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7167120 No.7167120 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's Athena

>> No.7167124


>> No.7167130
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>> No.7167159

No surprise, seeing that you're a man of taste and culture.

>> No.7167183
File: 243 KB, 396x693, Screenshot_2020-12-12 Tokino Sora full 2472718 png (PNG Image, 686 × 1200 pixels) - Scaled (57%).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know my conversion into weebdom is complete now that I fully see her as an idol rather than a random china girl.

>> No.7167197

Athena... she will go

>> No.7167213

(C73) [DUAL BEAT (Yukitaka)] SHAKE THE FAKE (King of Fighters) [English] [Ayane]
is better than anything Saigado ever put out.

>> No.7167217 [DELETED] 

Threadly reminder that Joe reditter simped for erin matei and got butthurt when mike rejected his pitched avgn episode script but he just ate it when mike replied in a "lmao I dont care faggot" matei fashion and then joe lashed out against fucking tony (KEK)
Also reminder joe has yet to fire back at mike after mike humiliated joe and exposed him as a cheater on a j&mm episode

>> No.7167218


>> No.7167227

Was Athena ever kidnapped and taken advantage of by Geese's boys?

>> No.7167228

Like some of the other SNK girls

>> No.7167232
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>> No.7167242

No that has never happened. She gets to remain pure. Shut up.

>> No.7167250
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Pick your flavor.

>> No.7167258

I pick any but the last one. God damn, what happened to her?

>> No.7167262

Did they ever released it as a single?
I know about that dozen of remixes and arranges but what about the original?

>> No.7167297
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That design was a throwback to old school Psycho Soldier artwork. Hence the outfit, the hair and the thickness.

>> No.7167314

96, 98 and 2002 for me.

>> No.7167571

Yup that is why she had that design specifically in KOFXII. It's hilarious how many "SNK fans" don't know this

>> No.7167580
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>It's hilarious how many "SNK fans" don't know this
It looks like shit.

>> No.7168028

Everyone knows. We just don't like moeshit.

>> No.7168048

What is this, /a/ in 2008?

>> No.7168056

>make a comic
>forget to make it a comic in any sense of the word

>> No.7168084

Most SNK fans I encounter here only post coombait and jerk off about not being Capcom fans.

>> No.7168109

I love 2002 costume, but I hate 2002 sprite.
Fuck Eolith.

>> No.7168120

96 sprite and voice for me.

>> No.7168271

If you want real SNK fans, try the thread on /vg/. It's full of Mexicans wondering where the hell KOF15 is, bitching about the KOF gacha, griping about how Metal Slug is dead, and jerking off to Angel. They're good people.

>> No.7168284

Are you surprised that people on a retro board don't like modern moe?

>inb4 "b-but moe is retro and always has been for real otaku!"

>> No.7168296

I was a serious "snk fan" tourneyfag 9 fucking years ago. People moved on. Warriors Rage properly emulated on MAME never ever.

>> No.7168307

The narrative that "moe killed manly anime" is largely bullshit but the reason it is so convincing is that it does have a grain of truth to it.
What really killed anime was the economic recession Japan has been facing for over 30 years now

>> No.7168334
File: 146 KB, 553x695, MV5BMGNmMTE0MDktYjY1OC00MmQ3LTgwNDItYzc2ZDQzYjc1MGRhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzQzNzQxNzI@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically masculine over the top violence like Hokuto no Ken is antithesis to everything Jap culture is about
Simping out to a cute moe idol like Athena is much more aligned with actual Nihongojin values

>> No.7168367

My main problem with moe has more to do with people making moe series memes, which creates far more interest in those series and also leads to more moe series being localized instead of higher quality but more niche series.

>> No.7168384
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Wrong. Even Orochi, a god, knows who the superior girl is.

>> No.7168387

It's supposed to be a version of Inhaling Seagull, not a omic.

>> No.7168448 [DELETED] 
File: 453 KB, 640x640, Screenshot_2020-12-11 xwg3i536w8461 webp (WEBP Image, 640 × 640 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moeshit and idol industry is more valuable than "serious" products. Whenever Japan tried to cater to international markets it always ends up with the (((American))) executives taking over the company and moving headquarters to California.
Just like what happened to Sony, Sega, Capcom.

