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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 25 KB, 350x263, diablo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
711216 No.711216 [Reply] [Original]

I never played Diablo or Diablo 2, and I feel super left out. If I tell anyone I haven't played them they give me the whole "WAHT OMG REALLY?!?" routine.

Are they worth playing now, because I heard the beset part was the online and I've heard the online community is no longer active.

>> No.711257


>> No.711273

Diablo 2 is one of my favorite games and I only played it 2 years ago and never played online.

>> No.711294

I'm also late for the party. Just played the first and second game two months ago and really enjoyed all of them. The atmosphere is great and the soundtrack really got me into it. So yes I think they're highly enjoyable and you should play it ( Just make sure you play it using win xp...cause playing it using win 7 really suck balls)

>> No.711331
File: 112 KB, 640x480, call-the-cops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up with D1 and never went online, not once
I still had a great time overall

>> No.711369

how strong are magic classes in that game?

>> No.711395

there is only one magic class and it starts off a bit weak and becomes OP as fuck

>> No.711415

D1 and D2 are still really awesome. D1 has a huge roguelike feel, awesome brooding atmosphere and good gameplay, still worth it today but you should definitely play this before D2 or the gameplay differences will bug you. Also don't play D1 online because it will be hard as shit (friendly fire, way too easy for people to outlevel you if you play sorceror) so at least wait until you beat it once before taking it to bnet.

D2 holds up really well, but its biggest problem is the leveling system, which will really screw you over unless you do a bit of research into the skills first. Luckily you can respec once per difficulty so the changes aren't permanent but it's still annoying. With Diablo 2 you should jump in with a friend, although playing offline is fine too.

Very good games, both of which are more then worthy of your time.

Despite what people may say, D3 isn't half bad either. Just not nearly as good as the first two

>> No.711463


This. You struggle through the first few levels but once you get some choice spells and a decent mana pool you are literally unstoppable. Warrior is good at first but becomes more and more mediocre as time goes on. Rogue sucks the entire game.

>> No.711508

Exactly. First time I did well with the Sorceror was when I found tons of firebolt books early on. Later went into Fireball and chain lightning.

Warrior gets annoying later on in the game. Succibi shoot and run, have fun chasing them. Strong melee enemies will wreck you, so learn to use chokepoints (very few of those in hell).

Rogue is not that bad imho. Medium difficulty throughout the entire game. Can get rather boring, since you'll be kiting your way through the whole game. Also, you need to find a good bow, otherwise you're screwed.

>> No.711531
File: 8 KB, 217x283, BigD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my very first Diablo kill was with a Rogue wearing Griswold's edge.

>> No.711547

Well, diablo was piss easy. Only problem was his knockback when palying melee, but when you stoot with the back to a wall you could just wreck him with anything.

Griswolds edge? seriously? That thing was pretty worthless later in the game.

>> No.711557

Kiting isn't that great in Diablo 1 since you can't really run away from your opponents. You may outmaneuver a single guy but a group gets troublesome.
The key is firing blindly and listening for hits since there is no ammunition.

If you have Hellfire you can start on Nightmare with a Sorcerer. With all the gates in the cathedral you can kill a couple of Fallen Ones and then buy books from the witch. You can regain mana by leveling.

>> No.711561

I had nothing better...

>> No.711587

Griswold and Wirt should sell you better stuff than Griswold's Edge when you reach the bottom of hell.

>> No.711590


I never had Diablo online, just the rare two, or even rarer three player lan sessions between the family growing up, and I played the everliving fuck out of it.

I knew goddamn everything about it after a while. I saw a couple of monsters in a level and I already knew what unique monsters might be lurking around. I saw a unique item drop, you better believe I knew what the fuck it was or could be if it was an item type that had multiple unique variations before I even identified it.

I didn't even have access to the internet, I'd just played it that fucking much.

>> No.711602

Diablo 1 has such a great atmosphere and such great gameplay that I think it still holds up. D2 is mechanically a better game but it kinda lacks something to me that D1 had in spades.

>> No.711714

damn, thanks everyone for the replies, going to get diablo 1 right now and give it a playthrough

>> No.711774

I tried playing hellfire.
Got to the bug level and said shit was gay.

Did it get better?

