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/vr/ - Retro Games

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717015 No.717015[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I made this thread earlier with a different table, but it got deleted. I think people thought I was trolling and reported it.

Anyway, I've been meaning to classify different philosophies on retro gaming, so why don't you tell me where you land.

>> No.717020

Fundamental Idealist
What games I don't have I emulate as close to their original as possible.

>> No.717025

practical neutral.
i care more about the game's design than how it's presented.

>> No.717034

>Practical purist
>No original console
Should be original console+flashcart.

>> No.717045

Fundamental neutral.

>> No.717054

I think using a flashcart still counts as using the original console. This table doesn't exactly worry about game collection.

>> No.717069
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Practical Neutral, most likely. Emulating NES today, on a keyboard, with a very very light scanlines filter (i appreciate the "texture" it gives to those long areas of a single color), made me realize i couldn't give a rat's ass about 'fidelity'. Graphics, TV, original controller, all meaningless, what matters is the raw gameplay to me.

>> No.717087

Fundamental Idealist is the only one that fits with me.

>> No.717097
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ehhh I can't really place myself into one square

>> No.717109

It's more a question of philosophy than of the technology you happen to have, unless that technology represents your absolute ideals.

>> No.717113

Leaning towards Fundamental or Practical Neutral. I have the consoles, but not enough space to hook them up. I'd honestly prefer using those, but considering my current situation, I don't really care about emulating them, even if its not "accurate". Truth be told, I can't really tell the difference between accurate and inaccurate emulators, save for music and sound (which, incidentally, I don't care for much either).

I play videogames for the sake of having fun with the gameplay. Granted, I do have some issues regarding me obsessively clinging to the past, but it doesn't apply to videogames. I don't really care much about attempting to recreate that feeling I had when I played the game the first time, because I honestly can't. Instead, I just try to make a new experience each time I play, regardless of the platform or emulator that I chose.

>> No.717119

fundamental neutral

not sure what the purpose of this thread is

>> No.717126


Me neither. I'm pretty tired, and I don't know what I'm doing. I kinda regret posting a this thread earlier. It almost seems like it's going to end up being the kind of shitstorm /v/ would be proud of.

>> No.717129

Practical Idealist. I have physical copies of many of my favorite old games, but it's almost too much fun to tinker with HQ Zelda instead.

>> No.717140

Practical Neutral. Because I don't have lots of money to spare, I usually buy whatever is cheapest/most convenient for me. At the moment, I favour handhelds over consoles as I am not home enough to play them.

>> No.717161

Practical Neutral.

All I want to do is play video games.

>> No.717180

I'm somewhere between Practical Neutral and Neo-Neutral. My Genesis doesn't work and my tv is shitty so I just use my laptop and emulators.

>> No.717206

I'm more in the fundamental neutral though I'm a bit of a neo-purist as I sometimes use my Wii or PSP as it's easier

>> No.717218

Fundamental Idealist. Shitloads of original consoles/games, but I gotta have my flatscreen/HD. Convertor cables all up in this bitch.
I only emulate games that never got an English-language release.

>> No.717219

Fundi purest here. My retro really only goes back to PS1 since everything older was sold long ago. Didn't really know I was a purest until certain RPG's kept freezing up on my PS1 and was really bothered having to finish them on the PS 2 becouse I prefer the start up sounds on the origenal gray box

>> No.717249

i don't really feel like i'm any of these.

i don't care so much about "representing the past", but i did recently buy an nes top-loader, began an nes collection, and am shopping for a pvm.

i'm doing these things not to represent the past, but because i enjoy collecting and optimizing, and i like that games have a value beyond physical existence, which is uncommon for a collectible, and which allows them to be judged beyond rarity and condition.

i want a pvm because it's the cream of the crop display for my old consoles, and i figure why bother investing in a decent display until i eventually find the best one for a good price.

i have the top-loader partially because of convenience (my friend happened to have a spare and was in need of money), and partially because it would be my first choice due to its reliability. i'm soon going to mod it to output through composite cables so that it has the best of both worlds.

i represent the past, and part of me enjoys that aspect, but i do it for the experience of playing an original copy and for watching my physical collection / set-up grow.

