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7167134 No.7167134 [Reply] [Original]

I played the first two zones. Is the whole game really just hold right to win? Holy shit, it's so easy and boring. Almost no enemies or hazards.

>> No.7167146

It’s a children’s video game dude, on Nintendo’s gameboy, a children’s handheld. It’s not that deep dude.

>> No.7167239

No, considering it has cheap "hold right to win? not so fast..." enemies designs to fuck you if you do so and bottomless pits the game launches you into/off of if you do that.

It's more like an obstacle course, you're supposed to memorize exactly what to do and when to do it, and getting good at it means doing that. This was an element in Sonic since the early days, but not so blatantly shallow as in that game. It's an OK attempt at trying something new with 2D Sonic gameplay, but it's not great. An amusing novelty and time capsule more than anything else in comparison to the classic games.

>> No.7167241

Sonic Advance series is like this. Still better than Yoshis Island.

>> No.7167243

Wait till you play sonic rush, in that one you only need to hold down boost button

>> No.7167260 [DELETED] 

Threadly reminder that Joe reditter simped for erin matei and got butthurt when mike rejected his pitched avgn episode script but he just ate it when mike replied in a "lmao I dont care faggot" matei fashion and then joe lashed out against fucking tony (KEK)
Also reminder joe has yet to fire back at mike after mike humiliated joe and exposed him as a cheater on a j&mm episode

>> No.7167360


The 1st advance actually required thinking, dude

>> No.7167464

Reductive, defeatist thinking like this is the hallmark of a giant pussy.

>> No.7167468

Did they make yoshi's island too easy on the gba?

>> No.7167619
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Early levels in Sonic games have always been hard to fail at. Do you think it was a challenge to finish Green Hill? If all you're worried about is "enemies or hazards," you probably got a shitty time bonus. Even in the early levels, it can be hard to get on the fast path and stay there without getting slowed down by anything or falling down to a slower path. That's what Sonic is about. The best thing Sonic Advance 3 did was make this obvious (if it wasn't already) by removing the score and awarding medals based purely on time.

If you play a bit more Sonic Advance 2, you'll find out what Dimps does to add a risk of failure to the game, which is basically just bottomless pits that you have to memorize to avoid. Some people hated that, but level memorization was always meant to be part of Sonic gameplay, and it's not like other platformers don't punish mistakes by instantly killing you.

>> No.7167629

Green Hill Zone Act 3 would like a word with you.

>> No.7167682

how come i never see people talking about what i call "middle" velocity??
not jist standing, not just holding right and running, but a middle point: tap the right button multiple times. it avoids babies crying cuz they go too fast and fall to pits or bullies meanies robots or spikes hit them. it is a middle velocity that gives you time to react and analyze the scenario as you move forward
it's a velocity previous to infinite-legs running sonic
and it's peak fun

i see people whining about going too fast and blaming the game for their stupidy
but i never see thing method being mentioned
man stupid people
like this >>7167239 it was soooo hard to quote an example

>> No.7168129 [DELETED] 


>> No.7168727

If you have to inchworm your way through a Sonic game, you've got the right idea but you're also not kicking the games ass aka being good at Sonic. You have to start somewhere and learning the levels means taking it a bit slow, but someone who is a GOOD Sonic player is going full speed, still chalking up the lives and continues, and blasting through enemies and obstacles making it look like a cakewalk. That's a top tier Sonic player.

>> No.7168778

fire shield was peak fun

>> No.7168989

The general criticism of Sonic Advance 1 was that it was too slow for Sonic (even though the speed was well balanced for the small resolution of the GBA screen)
Thus they took those bad faith criticisms sincerely and made 2 all speed to the detriment of everything else

>> No.7168994

>Is the whole game really just hold right to win? Holy shit, it's so easy and boring. Almost no enemies or hazards.

So is Sonic Chaos, which people claim is good which it's a glitchy, unfinished piece of shit

>> No.7169151

You'll get killed immediately if you do that on the last three zones especially.

>> No.7170736

Triple trouble