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7122406 No.7122406 [Reply] [Original]

any of you fuckers have luck with getting 240p output on a raspi 4? i heard the 2 and 3 were somewhat better at doing it. askin for a friend as all

>> No.7122430

Raspberry Pi 1-3 all used the same GPU. They've had since 2012 to work on it. From what I've seen on 4, doing anything less than 1080p is counterproductive. The driver just isn't there yet. They have been able to do other cool things with this new GPU like getting Vulkan support. tldr don't waste your time with it

>> No.7122464

Have you tried this?


>> No.7122552

yeah i'm actually using retropie right now via composite but i have no idea if its actually running in 240p or not. this'll take me a bit

>> No.7122836

well i seem to have solved my problem, using composite on the raspi4 throws the system into a very very underclocked state, kinda like the original one. i'm able to use retropie but not much luck with lakka and everyone just recommends RGB. nobody has any real answers

>> No.7122863

why would you not use RGB or VGA? If you're doing 240p, a rpi3 can emulate up to ps1 without issue at that res.

>> No.7122950

just use a softmoded wii
crisp pixel perfect 240p output for every 8-bit & 16-bit console ever made

>> No.7122963

>why would you not use RGB or VGA?
i didn't want to fucking buy anything that's why, i guess i'll look into getting something that scales the HDMI signal
my wii died

>> No.7122967

If you get real scanlines then its 240p

>> No.7123420
File: 1.83 MB, 1399x765, nes_vs_pi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using rpi for emulation


>> No.7123498

>i didn't want to fucking buy anything that's why
Calm down and get a job, then it won't be a big deal.

>> No.7123508

Raspberry Pi 1 has a RCA composite output... Maybe use that.

>> No.7123512

shut up you dopey cunt

i've set the thing up. it's great, you just have to fuck with the config and retropie takes care of the rest. quite a lovely image

>> No.7123516
File: 83 KB, 1000x1000, 61yk18pLxGL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all have composite output. They moved to a mini connector like the ones camcorders used. You can even do VGA using the Gert VGA 666 mod.

>> No.7123524

you can't just set the video mode for the RPi to 240p and expect it to "just werk", you have to configure every emulator individually and some don't even support 240p...

also RPi composite signals are shit, instead of focusing on the obvious line doubling due to scaling issues in that pic look at the noise in what should be black space

>> No.7124524
File: 178 KB, 331x325, 1494322277350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't want to buy anything
>choose the most retarded option to buy after being faced with having to buy something

>> No.7124947

you're deadset on getting an argument started aren't you? if you want to get into it i'm pretty sure i'll win. a lot of people weren't expecting so much internal changes and trying to use a function that was present in every model before isn't as ridiculous as you think it is. i'm not some crazy rgb fanatic and it was never a big deal to me. next please

>> No.7124957

just get a raspberry pi 3 and use it over composite oh and stop being autistic

>> No.7124972

i'm going to get the best out of what i already have laying around and i can spend however much or how little i want to. suck my ass

>> No.7125415

ill suck your ass but only if you straight

>> No.7125810

My Pi3 looks amazing on a PVM with the scart-rgb out board.
I hope they fix the Pi4 thing soon, I just can't get the Midway arcade games to run smooth on the Pi3.