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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7135070 No.7135070 [Reply] [Original]

>*steals HL2 and Doom 3's thunder*

>> No.7135078

Truly the most retro of graphics.

>> No.7135079

Not retro.

>> No.7135096 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7135435

It really didn't. It was kinda shit. Clunky mess, but it did get crytek up and running for Far Cry 2, and Crysis which are both great.

>> No.7135436
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Ahem read the board rules again

>> No.7135443

This game sucks, like every PC "classic."

>> No.7135463

>Far Cry 2
Is a respawn hell, horrible gameplay, terrible map, a chore to play. First Far Cy and Crisis were both great but FC2 is universally panned.

>> No.7135475

>ruins the game by turning it into a generic run n' gun fps
yeah, no. stealth sniping was the best part of far cry and consolefags ruined that

>> No.7135571

Never played far cry pc but far cry instincts is in all honesty an awesome fucking game. It’s right up there with the other big 6th gen FPS titles (hl2, halo ce, Riddick, doom 3). Literally like Anthrax of the big four.

>> No.7135573

Nobody cares about "the big 4" anymore because no one likes dad rock.

>> No.7136049

The end was kind of ridiculous. It took literally 45-60 bullets to kill the big monkey aliens. It was almost comical unloading more than a full magazine into an enemy before they would die.

>> No.7136635

It's the worst game of the 3 and, unfortunately, the most influential. All Ubisoft games are a sliding scale with Far Cry on one end and Prince of Persia on the other.

>> No.7136646

I was afraid of rocket launcher monsters when I played that as kid so I glitched them. By crouching in corner. They were very close to me, only one small part of their arm I could shoot. That's how I managed last level.

>> No.7136727

but FC2 was not developed by Crytek

>> No.7136748

But it sucks

>> No.7136881

Oh that's right. That was the first one by ubisoft. A rare boon to their resume.
Still. FC1 was tedious

>> No.7136902

Maybe the action wasn't as varied as Halo but it was sure as hell a lot more beautiful and immersive. Definitely makes HL2 and Doom 3 look like dated trash. It's a more faithful successor to HL1's innovation than HL2 itself is.

>> No.7136990

You’re the only faggot nigger crying about it

>> No.7137067

I absolutely hated far cry 2 on release, it felt like the first fps of the developer
but 10 years later I did actually like it, I don't know what the fuck happened
I think I used Dylan's Realism Mod

>> No.7137083

The only interesting one to me was 5, since it took place in murrica. I honestly don't give a fuck about all the other ones that take place in dirt countries, because you already EXPECT things are just shitty there. You encounter some guy like Vaas and you're just like "well yeah 85% of the men in this shit country look and act just like this guys, woopdie doo"

They need to do a Far Cry in DC where turrurrists have taken over the WH and managed to infiltrate the entire government structure of the nation. Shooting at leaves and brown people in jungles is just whatever.

>> No.7137198

Neither of those three is /vr/ material and change of the sticky doesn't alter that.

People like you are the very reason why the "pre-2000" rule was set in the first place. Changing that instead of simply launching a new board was a big mistake

>> No.7137204

Do yourself a favour and replay it from modern perspective. I guess the term "vindication" is the best way to describe what's going with FC2.
Don't get me wrong, it's not some sort of "hidden gem" type of deal, the game is flawed. But it does a variety of things well and doesn't deserve the amount of panning it got.

>> No.7138261

Why would PS1 be retro but not PS2? The jump from 2D to 3D, and from SD to HD, is much greater. It's amusing to see such retarded gatekeeping.

>> No.7138274
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Dude water grafix lmao

>> No.7138283

>muh gatekeeping
This board was simply for things released prior to 2000. Then some moron decided to actually put "retro" in the sticky. Then entire bunch of morons considered this place a refuge from /v/tardation, so started campaigning that "b-but this is retro after X years" and other similar bullshit. Ultimately gook moot realised he can capitalise on this (since more traffic) and change of sticky was implemented. Like all gookmoot plans, it did jack shit to traffic, because whatever gain he had from new rules was killed by exodus of old userbase
But sure, it's just "gatekeeping" not not making sure /vr/ is a distinctive thing about distinctive stuff, rather than "lmao, /v/ 2.0"

>> No.7138436

Gatekeeping is a good thing.

>> No.7138446

I really really enjoyed the gameplay when fighting camps of mercs, and the environment and the swimming etc, but for some reason didn't play right to the end. Aliens i dont care about i guess.

For me the joy of single player FPS is one man finding a way to defeat 5 men or so with the same guns as you, who are just as stong, by tactics.
There's a little bit of this in HL1, like the map Surface Tension c where you have to pop up like a mole from these linked manholes and try to get behind the grunts.
Far Cry you get to do this but like 20 times in different ways and that's even better.
But then HL2 has pretty much nothing like that so for me, OP is right

>> No.7138474

Except it didn't and most people have forgotten it even existed.

>> No.7139578

>This board was simply for things released prior to 2000
As I explained, retarded gatekeeping. Which is more retarded than none at all because 1) it's not even effective and amounts to nothing more than shitposts, exodus, and in-fighting 2) even if it was effective it would have a negative effect, due to its irrational basis.

>> No.7139581

Great insightful post on why the alien parts always suck in these games.

If I had to add a further why, I think it's because they make the aliens harder than the usual grunts so you have less possibilities to deal with them. But at the same time the aliens are not hard enough to feel like a distinct challenge, being hunted. So it ends up like the normal grunts just became frustratingly better.

>> No.7139664 [DELETED] 
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>People like you are the very reason why the "pre-2000" rule was set in the first place. Changing that instead of simply launching a new board was a big mistake

>> No.7140057

>Changing that instead of simply launching a new board was a big mistake
Oh boo fucking hoo.

>> No.7140063

Eh, I'm fairly certain the sequels are far more remembered than the original Far Cry.

>> No.7140091

First FarCry was indeed innovative.
I loved the feeling you got at the beginning of the game, having only a pistol and being so frail you had to hide for a lot of time behind bushes to wait for the opportunity to attack

>> No.7140171

>Changing that instead of simply launching a new board was a big mistake
Launching a new board just for 1 generation of games would've been an awful idea.

>> No.7140271


They should have just split it all into two boards, one board for the really old stuff up to 16bit, then 2nd board is 32bit until Xbox1, then add PS3 era to that when it turns old enough.

>> No.7140667

You realize the 2000s have been over for over ten years now right. Jesus just shut the fuck up. I can't imagine the whining when they finally classify the PS3 as retro gaming too

>> No.7140687

Just like making 4 boards for /v/ was a bad idea. (Multiplayer, Mobile, RPG, Strategy)

>> No.7140715

This is your typical Farcry "fan". Performance specs on screen while pretending to enjoy incredibly boring, poorly balance fps game.

>> No.7141983

No one was even using those overlays back when we all enjoyed that masterpiece.