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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 152 KB, 491x480, EGoMiJx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7177224 No.7177224 [Reply] [Original]

Some production art for Jazz Jackrabbit 2 was uploaded online.

>> No.7177230

i can't imagine anyone caring about that game's shitty art

this ain't metal slug, it's a trace-over of bugs bunny with scribblier fur

>> No.7177239

why you have to be such a stupid fucking asshole dude? jazz jackrabbit and metal slug are both good games

>> No.7177246
File: 68 KB, 800x348, 24fortress1-popup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dwarf fortress is a good game too, doesn't mean i want to look at its concept art

>> No.7177252

this is exactly the kinda stuff you do that gets you kicked out of every other community, nobody likes a thread shitter. the whole idea behind concept art if to give you an idea of what people were thinking about during development when they were tossing ideas back and forth. you get to see the stuff that made it, the stuff that didn't make it, and it's a mystifying before and after especially when considering that a lot of people's drawings get cleaned up. is this something you've never thought about??

>> No.7177268
File: 107 KB, 786x573, b02_mono_eye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some metal slug art. see how it's something you'd actually want to share?

Epic was a real garage company at the time of jazz jackrabbit, and they did not have very good artists. That game is good in spite of that.

>> No.7177271

Somehow manages to be even more grotesque and unappealing than the original Jazz's art. Fascinating.

>> No.7177278

Do you really see any deep thinking going into their edgy 90's bugs bunny? There's barely any "concept" here, it's retarded.

>> No.7177287
File: 152 KB, 309x480, MXH8RxP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most notable thing about the entire collection is a drawing of Eva Earlong with a gun and armbands.

>> No.7177293

you never answered my initial question, why are you being such a shit to OP and just coming in and saying metal slug has better art? that's such a stupid thing to do

what the fuck is wrong with you people

>> No.7177518

do you have like google alerts set or what

>> No.7178656


>> No.7178670

>OP coping and seething out the ass because nobody gives a flying fuck about shitty concept art for some garbage platformer from the fucking 90's

Real great thread here dipshit. This is why this board is dead now, we don't need more retarded threads.

>> No.7178732

These are actually pretty cool

>> No.7178830

OP here. My only posts are the OP, >>7177287 and this one.

>> No.7178839

Heaven forbid people bring up a 90's game on the fucking RETRO board.

Why are you even here?

>> No.7178884

Actually Jazz Jack Rabbit still has a community making levels for it. More levels being made than some of the shitty FPS you and your buddies shill in your containement threard.

On top of this, development content is always welcome. People love that shit. There is a reason everyone obsesses over "LOST BETA!"

And I'm not even OP.

>> No.7178895

>implying there isn't a way to hide threads you don't like
>implying there isn't a way to make threads you like
>implying board culture gets better when you threadshit every thread you don't like for free (you)s

>> No.7178897

I LIKE this thread, shitting on old games is FUN

>> No.7178918

This. The essence of any hobby is as much enjoying what you like as aggressively dismissing what you dont, probably more

>> No.7178934

BASED, fuck /vr/gins

>> No.7179014

yeah at least they have charm

>> No.7179081


>> No.7179820
File: 195 KB, 1200x857, DQcmr93UEAA8riP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7179838


>> No.7179845

>Epic was a real garage company
Thanks for bringing that up. It's cool how passionate developers can be despite their situations

>> No.7179850

wtf this is based, find a bridge and do a flip

>> No.7179867

>NOOO, why aren't you talking about MY favorite game instead??

>> No.7179883

Is that from Love for Sail?

>> No.7179903

Yes. Posted on Al Lowe's website years ago.

>> No.7180436

>what the fuck is wrong with you people
most people that use this board are brain dead fucking morons whos knowledge base is updated on the fly via frantic googling (and they still fuck it up).

>> No.7181731
File: 32 KB, 315x480, DmhTSR7[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the share OP. Love me some Jazz Jackrabbit.

>> No.7181753

I like the art on Jazz 2. It reminds me a bit of Digimon and how being uglier and dirtier was cool in the 90's.

>> No.7181765
File: 23 KB, 576x432, 1605064721020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7182487


>> No.7182595

Cool. Never thought the game got stuff like that. Such a shame it was a flop.

Does it come with the official lewds by the original artist as well?

>> No.7183796

it's not ugly or dirty it's just bad

i love a scratchy doodle but this ain't it

>> No.7183940

>Does it come with the official lewds by the original artist as well?
Probably not since those were drawn after the game was already done by the guy who made the cutscenes, not the actual character artist.