> No.7183715

Because retroarch is worse and harder to use. Standalone literally just werx.

>> No.7183719

>Because retroarch is worse and harder to use
Only if you're retarded.
>Standalone literally just werx.
Sure, tell us how great those standalone PS1, Saturn, and N64 emus are.

>> No.7183724

>PS1, Saturn, N64
Yes? Literally all more intuitive than Retroarch. What, you think it's difficult to get BIOS files or some shit?

>> No.7183736

How do you mean intuitive, what cant you do.

>> No.7183743

Hiding options in 10 different menus that you can't seem to find no matter what is pretty retarded anon. Eventually with Retroarch you just give up and go to standalone. I couldn't even find the setting to change resolution for N64 games, or use integer scaling on 2D systems, or anything like that for example. Sick of fighting with that pos.

>> No.7183803

I suppose that's the crux of it then.

If you want features and settings and tweaking to make everything run as best as possible go for Retroarch, if you want simplicity and have a 'good enough' approach to emulating go for standalones. Both are equally valid.

>> No.7183814

ps1 core is out of date a few versions i hope they update it soon

>> No.7183886

>I couldn't even find the setting to change resolution for N64 games
Settings -> Video -> Output

> or use integer scaling on 2D systems
Settings -> Video -> Scaling

Unless you mean internal resolution upscaling, in which case those are core specific settings that you do in the core specific options

I mean it's not the most well designed menu but it takes like 5-10 minutes to figure out and then you have superior emulation for just about everything pre-6th gen

>> No.7183978

not him, but RA requires configuration on my xubuntu install to work properly. ironically, it works better on windows out of the box (though its UI is still obtuse)

>> No.7183989

what kind of problems do you have i also use xubuntu and never really had an issue with retroarch

>> No.7183996

on the same machine, i had to configure for massive input lag with beetle saturn and flycast in the latency section of the options
for some reason unknown to me, even when using vulkan the input lag on those cores is garbage, only on xubuntu (never tried it on another distro)

>> No.7184046

ti never tried those cores personally but the beetle saturn core is probably too old compared to standalone mednafen its the same for the beetle psx core theres still issues that were fixed in 1.24 mednafen which is like a year old and saturn has a ton of fixes since then in standalone

>> No.7184073

Without looking, what button is fullscreen toggle?
What menu should changing the skin be in?
Without starting a game, how do you change settings for a particular emulator?
If you put it into kiosk mode without setting a password, how do you get it out of kiosk mode?
What does pressing escape do?

>> No.7184280

For me personally RetoArch wouldn't run jack shit on my system and uninstalling it left registries in my computer that still sees folders in the startup menu.

If you have issues with it I highly recommend Mednaffen, and using a front-end gui like Mednaffe with it to make it easy to use.

>> No.7184293

Okay now how long does it take to figure those things out?

>> No.7184315

>Well, you see, once you know to look for metal in food, you do not eat metal anymore, so not problem after all.

>> No.7184319
File: 38 KB, 700x787, Just Pog My Shit Up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to me and save yourself time. Retroarch excels in early retro consoles like 8-bit and 32-bit. A lot of shaders and features are really nice. But once you get into disc consoles you are much better off using standalones. If you're a fan of romhacks and fan games retro arch is also not a good choice.

>> No.7184323

What the fuck is this analogy

>> No.7184332

Retroarch has a multitude of obvious, easily rectifiable design and UI problems and being able to adapt or work around them isn't an argument for retroarch.

>> No.7184339

RA just has a bad interface if you're using it on PC, that's pretty much it and that's the main complaint against it. I figured out how to use it, but that doesn't make the interface any better to use, it still feels worse than most standalones.

>> No.7184352

I don't think anyone is defending the UI or calling it good. People use retroarch for all of the other features you can't get elsewhere. And while the UI isn't great it doesn't take very long to figure out, not long enough to offeset the other advantages it brings. And if you really can't stand the UI there are a multitude of other ways to load the cores, though you'd still have to do some of the basic configuring in the retroarch UI (or straight in the config files)

>> No.7184359

rgui is nice i hate all of the other menus though

>> No.7184371

Using retroarch is a state of constantly fighting the UI.
What advantages does it bring?

