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7167261 No.7167261 [Reply] [Original]

>play a JRPG
>ok this is a pretty cool fantasy setting
>it turns into a scifi setting halfway through
Why did they all do this?

>> No.7167263

Sci-fi rules fantasy drools

>> No.7167478
File: 24 KB, 250x332, Medieval_madness_pinball_04_qvaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the pinball thread?

>> No.7167524

When does that happen
I’m looking for more JRPGs that have scifi in then

>> No.7167850

Because that was a staple until LotR-brained manchildren decided it had to be one or the other. Heck FF1 has a space station, mechs and time travel, while DQ has unexplained robot enemies.

>> No.7168739

All of them, see >>7167850
It's fine and cool for what it is, but does EVERY one have to do this? Every one ends up having some "actually, this seemingly medieval magic sword and sorcery environment is just the post apocalyptic world of a futuristic high tech civilization, isn't that A TWIST?!?!" Like yeah, not when every game does it, it's not

>> No.7169035
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For the most part, its due to Japans hang up from the War. Man vs. Nature and the "evil" of mans hands. Note that EVERY single advanced or mordern civilization from the past in those stories did themselves in, in a spectacular and near total way. In short, pride goeth before the fall and all, but have fun with the stuff thats left over.

>> No.7170084

Sure, but you don't have to keep doing it

>> No.7170117
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True, but try telling that to a people who are not even 100 years out of losing said war and on 35 odd years of being major video game makers.

>> No.7170137

All monsters are cause of the demon Lord , he just felt like making a cool robot

>> No.7170891

But without the moon spaceship thing in final fantasy 4 there wouldnt have been a ship I could walk around inside of which is like my favorite thing in video games (instead of like just pressing A and driving a ship from the outside like in most games)

>> No.7170917

OG Star Ocean is pretty much this

>> No.7170921

Are you mad that there is sci-fi elements or are you annoyed that so many of them use the same twist?

>> No.7170958

The third Star Ocean game is the only JRPG where I've been annoyed by the shift in setting like OP describes. I love the first Star Ocean though.

>> No.7171721

The latter.

>> No.7171872

Wild Arms 3 is the first one that comes to mind when I think of games that have out of place sci-fi elements start popping up late in the game. The other games usually have the decency to establish those things earlier.

>> No.7172174

Mostly the latter, though, if the point of these games is just to get immersed in the world/story it can be done right or wrong, it becomes pretty jarring to imagine you're fighting laser shooting cyborgs with swords and arrows, it just seems retarded at that point

>> No.7172292
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WA in general did this. However it was established in the first game that tech was rare, very old and did not always work.

>> No.7173701
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Wild Arms: Technology is rare, guns are considered mythical/cursed items of a war 1000 prior that put the world in the state its in.

Wild Arms 2: Technology is a somewhat mistrusted item and acts to a degree magical. Its found out that tech is not as powerful as magic

Wild Arms 3: Tech is a left over from a previous civ. that was human like us and crashed landed on Filgaia long time before. It is something to be horded as a power

Wild Arms 4: Closest to a modern state, world is trying to put itself back together after a globally devastating war, tech is considered nano machines, thus Clarke's saying goes into effect, honestly, this can be said of 2 as well

Wild Arms 5: Technology is in tandem with magic, but is weaker and seems to be something the aliens brought with them and refined more.

And remember, all of WA games are to a degree post apoc.

>> No.7173705

FF4 does a 180 almost at the end with the "okay so it turns out that we need a spaceship to go to the moon because your dad was an alien and the main villain is your brother who is being mind controlled by an alien on the moon".
It had absolutely no buildup or hints of it up until the end

>> No.7173768

My favorite pinball machine is Whitewater.

>> No.7173780 [DELETED] 



>> No.7173815

Xenogears. For that matter, Xenosaga and Xenoblade Chronicles X. Also, G.O.D. Growth or Devolution. Phantasy Star, Lagrange Point, MS Saga.

>> No.7173849
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First Star Ocean was a literal Star Trek episode.

>> No.7173876

Phantasy Star.

>> No.7173913

because a fallen world birthed from the ashes of technologically advanced civilizations is a cool setting. It's also literally the basis of lost civilization myths for thousands of years.

Final Fantasy I once you go to the sky temple.

>> No.7173919
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The Ramayana, The Mahabharata, certain interpretations of Sumerian legend, Mu, Atlantis, Lemuria, etc. If its anything, its civilization wank. To pull from Steven Kings Dark Tower (fuck you, its decent) "Once we had great things, then we ruined them and the world moved on"
Space station.

>> No.7175419

Was it ever proved to be a space station?

>> No.7177215
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>> No.7177301

Centaur, me.

>> No.7177501

Play it, it is...and not just because of Death Machine.

>> No.7178065

Good thing I've barely played Pinball FX, considering people STILL haven't made a desktop-focused fork of Visual Pinball.

>> No.7179478
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So, are you one that agrees tech SHOULD be in fantasy?

>> No.7179519

>Wizardry had elevators
>Ultima had space travel
>Might & Magic is this trope every single game
>but when JRPGs do it!
Ok then.

>> No.7180068
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I have come to believe its fine, mostly because of Clarkes Rule.

>> No.7180980