>> No.711795


Hellfire generally sucks, but there are mods to add in unfinished content and tweak things so it isn't an unbalanced shitfest.

>> No.711813

Is there any way to play D2 online anymore? I always run into empty games or with people that are incredibly high levels.

None of my bros are interested in D2 anyways, they're too busy playing Dota or some shit.

>> No.711848


Bnet servers are still running, lots of people continue to play.

>> No.711870

Like I said, most of the servers I join are just people AFKing or higher levels.

I wanted to start over with some people, since my single player character wouldn't migrate for some reason.

>> No.711881

You can use single player/locally stored characters in Open Bnet. Closed Bnet stores the characters on the server to prevent manipulation.

>> No.711889

Color me stupid.

Should I be playing in open anyways, for more players?

>> No.711893


4chan has a server, here's the guide from the /vg/ thread. It's quiet, but it's free and better than single player:

Download Battle net gateway editor here:

And configure it:
Name: The B Hells
Zone: -1

Get the game here if you don't have it yet.

Finally download and overwrite your patch_d2.mpq with this one here (put it into your diablo folder):

List of patchnotes:
http://pastebin.com/ZCbEJzAu - v1.3.2 (current)
http://pastebin.com/2VUTRtMU - v1.3.1
http://pastebin.com/bqeR0CfR - v1.2
http://pastebin.com/XwLfnSs6 - v1.1
http://pastebin.com/beiQC5AQ - v1.0

List of cube recipes:


If you have any troubles, heres the original patch_d2.mpq if you didn't back it up.

>> No.711907

I don't think there are many regular players in open Bnet.
Play ladder after a ladder reset, everyone starts fresh then.

>> No.712471

How well does Diablo 1 run on newer OS's? I want to know if it's worth digging my disc out of storage.

>> No.712491

I'm playing it on windows 8 with zero issues.

>> No.713102

Aside from the issue of "you are using Windows 8".

>> No.713123

Nope, the only good things about it are the monk class and running in towns.

>> No.713140

d2 is not retro.

>> No.713410

He asked about both, dipshit.

>> No.713432
File: 48 KB, 209x193, 1360805299340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw duping in Diablo 1

>> No.713436

>tfw we will never get topless succubi in a modern game release

>> No.713445
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 1268001535968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This char's totally legit I swear

>> No.713448

> Implying D2 Andariel's massive breasts and chain-wearing pierced nipples didn't happen

but yes, I do pity the people born in 2000's who will never know the feels of finally killing THOSE FUCKING HEALTH DRAINING BITCHES, FUCK YOU FOR STUN LOCKING ME

fuck stun lock mechanics

>> No.713458
File: 12 KB, 175x175, andariel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whenever I think of Andariel, I think of poison, then I think of Alice Cooper

>> No.713469

Fun fact, "Godly Plate of the Whale" was literally physically impossible for the game to naturally generate, because both of those item mods when taken together, add up to a item drop level total that no creature is capable of reaching.

Don't forget the fucking "yeah this item is legit even though its stat ranges are maxed... just like all the other items I have" bastards who played online.

>> No.713483

well, diablo 2 is pretty far from being a modern game.

for some reason, right when 3d graphics got good, they stopped putting tits in games. same thing happened with the transition from daggerfall to morrowind.

emerald ring of the zodiac would actually have better stats than obsidian. eventually, they just hacked the obsidians to have just as good stats anyway though.

>> No.713496

They both hold up pretty well. There's worse games you could buy for five dollars at a garage sale.

>> No.713528

Take a moment to think about all the innocent lives that could've been lost to slightly realistic tits in games.

Some contemporary titles like God of War still put topless women in, but most companies are too afraid of increasing their classification rating to show nudity, as you probably know.

>> No.713537

No wonder why most games are shit, too scared to take risks

>> No.713581

>"Don't worry guys, I'm totally legit"
>Any OROZ, especially x2 OROZ
>Maxed KSOH
>Maxed KSOB
>Maxed GGHW
Such is life in the HALLS OF THE BLIND

>> No.713587

As far as I know, OROZ and OAOZ are capable of dropping.