>> No.7184373

There's what seems to be a fairly large group of people who get defensive and start insulting anyone who says the UI could use some improvements. I suppose it's because they realize it's not ideal but put up with it anyway, but a program interface shouldn't really be a trial by fire. The main issue is just that XMB only really works with a controller and works best when you don't have too many options to scroll through. I never had an issue with it on PS3, but trying to us RA on PC is bad even after figuring it out and it needs a proper PC interface.

>> No.7184395

Retroarch comes from the land of linux where 'usability' is a four-lettter word

>> No.7184438

>What advantages does it bring?
Lower input delay. Lower audio delay. Better video/audio syncing. Shader support. AI driven translation features (although I've never used this myself)

After GPU sync, frame delay and runahead I can't stand most standalones strictly because of the input delay differences

>> No.7184479

Okay, but standalone emulators have runahead too. Retroarch versions of emulators are missing features in the standalones too.

>> No.7184483

>Okay, but standalone emulators have runahead too
Which ones? The only one I know of is bsnes

>> No.7184491

I don't have a comprehensive list, but mesen does. It's not a feature that's exclusive to RA by any means.

>> No.7184518

Snes9x has an option that says "reduce input lag" or something like that. Not sure if it's actually runahead though.

>> No.7184560

That's pretty nifty, I did not know that. I didn't realize it was that wide spread. Though I believe you're getting more platforms with runahead support via retroarch overall, then tied with frame delay I think you're coming out ahead regardless

>> No.7184563
File: 30 KB, 340x565, 978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes? Literally all more intuitive than Retroarch
So you enjoy your 10 year old plugins for PS1 and N64 emus, as well as your laggy Saturn emulators that rely on chinkware iso mounting software?
Mednafen PS1 seemed pretty up to date last I checked.
>Without looking, what button is fullscreen toggle?
What's the sunscreen toggle for standalones dumbass?
>What menu should changing the skin be in?
lmao don't even need that shit
>Without starting a game, how do you change settings for a particular emulator?
In the options menu after you press whatever button config you have for the GUI, are you this retarded?
>kiosk mode
lmao don't even need that shit
Exits the program.
Wow that was hard
You're just being a dumbass
>Using retroarch is a state of constantly fighting the UI.
And now you're just using dead memes
>Okay, but standalone emulators have runahead too
Standalone Genesis emus don't
Or PC Engine
Or PS1
Or N64
Or Saturn
Or Dreamcast
>Retroarch versions of emulators are missing features in the standalones too.
Nope. Come back when you're not stuck in 2015.
It's probably like zero delay mode on Analog consoles, where the game is ever so slightly clocked down to run at an even 60hz

>> No.7184568

**Full screen
oh man now I'm retarded

>> No.7184589

>In the options menu after you press whatever button config you have for the GUI, are you this retarded?
You know you literally can't change the settings without a game loaded and the core running, right?

>> No.7184596

individual unless you like out of date cores with a shitty UI

>> No.7184602
File: 24 KB, 1308x98, Screenshot_2020-12-16_20-03-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mednafen PS1 seemed pretty up to date last I checked.
its behind in beetle psx this bug still exists i think they are with 1.22 version

>> No.7184619
File: 106 KB, 1252x1252, hqW4M-Zv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be nice if escape brought up the menu or if fullscreen was F11 or alt-enter like every other piece of sane software
Half your post is just 'lolno'

>> No.7184631
File: 51 KB, 600x881, satana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck zoomerarch, it's bloatware.

Unless you're on a pi zero or some shit in which case the easiest thing to do is get something like lakka or retropie of which is made from zoomerarch pretty sure.

It's just some cheat shit for people like you that won't pick specific fav emulators. It uses many emulators to compile them all into an os, that's it's goal, hence lakka being a linux os.

visualboyadvance [insert version for computer]
epsxe (have to adjust settings)
nestopia (speed glitches)
project64 (might have to adjust settings or won't work)

Zoomerarch has parrelel core for it's mupen64 emulator, that's a equal tier to project64 emulator for windows, but mupen's for it all, anyway, if a powerful device that's the best for n64. That's the only real reason you'd want to use zoomerarch, but can't you use mupen for it if it's for mupen? Am I missing something? I don't use mupen as I have neet-potatoes.

