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7148468 No.7148468 [Reply] [Original]

Why it's hip to hate OoT?

>> No.7148469

because muh popular boomer game

>> No.7148481

Years of journalists unanimously naming it the greatest game ever made provoke a counter-reaction.

>> No.7148528

Later games retread the exact same formula but fail to do it better, which breeds resentment at it.

>> No.7148537

Contrarians without jobs or social lives have to be edgy on the internet to get a false sense of engagement

>> No.7148561

Good = bad

>> No.7148579

Too popular.
Even if it's "overrated" (which is a last ditch criticism for when you don't have anything of substance to say) it's still a really solid Adventure game to this day. If you like adventure games, or you like Zelda, then you're definitely bound to enjoy this game.

>> No.7148581

Because it's well liked and thus easy to get (you)s from by pretending you actually hate it
>Even if it's "overrated" (which is a last ditch criticism for when you don't have anything of substance to say)
I just ignore anyone who ever calls anything overrated. It's so meaningless now

>> No.7148591

They kept adding tutorials and making the games even easier which is baffling because OoT was already easy and basic in many ways so of course none of them were going to top the original (3D) game. It's amazing that it took them 20 years to experiment again.

>> No.7148665

It’s hip to hate Nintendo period since /vr/ was invaded by Xbox dudebros and oi me speccy britbongs. They’re in this thread now, seething over this post, midway through typing a brilliant comeback in which they call me a nintentoddler.

>> No.7148670

i hated it in 98/99. the graphics and the scope of the world were amazing back then, which got me through the game, but they don't hold up at all. it's now just the clunky piece of shit it always was.

>> No.7148674

Don't lie, you weren't even alive in 98

>> No.7148676

all nintendo franchise became bogged down in tutorials. zelda is hardly the exception.
though maybe, it's the series that got the worst about it.

>> No.7148683

"clunky" is not a criticism.

>> No.7148693

They kept making every new Zelda a "my first Zelda" when nearly every game from before were already a "my first video game" so they just kept getting shallower and shallower compared to an early 3D N64 game. I will say that Twilight Princess had some really great dungeon design but everything else about that game was such a drag.

>> No.7148710

midwits resort to contrarianism to convince themselves and others that they have taste. plebs and patricians alike recognize it as the masterpiece it is

>> No.7148736
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i was 12 dumbass

>> No.7148747

the control scheme and camera are awkward and i feel like i'm fighting with the controller to do anything in that game.

>> No.7148753

Nope, still don't believe it.

>> No.7148759

i can make the dial up internet sound

>> No.7148760

It's a basic-bitch game. The fact that it's such a sacred cow proves that most people don't have much critical or independent thinking. Be honest - the combat is not that good, the puzzles are not that good. It's a fairly simple in terms of gameplay. You only like it because the scope and ambition was impressive for a children's console game from 25 years ago. It's outstripped by dozens of games. Even though Zelda in general is such a pleb-magnet, it's nothing compared to JRPG shit. Fanboys for Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger make OoT fans look quite reasonable by comparison.

>> No.7148763

>so they just kept getting shallower and shallower compared to an early 3D N64 game.
Let me guess, you just played 5 minutes of Breath of the Wild and then wrote it off?

>> No.7148772

>not being forced into the N64 memes by one's parents

>> No.7148786

It was revolutionary for its time, but it honestly sucks to play now.
You can’t skip text, there’s a long ass tutorial, the fucking fairy, silent protagonist, old zelda bs, the water temple, shitty retro 3d controls, n64 controller...

It’s just aged poorly imo

>> No.7148805

Show us your ID then we might believe you

>> No.7148807


>> No.7148810

>doxx yourself

>> No.7148812

>there’s a long ass tutorial

>> No.7148815

Probably contrarianism. I didn't have or particularly like this game as a kid but whenever I play it today the graphics and music combine to create a totally unique feel that is worth experiencing. Gameplay is fine for what it is.

>> No.7148816

Nah man, it’s my honest opinion. I just can’t force myself to slog through a game designed to be slow

>> No.7148827

Well, it was kind of crapy mess from what I played 10 minutes of it. But not unexpected since it was an n64 game.

>> No.7148846

eat a dick. i could pop in link to the past right now and have a fuckin blast beating it. even the NES zeldas are still kinda fun. playing through OOT would be like a root canal, majora slightly less painful i guess, because it's still pretty unique for being on the same engine and all.

