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File: 378 KB, 700x981, zeldaiibox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
717306 No.717306 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Retro games most people hate but you love. Pic related.

Zelda II gets too much hate just for being hard. If you embrace challenging games, and thus feel motivated to continue despite the difficulty, you will find it is an excellent game, made better by its unique RPG elements.

>> No.717320

second best Zelda game

>> No.717332
File: 214 KB, 583x800, Friday-the-13th-NES-video-game-box-cover-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably one of the better LJN games, and for an early NES game, it does a lot.

It pretty much has an open world, for crying out loud. And it's one of the few horror games that actually makes me feel tense.

>> No.717952

Festers Quest. Used to love playing it when I was younger. Haven't played it in a while though.

>> No.717971
File: 161 KB, 256x357, Mansion_of_Hidden_Souls_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game hasn't got a single good review anywhere, but I love it. It's one of the first FMV adventure games, and on SegaCD, you can feel the system struggling with shitty framerate in the intro; and it also belongs to the first era of CD games with voice acting (think voice acting is bad in Resident Evil? Check this out). it's also really short.

Yet there is something eerie about this entire game, fantastic atmosphere, I love the graphics and the music and I even have a thing for this kind of voice acting.


it definitly has plenty of interesting horror game mechanic

>> No.717981
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>> No.717998
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most people don't hate AoL, OP.

>> No.718000


I've been meaning to play this for a long time, because the ending of the sequel (?) on the Saturn makes absolutely no sense at all so I guess I need to play this one.

Out of curiosity, are you the same Nes that used to stream horror games many years ago?
If you are, then I remember you being french; you might want to hear the french voice acting of the saturn one, Dubois in Deep Fear is 10/10 pro job compared to this.

>> No.718005

yeah that's me, I consider the Saturn version shit compared to the sega cd one tbh

I had no idea Deep Fear had french VA, I imported the british version

>> No.718006

That shit always scared me as a kid.
Until my older cousin would get chased around as the fat kid by jason with an Axe that looks like a tooth brush and say "i dont wanna brush my teeth jason go away!"
My sides were evaporated.

>> No.718013


Why is that?

Also, Deep Fear had no french VA, I was trying to say that the weird, over-the-top acting was nothing compared to the rather curious french VA of the mansion of hidden souls.

And since you seem to have much knowledge: in the end of the saturn version, I always end up with a golden pocket watch that serves absolutely no purpose, is that normal.

>> No.718016

the atmosphere just is not there for me in the saturn verison, and it feels like the game doesn't know if it's a sequel or a remake

afaik the watch doesn't do anything indeed

>> No.718025


But if I play the first one, I'll understand everything, especially that weird monster in the end, right? Right...?

>> No.718024


It's not only that it's hard, it's that it's quite boring. Though I don't hate it (I even have it on gba) but for me a Zelda is not a side-scrolling game

>> No.718034

I really think the only people who dislike Zelda 2 are casual fans of the series. Most hardcore Zelda fans love it, and for good reason.

Feels like a 2-D Dark Souls sidescroller to me.

>> No.718040

I was just playing this and I gotta say that I'm actually enjoying it much more than the first one. I personally think people hated this game because of it's difference from its prequel. The rpg elements in it is definitely excellent.

>> No.718045

black sheep =/= hated by most

>> No.718069

I owned this as a kid and played the shit out of it. I like it. I didn't actually play the first Zelda game until the Playstation era, after I had already played and finished A Link to the Past.

I love this one. Sometimes I will randomly hear that alarm noise like Jason is attacking the kids. I've been watching the movies with my girl over the last few weeks, and while this game does not directly adapt any of the films, it captures the spirit of the franchise. I've been hankering the replay it.

Another one from my childhood, I really liked Jaws (the novel, movies, the concept) when I was a kid. A friend of mine and I rented it several times, I've never beaten it. I should give it another go.

>> No.718103

I know this is more suitable for /v/ but I always felt like the Soul series has done a better job at conveying a 3D zelda experience than some of modern Zeldas have especially Dark souls which captured the feeling of exploring the overworld and dungeon crawling of older zelda titles.

>> No.719787
File: 12 KB, 267x232, Punch Out featuring Jason Voorhees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I came here to post this. The third day is ultra-cheap, but I finally beat it after three weeks of obsessive gameplay.

