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7164783 No.7164783 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7164797

I see that now that the "CV was supposed to 3 all along" meme was proven wrong, we've shift from >was supposed to

seethe more

>> No.7164901

3 since it was a better designed game. Code Veronica is fine, but the level design just falls apart after you initially leave Rockfort Island.

>> No.7165049

Code Veronica is the garbage game that killed RE
it doesn't deserve to be numbered title

>> No.7165108
File: 822 KB, 1400x2368, claire_promocv_7002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 should be 3
CV should be 4
3.5 should be 5
the 4 we got shouldve been cancelled

>> No.7165117

It wasn’t disproved, Shinki Mikami said the only reason it wasn’t a numbered title was due to corporate politics. Sony paid more than Sega. Should have been titled 3. The end.

>> No.7165181

This is the right answer.

>> No.7165248


>> No.7165260

3 is 3
3.5 is 4
CV is 5

4 is Leon’s Quest
5 is Chris’s Adventures in Nigeria
6 doesn’t exist
And then you kill yourself for being a faggot

>> No.7165491

> Sidestory gets a mainline number
> Mainline game gets a sidestory title

Literally because Capcom had a licensing agreement with Sony that RE 2 and 3 would be released on a Sony platform first.

>> No.7165504

They're both worth playing but RE3 is easily the better game.

>> No.7165515

I don't get this meme that RE3 is a side story.
It sure as fuck fits in far better with RE1 and RE2 than CV does.
The fact that CV is more impactful on the "greater plot" is part of the problem because it's the reason that RE's story went to shit. Mikami knew what a mistake it was so he deliberately avoided referencing it in RE4 and even immediately bankrupted Umbrella to try to stop that shitty plot in its tracks (didn't work lol).

>> No.7165538
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What's the best way to play CV on PC these days?

>> No.7165551

Just emulate on Gamecube (Dolphin).
Unlike the previous games the environments are all 3D/real-time so you don't have to worry about everything looking pixelated (though as a trade-off the environments are less detailed/soulful).

>> No.7165554

Shit man, I totally forgot it also got a GC-port, good call. Thanks.

>> No.7165723

>Resident Evil 3
If you were to remove the Epilogue Files, it'd have barely anything tying it to later and prior entries beyond a recycled area and Jill. The single campaign, recycled extra minigame, short runtime, and fairly linear game design point to it being very blatantly a spin-off moved to numbered territory.
Does it deserve to be called 3? I guess, it shows Raccoon City exploding and the Epilogue Files did a lot of set up.
Would I care if it wasn't? Not really, no.
Yeah, this is RE3.
Takes the A/B system of the previous game and makes it into a seamless experience, expands on how you explore with all the areas having open ended item collection (the final area allowing you to complete every pre-final boss task in whatever order you want), improvements to all past weapons, ties up the core thrust of the plot going into RE2 (that being where the fuck is Chris), ties up Claire's character, expands on the Umbrella founders including killing off one of the founding bloodlines, resurrects Wesker.
I could go on. CV is, objectively, the real RE3. It adds and improves so much to the series that it is undeniable.

>> No.7165751

>I don't get this meme that RE3 is a side story.
Because we already know that the game was intended to star a new character in the leading role, end at the Clocktower, was called "Biohazard Gaiden" (no, not that one) in development, and Jill was originally going to be in CV.
>It sure as fuck fits in far better with RE1 and RE2 than CV does.
Not really. CV literally wraps up every loose end for the characters after 1 and 2. Chris is found, Claire reunites with him, the secrets of Umbrella Europe are exposed.
>Mikami knew what a mistake it was so he deliberately avoided referencing it in RE4
No, that was because Mikami never cared about the story. The story was outsourced to Sugimura's Capcom writing team, Flagship. He was writing 4 but died so writing was left to Mikami, and he had already established he never cared about it, so wrote a story not connected to anything and only used Leon because he was part of the original outlines.
You're a retard who doesn't know what you're talking about and should probably never speak on the subject of RE game development again.
>Original release
Emulate the DC version. Make sure you grab both discs, and I used redream the last time I played it, and while you have to pay money for more than one save slot or something, you probably shouldn't be using save slots at all.
Japanese CODE: Veronica Kanzenban release on the Dreamcast with the English patch is pretty good.
PS2 and GCN are the worst version.
CVXHD is apparently perfectly emulatable but it was broken for me when I had it switched to Vulkan, and OpenGL just wouldn't start. I'd recommend this version if you want to play the X rerelease.

