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File: 175 KB, 220x312, 220px-Contra_-_Hard_Corps_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
716453 No.716453 [Reply] [Original]

I was asking for most boss fight oriented games and this was recommended (any more recs welcome!)

god damn it's way way too hard - how can I get into this game?

>> No.716480

You should have read the game's name, bro.

>> No.716495

Try the Japanese version. That had a life bar which for some reason they got rid of when it was ported here.

>> No.716512

Try Alien Soldier. It's also on the Genesis, it's also about shooting tons of bosses and it's also hard as balls.

>> No.716516

I love alien soldier although I haven't got past the mech yet!

>> No.716530

If he's having trouble with Hard Corps I really don't think he'd find Alien Soldier much more acceptable. Alien Soldier's way, way more unforgiving than Hard Corps, I think. I wish that game had six button support rather than the awkward "Wait a second for the menu to appear and then quickly select your weap -- oh god I'm getting killed stop stop" weapon system.

>> No.716534

>how can I get into this game?
Keep playing. Also remember you can switch between fixed and free shot. Some situations make one type of shot preferable. After that it is just memorizing boss patterns so you can blow through them. Thankfully this game still has more for me so I have a reason to replay it in the future. I only got the Alien Queen ending with that awesome music.


I personally can't think of many boss orientated games, just games with a bunch of bosses and then levels and enemies. I know Castlevania Bloodlines has a bunch of bosses within the few levels it has, with all of the levels having a sub and stage end boss, and some with two different sorts of sub bosses while the last stage becomes a boss rush at a certain point.

>> No.716561

I've tried many, many times to play Hard Corps and I can never last more than four minutes before getting a game over. That is no exaggeration.

I guess I'm just bad at games.

>> No.716570

You just gotta keep playing and memorize boss patterns and figure out which weapon is best suited for each boss and bosses phase.

Though I will admit, the first ten seconds of Contra Hard Corps is very brutal to someone who is just starting the game.

>> No.716640

Like >>716480 said, I don't know what you were expecting from a game with both "Contra" and "Hard Corps" in the title.

Unfortunately I can't think of many boss games besides obvious ones like Gunstar Heroes. Maybe Punch-Out. Banana Nababa and Noitu Love 2 are pretty boss heavy, but they're only faux-retro

>> No.716649

Strider has a great deal of boss-fighting action.

Also, Stretch Panic is a decent boss-oriented game, but is in no way retro.

>> No.716674

ive not played any other contra.. should I start with another? ive not played metal slug either or really any games of this type

>> No.716681

Metal Slug is harder since it is an arcade game.

Play what you want. I personally don't know of any easy run n' gun games.

>> No.716691

I love the original Contra but I don't recommend it if you're just in it for the bosses. I just meant that the series has kind of a reputation for difficulty, you know? Hard Corps is hard even by Contra standards.

>> No.716706

For getting good at hard corps, I really recommend the Japanese version, it's easier in the sense that you have a life bar, invincibility time among hits, and a level select cheat for practice!
Then once you've practice enough, if you're still interested, try out the harder US version.

Also, hint: the super long auto scrolling corridor boss in the jungle level is a run breaker! Practice it to death, seriously, you need to be able to perfect it at least once if you want a 1cc.
You can't skip that stage by selecting a different route either, being good at that one boss is absolutely critical.

>> No.716717

You mean that Dead Eye Joe fight in his mech that always transforms?

>> No.716723

Yes, the one that's pretty much invincible the whole fight.

Now that I think about it, that fight was a total rip-off of Seven Force.

>> No.716726

He's not nearly so bad if you know not to shoot him when he's flying or charging his laser.

>> No.716751

Joe and Mac son

>> No.716852

thanks guys I will practice with this http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/797/

I found a lets play from someone really good at this game too which helps too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iZDAZzpd2M

so I guess I should keep pushing on it rather than beat an easier game in the same genre to practice?

>> No.716873

If you have to spoil everything ahead of time with easy runs and let's plays you might as well not play it at all.

>> No.716901

Putting a savestate before a difficult stage to practice isn't spoiling, even the pros do it on japanese streams, and modern shoot'em ups are designed around that.

As long as you don't watch the different endings, I think you'll be fine, OP. A lot of this game boils down to memorization.

>> No.716913

That said, yeah, watching the boss patterns beforehand is a bit like reading the solution to a puzzle.

>> No.716919
File: 484 KB, 800x600, giovanni nice things.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people posting about struggling with a game's difficulty
>no one's mocking them over it
So there is still hope. After seeing threads on /vr/ where people got bitched out for saying that a game had too much grinding or had flawed controls, I was afraid this board would be taken over by elitists and it would be impossible to have a good discussion of a game ever again.
After seeing this though, I don't fear as much.

>> No.716943

yeah /vr/ is great, big thanks to everyone, going to keep practicing with the hack (1 hit kill and so few lives was just too tough for me to get enough practice actually playing the game to get into it at first) and avoid watching the youtube until after I beat those bosses.

>> No.717002

How far have you gotten and what routes are you taking OP?

>> No.717073

With the hack (extra lives and health) I just got into the virtual zone with the hacker, everything about this game is so awesome. Going to try to beat that hacker and then have a go at the other route tommorow. Without it I couldn't get past the manned unmaned robot in the first level (but I can now).

>> No.717138

Which phase of the hacker in the junk yard? The astrological sign section or when he is a bunch of squares? I generally use Ray, but often times you just have to get under the bull and keep on hitting him and be prepared to slide. With the centaur phase, anything that can explode is helpful, which I think is weapon C for the canister grenade shot. If you keep shooting the centaurs front it will damage him and destroy the arrows at the same time. Gemini you just gotta figure it out yourself and be prepared to dodge and not get trapped into a corner.

I think for his first square phase if you start out somewhat close to him the first T tetris block will jump over you at first. Get some sort of crazy spread or homing shot with the tank and crouch and shoot at the lower left. The helicopter you can use a bomb or use a homing shot since it flies around a bit which can be a bit troublesome since you have to watch out for one of its propellers that comes down and homes in on you.

>> No.717247

Nah dude, if it used the 6 button Genesis controller, those 3 extra buttons should have gone towards:
- The counter force being a separate button.
- A button to hold down for locking your aim (like Gunstar Super Heroes)
- Maybe even a separate button to do that dash move.

The menu for changing weapons has some nice strategy shit going on, I think. You have to find the time to switch to the appropriate weapon, if you weren't prepared beforehand.

Though, I supose since one button is already for bringing up the weapon switching menu, you could dump that separate dash move button, have next and previous weapon buttons, and keep the delay for switching weapons.

>> No.717586

I think the easier of the endings is to do the Best Ending, I think both the neutral endings are a little ridiculous, and the good ending isn't a fun run for me.

Best ending consists of
Save research center
Fight to the end

You get the best music from the second selection, and the bosses aren't as fucking gay as the other endings.

If you don't know how to slide, it's down and the jump button, it gives you a few invincible frames which is helpful and almost required against certain bosses.
If you're having too much trouble, play as Browny too. Fang is one of the harder ones to play with due to his height, but his weapon selection beats bosses quicker than all the others.

I play with Sheena mostly.

>> No.718482

>With the hack (extra lives and health)
Are you sure that's a hack and not just a translated Japanese version?
I don't know about extra lives, but I know the Japanese version had health.

>> No.718739

Strider, Gunstar Heroes, and Rocket Knight all have a shit load of bosses, but if you've got genesis I assume this isn't news to you

>> No.718938

Little known fact: The U.S. ports of retro games were often made more difficult, for one reason only: Rental value.