Oh, vbjin for virtual boy I also have installed. My specific versions are:

>epsxe 1.7 or 2.05 (they seem to work the same so I usually used 1.7 as it doesn't have that jewgle play advertising on it)
>1.52 for the snes snes9x
>1.6 is the least glitchy for my computer for project64 (it's win7 netbook from the xp era hardware wise)
>1.4 nes(topia)
>svn61 for virtual boy vbjin
And the vb has a google link in it's about section, how gay is that. I only have it for the wario game I've not beaten yet and due to liking jewtendo too much I guess. Perhaps I should delete it?

They also have shit like mednafen for muitplat emulation. Not just zoomerarch does that. Look up such things.

>> No.7184749


Duckstation, psxfin and/or epsxe for ps1, depends on the game. And mednafen may have the better conpatibilty, but its just as bad as retroarch to use. Keep an eye on duckstation, its getting developed really fast and updated constantly.
Pcsx2 for ps2
Mesen for nes
Snes9x for snes
Dolphin for gc and wii
Citra for 3ds
Ppsspp for psp (best emulator ever)
For DS theres no decent emulator for pc. Drastic is android only and its not free. You can try desmume or some version of no$gba for ds
For gba just visualboyadvance
Rpcs3 for ps3

And thats about it i haven dived on sega emulation or other stuff. Theres mame for arcade i guess

I always go standalone on PC. Retroarch is just not designed for desktop, and unless they change their way of thinking about the UX/UI, they can suck a dick and stick their program for non-desktop devices. Plus going for standalone helps the devs of those programs.
Multi-emulators dont belong in PC, they will start putting DRM on the cores soon enough or pull some shit like that in the future.

>> No.7185157

no replies? retroarch fags btfo i guess

>> No.7186205

They went back plebbit

>> No.7186264

I dont use it for the interface, I use it for the shaders and delay options. If youre a shaderfag retroarch is hard to beat

>> No.7186341

>You know you literally can't change the settings without a game loaded and the core running, right?
Takes two seconds to load the game.
>GBA emu with various speed issues
>the shittiest PS1 emu reliant on 10 year old plugins
>long outdated version of SNES9x
>Project Malware 64
>Dead NES emulator with shitty mapper support
How's being retarded working out?
Notice you don't have any Sega emus, probably because the standalones are either dead (Kega), dogshit (SSF), or just have core equivalents (Flycast).

So now it looks like standalonefags are so stuck in their ways they're becoming the next generation of ZSNESfags.

>> No.7186381

>Notice you don't have any Sega emus, probably because the standalones are either dead (Kega), dogshit (SSF), or just have core equivalents (Flycast).

Actually its because i dont give a shit about sega. It offers me nothing of my interest.

But im most certainly convinced that i can find a well functioning standalone if i search for it.

Meanwhile you are a retard that has no standards for the things you consume and perpetuate bad practices that will hurt its consumers(and hurt you by extension) in the long run. So don't comeback crying when RA will drop its portability and will start selling licenced hardware with their little software embedded. And at that point, Pray that some fag like you will have a fork of RA ready for you to suck its tits.

Fair enough, i dont find the hassle to set up that worth my time. Perhaps ill test it later on the Pi

>> No.7186401

>It offers me nothing of my interest.
Not the one you're responding to but I guarantee you're missing out on a lot that you don't realize

>> No.7186491

>Actually its because i dont give a shit about sega. It offers me nothing of my interest.
That's your loss.
>But im most certainly convinced that i can find a well functioning standalone if i search for it.
Nope, the best Genesis emu Genesis Plus GX requires running in RA. The only other cycle accurate emu is blast em but it lacks Sega CD compatibility. For Saturn, you need the mednafen core, since SSF is dogshit. For Dreamcast, you need Flycast, since Demul is a resource intensive pile of shit.
>Meanwhile you are a retard that has no standards for the things you consume
I'm not the one using outdated standalones, so enjoy your dogshit accuracy and the eventuality they won't run reliably due to hardware or OS incompatibilities.