>> No.717264

Practical neutral. Probably would be fundamental neutral if I spent a bit more on older games. I'm starting to gain interest in collecting old games again.

I just wish I had better local places to shop rather than just the internet. Fucking skyrocket prices.

>> No.717273

Practical Neutral

>> No.717290

From the looks of it, a mix of Fundamental Neutral and Fundamental Idealist.

>> No.717293


Is there a I don't give a shit or take any of this in consideration option?

>> No.717312

Practical Neutral, possibly Neo-Neutral

>> No.717318
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Practical idealist, I guess.

I'm not crazy about filters or shaders, though. NTSC or dithering blending is about all I'll mess with.
I'm pretty satisfied with how pic related looks, for instance. It's not perfect by any means, but it's much better than making everything blurry or seeing dithering everywhere.

Also, CRTs are fantastic. Not because they are old, but because old games usually look great on them.

>> No.717347

Fundamental Purist.

Only time I use emulation is if the game is extremely hard to find or if it is a Japanese game with an English translation for a console I don't have modded.

>> No.717353

Not sure what I fall under...

I have my old NES from when I was a kid and a couple games, but prefer to play emulators for anything 16 bit and earlier, and I also play on LCD TV that I used as a second monitor from my gaming PC since I don't care/space restrictions

Anything N64/PS1 and above I play on original hardware and software.

>> No.717367

According to your chart I'm Lawful Evil

>> No.717379
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>> No.717395
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Practical Idealist I suppose, but I despise CRT shaders, I just use the Pixellate shader while maintaining the intended screen and pixel ratio.

>> No.717429

Practical Neutral.

I still have my GBA, NES, SNES, Sega but out of laziness choose to use emulators.

I also couldn't give a rat ass about ZSNES being imperfect, it work well enough for me so I use it.

>> No.717460

Mostly Fundamental Idealist, sometimes fall into the Practical Neutral category.

>> No.717478

I guess i am a fundamental idealist

i use a pc videocard to output 15 hz signals in RGB to CRTs that are 240p, i get the original look but disregard the original hardware,i am even making some adjustments to my budget to save for an XRGB

>> No.717491

Somewhere on the bottom row, I mostly play retro games on my phone.

Though I beg to differ that the past is represented by hardware or graphics and not the actual games themselves.

>> No.717507

I was emulating when I was 12-18. I'm 26, I will ONLY emulate if
A)Title is not worth it/want to demo before shelling out the big bucks
B)Japanese/moonspeak (Flashcart preferred, but if not, emulate)
C)console+game is unattainable with ease

>> No.717517

Fundamental Idealist I think. Not really intentionally though.

>> No.717617

I don't label myself. I play old and new games. I play them on real consoles, handhelds, emulators. I use new LCD TVs and older CRTs. I'm not anal about everything having to be authentic and original to the point where I play my consoles back in the house I grew up in. However I do like having my favourite things original and real.

Being someone who likes videogames means you just like videogames. If it has to be some sort of pissing contest or spiritual journey to discover who you are then I'm not in it to win it

>> No.717662
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>Fundamental Idealist
>Likely has original console with CRT or flatscreen, but with 4:3 aspect
But the "ideal" experience for most older consoles is with CRTs period. Playing on an LED or LCD screen is purely practical. And none of these categories should allow for an improper aspect ratio, because if you care about games in the slightest you should at the very least get that right. I'm really not sold on these categories.

>> No.717721

I think labeling ourselves in special little categories is dumb. Though to answer your question I'd probably fall into practical neutral. I have a slight desire to own some older consoles, but emulation is convenient and I'm more interested in the experience the game provides than the experience the hardware does.>>717015

>> No.717778

I'm a fundamental purist right now, but I fear my crt won't last forever.
Will likely become a fundamental idealist somewhere down the line. I'll keep all my old hardware and games for display, but I'll start using emulators and a flatscreen.

>> No.717796

Practical neutral
I play games that are fun, and they just happen to be retro.

>> No.717810

>thinking CRT's are the only way to play retro games
definitely a purist.

>> No.717827

Maybe it assumes use of something along the lines of the XRGB-mini.

>> No.717834

This thread isn't very good. Seeing as I made it, I might as well kill it myself.