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File: 262 KB, 616x406, apeescape-616x406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7111325 No.7111325 [Reply] [Original]

This is the absolute best PSX could do with a fully 3D environment and it looks worse than release date N64 games. Mystical Ninja and Mario 64 looks 100x better than Ape Escape, which looks closer to Bubsy than Zelda.

Playstation could trick you a little with artificially pleasing graphics with deceptions like Crashs camera or pretenders graphics, but that crap didn't actually look good. It simply tricked your brain into thinking bad graphics were good.

>> No.7111334

stfu nerd

>> No.7111339

It's amusing how much this game triggers nintendrones.
I love Ape Escape.

>> No.7111341

Everyone in the cutscenes talks like Stinkoman from homestarrunner

>> No.7111361


>> No.7111386
File: 42 KB, 500x504, 90200be48e8533f13f5f596147ddd81f(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Spyro games looked way better than this Ape Escape game.

>> No.7111387

ape escape is fondly remembered for having a good art style, fun gameplay and catchy ost, not for having detailed textures
metal gear solid on the other hand was absolutely groundbreaking and i dare argue that its influence on cinematic games was comparable to the one oot had on action rpgs

>> No.7111487

Ps1 games usually had better models, textures and higher polycount environments and was also capable of distortion effects and aggressive dynamic lighting. Despite all of this, the n64 was technically more powerful but the games were technically inferior to ps1 games.

>> No.7111489


This, N64 has no answer for MGS

>> No.7111492

N64 had 100 cartoon racing games, ps1 had grab Turismo 2

>> No.7111496

This. Spyro was fucking gorgeous.
In fact, I had an N64 which I loved, but after seeing Spyro at my uncle’s place I asked for a PS1 for my next birthday based solely on how good it looked.

>> No.7111506

>it looks worse than release date N64 games. Mystical Ninja and Mario 64 looks 100x better than Ape Escape
source: trust me dude

>> No.7111509

>PSX was more powerful
What kind of ass backwards place you frequented? Even a child could tell the N64 was more powerful. Or are you talking with the voices inside your head again, schizo-kun?

>> No.7111560

>Muh Zelda

>> No.7111563

What do you mean “source”? I’m not even that guy but the source would be actually looking at the games in question.

>> No.7111576

That looks really good for the era, though. Better examples would be Naughty Dog and Insomniac games.

>> No.7111647

>source: trust me bro they look better

>> No.7111661

I think there is no objective answer to this.
I personally think any 3D game looks better on N64 and having low res textures doesnt change that.

>> No.7111675

Why do you need a source? Go look for yourself. Do you need a source on me telling you the sky is blue?

>> No.7112029

playstation had silent hill

>> No.7112158

>source: dude I fucking promise you they look better just look at them

>> No.7112170

This is the poster who makes the re4 hate thread btw.

>> No.7112337

Ape Escape is cartoony and fun. Did you not get enough hugs as a child, OP? Is that why you hate other people's happiness?

>> No.7112347
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1080, Dark_Hollow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It honestly matters on the art direction
I honestly think being forced to use textures because lighting was hardly attainable on PS1 made Spyro's environments much more interesting visually

>> No.7112420
File: 109 KB, 1600x1200, Metal Gear Solid (Japan)-201123-181558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The N64 may have had some more technically advanced stuff but the games all looked like crap and had no style. Virtually all of them had the exact same look which is needlessly large flat environments, even lighting, with a sparse few polygonal doodads, and everything covered in that ugly, blurry texture filtering.

Show me an N64 game that looks this atmospheric and dense and stylish.

>> No.7112429

You can make N64 games look like Playstation games (ridiculous aliasing and overall visual noise) by disabling the AA and dither filter.

>> No.7112451

Are you saying that building lighting into the environment was good? Your post is confusing

>> No.7112457

>ps fanboy posts emulation screenshots, one of which looks like shit
>asks people to post games that are "atmospheric and dense and stylish" as if he had any idea of what anything of that means
gonna be a cringe from me bro

>> No.7112464

the n64 and the psx were both cool and both looked good for different reasons

>> No.7112475

Blurry cut scene...

