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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7129146 No.7129146 [Reply] [Original]

What dead franchise can realistically come back with a vengeance?

>> No.7129154
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SWITCH WARS 2020??!???!???!!

>> No.7129175
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>> No.7129597

Any dormant Nintendo franchise like Startropics or F-Zero

>> No.7129598

why would they ever make a new Wars title when FE makes them buttloads of money from the waifu audience

>> No.7129601

Crash if he gets M rating

>> No.7129871

Awakening was a fucking mistake. 2 nukes weren't enough.

>> No.7129926

darkstalkers. people love halloween and monsters and waifus

>> No.7129940

If it ever came back it would be another Awakening situation. It's better off dead sadly.

I never played them but i think the Tiny Metal games had some of the same core people work on them.
Anyone who actually wants to play the series already plays on fightcade. There will never be a new game since capcom is actually smart enough to know most normalfags would drop it after two hours.

>> No.7130184

You know what's worse? It was supposed to be the last one because they weren't very popular, so the developers went all out, which got the game glowing reviews and great sales, but Nintendo somehow interpreted that as "oh, more waifufaggotry it is!"

>> No.7130678
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Hey! Anythings possible.

>> No.7130683

I'd like to see a new Gradius, specially if it's by Treasure

>> No.7130691

This thread seems like an excuse to bitch about modern games. The correct answer is that literally anything can be brought back from the dead.

>> No.7130707

Not really, the only complaining is about FE awakening, and if you had played it you would know it's justified.

>> No.7130767

Advance Wars can definitely make a comeback if someone decides it'd make a helluva crossover with Fire Emblem. It's doable. If they can localize Famicom Fucking Shadow Dragon, they can do it.

>> No.7130779

Nintendo already missed the boat doing a Startropics 3 on the 3DS would have been perfect with the overhead view and the 3D.

>> No.7130804

Jak and Daxter could come back if Sony gets a studio that can give it justice. Naughty Dog is caught up with their more realistic games, not a bad thing though.

>> No.7130840
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>what beloved franchise would you love to see ruined?
drawing a blank here

>> No.7132009

none of them. they're gone. done. creative team's long since disbanded. it's over.

>> No.7132023

Do the rest of oddworld series as originally planned and dont fall for the 3d meme

>> No.7133442
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>> No.7133446
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>> No.7133450
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>> No.7133453
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Nothing. Video games are over. Every dead franchise is objectively better off dead.

>> No.7133459
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>> No.7133463


>> No.7133708

Not that one that's for sure. Besides, Intelligent Systems is and always has been run by pedophiles.

>> No.7133724

Most if not all companies have secrets retard, but no one cared beside your kind that plans to cancel all of them

>> No.7133728

Vampire / Darkstalkers

>> No.7133795

>If it ever came back it would be another Awakening situation. It's better off dead sadly.
And how is that a bad thing? Sure, it casualized the franchise, but it brought new generations of players in, shed light on the older games and Nintendo now actually acknowledges the older games too, with FE1 getting an official english release for the first time ever.

>> No.7133798

>come back
not retro, fuck off

>> No.7133821

>Intelligent Systems' pedophilia
What are you smoking

>> No.7133834
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I don't want the hyperspeed of AC4 (although it is cool), or the squatty, retarded looking mechs of AC5. I just want a return to form.

>> No.7133841

You're mom

>> No.7133847

Anon, Bubsy just got a revival two years ago. And it did well enough to get a sequel.

>> No.7133856
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Capcom is sitting on the ONE franchise where a mobile game revival would make perfect sense, but they're too retarded to capitalize on it.

>> No.7133862

More like what is your kind smoking to try to cancel colture companies because of such controversies

>> No.7134161


>> No.7134168

In turn it became filled with cancer and autism, take a look at /feg/

>> No.7134191

>advance wars 2020
>only two classes
>drones wipe out infantry every time

>> No.7134338

>the year is 25 years after the kidnapping of now former president ronnie
>the ninjas remnants have finally been defeated
>the dude corps(a team of biologically engineered badasses) is celebrating their triumph but the food truck is late
>all of a sudden the DragonNinja shows up, he now is the CyborgDragonNinja
>he kills the dude corps and kidnaps president ronnie jr, the dude corps captain says, "no....hamburgers....today....arrggghhh" as he dies
>a secret service agent runs to the White House basement, "it is time" he says to himself
>he hits a button, out come 2 pods
>oh my, it is blade and stryker cryogenically frozen, just in the knick of time
>"the president has been kidnapped by cyborg ninjas, are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president?"

