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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7155787 No.7155787 [Reply] [Original]

What are the creepiest /vr/ bosses?

>> No.7155805
File: 129 KB, 1024x768, 1582153680483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7155836

Every boss in re4 terrifies me, unlike re1-3 re4 manages to out the horror in survival horror

>> No.7156006
File: 490 KB, 450x450, tumblr_lz4m6iIN731r8e6f6o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giygas was legitimately pretty creepy until the internet basically turned him into a meme.

>> No.7156049

Why are redditors so obsessed with Mother?

>> No.7156063

undertale and rpg maker

>> No.7156082

the 90s called they want their desktop background back

>> No.7156086

the obsession predates both of those by like a decade

>> No.7156131

wacky lol random comedy rpg that subverts expectations, and it being a more obscure nintendo title didnt help with the hipsters of reddit.

>> No.7156151

What would you expect from a bunch of mama's boys?

>> No.7156587


Redditors believe with religious certainty that Ender's Game is the greatest work of fiction in all of history. Redditors are stupid.

>> No.7156874
File: 8 KB, 176x311, Jen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Oh... I'm dying!'

>> No.7156930

If this was a one-off game and never got sequels, this would've be the most miserable video game ending of all time.

>> No.7157035

inb4 EB final boss

>> No.7157042


Are they? I don't really give a shit about what leddit says, good or bad.
But if I were to guess it's because "lol haha what a quirky and cute kids game but it's actually REALLY fucked up and has tons of adult humor xD" sort of like how people view a lot of disney/pixar/ghibli stuff.

It's a children's game and they're all manchildren. Simple as.

>> No.7157065

The hacker known as 4chan who is literally one person thinks Fight Club is the greatest book in the history of humanity.

>> No.7157083

I only know what reddit is obsessed with since /v/ talks about it all the time. They're one in the same now.

>> No.7157116

Is that fucking nostalgia critic?

>> No.7157132

don't bite the bait please. /vr/ is better than the majority of youtube shit

>> No.7157146
File: 121 KB, 258x322, OoT_Dead_Hand_Model_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7157871

Yes. It's from a let's play video where they played Mario Artist and they drew the nostalgia critic as a creepy pasta.

>> No.7158309

What game is this?

>> No.7158391

Has anyone else noticed a weird trend emerging lately where Anons attribute non-reddit beliefs to Reddit? >>7156587 is a prime example. This Anon is either a falseflagging Redditor himself or is so far left politically that he’d fit right in with those almond milk guzzlers. That, or he just doesn’t remember/is too new to know why we don’t like that site. Anyone who knows anything about Ender’s Game and what Redditors are like knows that Orson Scott Card is against gay marriage, a fact that surely caused no small amount of seething over at Reddit. But because ‘reddit’ has become such a generalized pejorative, it’s like a good portion of this site has forgotten that it’s because of Reddit’s neckbeard culture of seething and downvoting and fedora tipping and everything insufferably leftist and hipster that they came to be so widely despised here on 4chan. It’s really not as simple as “I don’t like thing, therefore I posit that Reddit loves it”.

>> No.7158403

Get a load of the Reddit expert