>> No.7112486
File: 1.68 MB, 1440x1080, Fear Effect (USA)-171014-022437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one thing the 64 does miss out on is decent looking prerendered backgrounds, the ones in zelda looked ok though
really though you're arguing about two consoles that had pretty shitty looking 3D

>> No.7112492

That's exactly what he's saying, all the best looking PSX games do that shit.
Hell that's the reason the original mirror's edge still looks better than its sequel.

>> No.7112495

Is this screenshot supposed to look in any way appealing? It looks like a bad youtube LP from 2009.

>> No.7112535
File: 1.84 MB, 1440x1080, Fear Effect (USA)-171014-020657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty telling that your frame of reference is watching people play games on youtube lol

>> No.7112537


>> No.7112545

based. zoomers can't into scanlines, not surprising.

>> No.7112550

That's a bad thing?

>> No.7112556
File: 111 KB, 1280x960, ra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The N64 is just ugly to me. Blurry and ugly in its native appearance and even blurrier and uglier when played at high resolutions. I never play PSX games at high resolution either but at least in native res I can appreciate the dithered, unfiltered, pixelated look almost like a low-res 2D game.

Or maybe it's because I don't care much for those colorful bing-bing wahoo platformer graphics which is pretty all that existed on the N64.

>> No.7112671
File: 300 KB, 643x480, 1589543004113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about ugly 3D graphics

>> No.7112689

You had me there until you started with your /v/ memes at the end.
5th gen in general looks pretty sketchy and you could notice it back then too, but N64 had more solid 3D that wasn't shaking all the time. It had convincing perspective that didn't distort. That alone made the N64 be seen as a more advanced 3D machine, and anyway people also thought the blurrier (but more seamless) textures were less jarring than the pixelation on PS1, which sure nowadays many people romanticize because "muh pixels", but back then that wasn't seen as "soulful" or whatever meme state of mind you get in to excuse it.
In short, anyone who thinks the PS1 (a 1994 system) is actually more powerful than the N64 (a system from mid 1996), it's either a clueless fanboy, or a shitposter, or both. It's not even about console war or brand bias, the N64 is a step more powerful than the 32-bit systems and is the reason why Nintendo went bold and shoved "64" in everyone's faces, because they knew people noticed the difference. Using the "muh bit" marketing to advertise something in 1996 was risky because the Jaguar did the exact same, and failed spectacularly.

>> No.7113214

It looks like shit.

>> No.7113421

Comparing N64 to PS1 in terms of graphical capabilities is pointless as both have their strengths and weaknesses. PS1 is capable of displaying much higher resolution textures, while being hobbled by it's perspective distortion. N64 is capable of displaying smooth (tri-point I think) filtered textures and anti aliased polygons, but texture RAM is pitifully small. Both systems have beautiful games that take advantage of the hardware to the point where comparing them becomes a point of subjective artistic opinion rather than an objective technical analysis.

>> No.7113435

why are you talking about this? people buy consoles for the software not the other way around dumbass

>> No.7113663

It had more polygons because it simply couldn't draw big polygons like the N64 , also , no z buffer, lack of a fixed floating point and perspective correction less RAM, and a very slow with high latency disc drive , that's why it had a chip to decompress pictures and movie data on the fly. The only advantage was disc space , that's why so many games used pre rendered backgrounds in order to made better looking games .

>> No.7114347
File: 31 KB, 323x323, 1561426201951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7114362

Someboy needs to bath your s.0.y.pod head in battery acid, please.

>> No.7114506

This post constitutes assault in every US state

>> No.7115752

Why were Ape Escape 1 & 3 so good, and how did they fuck 2 so bad? It has to be one of the biggest differences in quality between different interations I've ever experienced, and I'm counting some modern day garbage like nu-pokémon and whatever the fuck they're doing to Metal Slug these days.

>> No.7115813
File: 32 KB, 556x311, mama mia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whatever the fuck they're doing to Metal Slug these days.
i'm scared to ask

>> No.7116151

>This, N64 has no answer for MGS

You mean the N64 didn't have a movie game where you had to sit the controller down and pick up a magazine to read while a 20 minute cinematic played? Sorry we were busy actually PLAYING games....

