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File: 1.09 MB, 1260x700, gcvsxbox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7175861 No.7175861 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any games that were better on the Gamecube than the Xbox?

>> No.7175873

Luigi's Mansion.

>> No.7175918

Last place is always hard to get

>> No.7175927

That wasn't on Xbox you stupid Nintendo baby.

>> No.7175948

Therefore it was significantly better on the GameCube, no?

>> No.7175949

No it was better on Xbox because it didn’t exist. Unless you’re a manchild who likes babby games?

>> No.7175958

Nope. Every superior port only existed on the Xbox.

>> No.7175963

Just tell us Luigi's Mansion ruined you mentally

>> No.7176004
File: 64 KB, 640x360, StupidlyRareGameCubeTHUMB43SM-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong best Sega port is a gamecube gaem

>> No.7176005

You should have specified multi-plats. Some might say Soul Calibur just because it has Link. I'm not one of those people.

>> No.7176017

Supposedly the GameCube version of Sonic Heroes is better, never played the Xbox version so i can't confirm

>> No.7176029

Pac-Man World 2 for Gamecube has Pac-Man VS, Wrath of Cortex, and Rayman 3 have bonus minigames.
Mortal Kombat Deception, NBA Street V3, and SSX on Tour have exclusive characters.
You could argue Soul Calibur 2 for Link but I prefer Spawn and Heihachi.

>> No.7176034

He’s right, Steven.

>> No.7176039

Some PS2 and Dreamcast ports were better than on Xbox as well, not most but there are always exceptions.

>> No.7176229

You fail at basic logic

>> No.7176238
File: 54 KB, 372x500, 51qvSjhcrwL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope! thats why im playing spider-man 1 on my xbox playing the Kraven stages gamecube babies never got

>> No.7176240

I didn't know 1&2Plus was a thing since I always played Blue Burst

>> No.7176408

Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog, and Sonic Riders were all better on GCN.

>> No.7176983

dats tha joke, dummy dumdum

>> No.7177004

Phantasy Star Online was far better on GameCube, there are a few other minor examples but nothing noteworthy. Yes, the Xbox was better for multiplats, but when it didn't have Resident Evil 4... does it really matter?

>> No.7177010

Ninja Gaiden 64

>> No.7177065

Gladius has the best version on Gamecube, since the ports for PS2/Xbox have worse load times. Other than that and a few other outliers, no.

>> No.7177451

Speaking of load times, Turok Evolution on the gamecube runs at 60FPS (the mighty Xbox could only do 30), but the loading times are longer, the PS2 has the longest load times though. I'd even argue you're better off playing either console version as the PC version was not only limited release but also had its own share of problems.

>> No.7177454

Got 'em!

>> No.7177472

Turok Evolution is also an awful game.

>> No.7177538


>> No.7177582

it was a real shoddy port
the character didn't even look the same, aside from being green

>> No.7179526

>Rayman 3 have bonus minigames
What the fuck, I did not know that.
>Mortal Kombat Deception have exclusive characters
This I found out later, I was so fucking pissed that shao khan was exclusive to the gamecube

>> No.7180437

It's better in that the GCN version was least buggy, a product of the fact that GCN game development was easier than PS2 and Xbox development.

>> No.7180453

GBA cable is based.
Goro and Shao Kahn are also in the PSP version with four other characters and an endurance mode.

>> No.7182123

I was originally going to say >>7176004 but then I double checked and plus only exists because the original gamecube version was stupid easy to hack, its just the exact same game with better security and a few things that were online only can be done offline. xbox even has the four play offline splitscreen that I had thought was gamecube versions main advantage of the pc version

>> No.7182138

Sonic games in general were best on GameCube as Sonic Team had the most experience with it.

>> No.7182186
File: 211 KB, 762x1067, 29149_us-Fight-Night-Round-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fight Night Round 2 is superior on Gamecube because it came with Super Punch-Out!!

>> No.7182202

the def jam fighting game is best on gamecube because theres a scene where all the rappers who are secretly martial arts masters are playing video games and in the gamecube version they're playing on a gamecube, which is funny to me

>> No.7182204

tales of symphonia is better on gamecube than PS2, and it's also better than on xbox because it never released on that system lmao

>> No.7182231 [DELETED] 

>the def jam fighting game
There are two Death Jam games on GameCube. And the GameCube version of FfNY is shit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Def_Jam:_Fight_for_NY#GameCube_version

Another drawback not mentioned there is having to use the godawful GameCube controller.