>> No.7186893

>Takes two seconds to load the game.
Still, having a certain set of options locked away until you start the game and multiple sets of menus like that just makes the UI worse.

>> No.7187013

It's not worse, it's just different from standalone setups. You do know that in standalones in order to see what effects you change you need to load a game right?

>> No.7187059

>MAME for GameCube
Did I read this wrong?
Is there something I don’t know?

>> No.7187065

Why come to this board if you dont play retro games?

>> No.7187426

not him, some standalone you can see the changes you made without reloading the game like pcsx2 but it is not guaranteed on standalone.
i use retroarch on everything except PS2 PSP GC

>GBA and PSP
>Not retro
read the sticky thread

>> No.7187456

bubububububuBUH MUH SHADERS

>> No.7187460

I just switched over to retroarch because of the epsxe crackling audio issue that still somehow hasn't been fixed. Figured since I was switching emus I'd give RA and go and I'm liking it so far, only took about ten minutes before I had Parasite Eve up and running on Beetle HW with a nice crt shader.

>> No.7187462

Anyone else think that emulator worship is lame on par with or even worse than the Sega System anon?

>> No.7187479
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retroarch design choice that makes no sense
>"Well, actually it's not a problem....."
every time

>> No.7187493

That guy is so lame now and even when he was cool online 12-15 years ago, his public appearances showed him that he wasn't above shitting on his fans. He got a big ego QUICK.
(and RA sucks ass most of the time)

>> No.7187715

from hero to omega simp. how can one man sink so low?

>> No.7187908

I watched him crush one of his biggest fans for no reason once. He's trash, always has been, but he was correct and funny in the early 2000s.

>> No.7188109

>speed issues
Frame skip it.
>shittiest ps1
no fag
Works fine sine since win9x days.
>project malware
It had optional adware and you could click off of installing it retard.
>nes emulator
It was the best at a time. Why do you need something so basic as the BEST nes emulator when nes is so easily emulated? what's the one you like?
Inb4 ^

>> No.7188261



>> No.7188303

On pc/laptop I use Mednaffe (mednafen frontend, very user friendly)
On rpi4 I use Batocera

>> No.7189481
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I have a sleeper PC hooked to a 15" shadow mask CRT monitor (also hooked up to living room 36" Trinitron) and here are my thoughts:

If you have a CRT, RetroArch is unbeatable. It's easy CRT mode will automatically configure the cores to display at their intended native resolutions on CRTs, it is pixel perfect and you can continue to configure it from there. For example, my Apple "15 display is native 1024 x 768, throwing on CRT 15kz mode on Beetle-PSX automatically tells my monitor how to interpret the signal and automatically throws it pixel perfect 1:1. Might not seem like a big deal to many of you, but that simple feature makes life easier. Configuring RetroArch can be a minor hassle and like all software there are quirks, but once it's up and running it's solid gold.

The Beetle cores do not have stand-alone executable versions, and they are by far the best TG-16 and Saturn emus available. People praise the Beetle-PSX HW core but IMO the software Beetle-PSX core reigns supreme.

RetroArch is of course not great at Dreamcast and beyond, so only keep it around for 32-bit systems. ReDream is the best Dreamcast emu I've used bar none (cost 5 bucks but worth it), PCSX2 is still the king for PS2 emulation and no words need to be said for Dolphin.

>> No.7189620

Maddox was another time and place. He was much better when we all thought he was a faceless internet troll.

I received the Alphabet of Manliness book as a gift and enjoyed it, but it was all down hill from there.

His YouTube show is embarrassing and he has very little charisma, and last I remember he was parroting a lot of globohomo shit.

>> No.7189728

I find that Retroarch has pretty poor support for rom compression in general. It's a real problem if you're autistic about gzipping all your rom images like I am.