>> No.7117552
File: 2.90 MB, 640x480, 1598233857719.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7117554
File: 2.92 MB, 640x480, 1598233790792.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7117564

which one is supposed to look better

>> No.7117568
File: 132 KB, 320x224, 839791A3-EA0A-455A-BEEB-EDB32AC60375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spyro looks better.

>> No.7117575

it really doesn't. the lack of detail is so atrocious it looks like a mattel toy, and that's not even seeing it in motion to see the wobbling and persepective fuckery

>> No.7117582
File: 928 KB, 500x281, 651303C4-5BD2-4E1C-BAA7-F2300F04108F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no spyro definitely looks better than ape escape

>> No.7117583


>> No.7117585
File: 26 KB, 680x425, EObCP4DXkAEzaHq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In other news, some Saudi Arabia prince has somehow brought SNK today. http://www.bloter.net/archives/483475

>> No.7117589

all ps1 games wobble, it’s to do with how 3d was rendered on that system

>> No.7117596

"3D", the thing is, the PS1 is doing very bad fake 3D. The N64 was the only real 3D console at that time, actually no wonder after all it was co-developed by THE 3D workstation company, Silicon Graphics, then.

>> No.7117602
File: 511 KB, 1304x1080, 1537177944764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oil money swallows SNK

>> No.7117621

>Lets stop with the meme that PSX was more powerful than N64

I don't think I've ever heard anyone claim that the PS1 was 'more powerful' than the N64. One glance at the specs shows N64 to be signficantly stronger in almost all aspects, and miles stronger in terms of raw cpu and gpu power.

...But the design of the PS1 is simply more versatile. IT's a machine that has its strengths and weaknesses in smarter areas than the N64 does.

The N64's Texture filtering is nice, but was it really necessary on an SDTV? And is it really a benefit if it can't be turned off? Is it really wise to blur a 32x32 texture? 2D elements look like blurry shit on the N64, purely because of the mandatory filtering. Is it really wise to make a video game console that is literally incapable of producing a sharp 2D image?

The N64 can do bigger environments with bigger draw distances than the PS1, but what's the point when it can't actually fill them with any detail?

The N64 can output CD-quality audio, but what's the point when the memory and cartridges lack the capacity to store it?

The N64 is full of "That's great, but" design issues like these. It has plenty of power, but it was difficult for developers to make practical use of much of it.

The PS1, on the other hand, is much more balanced. Almost every aspect of its architecture can be fully utilized without being bottlenecked by another.

The result was much larger and much more varied game library, because the system had a wider range of viable options for developers.

>> No.7117672

well said

>> No.7117874

>link hidden by spoiler
You’re a real son of a bitch, you know that?

>> No.7117927

Who cares about power? N64 has less than ten good games.

>> No.7118467

Who actually thinks the PSX is more powerful? Are you delusional? The ONLY thing the PSX had on the N64 was more storage allowing for more cutscenes and higher res textures. And that came at the cost of slow ass spinning rust that caused minute long load screens. Aside from that, the N64 was actually designed as a 3D console, unlike the PSX which was badly hacked to display 3D graphics on a console designed to be a more powerful SNES. PSX games look like actual trash on original hardware due to the awful vertex jitter non-perspective correct textures. PSX games are only playable on an emulator with PGPX. And there are barely any games worth playing in the first place. It's mostly limited to Silent Hill and Ape Escape. Spyro? Just play the remakes. MGS? It's legitimately a steaming pile of shit. I have no idea how people played that garbage. N64 is still the patrician choice and always will be no matter how much the ponies seethe.

>> No.7118472

Way to out yourself as a phoneposter

>> No.7118712

>Just play the remakes.
Please leave /vr/ and never come back.

>> No.7118715

Can't argue with any of your points. On paper everything about the Nintendo 64 screams "half-generation leap in power." It really should have felt closer to the Dreamcast than to the PSX, but fell short for the reasons you've listed.

>> No.7118784

Graphics don't matter, the n64 sucks and the only people who like it are nintodlers

>> No.7118804

I didn't even touch on the fact that they went for a 64 bit processor at a time when the vast majority of programmers at the time had never written for anything higher than a 32 bit processor.