>> No.7182378

Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog's Gamecube ports had fewer bugs than the Xbox version iirc.

>> No.7182551

Burnout 3...oh wait.

>> No.7182679 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 500x378, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How has no one mentioned Soul Calibur II yet? Spawn was cool but Link really sealed the deal to make the GCN version the best by far.

>> No.7182746

All of them

>> No.7182772

>How has no one mentioned Soul Calibur II yet?
Because in determining which version of a game is the best, most people care more about how well the game runs and how good the game looks than whether or not one of the characters is a gay little elf boy.

>> No.7182810 [DELETED] 

Considering they both run well and look great, for SCII it really comes down to content. The only outlier is the PS2 which is the worst version graphically.

>> No.7183469


>> No.7183649

Except Link sucks in SCII. And the Cube pad is retarded for fighters.
>Considering they both run well and look great, for SCII it really comes down to content.
In that case Xbox version is objectively still best since it has additional 720p mode. Exclusive characters are a matter of subjectivity.

>> No.7183696

SCII on gc has better textures.

>> No.7183747

>Except Link sucks in SCII
spawn is the worst of the console exclusive characters by far both tier wise and just to play because he was blatantly given a faction of the effort
>the Cube pad is retarded for fighters.
normally I'd agree but it works fine for soul calibur because of its good analog stick and face buttons. the original xbox controller had a kinda fucked up stick and buttons even if it has a (somewhat) better dpad. if we're basing this based on what has the best controller for fighting games ps2 takes it clean
>In that case Xbox version is objectively still best since it has additional 720p mode. Exclusive characters are a matter of subjectivity.
it's also subjective you'd have a tv that can output 720p in 2002 when the game came out, and this entire feature is trumped by dolphin emulator mods or just buying the HD re-release

>> No.7183804

on original hardware? no
if we're talking about ultimate best versions? pretty much every gameube version is better than the xbox one because smash autism has made gamecube emulation exponentially better than the xbox

>> No.7184105

Based. OP fucking wrecked

>> No.7184270

I'm told Budokai 3 looked best on the Gamecube. Not sure if that's true.

>> No.7184365

The Gamecube port of Crash Wrath of Cortex is easily the worst despite any extra content with its constant dips to 30 fps
SC2's 720p is barely worth it when it forces a letterboxed 4:3, can't get this shit fullscreen on my CRT monitor through my OSD at all. I have to use an LCD and at that point I'd rather go back to 480p where the game actually supports widescreen properly.

>> No.7185192

The original game is identical besides superior performance on the Xbox version. Xbox never did get Plus though, so there is that.

>> No.7185314 [DELETED] 

Link is definitely lower tier than Spawn. In fact, Spawn is the only one that fits in. Link is garbage and Heihachi is broken.

But it's moot because the Xbox supports 1080i while the GCN can only do 480p.

>> No.7185479

I didnt know that, are they any good?

>> No.7185543
File: 769 KB, 2000x2780, Ultimate-Spider-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one I can think of, off the top of my head.

>> No.7185548

Tony Hawks Underground, Soul Calibur 2

>> No.7185556
File: 313 KB, 1200x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also this

>> No.7185565


>> No.7185580
File: 83 KB, 921x735, 1586886139062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X-Hues wrecked

>> No.7185736
File: 66 KB, 565x859, gcList.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without creating a new thread for this: I never had a GameCube as a kid and I'm collecting roms to try out now that I got a cheap Wii and a CRT. Is there anything not on the list I should try?

>> No.7185746
File: 29 KB, 265x376, Rogue_squadron_2_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the star wars rogue squadron games were good

>> No.7185774
File: 21 KB, 793x581, roguesquadron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one, thanks Anon

>> No.7185784

F Zero GX
Star Fox adventures & assault
Ocarina of Time and Majora's mask if you haven't played them
Doshin the giant
Chibi robo
Eternal darkness
Gotcha force
Lost kingdoms 1 & 2
Harvest Moon
Pokemon Colosseum & XD
MGS twin snakes

Evolution worlds, skies of Arcadia, tales of symphonia and fire emblem if you're into those sorts of things

also some multiplats like Alien hominid, both def jam games, Baldur's gate, bloody roar, Disney's extreme skate adventure

>> No.7185797

>Ocarina of Time and Majora's mask if you haven't played them
I have those both as N64 on RGB-Pi/Retropie. Would they run better on the Wii?
Thanks for the recs. Plenty to get stuck into over the Christmas

>> No.7185827

>Would they run better on the Wii?
I'm not sure, actually. I've only ever played the GameCube versions, don't know how they compare to the N64 versions emulated. I guess at least on the Wii you get to use the GameCube controller and get the right button prompts, rather than the N64 prompts for whatever controller you're using with the pi.