>> No.7134357

Can you faggots explain what you’re talking about? Google doesn’t return anything for intelligent systems pedophile so I assume you’re just western tards spouting boomer conspiracy theories

>> No.7134369
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>> No.7134373

Man you are stupid, the crowd from twitter is using rumors to cancel companies

>> No.7134380

Get Tommy Tallerico to quit fucking around with that coleco thing and instead make a sequel to advent rising

>> No.7134487

Jagged Alliance, X-COM's remake and sequel showed that there is a demand for squad-based strategy and JA2 still holds up as an excellent SRPG 20 years later.

>> No.7134502

Fire Emblem lets teenage to outright adult characters marry "1000-year old dragons" meant to resemble children, one of the most popular characters is a 15-year old girl who is actively sexualized, and one of the main characters in Advance Wars is a tomboy (emphasis on that part) in a sports bra who has been described as a "young girl" and part of the same generation as a preteen kid.

>> No.7134571

And you use underage characters in both pokemon and splatoon who are sexualized, your point?

>> No.7134582

That's just anime pandering. You become desensitized to it after a while.

>> No.7134607


Imagine the salt an AC game would have if it had online tournament leagues with rankings instead of the offline arena mode, they could add a battle royale mode too and loads of other shit like multiplayer missions and probably even a mission creator/procedural generation it would be kino as fuck.

bring back AC

>> No.7134632

Golden Sun

>> No.7134843

There's literally nothing wrong with that.

>> No.7134881

What would realistically be great additions or improvements to this series? From what I can tell it stagnated pretty early.

>> No.7134959

Ape Escape. Sony seems to be at least a little more open to cartoony games this generation than last, so the chances are probably better than they were before. And knowing modern Sony, if it did come back the anime cringe would be toned down a lot, which would be a good thing.

Personally I'd really enjoy seeing a modern Ape Escape that rips off Super Mario Odyssey. It wouldn't have to be anything groundbreaking, just put together some nice big levels to run around and catch apes in.

Ditch the cumbersome stick controls and move to a more modern control scheme. Camera on right stick, switch items with dpad, and use the face buttons for platforming shit. I think it could be successful. Market to kids, casuals, and Nintendo fans, and play it up as a funny memey game like Bugsnax did.

>> No.7134974

seeing it on the 3DS would've been cool

>> No.7134987

That's really it? Just seeing the 3D effect for models?

>> No.7134995

it's a turn based strategy series dude, it only really needs small tweaks between iterations. you try and shake it up too much you get battalion wars which was fine for what it is but it was no advance wars.

>> No.7135006

Given the success of Dragon Quest 11, I think Breath of Fire would be bigger than ever. A JRPG with anime catgirls would sell, I'm sure.

>> No.7135387

Honestly surprised there wasn't one for the 3ds.

>> No.7135405

The failure of Star Fox says otherwise

>> No.7135413


>> No.7135580

Not with Miyamoto still around

>> No.7135782

If they just let you use a pro controller to play star fox zero people would’ve had no reason to complain. Nintendo had to fuck it up though

>> No.7135784

Ever since they added zero gravity to mario kart they’ve had no reason to make a new f zero

>> No.7136756
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Coin operated cabinets with modern graphic cards and processors and brand new games.

>> No.7136760

I'm flipendo-ing this bouncing yellow sack but it's not positioning itself on the vent. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.7136774

Dino Crisis.
Silent Hill.

>> No.7136783
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>the vice-president has been kidnapped by ninjas ...

>> No.7136813

It is punished not because of the wanton cruelty of Harry but for its greed.

>> No.7138040
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>> No.7138052

Ever since they decided not to make an all-new Mario Kart for the Switch they've had plenty of reason to make a new F-Zero.

>> No.7138152

When I was a teenager I masturbated one (1) time to the infantry girl (was it Sami?). Thinking about her toned and slightly sweaty body. Guess it only fueled my tomboy fetish.

>> No.7138158

Oi mate you got a loicense to be this based?

>> No.7139117

The Switch is not the ideal platform for F-Zero.

>> No.7139119

All Wars needs to do is introduce a fuck ton of waifus.

>> No.7139123

they clearly ran out of ideas with dark dawn.

>> No.7139134

generic jarpig, no point in bringing it back

>> No.7139140

dark cloud and timesplitters

>> No.7139143

I'm waiting for a Switch remaster.
Yeah they botched that one.
A remaster may happen.

>> No.7139239

Franchise isn't the right word, it's more like intellectual property.

>> No.7139431

thanks, autist.