>> No.713594

>tfw dupers would give out hacked items to new players for free
>meet one of these new players
>"hey man this gnarled root ring is totally legit"

>> No.713620
File: 370 KB, 640x480, 1368860245292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gnarled root ring
My sides just hit the red screen

>> No.713621
File: 37 KB, 400x249, gccx8am.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>character wallhacks into the Inn
>I'm like fifteen
>"Holy shit man how did you do that"
>"You have to have an invite bro. Gotta get it for clearing all of the Catacombs without being hit once"
>mfw I spent all summer trying to do this
>mfw I finally do
>mfw I realize I've been had

>> No.713639

>join server
>no games
why do you do this to us /vg/

>> No.713670

>tfw satellite connection and foreverial 600 ping

>> No.713689

>mfw I joined a server to see that someone had a gnarled root ring laying on the ground
>mfw I took it and quit the server before they completed trade

After a while I felt dumb as fuck finding out that it was just a duped item.

>> No.713698

If you do play it, play the original once. Then find a good mod for it. The hell is my flavor. Some prefer the awakening. I don't, since I feel it ruins the atmosphere of the game.

>> No.716051

shit nigga

>> No.717610
File: 8 KB, 320x235, xenawin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude! I loved playing Diablo I, and bought Hellfire also. It's been like 10 years but I don't remember having any complaints about Hellfire. Once you get through Diablo you want some more levels, enemies and items, which the expansion delivers. There's also a new Monk character class.

>> No.717650

Monk class?

>> No.717673

A Shaolin like dude who beats demons (and aliens) with a staff

>> No.717882

In original Diablo, we had a class based on STR (Warrior), a class based on DEX (Rogue), and a class based on MAG (Sorceror), Sierra wanted to balance it out with a class based on VIT (the Monk). What they ACTUALLY ended up doing was creating a class based on DEX that had an INVERSE armor system, did the most unarmed damage of any class, actually LOSING damage when equipping any weapon other than a staff, and the only legitimate class able to strike multiple enemies at once (though only while using a staff). It was a class that effectively had almost Sorceror levels of casting potential, almost Warrior levels of raw damage output, and almost Rogue levels of evasion and accuracy.

>> No.717897

>Inverse armor system

>> No.717902

don't forget the two new Uelmen tracks

>> No.717908

They've never been worth playing. I've never understood why PC hack and slashes ever got popular in the first place.

They're nothing but clickfest carrot-dangling sims.

>> No.717937

The Monk would get an armor bonus (2*character level) if he were wearing light/leather armor, or no armor at all. If I remember correctly, he could also use his staff to block.

The Monk is a pretty fun class. While he will never be the best in any one catergory, he seems to be second best at everything.

>> No.717938

the less armor he wears the more protected he is -- dodging and shit instead of soaking hits

>> No.717941

How does the Hellfire expansion affect the normal game? I just want Diablo 1 but with running.

>> No.717960

The extra content is of lower quality than the original but it keeps the good feeling going for a little longer.

Get The Hell mod or The Dark mod and play these! You need to have Hellfire in order to play them and they actually make all the expansion pack content better, fix a load of bugs, make the game harder, and add running. They make the game like D2 in a lot of ways but it keeps the Rogue-like dungeon crawl feeling

>> No.718026

The lighter the armor that the Monk wore, the higher the Armor Class bonus gained from the armor. Monks were actually most armored if they wore NOTHING AT ALL.

>> No.718039

What's a good class for playing Diablo 1 for the first time?

>> No.718042

Monks got a HUGE AC boost for wearing no armor or for wearing "Light" armor, which included all armors up to Studded Leather. Monks also got a slight penalty on AC for wearing "Medium" armor, such as Ring Mail and Splint Mail, and a MASSIVE AC penalty for wearing any "Heavy" armor, which included every armor heavier than Splint Mail. So, not ENTIRELY inverse, in that wearing a Studded Leather was a little bit better than wearing no armor whatsoever. However, wearing anything heavier was almost completely useless.

>> No.718054
File: 85 KB, 640x480, laz-run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say sorcerer. With the other classes you will probably have trouble in the lower levels. As stated above, sorcerer becomes very powerful (and fun to play) later on

>> No.718072

>Mana shield is low
>that health
>only a partial mana and a full health left
>Boss succubus at point blank
That sorc gonna die, son.

