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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 102 KB, 710x480, chykka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7143631 No.7143631 [Reply] [Original]

Probably an unpopular opinion, but I'm not a huge fan of bosses in video games having a surprise second form. That shit just sends my anxiety spiraling through the roof.

Like I get it if it's the final boss, but shit like Chykka from Metroid Prime Echoes can straight-up go fuck itself. The second form took me like twenty minutes to beat! Twenty minutes of desperately clinging to life in an arena where your health is constantly draining! Is that shit supposed to be fun? Fuck you Retro!

>> No.7143649


easier with primehack.


>> No.7143653

>he hasn't fought Seven Force

>> No.7143663


and yes, I have, but that's not really the same at all. Like, if you've fought Chykka in Metroid Prime Echoes you know what I'm talking about.

>> No.7143670

Holy fuck you sound like a pussy. Chykka was awesome, as were most of Prime 2's bosses.

>> No.7143671

You'll never be a real woman

>> No.7143682

Sorry.... Just, bosses with multiple forms stress me the fuck out, which is what I smoke weed and play vidya to get away from :/

>> No.7143687

How do you feel about bosses that changes their tactics when their health gets low enough? It's not exactly a second form in a technical sense.

>> No.7143691

>like like like
>oy vey my anxiety!
>i'm not like other girls tee hee
echoes and 3 are shit. prime is the only good 3D metroid.

>> No.7143692

Prime 1 is the worst of the 3D metroids, and Echoes is the best.

>> No.7143693

No filthy tranny freak, men can never be women

>> No.7143694

Why do you use a name?

>> No.7143695

You people are more annoying than the trannies have ever been

>> No.7143710

>nooo you’re just as bad

He said in a bait thread started by a namefag (You)

Give it up attentionwhore, no one wants you here. Sorry you’re such a disgusting shut in failure irl that you need to use a name on an anonymous forum to build a “wacky persona” but the rest of us think it’s fucking pathetic.

>> No.7143714
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>> No.7143716

you're both annoying as fuck jesus christ

>> No.7143721 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7143725

English speaking board

>> No.7143772


>> No.7143775

Literal children could handle and enjoy this mechanic in Spyro and Zelda games you fucking pathetic troid.

>> No.7143812


It doesn't really bother me, I pretty much expect it.

I guess what bothers me about Chykka is like... the game actually TRICKS you into thinking you've won, and has a post-fight cutscene where the boss music stops playing and it gives you plenty of time to relax and let your guard down before throwing the second form at you. That just.... kind of almost made me cry.

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry

>> No.7143818

and when the boss music comes back it's like twice as fast >_<


>> No.7143820

Tranny zoomers have effectively killed this board

>> No.7143825
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>> No.7143826

people who face real stress often find stressful videogames therapeutic because it raises cortisol

you main problem is that you're just not rising to the occasion, you're looking for an escape instead of recreation in between making daily efforts to improve your life

you are anxious because life is slippin away from u

>> No.7143835

>anxious because life is slippin away from u
It's not, though. Prior to the pandemic I had an extremely active social life, even during the pandemic I have lots of people wanting to hang out with me all the time but I just don't wanna take the risk before I'm able to get the vaccine.

Oh, and cortisol? You mean that stuff that spikes up in my bloodstream everytime someone closes a door or puts a dish away too loudly? I have freakin' PTSD, I don't need video games to elevate my cortisol.

Bitches me acting like they know me

>> No.7143861

its not about your social life it's about your individual agency and ability to self-actualize

also there is no vaccine that can catch up to covid as fast as it's going to acquire variation unto itself, 200 million out of 7 billion people are going to die according to extremely predictable mathematical models that are yet to be wrong regardless of our efforts to the contrary.

What you should do is actually work out to properly make use of those stress hormones and actually cycle your metabolic processes instead of arresting yourself in a state of apprehension with constant drug use

weed also fucks up your blood circulation and oxygenation in the interior parts of your brain if you don't get some sort of cardio, that blood pumping excitement that you're fighting against is actually your body trying to save itself, no matter how much you hate it

>> No.7143864
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>> No.7143878

>there's only two possibilities!

>laughing biologists.jpg

>> No.7143896

Right, the Y is like an X with a piece broken off and there's no range of variation inbetween or different material between them

what a load of shit

>> No.7144150

Sorry I didn't realize you weren't a mammal

>> No.7144182

Don’t get me started on dark souls

>> No.7144203


>> No.7144208

What's your favorite video game? Mine is D/Generation for DOS.

>> No.7144218

I really enjoy Earthworm Jim 3D. I know it's not a popular game, hell, it's not even a good game. But I have many memories of me and my uncle playing that game together, laughing at how ridiculous the setting was, being scared by the spooky levels. I miss him so much.

>> No.7144226

My all-time favorite game, idk maybe Shovel Knight. It's the perfect length for an action game, doesn't overstay its welcome, has a wide variety of cool magical weaponry, lovable characters (Mona!!), great spritework and hnnng that soundtrack.

>> No.7144240

Super Mario Sunshine. So many good memories

>> No.7144254

>tranny tripfag
Are you one of those mentally ill discotrannys I hear about? Are you from resetera?

>> No.7144264
File: 68 KB, 320x240, Yu-Suzuki-320x240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder Boy 2 Mecha Dragon. Was a surprise for me, and I never beat it...

Your favourite game sucks and you should feel ashamed.

>> No.7144265

I just, I don't know, I don't know who or what I am anymore

>> No.7144269

Shut the fuck up, Yu and get back to Shenmue 4. Not waiting another 80 years this time.

>> No.7144329

Honestly regardless of how you feel about trans people something we can ALL agree on is that namefags/tripfags are the scum of the earth. Fuck you OP

>> No.7144437
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>> No.7144535

guys cut her some slack, she DID say it was an unpopular opinion.

>> No.7144783

she wont fuck you

>> No.7144796
File: 267 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_inline_pmmpgl6Tem1wwnce2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Video game mayors should take no more than 30 seconds to defeat

>> No.7144803

tits or gtfo

>> No.7145063

nope. echoes and 3 are for brainlets. prime is peak 3D metroid