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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7143917 No.7143917 [Reply] [Original]

Did they all deserve to die? Would you trade one of the current console manufacturers for one of the fallen?

>> No.7143921

I would nuke Sony to bring Sega back in an instant.

>> No.7143924

I'd take SEGA or NEC over Sony no questions asked.

>> No.7143929 [DELETED] 
File: 238 KB, 344x424, bomberman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEC should be replaced with Hudsonsoft who was the actual creative genius behind the PC Engine being good.

>> No.7143962

I'd trade Sony for any of them, and I don't even know what half of these are. Can't be worse than modern Sony though.

>> No.7143965

Trading microsoft for SNK.

>> No.7143986

SNK had a good run but lets face, arcades are obsolete machinery.
Atari never did anything good besides his cheap early computers and the 2600
NEC was only relevant in Japan
And SEGA did more bad than good things

>> No.7144025

I would trade Sony and their faggot company for all of them to return

>> No.7144238

Sega should have teamed up with Nintendo or simply died when the Dreamcast did. Would trade gross ass xbox for sega in a heartbeat

>> No.7144257

I have a hard time thinking of NEC as anything other than a hardware company. They don't belong with the other three.

>> No.7144302

I would erase all traces of Nintendo from the earth permanently to bring back SNK or SEGA in prime form, nothing of value would be lost, heterosexuality would be restored to the gaming industry

>> No.7144327


>> No.7144343

I would easily trade Sony for SNK or Sega. The PS1's best games weren't even thanks to Sony. Crash and Spyro were Naughty Dog and Insomniac, Final Fantasy 7, 8, 9, qnd Tactics were Square, Metal Gear Solid was Konami. all of those big hitter titles could reasonably exist without input from Sony, though it would be fucking strange to have FF7 on N64 and MGS on the 3DO.
This, NEC just distributed the PC Engine, Hudson Soft was the company that actually made it. I wish Hudson could come back and save Mario Party.

>> No.7144381

> I would erase all traces of Nintendo from the earth permanently
No. I'd be fine with smiting modern Nintendo but they produced a lot of good stuff from the NES to the Gamecube. The best outcome would be if modern Nintendo died and their classic IPs were auctioned off and ported to PC. None of their new shit is worth playing, so the only thing they have that's worth anything is the rights to their old games.

>> No.7144424

n64 and gamecube combined have like 10 must play games, who gives a fuck

>> No.7144503

Plenty of people give a fuck and will say there's a lot more than 10 great games between those two systems. I'm sorry your opinion isn't the prevalent one, Anon.

>> No.7144545
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>> No.7144590

Nice image, anon. The world is still the same as it was before you posted it.

>> No.7144701

Atari never did anything really good, with shitty business politics and mangament, fucked so much so many times it was justice.
Snk made one machine, made itself a niche compagny and never archieved to adapt to the evolution of the market, the only good shot they did to not die by their nature was the Neo Geo Pocket, happened too late and died. Then it became the Saint Seiya compagny, forever dying and coming back.
Sega was a Japanese-american compagny, and the first thing that did when it started having more succes in the USA over Japan instead of Europe+Brazil was to start a civil war with itself till it killed itself. Very deserved.
Nec didn't even existed for me.

>> No.7144715

Wait, is SNK dead again?

>> No.7144738
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I'd trade either Sony or Microsoft for a new system developed jointly by Sega and SNK.

>> No.7144740

>Wait, is SNK dead again?
They just anounced KOF XV and a new DLC season for Samurai Shodown.
They do have almost died like four times since year 2000.

>> No.7145236

Yeah, i trade Microsoft for Sega.

>> No.7145243 [DELETED] 

kill sony and microsoft, bring back sega and nec

>> No.7145285

i don't even know who is NEC but i'll gladly replace them with Shitendo in a blink of an eye

>> No.7145297

I'd trade Snoy for AIDS.

>> No.7145645


Maybe if you spent money on one of the companies instead of pirating the games, one of them would still be alive.

>> No.7145659


SNK is still around. I've been playing their Metal Slug Attack for the last year or couple of years and a bunch of their games are available on the Google Play app store if you want to buy any of them.

