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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 472 KB, 2168x1593, ZXSpectrum48k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7112663 No.7112663 [Reply] [Original]

My favorite is the ZX-Spectrum but I'm curious to see your opinion.

>> No.7112665

I admire your resolve here anon but I haven't been on here in 2 months and you're still doing this?

>> No.7112749


>> No.7112753

l i t e r a l l y (literally) came to post this

>> No.7112798

redpill me on the speccyposting, how did it originate?

>> No.7112814

its just that good people want to speak about it

>> No.7112880

It's nice and cheap. The framerate and sound capability are better than what the faggots here want to lead you to believe. Just play Chronos, it's pretty awesome.

>> No.7112936

not retro

>> No.7112953

It's believed to have originated with both bongs and their speccys being dogshite.

>> No.7112960

>The framerate and sound capability are better than what the faggots here want to lead you to believe.


Check out that framerate. The programmer of this was a god.

>> No.7112991
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>best Classicvania is on the Amiga
>best Willyvania is on the ZX Spectrum
Us computerchads just can't stop WINNING.

>> No.7113009

It's better than the 8 bit console ports.

>> No.7113020
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>> No.7113186

Reminder that the speccy 128k runs Wolfenstein 3D and Doom ports without any kind of hardware enhancement. Speccy is literally the most powerful 8 bit gaming machine, beating the segay master system, for like half the price of a NES.

>> No.7113201


>> No.7113219

yeah but most weren't as good as him. Too often you ended up with trash like this.


>> No.7113247

Honestly never had one. I had a NES as a first console and my dad had a Tandy 1000 for a PC bu we never owned any micros.

>> No.7113257

>5+ high resolution animated sprites on screen without slowdown or stuttering or flickering
This is very impressive for an 8 bit system. Look at how good scooby looks there. Imagine how bad it would run on the NES

>> No.7113263


>> No.7113283

Not a fan of MSX but I agree its a damn good computer tb h. The hardware is shit compared to C64, CPC or ZX Speccy. It's way overpriced too. However the build quality is solid and its got SOUL.

>> No.7113353

The Spectrum don't have any hw sprites, just soft sprites and the framerate of the game is nothing special. The NES would be much smoother and be able to have music and non-monochromatic colors.

>> No.7113384

The NES is definitely much worse at 3D because it has a weaker CPU and no actual frame buffer. That they pulled off Elite on it was somewhat miraculous.

>> No.7113413

Get help Australia-kun

>> No.7113427
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>> No.7113437

>The Spectrum don't have any hw sprites, just soft sprites
NES' hw sprite capability is very limited for high res sprites anyway. You would need to stack up multiple sprite images to create one hires sprite. Even Battletoads, which used enhancement chips, couldn't display more than 4 sprites (1 player sprite, player 2 sprite, 2 enemy sprites) at once and scroll the screen while a battle sequence takes place. I have to agree it's better for Zelda and Mario games though, which had small sprites. (not saying the speccy couldn't run SMB, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRsCGpagBXk))
>framerate of the game is nothing special
The framerate is very solid, and that's special enough for an 8 bit game.

>> No.7113441

one autistic user kept spamming troll threads everyday until it finally latched on, the same way anything becomes commonplace here

>> No.7113448

that’s a beautiful box, so much character

>> No.7113452

so much character

>> No.7113456

For me it's Vector-06C

>> No.7113471

I swear those fucking slavs beat the brits ass in making the most bizzare games. Did they program in Vodka BASIC language or something?

>> No.7113478

Most Mario game use 16x16 metasprites and SMB3 has 8x16 hw sprites enabled. And Battletoads used no enhancement chips except some TTL logic to bank the cartridge ROM. It's running entirely on the bare NES hardware.

>> No.7113487
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>> No.7113497


On your bike

>> No.7113505

I'm sure the ZX spectrum could do a lot better than that.
>Battletoads used no enhancement chips except some TTL logic to bank the cartridge ROM
It's also got hardware nametable mirroring capability, which is used to make sprite transformation more efficient.

>> No.7113507

Chill, it's just a Montezuma's Revenge clone.
Most of slav games weren't original.

>> No.7113519

Based. It ran Star Raiders in fucking 1979, what an absolute unit.

>> No.7113554

Should elaborate. NES hw sprites are normally 8x8 in size; most games combine four of them to make a 16x16 metasprite. There is also an option to set sprites to 8x16 in size so you only need two to make a 16x16 metasprite at the expense of having only 32 sprites on screen instead of 64. It's not that commonly used, but SMB3 utilizes it. The main advantage is that you save some CPU time since the game engine only has to keep track of half as many individual sprites.
>It's also got hardware nametable mirroring capability, which is used to make sprite transformation more
Not at all. It just uses CHR RAM so the game engine can modify the graphics data on the fly. Rare games use a very simple banking setup that switches the entire 32k PRG ROM in one piece.