Meanwhile moeshit idols are so deeply linked to Yakuza, pornography and prostitution no gaijin wants to touch that shit. Moe is the final bastion of Nihonkokujin culture and the only one big nosed (((westerners))) dare not corrupt.

>> No.7168462
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Moeshit and idol industry is more valuable than "serious" products. Whenever Japan tried to cater to international markets it always ends up with the (((American))) executives taking over the company and moving headquarters to California.
Just like what happened to Sony, Sega, Capcom.

Meanwhile moeshit idols are so deeply linked to Yakuza, pornography and prostitution no gaijin wants to touch that shit. Moecrap is the final bastion of Nihonkokujin culture and the only one big nosed (((westerners))) dare not corrupt.

>> No.7168536

for me its pixie cut 2001 Athena, but 99 or 2002 are my favorite outfits

>> No.7168545
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Idolmaster happened and they wanted to capitalize on the sudden resurgence of idol characters by making her look younger and flashier. It's especially evident in her modern design.

>> No.7168560
File: 81 KB, 698x650, 88120825_2892935984060793_85195946241032192_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Athena was always meant to be an idol from day one. I wonder how many people realize Shermie is also a jpop idol.

>> No.7168571
File: 298 KB, 400x400, Athena_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside Idolbitch
Make way for Mommy Waifu.

>> No.7168573

Shermie plays a keytar in her band (CYS).
Chris is vocals and Yashiro plays guitar.

>> No.7168582

I remember the author of TWGOK talked about idol characters in one of his author notes. According to him, it was largely an 80s trend that kind of dried up in the mid 90s and became seen as kind of an outdated cliche when it did pop up after that. At the time he wrote the series (2009), he felt that having an idol character in that day in age was still pretty unorthodox, although he did note that Idolmaster was making it trendy again (said character ended up being super, super popular).

>> No.7168583

She's Japanese.

>> No.7168591

Isn't that Yuri? In any case, good taste.

>> No.7168602
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For me it's Blue Mary, Vice or King even Maximum Impact Mary

>> No.7168691

It does make sense also constant news articles denoucing the abuse that women go through in the idol industry killed what little interest the genre still had left. AKB48 revitalized the industry in the 00s using the trend of having 50 different talents giving the girls somewhat of an indie appeal. I still think that "pretty girl" anime and Moeshit is largely rooted in idol culture.

>> No.7168762

wasnt mai shiranui based on an idol who was known for wearing thongs?

>> No.7168840
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The ghost of Ai Ijima haunts /vr/ once again.

>> No.7168885
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>link literally says "cassette version"

>> No.7169167

I like 2003's idol outfit the most.

>> No.7169191

>I love 2002 costume, but I hate 2002 sprite.
WHAT. That big smile is fucking adorable. It's always been my favorite just for that. 2nd being XII's

>> No.7169201

I'm still sort of annoyed about XII's soft reset of everyone's ages. She was rapidly approaching cake status

>> No.7169206

I feel like I'm the only person who liked Falcoon's goofy bullshit outfits

>> No.7169290
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>> No.7169297

>sumo wrestler
Stupid fucking shit.

>> No.7169372

They didn't reset anything, though? Kyo even calls her out on being too old to be wearing a school uniform, and she tells him that it's a throwback costume to her origins, which is a pretty meta moment.

>> No.7169625

i want to have sex with athena and yuri

>> No.7169671

What is?

>> No.7170008

translation issues aside, every character having their own dialogue with each other was fan fucking tastic.

>> No.7170868
File: 93 KB, 802x1200, Athena Ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Athena.
Here is some cute panchira.

>> No.7171008
File: 1.86 MB, 1173x1923, Athena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7171031

Possibly the worst designed SNK character.

>> No.7171037

Got to be 94 or 97.

>> No.7171317
File: 4 KB, 176x176, Athena Win.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Her voice is ambrosia.

>> No.7172646

Absolutely plebeian.

>> No.7173801

Athena was always moeshit though

>> No.7173965

Didn't like playing as her, although the Saigado-drawn hentai of her was ace.

When it comes to KOF females, Vanessa continues to be the one I main.

>> No.7173989

I really liked using her in KOF2002. Yes, I am an asshole. I used Kula and Leona too.

>> No.7174004

so who is the babe from the Athena game? it's not KoF babe?