>> No.7165792

Neither. The Resident Evil series started with 4. Here's how it should actually be numbered:
> Resident Evil 4 --> Resident Evil 1
> Revelations 1 --> Resident Evil 2
> Revelations 2 --> Resident Evil 3
> Resident Evil 7 --> Resident Evil 4
> Resident Evil 2 Remake --> Resident Evil: Raccoon City
> Resident Evil 3 Remake --> Resident Evil: Raccoon City 2
5, 6, and all the fixed camera games are horrible dumpster fires and should not exist at all. Go ahead and refute this. You can't, it's all completely true.

>> No.7165838

Easy to refute
>Revelations 1
>Better than 5 or 6

>> No.7165858

Yes. Revelations' level design alone puts it leagues above 5 and 6. And the balance was more similar to RE4 where individual enemies still felt like a threat instead of going full rambo and mowing down crowds of enemies like in 5 and 6.

>> No.7165934

>Yes. Revelations' level design alone puts it leagues above 5 and 6.
Are you fucking high? Backtracking the entire main area of the game but with their shitty swimming mechanic isn't fun, it fucking sucks, and every area that isn't the boat is some linear shithole.
>And the balance was more similar to RE4 where individual enemies still felt like a threat instead of going full rambo and mowing down crowds of enemies like in 5 and 6.
RE4 was all about mowing down crowds of enemies. The prologue has you mow them down in the fucking tens.

>> No.7165939

3 ties up the Raccoon City arc, CV is a true sequel to that. This post is right.

>> No.7166104

Code Veronica deserves to be forgotten.

>> No.7166941

What's so bad about Code Veronica? I haven't played it because it isn't on PC.

>> No.7167389

>PS2 and GCN are the worst version.


>> No.7167510

>What's the best way to play CV on PC these days?


On ReDream works well. And yes, there was a Code Veronica X on the Japanese Dreamcast. But, I recommend playing the Dreamcast original on ReDream.

>> No.7167521


RE3: Nemesis is clearly a side story. They should have done several others about those in Racoon city as well btw. I can easily picture like 50 people getting out of that city alive. Code Veronica directly picks up after 2's plot. Now, CV is a stupid game but it's still the proper sequel.

And Sony got the last laugh as CV got ported to the PS2 anyways.


CV was part of the decline. RE0 was where a lot of people gave up.

>> No.7167864

Re3 is a sequel to re1,re cv is a sequel to re2.
They are both proper sequel.

>> No.7167961


RE3 features how Jill Valentine got out of Racoon City but... this isn't anything but a clear cut side story. It doesn't follow up anything in RE1 in ways that we didn't already see in RE2. It doesn't built on anything RE1 did, or the spencer mansion incident, or anything. RE2 is the sequel to 1. It follows up and shows that Mansion incident lead to an even bigger outbreak, and then shows Chris vanishing, setting up a final confrontation with Umbrella.

>> No.7167965

RE3 is a sequel to both RE1 and RE2. It's a sequel to Jill's story and it takes place in the same location as in RE2, literally 3 days after.

>> No.7167968

>The only reason why it's not a numbered title is because the people actually in charge of deciding that decided against it!

>it totally should have been a numbered title!

Listen to yourself.

>> No.7167974

No movie enthousiast in their right mind would put From Dusk Till Dawn 2 and From Dusk Till Dawn 3 on the same level as the first one and discuss "the canon" of the series.

They know that the sequels were corporate copy-paste cash ins quickly thrown together which had nothing to do with the original creators.

Now, let's apply this logic to Resident Evil: RE4 is the only real sequel and the real RE2.