>> No.718087 [DELETED] 

who are you quoting?

>> No.718096


Stop that.

>> No.718097

The implications of the image.

>> No.718109


>> No.718121

>explying explications which I did NOT exply.

>> No.718137

English major here. "Exply" isn't actually a word.

>> No.718196
File: 11 KB, 300x316, 1318999511922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>explying it isn't

>> No.718218

What is the story of D3 anyway? Aren't prime evils dead due to their soulstones destroyed?

>> No.718230

>other classes
>have to balance out the stats somewhat

Guy is OP as fuck.

>> No.718260

Pretty much this.

But, it's entertaining going through the game with different classes to experience the many skill strategies that you can come with.

>> No.718267

IIRC, only Mephisto got his stone kicked in.

>> No.719018

Are the quests in Diablo 1 random or something? I'm seeing some stuff I don't remember last time I played.

>> No.719159

There is a hell quest for a special hat that I have only ever gotten once
When you start it up you can tell if you got poisoned water if the well is brown or ogden s sign if his sign is missing. The butcher isn't a garunteed quest either, smoetimes bleedy mcdonthelpme isn't there.

>> No.720073

>lure an entire level into one room
>activate chain lightning
>level cleared instantly

>> No.720247

Diobla is no NetHack just saying.

>> No.721291

actually it's more like angband.

>> No.722307

He couldn't get on the PC's lel.

>> No.722364

I actually found both games to be really tedious but I can appreciate that they are solid games that are enjoyable for a lot of people. Which makes me kind of sad that I don't seem to be able to enjoy them.

>> No.723306

I'm the same way. With JRPG's, too.

>> No.723827

1 has great atmosphere but can get a little boring.

2 pretty much improved on everything but I personally think it's too fast paced and too colorful.
Also Nightmare and Hell more or less require that you min/max a single skill and keep spamming that which is really really boring.
The atmosphere is still good. Act 4 and even more so 5 suck though.

As for onlone ...
Like someone else already said earlier there's a 4chan server.
I've played a druid and an assassin up to lvl 70+ there and it was pretty fun because the people are cool dudes.

Speaking of Online, you might also want to give Fonline 2238 a try, if it still exists.
Basically Fallout 1+2 Online with some neat additions like crafting and cars.

>> No.723848

Yeah. You can pretty much finish the game in 5 minutes with the sorcerer.
Thanks to chain-lightning, teleport and damage-to-mana.

>> No.723889

>play online
>talk to new player
>tells me he found a really good item
>ask him if I should dupe it for him
>he happily agrees and gives it to me
>log out

>> No.723902
File: 4 KB, 242x46, Untitled-1 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.723915

>Few months ago
>download Diablo 2
>try installing the 1080p HD mod over the course of 2 days
>nothing but trial and error
>eventually give up and try to enjoy Path of Exile and Torchlight 2
>also in OP's situation, never played the Diablo games, but still feel like they're both lacking in different ways

I only played both games for a few minutes but never actually PLAYED the Diablos. I'd hate to play it in a windowed mode but I suppose I'll just end up doing that if necessary. It seems impossible to get the widescreen mod to work, has anyone here been able to get it to work?

>> No.723924

never actually played 1 but i'd recommend 2 to anyone

>> No.723940


It doesn't work with the latest patch. Only works on 1.12. Use a second install with the latest version if you want to play on bnet.

>> No.723983

That's wrong, mephisto's soulstone is destroyed in game while the other two brothers had their soulstones destroyed in cinematic sequences.

>> No.724041

Yeah I made sure I used the 1.12b (think that's the name) patch. It still kept rendering in 720-768 resolution in fullscreen.

I'll probably give it another try later today.

>> No.724117

I remember going online in D1 and using trainers to create seriously OP items. Then I gave them to random people.

It's an abstract kind of feel.

>> No.724332

Some witch invites a bunch of hero-looking people on a wacky adventure through the colorful land of Diabloland.
There's several attractions too like fighting the butcher in a staged fight.
She even announces him like a prizeboxer.
It's freaking terrible.

Here's a short summary of why D3 sucks.