The gaming dynamics aren't self-explanatory and the instruction manual does little to sufficiently explain everything.

I think most people who hate this game are ones who never figured out how to dodge or switch between houses. That, or they made it to the third day and discovered just how utterly insane it is.

I have never played a game which so begrudged the player winning.

>> No.719797


The game is surprisingly faithful to the series in a couple of ways. Some of the counselors are pulled directly from Part II and Part III and the plot of protecting the children from Jason comes from Part VI.

With Chrissy and Debbie being in the game, it kinda makes me wonder why they didn't name the other counselors after characters from the movies. Laura could have been Ginny, Mark could have been Tommy, etc.

The only problem would be with Paul. They didn't have a black teenager in any of the movies. The third film had a gang member (with a shaved head), the fifth one had a 12 year old boy and his grandfather, and the eighth movie had a boxer - but that one didn't come out until after this game was made.

>> No.719795


My major gripe with the game is on game over you go back to the starting palace. It's just an annoying chore if you die in the middle of a palace.

Otherwise I enjoy it.

>> No.719818

yep WW>Zelda 2>Lttp

>> No.719823


I loved this game. I am more a nightmare on elm street fan, but the Jason NES game was much better than the Freddy game, although doing 4 player on NES with the nightmare on elm street game is a blast.

>> No.719839
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That's right, it was a fanbase thing that started much later. The game was very popular in its time, and in my region it was even more known than the first game.

I don't remember a favorable review of this game, but I played it a lot and thought it was pretty fun.

>> No.722020


Zelda II is best Zelda.

>> No.722067

You are all my niggas.

Might be because it was an Atlus game. Atlus could make pretty decent non-RPGs when they wanted to.

At least if you game over in the Great Palace (the final dungeon), you start right there.

>> No.722086

My one and only issue with this game is the whole starting-back-at-the-palace thing. Aside from that, it's in my top three favorite Zelda games, for sure.

>> No.722117
File: 131 KB, 600x600, Beyond the Beyond [U] [SCUS-94702]-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why. Objectively it's a fucking awful game. Shitty battle system, shitty appearance, shitty puzzles, like half the game is one convoluted fetch quest, the characters are all flat and lifeless, the leveling system sucks, even the art's not great to look at (though I admit I like the character portraits).

But for some reason I just find it so FUN. I keep finding myself wanting to play it again. I just genuinely enjoy it and I really have no fucking idea why. I think something might be broken in my brain.

>> No.722116
File: 39 KB, 400x400, campbellwhyte8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if people really hate SMB2, but it does have a somewhat bad reputation.

Who cares if it's really started out as another game? I think it's fucking great. This installment added a lot of interesting features. Choice of characters with different abilities. Minigames. The whole Warp Space thing.

Too bad they never implemented character choice ever again...

>> No.722139
File: 18 KB, 640x400, Garfield_Winters_Tail-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe hate is a bit too much but it's pretty much universally canned for the poor controls. I still love it though

>> No.722142


New Super Mario Bros Wii and New Super Mario Bros U lets you choose your character

>> No.722161

Not in single player. In fact, Player 1 is ALWAYS Mario (Luigi in New Super Luigi U).

>> No.722182
File: 106 KB, 498x500, Gustafsson_Shyguys_web-498x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but you are stuck with your choice, the characters play the same and we got a palette swapped toad instead of the princess.

It's an improvement, but not good enough.

>> No.722220
File: 23 KB, 384x224, street_fighter_07[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even shitty controls are enough to deter me from enjoying certain games. Would have been neat to see more 1P oriented fighting games beyond this and Red Earth IMO.

>> No.722252

LoZ II is barely even hard if you grind up a bit before the second dungeon.

>> No.722296
File: 19 KB, 300x300, the-x-files-psx-nuevo-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was kind of shocked people hated this. It was a really good point-and-click, the acting was great, and the story was straight from the show. I think the only bad thing was it was a four disc game, but that wasn't too outlandish for the time. Maybe people were expecting a sidescroller and not an interactive movie, or they just hate interactive movies or something.

>> No.722368

Wait, people hated this? Holy fuck, it was so fun, though.

>> No.722407
File: 93 KB, 250x351, SuperPitfall150312[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haters gonna hate. I played the shit out of this as a kid and enjoyed every minute. Never knew you could actually beat it until just a few years ago