>> No.7148906

Any time you have a person or group of people who never shut up about something and bring it up too much (which OoT fans definitely do) it creates another person or group of people who are tired of hearing about it all the time. So they start crapping on it because they are sick of hearing about it and it’s the cause of their annoyance so it becomes the focus of their ire. Little do they know crapping on said thing will just cause the already obnoxious fans to bring it up more because it creates a us vs them team sport mentality, so they keep bringing it up more because in their eyes it’s “winning the fight”. When really the best way to get people to shut up about said thing is to ignore said thing and anyone who brings it up, and simply not respond or acknowledge them.

>> No.7148907

No, I actually really enjoyed that game. I was talking about the semi-linear puzzle progression games which take after LttP and OoT, which only got easier and more child-proofed as they went on. By the time of Skyward Sword even normalfags were thinking the games were getting basic.

>> No.7148923

No one claims it's a 2deep4u ultra challenge. It's supposed to be an approachable and solid game. Universalistic games have their place.

>> No.7148939


final fantasy trannies are still butthurt over its success and popularity. even now 20 years later people are still finding gitches and making full length mod hacks. outside of the ps4 remake ff7 is mostly ignored.

>> No.7148994

I would love a Zelda 1 remake/reimagine with oot engne

>> No.7149008

It would be 3,5 assets in an empty flat world where the only thing you do is search for Wolfenstein 3d tier secrets.

>> No.7149010

Yes but there would be more combat and oot really needed more combat oriented places

>> No.7149437

nothing is hated more than perfection

>> No.7149439

I never even played FFVII or any FF game and I still kinda have a soft spot for it

>> No.7149531

Doesn't really make sense. I love both FF7 and OOT.

>> No.7149541

When they reverse engineer this one, there wont be a reason to own an N64 anymore.

>> No.7149546

> there wont be a reason to own an N64 anymore.
It's 2020, anon. There's not a 'reason' to own an N64 anymore at all outside of wanting to play retro games you enjoy on original hardware which won't be changed by some fan port

>> No.7149549

Ahem PC is now original hardware.
PS2 is original hardware too.

>> No.7149551
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I don't think you quite understand what original hardware even means.

>> No.7149569

This. And to the faggot saying
>Clunky isn't a criticism
It is, but you're just too dumb to properly extrapolate info from such a statement. The core movement system was/is a mess. It's fine that you like it, but don't act like people with genuine criticisms are out to hurt your feelings. They just weigh certain aspects differently than you. But I will say, z targeting is the real deal and most developers still don't understand it or its benefits.

>> No.7149578

>The core movement system was/is a mess.
Except OoT controls just fine and aside from the first person shooting mini-games (which are indeed bad) you're never going to feel like the controls are bad or fuck you over.

>> No.7149807

You are confusing retarded with hip again anon

>> No.7149824

Why do all nintendo reviewers lose braincells when talking about zelda? I don't expect jontron wannabes to be smart or anything but they always do shit like praising TP's overworld right after saying ocarina's felt barren or some shit like that

>> No.7149835

>movement system was/is a mess.
No. You can't even prove that it is.

>> No.7149853

because this site is full of retards who think being contrarian is a cool personality trait

>> No.7149860


Zoomers worshipping stupid fucking ego raptor can’t form their own thoughts

>> No.7149862


>> No.7149880

even ego raptor himself can't form a cohesive thought
>Oot is bad because there's too much waiting
an utterly baffling take to anybody who's actually played it

>> No.7149894

>because there's too much waiting
Did he get it confused for Majora's Mask or something

>> No.7151028

Lol that still doesn't prove you are old enough to be here

>> No.7151156

cuz fags

>> No.7151279

This. All of their arguments are stolen from that sequelitis video.

>> No.7152274

Hyrule Field aged like shit and the story progression is pretty lackluster, pacing sucks because the switch to splitting between kid/adult wasn't from the start of development
It's a good game, I think it's just people voicing their complaints about why it's closer to an 8 or even 7 than a 10/10. Which is fair. The only reason it's a 10 is because the day it released, it blew everything else out of the water and people were too blind to see the flaws of it.
Majora's Mask is much better thankfully. Termina at least has things in it compared to Hyrule Field, but even with MM it's world is bigger than it needs to be still.

>> No.7152419

>Hyrule Field aged like shit
This is always such a weird take when I see it. You spend such little time in the field that I have no idea why people would even bring it up as mattering, really. It gets across the scale of the world but otherwise 95% of the gameplay is spent in dungeons or exploring areas other than the field.