>> No.724403

Fun fact:

The warrior becomes the lone wanderer / Diablo,
the rogue becomes bloodraven
and the sorcerer becomes the act 2 summoner
in Diablo 2.

>> No.724434

Fun fact:

It was his sled. His sled from when he was a kid.

>> No.724437

Fun fact:
The narrator and Tyler Durden were actually the same guy with a split personality

>> No.724468

D2 was my childhood. I used to play with my mom all the time. It's actually a pretty fun game, and if you can get a few of your friends to play it, the online community won't really matter.

Never really needed online as a kid, still don't need it, though I haven't played in god knows how long.

>> No.724509


>> No.724683

>The warrior becomes the lone wanderer / Diablo,
>the rogue becomes bloodraven
>and the sorcerer becomes the act 2 summon

I dont know where you got that the rogue became bloodraven however the summoner in a2 has his own lore, horizon i believe he was called or something? he completely predates d1

>> No.724717

Horazon is the dude who made the arcane sanctuary.
The summoner is the player character from D1.


>> No.724725
File: 17 KB, 249x388, redguard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah.... Daggerfall nudity. I had some formative experiences back with the paper dolls in that game.

The random naked people in tavern rooms and temples you would run across was also cool.

>> No.724729

Nah, play a more modern one, like Torchlight or Titan Quest (a personal favourite). D1-2 are just not diverse enough.

>> No.724730

And regarding bloodraven:

>> No.724806

When you kill the summmoner with the necro he says "he was not Horazon, he was a deluded fool who got too close to true power".

>> No.724887

cool view bro. im sure that mindset works great on /vg/. in fact go post your babble there

>> No.724891

Why is she nude, anyway? Is that the PC?

>> No.724906

yes it is. it's installed without censorship. all males and females are nude no patches or hacks needed in modern censorbs society

>> No.725089

The gui ruins it, is awfull to control.
Try D2+LoD, its way better.

>> No.725172

I never thought it was fair that one of the first three becomes the ultimate boss, while...

1. The rogue becomes a pitifully weak second quest boss

2. The sorcerer becomes an equally weak, but slightly more legit boss.

I mean if the Warrior was the act 3 boss, why couldn't the rogue and the sorcerer be Act 1 and Act 2 bosses?

>> No.725303

Act 3 boss was Mephisto, not Diablo

>> No.725319

Fun fact:

The warrior was actually King Leoric's son, and Prince Albrecht's brother.

>> No.725326

Only because Diablo 3 retconned it to be so.

>> No.725337

I fucking love diablo 1, but I exclusively run linux now (yes even at work (yes a real job)) and I can't get it to run in wine. I'd love to play it again, or have some asshole kickstart a blatant copy of it.

I really miss d1 ;__;

>> No.725354

Bloodraven is hardly weak when you're just starting out.
She's actually pretty tough until level 8 or so.

You gotta see it a little more abstract.
In gameplay terms you may be a demigod fairly quickly and everything becomes exponentially more powerful and tougher,
but in story terms it's certainly much less so.
You do get more powerful but not the same dragonballish way as the gameplay implies.
Today you can barely lift a huge rock tomorrow you can split maintains with your bare hands?
I don't think so.

That's what I dislike about D2. It's too flashy.

In D1 you don't percieve the extreme rise in stats because it looks mostly the same throughout.

>> No.725359

I had this problem yesterday.

I installed virtualbox with windows xp.

I don't know if you would consider that cheating.

(straight through wine gives only the bottom half of the screen. Which is fucking strange, since Wine can handle DIablo 2 no problem)

>> No.725365

Get a linux playstation emulator and the psx Diablo.

>> No.725378

I don't have any valid windows keys, otherwise I would consider it.

Interesting that you get that problem. I get a black screen, but the keyboard works; if I can figure out how to load a character by keyboard, then the game loads and runs correctly, but is a bit crashy crashy.

Still wish someone would blatantly rip off diablo 1, since blizzard has shown that they have 0 interest in continuing that style of game. I'd even take Darkstone these days.

>> No.725391

>psx diablo

You mean diablo beta version.