>> No.7113584

The framerate is utter shit but the NES definitely could not pull off the sprite animation in that game. Of course on the Spectrum and any computer for that matter you can also cheat by modifying your sprite data during gameplay which as I said was only possible on NES games that use CHR RAM.

>> No.7113585

>Should elaborate. NES hw sprites are normally 8x8 in size; most games combine four of them to make a 16x16 metasprite.
That was my point in the first place. Speccy's sprites don't depend on those hardware restrictions.
>Not at all.
"Its main advantage is that it allows using a status bar at the top or bottom of the screen while also allowing the playfield to extend equally in any direction - this can be done by storing the status bar in one nametable, rendering the playfield in the other nametable, and switching mirroring (and scrolling parameters) at the appropriate screen location during rendering.
There is also a lot of other things that can be drastically simplified when using 1-screen mirroring: The formulas used to calculate PPU address of data to be updated to the screen are also significantly simpler, and if the status bar have a variable size or is scrolling, all this would be a headache without 1-screen mirroring."

Sounds more than a simple mapper.

>> No.7113590

>The framerate is utter shit
I'd blame that on the particle effects rather than animated sprites.

>> No.7113612


All this does is bank the PRG ROM in a single 32k chunk and disables mirroring. MMC1 had an option for that too, although it was removed from MMC3 for some reason. Rare used it in all of their NES games.

>> No.7113638

The Spectrum doesn't have hardware sprites, just a frame buffer, although its color system works as an 8x8 grid.

>> No.7113713

damn that looks nice.

>> No.7113738

You gotta check out the "Mirroring" page bro.

>> No.7113985

Unless you spent those two months creating and distributing a cure for assburgers I don't see why you're surprised.

>most games combine four of them to make a 16x16 metasprite
Not retarded indie shit with tiny sprites that are crammed into 40k totally on purpose because they wanted a challenge and totally not because they were too retarded to learn how to use mappers.

>> No.7114850

That's insane. At first glance, that looks even quicker than the arcade.

>> No.7114918

Imagine being so poor that you had to get a ZX Spectrum instead of a C64. Pathetic.

>> No.7114921


>still makes retards seethe

How does based Spectrum do it?

>> No.7115012 [DELETED] 

Imagine being a console wars faggot and actually caring about what other people buy.
>"Oh, that dress is so last year."
No different from:
"Oh, you bought THAT computer..."
You are a literal faggot. A mockery of manhood.

>> No.7115020

Imagine being a console wars faggot and actually caring about what other people buy.
>"Oh, that dress is SO last year."
No different from:
>"Oh, you bought THAT computer..."
You are a literal faggot. A mockery of manhood.

>> No.7115058

Cope. Your Speccy was shit just like you.

>> No.7115069

you sure showed him with that impressive display of acumen.

>> No.7115073

>It's true! I'm a little bitch faggot!
So, no refutation? You are indeed a fucking mallrat valley girl? Pathetic. What a fucking shambles. Americunts, everybody...

>> No.7115074

Yet australia kun works very hard, spamming the board with a plethora of insanity coming out of his damaged mind and none of them catches on. It only took one pulseline thread for the speccer to become a meme.

>> No.7116248

Actually the sadder part is that the Spectrum managed to get the camera pan up and down but the NES and Master System couldn't do it.

>> No.7116856

>japsoi consoles couldn't do shit other than bing big wahoos
colour me surprised lad

>> No.7116865

>shitting on japanese systems on /vr/
Sometimes I feel sorry for britbongs who never had real gaming systems growing up, imagine the bitterness as adults. It's palpable.

>> No.7117250
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>> No.7117256
File: 310 KB, 409x523, 1603517307417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and overdosing on redpills
cringe and jimmy savile pilled

>> No.7117260


>> No.7117261

aww consider coping harder, jimmy savile. it's not /vr/'s fault that your favourite computer for inbred jimmy savile clones is so despised by everyone on this board.

>> No.7117262
File: 140 KB, 1200x900, Savile1-gt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a chad lad.

>> No.7117975

Found the homosexual and projecting paedophile.

>> No.7117976

C64 till I die
C64 can simulate ZXBASIC too, kekeke

>> No.7119262

Anon! You dropped your speccys in the toilet! Quick! Get them before they get wet!