There was no real need for it, either. It doesn't need 64-bit memory addressing, it doesn't need 64-bit floating point operations. The PS1 got away without floating point operations at all, and the N64 comes along with a hardware capability my desktop computer wouldn't have until 2012? In the name outputting a 320x240 image to an SDTV?

I really can't wrap my head around what Nintendo's engineers were thinking here. I can only assume they just wanted a high clock speed at a cheap price, and the chip they found just happened to be 64bit and they were like 'sure, ok, sounds cool'.

Either that or it's needed to interface with the SGI gpu? I really don't know, but it was a strange choice for a 1996 games console, really.

>> No.7118819
File: 1.09 MB, 828x1792, 4A93DBF6-50EF-4A3B-A1B1-60C052304BD6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“ Show me an N64 game that looks this atmospheric and dense and stylish.”

>> No.7118827

what's wrong with 2? i liked it about the same as 3 and the minigames were great

>> No.7118831

>someone says spyro looks better than ape escape
>sixtypoor faggot barges in and starts screaming about 'muh wobblin'

>> No.7118846


You think you're being clever by zoming in on a region of the image?
That's what? 40x80 pixels?

Show me 40x80 pixels of an n64 game with that much detail in them.

Good luck.

>> No.7118853
File: 69 KB, 725x468, 1546287565722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can only assume they just wanted a high clock speed at a cheap price
That's my take on what Nintendo did as well. We obviously benefit from hindsight, but decisions such as forgoing a CD drive or using a cheap, but high latency RAM solution resulted in a lower manufacturing cost, but was it necessarily worth it when it meant giving up dominance in what is now the largest grossing multimedia industry? Kudos to Sony, though. They produced an incredibly elegant system and they deserved the success that it brought them over the years.

>> No.7118865

Nobody thinks the PS1 is stronger than the Nintendo 64. 64>32

>> No.7118878

Please cope. The remakes are better, like most remakes of PSX games. The PSX is such an utter piece of junk that it's actually hard to make a remake worse than the original.

>> No.7118904

So, they released a year and a half after the PS1 (per Japanese release dates), the system was significantly cheaper than the PS1, and on top of the higher cost of producing a cartridge, they also demanded $19 in royalties???

God damn, what a bunch of absolute jews.

No fucking wonder nobody wanted to develop for the N64 unless Nintendo themselves were paying them to do it.

>> No.7118913

> an incredibly elegant system
> Not capable of floating point arithmetic, which is necessary for 3D graphics that don't look horrible
Also, cartridges were superior to disks. The N64 hardware was better than PSX in every conceivable way. The problem is that devs were cheapskates who went with the PSX because disks give you more storage for cheaper despite being an inferior technology to cartridges in every other way.

>> No.7118917

Gonna be honest, texture warping isn't noticeable in most PS1 games. PS1 games just look better.

>> No.7118934

Maybe if you're using PGPX in an emulator. Without PGPX though? It's incredibly obtrusive. I'll take the N64's blurrier textures any day over the PSX's jiggling.

>> No.7118941
File: 240 KB, 960x720, 36827-Driver_[U]-1492824678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this irony? Ape Escape isn't even top 10 of the best looking, maybe not even top 50.

>> No.7118946

>It's incredibly obtrusive
Nah, playing it right now on a CRT over RGB. Lots of 3D in Duke Nukem Time to Kill but no distortion stands out so far...Just sounds like an exaggeration. "There must be a flaw, ANY flaw!" All to deflect from how poor the N64 is at its only job.

>> No.7118947

> Not capable of floating point arithmetic, which is necessary for 3D graphics that don't look horrible

Might look like ass in EPSXE, but when you're outputting 320*240, the vertex wobble on a character model is generally going to be single-pixel in most situations.


>implying vertex wobble isn't full of SOUL

>texture warping isn't noticeable in most PS1 games

It's very noticable in a lot of games, but many developers mitigated by using smaller polygons. There's loads of it in Tomb Raider, but very little of it in, Wipeout, Crash Bandicoot, or Metal Gear Solid.

>> No.7118980

Threads of Fate or Vagrant Story look much better than Ape Escape.

>> No.7118986

the fuck is that face supposed to mean

>> No.7118996

Texture warping is extremely noticeable on real hardware, a CRT, emulator, there is no getting around it.