>> No.7190079

>handless facepalm dot filetype

>> No.7190358

Why are you so retarded trying to fit in like a faggot? I think you should actually go back or better go kill yourself

>> No.7191557
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>Sure, tell us how great those standalone PS1, Saturn, and N64 emus are.
t. person who can't read basic setup instructions and struggles to move one folder into another
bios are the easiest thing in the world to setup.
people talk about how standalones have non-intuitive ui's, nigger try using a basic coding engine like R where there is literally a box with no icons or taskbar and its up to you to figure that shit out completely.
imagine not being able to setup an emulator in 2020 when there are hundreds of videos of 14 year old indian pajeets doing it on their vista computers from 2005

>> No.7191594

>people talk about how standalones have non-intuitive ui's
I've never seen anyone say this, mostly just admitting RA has a bad UI but simultaneously defending it for some reason.

>> No.7191669

im not him, but the sticky is retarded, and your'e retarded for thinking it means shit; those two consoles aren't retro.

>> No.7191748

>Frame skip it.
You enjoy your games stuttering even more than they already do in VBA?
>no fag
Wrong fag. All the "best" plugins are 0 years old and stuff like Pete's OpenGL2 Tweaks still exhibit speed issues with games that use non 240p resolutions like Tekken 3, and it's not a hardware issue, it's the plugin.
>Works fine sine since win9x days.
Try running EWJ2. Or even Ari Strike Patrol. If you're going to brag about being a standalone fag, at least use Higan.
>It had optional adware and you could click off of installing it retard.
And it was bullshit to have been in to begin with. Moreover it's still incapable of playing edge cases like Resident Evil 2 no matter what plugins you use.
>It was the best at a time. Why do you need something so basic as the BEST nes emulator when nes is so easily emulated?
Because Nestopia has shit mapper support and can't even play games like Kid Dracula.
>what's the one you like?
>Inb4 ^
You're clearly retarded when it comes to emulation, like all zoomers you're computer illiterate.

>> No.7191769

>people talk about how standalones have non-intuitive ui's, nigger try using a basic coding engine like R where there is literally a box with no icons or taskbar and its up to you to figure that shit out completely.
>imagine not being able to setup an emulator in 2020 when there are hundreds of videos of 14 year old indian pajeets doing it on their vista computers from 2005
Imagine bragging about setting up some coding engine but you're somehow too retarded to set up RA.
>bios are the easiest thing in the world to setup.
That's the least of the problems retard. Now enjoy spending more time configuring plugins for specific games and having remember them each time you ever decide to switch games.
>RetroArch is of course not great at Dreamcast and beyond
I've had few problems with Flycast, what's wrong with it?
>ReDream is the best Dreamcast emu I've used bar none (cost 5 bucks but worth it),
>paying for emulators
Anon, don't be a fag like that.

>> No.7191918

Do you people not know about mgba?

>> No.7191947

If you're playing from your couch then use Retroarch. You don't have to squint to see what you're doing, everything is in one spot, it organizes your library, and you don't have to redo your inputs every time you want to use a different controller.

>> No.7191992

>im not him
you can go kill yourself too faggot.

>> No.7192664

Flycast sucks your dad's little penis you shit-eating pleb.

ReDream blows flycast out of the fucking water but I guess you wouldn't know since you're above giving a single dude 5 bucks for coding a dreamcast emu that actually fucking works you gay poorfaggot.

>> No.7192674

wtf even is the appeal of retroarch? it's just a shitty xmb/ps3-looking frontend is it not

>> No.7193810

>sticky is retarded
>i don't know what retro means.
GBA and original PSP are retro, PSP and PS2 are last gan retro after that all AAA games focus on specific genre and milk it all the way to this day like what modern games are right know (example rockstar).
And the GBA are an obvious retro portable console if you can't see it then play with it, your retarded brain may think it looks like a mobile game.

>> No.7194404

>im going to tell you that you don't know retro means, despite not knowing what retro means myself
good one
GBA, PSP, PS2, GCN, hexbox, wii, and beyond will never be retro. ever. never ever.
you can convince yourself that retro just means "x amount of time has passed" or "x generations ago", but remember: green day will never be classic rock, and GBA will never be retro.

>> No.7194447
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Retro means a return to a style from the recent past, what you want to do is find a "vintage" or "classic" gaming community, perhaps on reddit.