Did some youtuber make a huge stink about it or something? It's just such a stupidly specific and pointless thing to act like it's a huge deal

>> No.7152431

>You spend such little time in the field
That's kind of my point.
It was needlessly added during development. It's stretched out textures look like shit. There's nothing worthwhile in all of it; it's a pure waste of time.
It's an example of how people who parade the game around as peak game design shows they have no fucking clue about the development of the game or the hollowed out aspects you see in the final game, that quite frankly don't need to be the way they are, and only remained in their hollowed state because the move from the DD to cartridge and an ever approaching already-delayed release date meant they couldn't do yet another retooling.
So we were left with the mechanics that were SUPPOSED to make the field innovative and compelling, that being to showcase the permanent save-capabilities of the DD, completely thrown out and in it's place an empty waste of space.
It's more a complaint that the move to cartridge significantly impacted the game. Oh and the combats shit.

>> No.7152435

Except nobody jerks off the field? A game having a flaw doesn't make it worthless or makes it less awesome for everything else it did, not that it's a real flaw in the first place.

>> No.7152440

>Someone brings up a legitimate complaint
I'm not fucking saying the game's shit, calm down and reread my posts. Why are OOTfags like this?

>> No.7152473

>No one cares about Zelda overworlds!

>> No.7152574

>Less awesome for everything else it did
You mean like combat even less involved than Dark Souls, puzzles even simpler and less engaging than every other Zelda title let alone every other puzzler adventure game, and writing that leaves characters feeling one dimensional as fuck?
Music was good though

>> No.7152694

>comparing it to a Ps3 game
You should be comparing it to King's field

>> No.7152706

Name a game from or before 1998 with better combat, puzzles and writing.

>> No.7152709

>You can't compare the rhythm of combat between generations
Yes, I can. It's the same
>Wait for opening
>Press button
>Roll (Side jump or backjump)

>> No.7152737


>long ass tutorial,

This thread is about OOT, not SS

>the fucking fairy

So, the companion? Yup, there is defintely an 89 percent chance you are talking about SS, master

>> No.7152760

obviously the ps3 game does it better

>> No.7152764

I never understood all the whining about Navi. Tatl's shit personality gets on my nerves a lot more.

>> No.7152770

>Shit personality
At least Tatl has it unlike Navi

>> No.7152771

>he doesn't like tsunderes
I bet you're a Reifag too

>> No.7152997

They really don't
Dark Souls is literally all about the combat and it's awesome. What a bad take in general

>> No.7153085

contrarianism + constant circlejerking from game journalists. thats not to say that it's a bad game, but the praise it gets is definitely a little overblown.

>> No.7153429

Because brainlet zoomers listened to Egoraptor despite him proving he can't git gud at this baby game, hence the contrarian favoritism to A Link to the Snorefest and hateboner for OOT

>> No.7153434

it's a newgrounds reddit tier meme to harp on HEY LISTEN XD

>> No.7153587

I'm a big Zelda fan. OoT was the first Zelda game I played. MM is my favorite Zelda game. OoT is my second. I never understood why the game was regarded as the best game of all time. It sure as hell is a good game but there are much better games out there. Is it just a nintendo thing to overhype OoT or do people genuinely believe it to be the best game of all time?

>> No.7153652

New generations just can't understand how technically far ahead it was of the competition at the time, which is true of anything that's so good that it changes its genre

>> No.7153656

take your meds

>> No.7153660

That, plus the fact that it isn't.

>> No.7153662

>The core movement system was/is a mess.

what is this even supposed to mean

>> No.7153673

best _____ of all time is a stupid category. Even in a medium that's only a few decades old

>> No.7153678

>final fantasy
Rento-free desu

>> No.7153715

Because Majora has always been better despite being a rehash.

>> No.7153719

funny you say that when the Hero of Time games are the only Nintendo games that even come close to approaching FF's superior aesthetics.

>> No.7153738

Mostly because of the throngs of retards blindly praising a fairly average game for fucking DECADES. We all got sick of the incessant ranting and raving, so now there's a snap back in effect.

If you enjoyed it, that's good enough. If I didn't (and I certainly did NOT) that's also fine. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.7153747

>OOT sold 7.3 milion copies in totality
>OG FFVII sold 10.6 million
>FFVII sold another 5 million


>> No.7153765 [DELETED] 

I'm at 1712 Broadway, Alameda. Come get me, motherfucker.

>> No.7154741

Oot is not considered boomer or zoomer. It sort of falls in between a generational gap.

>> No.7154940

OoT was a n64 game and success could mean being the game of the decade

>> No.7155094

Link's Awakening