Seriously, it is like playing an unfinished PC Diablo

>> No.725395

runs ok in wine for me, the menu at the start is just a blank screen but if you know what to press (return return <name> return) you get into the game no problem

>> No.725431

>Diablo Sword
>Diablo Shield
>Diablo Plate
>Diablo Helm
>Diablo Amulet
>Diablo Ring x2
>This char's totally legit I sear

>> No.725443

The Bard was leagues better.

>> No.725458

>godly plate of the whale
>king's sword of haste
>"totally legit, bro"

>> No.725463

But King's sword of haste was legit. I had it dropped in single player before.

>> No.725512

Barbarian was king

>> No.725524

GPOW is "technically legit" too. Its treasure class is so high that it is impossible to drop from a monster, but Wirt will sometimes carry a GPOW.
However, the price modifiers for a GPOW are so high that it is impossible to carry enough gold on your person to purchase the plate, unless you get the double gold carrying amulet in Hellfire.

>> No.725532

Agreed. The bard was also capable of Triple Striking as long as you dual wielded, and while being incapable of ever stunlocking an enemy, was able to dish out MASSIVE bursts of damage if used intelligently. Also had the highest attainable Armor Class in the game, if I remember correctly.

>> No.725545

I've seen Wirt sell it before, this is true. And, as you said, I couldn't afford it, or conceivably afford it, because the gold cost is impossibly high.

>> No.725543

Barbarian was total fucking boss. Highest vitality cap in the game, the only class in the entire game capable of having OVER ONE THOUSAND FUCKING HEALTH POINTS, and strength just as high as a warrior? HELL YES MOTHERFUCKER

>> No.725548

The barbarian can have more health with a VIT cap of 150 than a sorceror can have in mana with a MAG cap of 250.

Sorcerors get on my lel.

>> No.725558

Wait, there was a barbarian in diablo 1? What?

>> No.725560

Well, yes, because the Barb gets 2.5 HP per VIT, but the Sorc only gets 2 Mana per MAG.

>> No.725573

Not true. A barbarian with 375 vitality, the highest reachable vitality in the game, will have 1091 health. A sorceror with 485 magic, the highest reachable magic in the game, will have 1216 mana, which they can use as health because of Mana Shield.

Barbarians get on my kek.

>> No.725575 [DELETED] 

>get on my lel
fucking stop that

>> No.725584

It's really too bad they didn't have time to finalize those classes with unique sprites and such

>> No.725585

>had the highest attainable Armor Class in the game
Which is probably the most useless achievement to brag about. At level 50, you only need 285 AC to fully negate the To Hit of all monsters on Hell/Hell. Any more AC is completely useless, and all classes are capable of reaching 285 AC.

>> No.725593 [DELETED] 

Anti-sage forever.

Don't tread on our thread.

I am the bump.

>> No.725596

In the official expansion there was the Monk class added, but there was also going to be a Barbarian class and Bard class. Sierra ran out of dev time, but kept the classes available in semi-finished form if you edited a file in the installation directory, alongside a couple unfinished quests.

>> No.725606

High AC is still useful in PvP. At 425 AC, you could pretty much troll PKers all night long.

>> No.725607

Huh, I never knew that.

Hellfire was weird as fuck anyway. I didn't really like what it did to the game. The worldstone was ok I guess, but basically everything else made no goddamn sense

>that fucking cow guy

>> No.725610

>425 AC
Is it really that high?

>> No.725619 [DELETED] 

>He doesn't know what sage does

>> No.725624

But you can't play Hellfire online

>> No.725625

Rogues have the highest reachable AC, at 425, with Monks and Bards being not far behind, at 419 and 413, respectively.
However, Bards have, by far, the highest To Hit, at an absolutely massive 565% To Hit, with Rogues being the next best hitter at 487%

>> No.725629 [DELETED] 

>She doesn't know that sage isn't a downvote

>> No.725632

I'm pretty sure there's a patch floating around that allows multiplayer for Hellfire

>> No.725638


>> No.725651 [DELETED] 

Sage isn't a downvote. It's for when someone feels they don't need to bump up the thread with their post. It's a very Japanese concept.

get on my lel

>> No.725657

What is this "miss" you speak of?

>> No.725664 [DELETED] 

>It doesn't know that I already said that sage wasn't a downvote, and literally just agreed with me right now.
get on my DICK

>> No.725685 [DELETED] 

thanks for ruining the thread, retards

>> No.725698

>I said something that is wrong, but you know, it might be right, go look it up.