>> No.7167987

Lighting is fucked up, that's my core reason. It causes both games to look a whole lot blander compared to the DC and HD versions.

>> No.7167993

>It's a sequel to Jill's story

Not really. Nothing relevant from the events in RE1 matter to RE3. The events of the spensor mansion incident lead into the town being over run by zombies. How Jill got out of Racoon city is pretty irrelevant to the overall story of RE, while the Racoon City incident is a big deal. And CV is a big deal storyline as well.

>> No.7168003


Mikami was producer for RE2-3-CV numbnuts. He didn't like how 2 was progressing so he came in and forced a restart. Rumors are he shadow directed 2 from onwards while keeping Kamiya in the official credits as director for appearances sake. It would hurt his career a lot if it looked like he got fired from the first game he directed.

>> No.7168005

Ok, I'll try to emulate the DC-version of X then. Never used a DC-emulator before. I'd play it on OG-hardware but I have my large-ass Trinitron in the basement and I'm not hauling that 200 pound monstrosity up the stairs again.

>> No.7168010

RE is a game series meant to be played in the basement.

>> No.7168014

Code Veronica blew it up.

RE2 and RE3 share something in common, Escape and Survival as their central themes for things that the characters are put through. The 3 of their protagonists are in some way in a peril and work they way through the outbreak to escape Raccoon City to Survive.

CV starts with fucking Claire blewing up some Facility in an intense action sequence worthy of Mission Impossible and getting thrown up to jail in the middle of nowhere, then the game starts and it's a Slog through and through to play. It tried to somehow reconcile that Action packed Opening with the slow paced mystery of RE1 and throwing up in the middle even more drama than RE2 had with it's new characters, it's a disaster that not even my homie Claire could save by herself.

RE died the moment it stopped being set in Raccoon City.

>> No.7168017

Honestly, 0 killed classic Resident Evil. I remember reading reviews at the time and everyone was sick and tired of the formula at this point while CV got still rated fairly high.

>> No.7168020

So your issue is the opening cutscene

>> No.7168024


I actually think they should have stopped the Racoon-Umbrella storyline and vow to never bring back cast members. I would love a game set in the 40's somewhere with more fucked up abominations or something.

>> No.7168030

>same character
>takes place after in time
>events of the first one directly linked to how the 2nd one ends up where it is when it starts

>not a sequel

By this backwards logic 90% of all sequels are not sequels, matter of fact RE doesn't have any sequel. Problem solved as far as OP's question is concerned I guess.

>> No.7168031


Yeah, everyone hated 0. And even reception to Remake 1 was luke-warm. I'ts been re-written to be the bestest greatest ever-est game ever, but at the time people didn't care. There was a bit of a groan. "wait, this game is only a few year ago why bother with the remake?".

>> No.7168040
File: 255 KB, 525x819, wow schizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the new defense 4fags have come up with
Jesus Christ, take your meds faggot

>> No.7168047

>now that the "CV was supposed to 3 all along" meme has been proven wrong
This has been debunked.

>> No.7168057

A "producer"'s job in a video game is handling things like budget, deadlines, assigning teams and team members. Whether or not they're involved in the actual design varies from game to game but generally they're just "ideas guy" and only because they're in a position where the other guys have to actually listen to his ideas, but don't always have to implement them.

>> No.7168061

I mean, if Mikami was involved in RE2, it'd actually be a much better game.

>> No.7168063

>But, I recommend playing the Dreamcast original on ReDream.
Not him, but why is that instead of patched Kanzenban?

>> No.7168116


You're thinking way too literal. Nothing in RE3 really matters in the greater story. If there was no re3 and then Jill showed up you wouldn't think too much of it. Or if she said "I escaped, it was close" you'd nod your head. If Re2 didn't happen and a later character said "Racoon City was overrun by zombies" you'd go "wait, what?!" When did that happen?"

RE3 is a perfect Gaiden, or side story.