>> No.7194570

Oh, like PS3.

>> No.7194618

>shader support
>great video/audio syncing
>less input delay than most standalones
>N64, PS1 and Saturn cores are just about the best emulation you can get for those platforms

That's why people use retroarch. No one cares about the frontend nature of it

>> No.7194743

>Don't mind me, just projecting here.
never said about retro means "x amount of time has passed" or "x generations ago" in my post, what i said was PS2 is the last retro generation bacouse of AAA games shift to make only specific genre with an example rockstar games, if you didnt know most of there IP when they make different games like bully, midnight club ... etc, stopped on ps2.
So i see retro through game design and what the industry is doing, hint that why i said 'last'.

>you can convince yourself that retro just means "x amount of time has passed" or "x generations ago"
how about you tell us what do you mean by retro, my best guess is "retro mean stuff i grow up with only".
mine is through game design and what the industry is doing with the games, retro is making a complete game not having the luxury of updates to fix there shit later and sell "micro" transactions or part of the game as dls.
in the dictionary retro mean this >>7194447 keyword nostalgia.

>> No.7194769

this >>7194618
and it handle controller automatically and you can backup your setting so you can configure it once and forget about it.

>> No.7194796

>my best guess is "retro mean stuff i grow up with only".
what if i told you im a zoomer who had a gamecube when he was 5
because i am, and i did
my definition has been the same for 10 years: it wasn't relevant by the time i was fully cognizant

>> No.7194801

what is this board named, retard
what were the rules for 6 years, retard

>> No.7194887

>my definition has been the same for 10 years: it wasn't relevant by the time i was fully cognizant
what if i told you that you "fully cognizant" a console or a game are irrelevant for a console to be retro.
what if i told you that you played on a console back when you where 5 are only matters for nostalgia on retro gaming which is a keyword for the biggest reason for playing retro games and not the whole meaning of it because you could play on a console or a game you didn't grow playing with.

>> No.7194895

Classic rock stations have been playing Green Day for over a decade

>> No.7194946

Read the definition, retard
I've been here since 2014, retard
Guess what, faggot, I'm 37 and I know what the fuck retro means

>> No.7195016

doesn't make green day classic rock
idk what to tell you faggot, you're fucking retarded and i really don't have anything else to say
nothing can convince me otherwise on this, im sorry
bad ESL-chan, bad!

>> No.7195030

Yes, we all know you're autistic, this is us being patient

>> No.7195056

>bad ESL-chan, bad!
says the one with bad logic, still your "definition" is not valid.

>> No.7195096

He doesn't have a definition, he has a religious revelation that has given him unshakeable faith in his own feelies

>> No.7195123

True, i just go along and shut it down easily within since its false.
And he is probably autistic.

>> No.7195383
File: 7 KB, 275x183, fat kid binoculars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your grammar is not valid
you're autistic
"um, achtually, le epic marrium google webster dictionary say retro is new thing but look like old think, checkmate"
ah yes, the often overlooked tenet of catholicism: GBA will never be retro
again with the le epic dictionary meme
as you can easily find for yourself, autism is defined as:
relating to or affected by autism.
a person affected by autism
clearly, this does not represent me, as i only have characteristics *related* to autism, but don't actually *have* autism. you're using the term wrong, retard. classic autism stations have been playing retor video games vor voer debade :DDDD

>> No.7195405

how fucking stupid can you be to not know what is and what isn't retro?

>> No.7195491

Won't society be relieved that they can throw out the dictionary and just assign their feelings to words now, although somehow this might get really confusing

>> No.7196196

>your grammar is not valid
I bet you can't point it out instead of throwing nonsense.
>GBA will never be retro
Again according to your "definition" GBA is not retro for yourself , bean "fully cognizant" to console are irrelevant for a console to be retro.
>again with the le epic dictionary meme
I know you are not autistic, said it for the meme, you are clearly just retarded.

>> No.7196249

Not that anon, but dictionaries often fail to capture subtlety and connotation.
There are retro clothes and games, but there aren't retro foods and movies.