>> No.7145669

The n64 and its influence have had a disaatrous impact on the industry, so flush the plumber give me back sega and nec.

>> No.7145682

Dreamcast was bound to flop for reasons other than piracy

>> No.7145689

>paying for nu-SNK roms and recycled assets

>> No.7145694

NEC doesn't exactly count, they merely manufactured the pce and developed a handful of original games (outside of a bunch of ports).

Should've said Hudson instead

>> No.7145725 [DELETED] 

SNK Playmore != retro/good SNK

>> No.7145730

>Atari never did anything good besides his cheap early computers and the 2600

Atari defined a decade you zoomer

>> No.7145737

>The PS1's best games weren't even thanks to Sony.

This is true for the SNES (which was Nintendo’s best console)

>> No.7145742

SEGA to replace Microsoft and NEC or SNK for Sony

>> No.7145750

Absolutely nonsense. Nintendo had a good range of 1st party games on SNES in many genres. Also Rare was basically 2nd party bringing in another excellent line of platformers plus some other genres like fighting games, which Nintendo didn't make themselves.
Not even comparable to Sony.

>> No.7145756

Nuke Microsoft
Bring back Sega

>> No.7145806

Sacrifice MS cancer for Sega.

>> No.7145883

Sega's still around too. Neither make consoles anymore

>> No.7146259

nuke sony they are garabage cali company now and give me back snk metal slug

>> No.7146884

Sega is still around, they're just not making main-consoles. They're making classic mini consoles, but that's it.

>> No.7147007 [DELETED] 

Sega's been garbage ever since Sammy Corp. bought them out in 2005.

>> No.7147258

Any of them over Microsoft

>> No.7147280

It pains me to see what Sammy has done, but Sega wouldn't be around today had it not been for them.

>> No.7147345

Sega and SNK were always arcade guys who dabbled in home consoles on the side. Sega just got very lucky with the Genesis and managed to be one of the few who could throw hands with Nintendo for a couple of years.

>> No.7147708

Atari was able to sue sega for some nonsense, seemed like they were a bit of scummy company towards the end. Their systems and games felt more grittier compared to others, they could have been too far ahead of their time.

I don't feel that nec cared that much about video games but they made the gpu for dreamcast and cpu for n64.

snk was kind of stuck, they couldn't really just keep making 16 bit style games but they just kept trying to release their old games. The neo geo 64 looked barely more powerful than the ps1. Would have been a lot better if they made more non fighting games like last resort.

Sega I feel is the one who really got the shit end of the stick. I really think they put everything they could into the saturn. They made some bad decisions but the hardware didn't deserve the fate it got. They put all these extra chips in as a way to compete with the ps1 but also as a way to be a bit more futureproof and assumed the manufacturing cost would decrease quickly. At the end of the genesis you had some real crackers at the end but with saturn you could sort of see they couldn't made that many each year.
I blame the public for being suckered into advertising, they failed despite making great games, when they made their own hardware they could afford to make risks but when your paying license fees to others it might just not be worth it. Had sega still made consoles, there would have been more games like outrun 2.

What I mean to say is that knowing how things turned out, I would gladly trade the saturn being sucessful vs the ps1.

>> No.7148442

Kill Microshaft (and offer Rare to Nintendo), kill nuSony. Bring back Sega and SNK.

>> No.7148515

kill all three to bring back snk, sega and nec

>> No.7148531

>SNK Playmore != retro
Read the sticky.

>> No.7148549 [DELETED] 

Playmore bought SNK in 2003, which is 2 years after nu-/vr/'s cutoff, idiot.

>> No.7149929

Sega yes because they were retarded at making hardware and completely fucked up with the 32x, segacd, and saturn. The Dreamcast COULD have been their saving grace but they gave up before it could reach profitability.

NEC deserved to die because who the fuck even liked the PC engine?

Atari I do feel bad for them dying out but then again they did not QC for their software and ended up crashing the entire industry because of it. The ST was a great attempt at a comeback but obviously Commodore was superior in every way so they got outclassed for gaming.

SNK did not deserve to die either but then again their entire concept/IPs were really outdated and did not make the transition to the millenial consoles well at all.