>> No.7168185

Yeah, by that point people were tired of fixed cameras and tank controls. It wasn't the cool thing to do and Survival Horror in that style was already a niche by RE0, Considering how Mainstream RE was a the time, there was a audible portion of people that got tired of tank controls and to them in RE it felt like an unnecessary skill barrier, Unlike Silent Hill offered more to that kind of audience not just in terms of story and experience, but in gameplay also, because generally SH is easier and not very punishing with it's "combat" and a lot more interesting with it's puzzles.
I hate to admit this, but if RE4 wasn't a thing the franchise would've died.

It's not the only issue, but it certainly is the prelude to the clusterfuck that followed, CV was experimental for the most part, not in regards to mechanics but certainly in tone (there's even some Parasite Eve nods) and level design, and that opening sequence is a stark contrast to the previous RE games and the parts that you actually get to play in CV.

Interesting idea, I don't think it would've worked, the BOW theme in the 40s doesn't match up imo. It would've turned into something like Wolfenstein which already in itself is ridiculous.

>> No.7168214

sequels are supposed to CONTINUE what happened in the previous game - re3 nemsis is just a side story of the aftermath of re1 a.k.a re2
re3 brings nothing new to the table. just a jill spin-off where she tries to escape her hunter, nothing else
re2 brought us new characters, a new virus, a kaboom to the city and a real CONTINUATION of re1 - re3 brought nothing relevant. as i said, it's just a side story

cv follows the city kaboom of claire (continuation of re2) and chris (continuation of re1) in an european location (same as re4, which follows leon, introduced in re2. hence the number). not to mention wesker and the new virus
re3 brings nothing relevant. just a fucking side story. must have been a spin-off
and jill is shit

>> No.7168218

>cv follows the city kaboom of claire (continuation of re2) and chris (continuation of re1) in an european location (same as re4, which follows leon, introduced in re2. hence the number). not to mention wesker and the new virus
>re3 brings nothing relevant. just a fucking side story. must have been a spin-off
couldn't have said better myse-
>and jill is shit
fuck off

>> No.7168224

>caring what corporate suits think
>disregarding what the creator of the series thinks
You also love Disney Star Wars I take it.

>> No.7168303

>and jill is shit.
Now i get why i thought your opinion was shit.

>> No.7168375

>I don't get this meme that RE3 is a side story.
It doesnt advance the story in any meaningful way. RE1 is the mansion incident, RE2 is months later and expands on it. RE3 is "lol here's what Jill was doing during RE2."

>> No.7168383

>must have been a spin-off
ah my english. it should*

>> No.7168567

Got an iso of RE2 from some other site since MEGA crashed when finished but I can't install this, it's all gibberish text, help?

>> No.7168579

Nothing? Fuck this boomer game
Remake 2 >this shit

>> No.7168581

Imagine missing what's good about RE so hard that you think Loremaxxing is more important than a consistent aesthetic and thematic continuation of the struggle of the first 2 games.

>> No.7169089

The zoomer quadroon gets frustrated when he can't solve even the most basic of tasks. Yes stick to your DEmakes you fucking ape.

>> No.7169472

>actually relevant
>original vision finally realized thanks to tech
>No one cares about it, Re1 and Re3 are way better
>full of limitations, inferior
Easy on the nostalgia, grandpa

>> No.7169492

>No one cares about it
are you even from this planet

>> No.7169534

Hahahaha only boomers care about this shitty game, REMAKE2>your pile of trash

>> No.7169598

you still have milk on your lips son. try not to speak with a mouthful.

>> No.7169602

HAHAHAHAH bro your game is dying with you
back to the grave grandpa

>> No.7169623

Mikami said 3 was focused to please the core audience so is much fun, CV is well, it has story and is somewhat fun... Fun is the only thing that matters

>> No.7169643
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>> No.7169763
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stop making fun of remake 2

>> No.7169835
File: 41 KB, 604x680, Get help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of idiots even post this shit, are they wanting (You)s or do they unironically say this garbage? We're on the RETRO board, you have /v/ for your precious new shit. It... Just none of this makes sense. If you aren't out here fishing (why would you even waste time doing that) or if you actually believe this (this is genuinely more damning), I'd reconsider your life choices. Because honestly you just sound like a massive shit eater no matter which way you put it.