In this screenshot you can SEE the the PSX's worst nemesis: the straight line. Something it is incapable of rendering.

>> No.7118997

>Texture warping is extremely noticeable
Depends on the game, honestly the issue is overblown and is basically a non-factor.

>> No.7119004

i like all 3 incuding saturn. low ploy was my claymation.

>> No.7119130

N64 was more powerful a good example is sanfranscico rush. And the hot wheels racing that is on ps1 and n64. You can see the n64 is more polished but the game play moves slower. Ps1 moves fast but you can tell the graphics are a different style.

>> No.7119141

Nobody memed that PS was more powerful than N64, everyone knows that PS was jack of all trades master of none in regards to 2D & 3D, right between Saturn and N64. PS was more capable than N64 specifically in redbook music/sound/texture/FMV and triangle output and some other shit I don't recall. N64 does true-r 3D.

>> No.7119182

>In this screenshot you can SEE the the PSX's worst nemesis: the straight line.

That screenshot is emulation running at triple the Playstation's resolution. Pic related is an re-upscaled version of the image after a nearest-neighbour reduction to the correct resolution.

The vertex wobble in the buildings is now almost imperceptible. Only the distortion of the sidewalk texture in the foreground remains, and it would be reduced further by the blur of a 90's TV.

>> No.7119185
File: 96 KB, 960x720, driver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic actually related this time.

>> No.7119220

Yeah, pretty crazy. Nintendo and Sega were both guilty of seeing third parties as competition instead of as a source of royalty income. I'm not a fan of Sony post-2005, but from the beginning they did provide a paradigm shift that caught the old guard with their pants down.

>> No.7119245

>Also, cartridges were superior to disks.
I don't disagree on principle, but for the era and market trends at the time, it was probably a mistake.
>The N64 hardware was better than PSX in every conceivable way.
I do disagree with this statement, though. In a vacuum, yes, the hardware could have been better in every conceivable way. What they needed, I believe, is a two bus system split between graphics and CPU/sound. And RDRAM is okay if latency can be masked like it was in the PS2, but standard SDRAM (and SGRAM for graphics) would have incurred a lower latency penalty at the cost of more expensive hardware. The N64 without a CD drive COULD have produced much better graphics with minor hardware changes.

>> No.7119246

ITT: zoomies console warring 20 years late

>> No.7119258

> Lets stop with the meme that PSX was more powerful than N64
literally nobody says this. they just state the fact that despite the n64 being technically more powerful, the actual experience of playing it is much more smudgy and laggy than the ps1. mostly due to the fact that rare games made up like 90% of the n64 games anyone actually played and they clearly didn't give a fuck less about optimizing their games. on top of the n64's architecture being much harder to work with than the ps1's

>> No.7119314

sure was fun playing 3 games for an entire year in 1998

the choice to drop n64 for psx was easy

>> No.7119528

I don't want to give the impression I think PS1 3D looked good, but both of those are far better than anything on N64. Gen 5 was the low point of video games, especially when it comes to graphics.

>> No.7119564

Eh, I imported a Dreamcast and already had a gaming PC in 1998.
Also, 1998 for N64? I can remember Mystical Ninja, Rogue Squadron and F-Zero X.
That's not even counting the "big games" like Banjo and OOT.
I was still using my PS1 in 1998 too, though, but mostly playing shovelware anime games lol.

>> No.7119620

>Gen 5 was the low point of video games
No. That would be gen 7. Gen 5 was at least impressive for its time, even if it aged like a corpse in a sauna. Gen 7 was shit for the time it came out and it was a downgrade from gen 6 in several ways. I basically stopped playing new video games for a decade because of how badly gen 7 sucked.
> especially when it comes to graphics.
I'll give you that one. Early 3D is rough to go back to.

>> No.7120479

kids in the 90s don't know the difference. they just know that they could play their audio cds and it was a huge technological leap from the previous generation. that was good enough to sell over 100 million systems.

>> No.7120481

>Also, cartridges were superior to disks.

if they could hold as much data and were as cheap as cds, i'd agree, but that's not the case.

>> No.7120887

Well we can disagree. I know around here modern games are disliked and though I put gen 5 as one of the low points it still had a lot of good. 7 might be my favorite generation since 4 though.