>> No.7174086
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>> No.7174090
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Aren't there two Athenas?

>> No.7174982
File: 464 KB, 1414x1000, Athena shn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit rocked.
This shit rocks.

>> No.7175097

Princess Athena from the Arcade/NES game. She reappears as Goddess Athena in SVC Chaos.
Athena Asamiya from Psycho Soldier/KOF.
Athena Asamiya from Athena ~Awakening from the Ordinary Life~ (it's a PSX game and also a japanese TV series). Remember the T-Rex museum stage in KOF '99? It's a reference to the game.

>> No.7175107
File: 12 KB, 249x386, athena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the Athena from the PSX game.
It came out in 3 discs, but I recall it's because it was full of cutscenes. The game itself is only 6~7 hours long.

>> No.7175136

I think they are the same. Unless you are talking about Goddess Athena who is different

>> No.7175145

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.7175150

For me, it's the Athena doujin where the goddess got mistaken for Athena le idoru, and got fucked hard.

>> No.7175152

There was never wcdonalds' in KOF >>>/a/ is that way.

>> No.7175160
File: 49 KB, 600x866, 868584-athena_asamiya__from_kof_by_il_tramonto_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kneel before Athena /vr/ !

>> No.7175171

>Athena doujin
I like the one where she lost her wallets.
Kensou asked her to do enkou and let passerby fuck her for money.
After they got enough money, Kensou revealed it was him who took (secured) the wallet because he thought Athena is a klutz who's gonna lose her wallet anyway.

>> No.7175207

Nice underboob

>> No.7175303
File: 108 KB, 700x700, Ryo kyokugen kof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like how KOF went from relatively realistic to full anime with bug-eyed moeblob Athena.

Next KOF should go back to more realistic graphics and look like Tekken.

>> No.7175316

>McChicken sauce
I know my McDonalds, and the only sauce on a McChicken is mayo.

>> No.7175321 [DELETED] 

>fast food

>> No.7175325

>fast food

>> No.7176309
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>> No.7176454
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Her current version (>>7168545) doesn't look TOO different than her classic design. Hell, I think her eyes are actually smaller now.

>> No.7177323
File: 75 KB, 473x599, Wakelin_Athena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory amazing Bob Wakelin microcomputer conversion box art.
Many were tricked by this art into playing Athena.

>> No.7178531


>> No.7179098

What an NTR pimp master!

>> No.7179124

I prefer thiccer Athenas like >>7175160
Max Impact was the weirdest.

>> No.7179156

Nah, he won't let the passerby fuck her raw.
In the end, he showed them who's the big daddy who could creampie her.

>> No.7179160

did they...

>> No.7179167

She looked pretty normal in Maximum Impact, didn't she? I know she had a weird outfit in MI2, though.

>> No.7179207


>> No.7179831

Japanese black?

>> No.7179836

CYS is just an act, they don't actually play music.

>> No.7179848

Doesnt Orochi take over during their presentation.

>> No.7179863

She wasn't a pop idol but an av idol.

>> No.7180489

Is this what that blob on her face supposed to be?
Anyway, just look at her arms, legs, skin tone and animation. Thankfully SNK fixed it for 2003 and XI.

>> No.7180491

Yes anon that gaping hole right beneath the nose located in people's faces is commonly known as "mouth"

>> No.7180884

I like the shorts in '99. Also, I remember showing my cousins Psychic Nine back in the day and how long that took. One of the most bullshit super moves to pull off.

>> No.7180898

I'd be down for a game that's just King of Fighters: Oops All Athenas Edition and the whole roster is just every Athena. Then see how long people can play it before their ears bleed.

>> No.7180912

Don't forget the switch to digital media and the loss of all the old talent in the industry.

>> No.7182642
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Chun li vs Athena, who wins?

>> No.7184190
File: 108 KB, 1080x1350, 66339862_2258442091087945_2236955909600780610_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, i agree

>> No.7184230

Thanksgiving is over bro

>> No.7184262

Come on, anon. They're siblings.

>> No.7185023
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>> No.7185346

You mean the best one?

>> No.7187267

I actually wish it was a thing but artists seem to disagree.

>> No.7187703
File: 27 KB, 481x308, kof99athena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99 Athena is best. 96/98 is a close second.

>> No.7188065

>row 3 column 2
peak qt why I cry