>> No.7169893

What the fuck is 3.5

>> No.7169970
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>> No.7170056

>Not him, but why is that instead of patched Kanzenban?

I don't like the changes made to the ending. I prefer the original Dreamcast game in its unaltered form. More people need to play this one.

>> No.7170130
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>> No.7170138

I was disappointed that it didn't get a PC release back in the day.

>> No.7170840

re3 and cv both have their pros and cons.

re3 is an intraquel of re2. the first half takes place before re2 and starting carlos segment, happens after 2 finished. which is kinda weird cause wtf does carlos do during the hours of the re2 segment and while jills unconscious. i think in development re3 was officially called biohazard 2.8 or something. not to be confused with the fan named 1.5 and 3.5. leon is cursed yet re3 felt necessary because it was such a large scale event yet you only explore the streets a total of 10 minutes in re2. but it was alittle lame of the loss of a 2nd scenario and the layout of the city was straight up retarded. didnt feel like a city at all more like a jungle gym of bastardized buildings quickly put together.

if re3 was "resident evil 2.8 side story" then cv being re3 would be nice because i like the formula of
first game- introduce cast
second game- whole new cast
third game-merging the 2 casts
although cv also didnt have the duo campaigns its really just the A+B stories stacked in 1 full game so its fine. they did do one of the biggest sins in the main story by bringing wesker back as a mustache twisting super lame super villain which really devalued the series.

there wasnt anything pivotal in re3 besides the blowing up of the city but when i first saw the ending of re2 i thought THAT explosion blew up the whole city. i was just a kid but i imagine many thought that before re3 came out. capcom seemed to have thought the same at the time since hunk's mini game in 2 is called the 4th survivor therefore:city blew up-only 4 survived.
it DOES feel like cv was always intended to be 3 but they needed to make a numerical sequel on a sony system and not allowed to call cv "re4" for contract reasons?

>> No.7170871
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>Which game deserved to be called Resident Evil 3?
this one

>> No.7171827
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>> No.7171882

Code Veronica obviously. Nemesis just seems more like a spin-off or a sub story.

>> No.7171892

Never played either but I think the proper threequel would weave itself similar to the original cancelled RE2

>> No.7172323
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>gets outed as being a dumb zoomer
>proceeds with dumb zoomer meme in response

>> No.7172923
File: 373 KB, 1277x959, 1602094170377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished classic rebirth mod for RE1 today. Took me half way into the game to realize since its based on japanese pc port that difficulty is easy mode. Shame

>> No.7172942

Resident evil 3 remake.

>> No.7173304

Now play the original ps1 longbox version as Chris, to see the challenge differential.
>Total Time: 2:43:16
That's pretty quick for a blind first time playthrough. You didn't use save states or look up where to go / what to do, did you?

>> No.7173992

No but for real, how do you even install this?

>> No.7174024

I don't know why I expected a real answer.

>> No.7174071

The nostalgia in this thread is very strong. People calling for re4 to be forgotten and not exist, despite it being a revolutionary good base for a game that countless others copied. And it reinvigorated the dying series and brought it relevance. The series couldn't survive off just old school re style, and if it never changed then re would be dead Today.

>> No.7174075
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x716, screen-shot-2019-07-14-at-110828-am_xntr.1080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished playing both for the first time, I played the RE3 Seamless HD mod which looked nice.
RE3 remake is very different from the original unlike the RE2 remake, which is a testament to how dumb the original RE3 actually is. Stuff like the vaccine being readily available when Jill is sick and there's no setup for the Umbrella team being on the lookout for it. Code Veronica feels like a tighter game overall but RE3 is a little more fun. I'm going to play the RE1 remake next and then maybe the original to round out the RE games I've never played

>> No.7174140

Fuck this boomer gamex2
Banned from my backlog

>> No.7174380

that game is a good game. its not a resident evil game but its still good a good game. i would rather have it be a new ip and let resident evil go on hiatus. 5 games plus outbreak so 6 games is a good run for a linear story driven series

>> No.7174515

>resident evil 3 : Kinda short, low on content when compared with 1 or 2 and feels unfinished, but still good

>code veronica : A literal piece of dogshit that is barely playable.