>> No.7196624
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Xmb isn't the default gui anymore

>> No.7196647

>Switch menu driver to ozone or rgui
>In menu settings you can toggle which options you want available. I tend to to toggle off most everything so that only libraries, content load and basic options are available. Can set it up however you want
>Turn on menu music. Can add your own, I personally use the sega vintage collection theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVdBQIQebjw
>I prefer to leave the basic config default (outside of turning on fullscreen) and set everything up per core, saving core settings for each
>When loading a core, go to latency settings, turn hard gpu sync on and set it to 0, or depending on driver set swapchain images to 1. Then turn on runahead, set it to 1 frame (this is a per game setting but 1 tends to work across the board) and crank frame delay as high as you can without getting any slowdowns or skips. Enjoy super low input delay

I won't go into shader setup because I could do that for hours, but those settings alone pretty much beat any standalone config for most of the cores

>> No.7197010

I can't play Ocarina of time without some kind of an issue, wether it freeze up or audio is out of sync. How in the hell do you use the Dolphin emulator with this? I just want to play Ocarina of time because my N64 doesn't work on my new tv

>> No.7198042

Hello skmp.

>> No.7198112

>what if i told you that you "fully cognizant" a console or a game are irrelevant for a console to be retro.
i would correct this, but i really don't understand what you're even trying to say. my best guess is:
"what if i told you that being "fully cognizant" when a console or game is relevant doesn't make it not retro"
>what if i told you that you played on a console back when you where 5 are only matters for nostalgia on retro gaming which is a keyword for the biggest reason for playing retro games and not the whole meaning of it because you could play on a console or a game you didn't grow playing with.
again, best guess here:
"what if i told you that you playing a certain console when you were 5 is only nostalgic for you; nostalgia is the biggest reason for playing retro games, but isn't the end all be all, because you can totally just play games you didn't grow up with"
learn how to write properly so you never really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like again, ok?

>> No.7198163

just use mupen64plus-next i havent played through the whole game on it so far but i havent had any issues

>> No.7198178

are you using any cheats? I am, I've played and beaten the game plenty of times, I just wanna do a run through with certain cheats on to speed things up. Oh yeah, I've tried running the game on the emulator itself and on mupen and parraleelei (I'm drunk) on retroarch. I just can't find an emulator to run this game flawlessly.... Oh yeah, I've even tried retroarch on my daughter's Xbox one S

>> No.7198218

no i havent tried the cheat function in retroarch before

>> No.7198976

>for DS there's no decent emulator for PC
I got WFC to work on MelonDS so there's that.
The game also recognized wireless connection but always ends up in communication error (I was trying it on the same computer with two instances), seems like the connection is finicky.
the guy behind desmume has a huge hateboner for Pokemon series, to the point that he actually sabotaged development on online features just to spite these guys

>> No.7199025

kega fusion

>> No.7199161

mesen or get out.

>> No.7199262

Are you running it on Vulkan renderer?

>> No.7199273


>> No.7199291

If this is the driver then no, I changed it to GL or something because I read it has a problem with N64 games. I'll check when I get home.

>> No.7199742

Good. Pokémon is a detriment to society. How many trannies today are a result of parents letting them play too much pokeman as kids? The unironic answer is: a lot.

In fact, the release of Pokémon coincides with the increased autistic population globally.

>> No.7200017

>they will start putting DRM on the cores soon enough

>this core is shareware. to unlock all features please register!
>after the 30 trial period you will need to purchase a license for this core
>due to a legal agreement with Nintendo this core will no longer run Nintendo roms

>> No.7200589

The game has changed, anons. The game has changed.


>> No.7200598

>But once you get into disc consoles you are much better off using standalones. If you're a fan of romhacks and fan games retro arch is also not a good choice.

>> No.7200604


Yeah man it only auto translates your obscure Japanese games into English through AI. Totally not suitable for romhacks/fangames.

>> No.7200649
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>> No.7200728

>Dosbox Pure makes it easy to play your DOS roms!
No thanks, playing DOS virtual machine is part of the game experience. For me, it's Dosbox-X.

>> No.7200840

stupid faggot.

>> No.7200884

Such anger, who hurt you?

>> No.7201359

stewpid faggot