>> No.7185834

>>GameCube controller
That's a good point. As well as that, N64 emulation tends to be rubbish. Might as well grab the GameCube releases for when I get around to comparing. I've got well over 50 games now I think. Thanks again

>> No.7186024


>> No.7186250
File: 176 KB, 1280x720, gc ocarina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was an Ocarina + Ocarina Master Quest disc, which if I recall correctly I got as a pre-order bonus for Wind Waker, and there was also a "Collector's Edition" (gray cover) with NES Zelda I/II, (regular) Ocarina, and Majora's Mask. I don't remember where that came from, but back in the day I lucked into five (!) of them shrink-wrapped at a thrift store and still haven't opened one, so I didn't get one normally.

>> No.7186605

Don't play collectors edition. MM and OT both have worse framerates and problems with softlocking/crashing. It's a piece of shit.

>> No.7186625

>Don't play collectors edition.
Like I said, five copies, haven't even cracked the shrinkwrap, not worth the effort.
And on the subject of locking/crashing, don't play the GC version of Gauntlet Dark Legacy, it occasionally locks up on later levels. I was unhappy about this bitd, but at least it was cross-platform.

>> No.7186702

>would they run better on wii?
Yes, there’s a loading screen every time you save on the GameCube ports, and the music is fucked up, but you can’t use the shard of agony because no rumble.

>> No.7186720

Why is the GC in OP's picture squished? The Xbox looks fine so it's not like the image has been resized poorly. Whoever made the picture was competent enough to cut the consoles out of their original backgrounds and place them on the new background decently enough, they're even overlapping each other, but only the GC is squished for whatever reason, like it was on purpose. This is very odd.

>> No.7186883

Certainly a dev action if true since the Xbox probably could have displayed a cel shaded turd like that in at least 720p.

>> No.7186954
File: 41 KB, 400x377, linear-a-cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ocarina of Time and Majora's mask
OoT yes if you really want Master Quest, but stay away from Collector's Edition because MM emulation is horrible and prone to lock-ups at the worst time.
>Evolution worlds
Please get the Evolution games on Dreamcast instead, this is just an Evolution 2 port with heavily butchered Evolution 1 as the prologue.

>> No.7186983

>this generic androgynous swordsman from a Nintendo OP is here, this is clearly the best version!

>> No.7187003

>spawn is the worst of the console exclusive characters by far both tier wise
No, Link is worse.
>normally I'd agree but it works fine for soul calibur because of its good analog stick and face buttons. the original xbox controller had a kinda fucked up stick and buttons
Nope, especially considering playing on Xbox is like playing SC1 on Dreamcast with the exact same layout. And you're doubly retarded if you play fighting games with an analog stick.
It's not considering Budokai 3 never came out on Cube.

>> No.7187008

No and no.
Are you retarded?

>> No.7187124


>> No.7187163


>> No.7187187

I would add Metroid Prime 2, Killer 7 and Resident Evil to that list.

>> No.7187201

My wife has a pair of yoga pants with that background design on them.

>> No.7187403

>being this consumed in a console war that your brain shrinks

>> No.7187404
File: 1.30 MB, 1024x680, cod2brogc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The triggers of the Gamecube controller work so well with this game.

>> No.7187425

Why the fuck did you make the thread then you stupid fuckin' faggot?? No one can give you the answers only you want to hear you fuckin' moron.

>> No.7187523

I disagree. The xbox version had wayyyyy more quests, was able to be patched, required more than just an action replay to FSOD and NOL, had everything the GC version had PLUS voicechat if wanted. The only benefit to the gc version was that you didn’t need to pay for two subs to play online.

>> No.7187524
File: 183 KB, 250x301, 8589B408-DCC8-483C-BC94-F3AB589F444A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, famesag here.

>> No.7188329
File: 224 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, so not true.