>> No.725696 [DELETED] 

Sage isn't a downvote, /v/ag.

The thread is alive and well.

>> No.725712 [DELETED] 

>thread is alive and well
>it's devolved to two people arguing about what sage does and doesn't do and stupid misspellings of words memes
Ya nah.

>> No.725716 [DELETED] 

It seems /v/ is in full force tonight.

>> No.725724 [DELETED] 

Your sagefagging is only hurting the thread worse.

Maybe instead of being an antagonistic and inflammatory dick about everything you could actually try to contribute relevant discussion to the thread.

>> No.725735 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 400x300, 1366668382751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why must our younger brother be such a complete retard?

>> No.725765 [DELETED] 

Too much exposure to reddit.

>> No.725784

>read that page
>get to the part about knocking up Adria

>> No.725796 [DELETED] 
File: 214 KB, 458x433, stop a troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come whenever someone shitposts you say >>>/v/ and don't ignore it?

>> No.725813 [DELETED] 

He's desperately trying to be something other than /v/ and he's not very good at it.

>> No.725821 [DELETED] 

Why do you think it's just one person?

>> No.725823 [DELETED] 

Isn't all of /vr/ pretty much trying to be less like /v/, but failing?

>> No.726434

what are good consistent times where there's people on the /v/ D2 server?

>> No.727674

It was time well spent. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

>> No.727898

i actually had a lot of legit items that had max stats.

>> No.727901

i have legit obsidian ring of the zodiac with max stats and a dragon's ring of the zodiac. it is totally legit.

>> No.727920

i know what you mean
d2 has far better multiplayer and is a great game in it's own tight but singleplayer d1 felt like meditation on a descent to hell

>> No.727924

>lv 1
>dupe elixirs
>max stats

>> No.727929

azmodan and belial were the ones that kicked the prime evils out of hell and are the true rulers of hell. Remember? this was stated in diablo 1 and 2.
Also the worldstone was destroyed but baal's essence was still in it.

>> No.727939

hellfire only gives you running in town
just play vanilla on your first playthrough

>> No.727941

warrior because it's canon

>> No.727976

i don't think it was official

>> No.727986

i can't find a decent torrent of d1
can anyone help
sage because no actual contribution

>> No.729270
File: 79 KB, 640x480, 4chanserverpropaghadi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys,
just your friendly street team for the 4chan server, we got a good amount of people but well lets just say it doesn't even fill up the ladder listenings
there is no cheating/modding character saves or anything and this will function as a perfect battle net server

instructions to play:
Download diablo 2 (--note: I'm not sure if the latest version will work (v1.13d that is) but you can try if you already have it)

then download this gateway editor


and select the diablo 2 tab and add a gateway with this information

Name: The B Hells
timezone: -1

Then start up diablo, choose battle.net, create an account and play! (I can't join atm i'm at work now..)

invite everyone you know to come and join us in playing..

>> No.730896

>>729270 privare d2 server

>> No.732246

how many people are actually playing
i went yesterday and today but there were 4 people tops

>> No.732621

It doesn't try to be. >>721291 this dude is right.
If I remember correctly, Diablo 1 credits thanked uMoria, which would spawn Angband.

>> No.732632

i think i read somewhere diablo was supposed to be LotR based but thankfully blizz couldn't afford license

>> No.732682

There's a Diablo roguelike made by the dude who created DoomRL, but I don't know how good it is.

>> No.732685

Diablo wasn't even started as a Blizzard game, bro. Blizzard acquired the company during development.

>> No.732693

Are you the gut from /rlg/?

>> No.732692

The lack of vikeys is pretty frustrating. I'm almost at the Butcher, but Shadowbite is immune to my fire bolts, drops me below half HP with one hit, and is just barely slower than I am.

Aside from that, though, sorc is fairly easy: Find a bow and shoot things, and bolt other things that are harder to shoot.

>> No.732698

Yeah. Going to make some more progress now that I have a numpad available.

>> No.732894

didn't know that
if anyone is interested in the story
video is about early development of d3 which was almost completely scrapped later

looks like w3 was last thing blizzard will ever do right