Gee, i wonder which is better.

>> No.7174526

It's not blind, I've played it a few times before. Obviously not a speedrun because of number of saves.
It's quick because you can skip door animations on PC

>> No.7174947

3 literally has more content than 1 and 2, what are you on about?

And how is CV barely playable?

>> No.7175004

I just joined this thread for the hell of if it - I know absolutely nothing aboht this franchise.

And even I know how terrible this logic is. If they decided purey based on who paid them more over what actually made sense, then that’s a terrible reason. I’m legitimately dissapointed in you and I hope you improve in the future.

>> No.7175794

6 was a better game than 5 tho.

>> No.7175817


I love Code Veronica but good lord- it has problems.

>> No.7175851

>soul vs soulless

>> No.7176676

care to elaborate? and despite what shitters say, the plane tyrant is a legitimate boss.
the only problem i can think of is ditching pre-rendered backgrounds. imagine how beautiful the castle and antarctica base would have looked.

>> No.7176737

Resident evil 3 is the worst in the series, so thenn 4 deserves to be called resident evil 3 since it's the worst in the series

>> No.7176947

>the only problem i can think of is ditching pre-rendered backgrounds. imagine how beautiful the castle and antarctica base would have looked.

Sega wanted to showcase the 3D capabilities of the Sega Dreamcast with an original Resident Evil/ Biohazard game. The game was actually praised for using fully 3D environments and using dynamic cameras. Also the game uses in-game cinematic models at times. The game was meant to showcase "next generation" capabilities of the system in comparison to the pre-rendered environments of the "last generation" PS1 game. I also have a feeling that Capcom used this game to tes twhat a Resident Evil/ Biohazard game would look like with 3D environments.

>> No.7178160


Isn't there only one ending and scenario? Its been years since ive played it. Correct me if im wrong.

>> No.7178163

Resident Evil 3 is Resident Evil 3.

>> No.7178386

You can tweak the ending a bit but for the most part it ends the same, but if you beat it a boatload you unlock character epilogues

>> No.7178415

the only good part about re3

>> No.7178446

ah, didn't know this scrapped beta existed

>> No.7179442
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I never liked Jill outfit in this game, it looks out of place, don't care for the remake (to much cursing) but her outfit there is much better.

>> No.7180034

>Arguing about what title should have a digit on it's name

>> No.7180041

someone please duct tape this guy on a chair and let RE3 Jill Rule34 Pictures run on auto-slide. Maybe that will cure his gayness

>> No.7180401


>> No.7182061

>What the fuck is 3.5
>Posts a video of 3.5
>I don't know why I expected a real answer
Well you need a brain to understand answers in the first place.

>> No.7183348

>3 literally has more content than 1 and 2, what are you on about?
Do people on the internet really do this? Just go on and tell lies?
RE3 has
>One Scenario
>Two Endings
>Epilogue Files (which is just replaying the single scenario)
>Jill's Diary
That's it. Meanwhile, the definitive version of RE1 has (call this cheating if you want, I don't care)
>2 Scenarios
>Arranged/Advanced Mode for both Scenarios
>4 endings for each scenario with unique FMVs
>Unlockable Rocket Launcher
And don't even try to compare it to RE2, which has
>4 scenarios
>4th Survivor
>Tofu Survivor
>3 Levels of EX Battle (with 4 characters compared to the 3 in Mercs)
>Costumes (one of which comes with an exclusive weapon)
>multiple weapon unlocks
>4 difficulties with 2 unlockable ones (in the PC and DC versions)
RE2 has far and away the most content. And its A and B scenarios actually change shit, the most RE3's change outside the penultimate one is whether or not you got down an empty hallway.
This doesn't even go into how RE3 is barely even the same length as the other two, as well as how oppressively linear it is.