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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 71 KB, 640x908, gc_zelda_wind_waker_p_8fbv6j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7110587 No.7110587 [Reply] [Original]

Was this the last good Zelda game?

>> No.7110594
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>> No.7110598

WW sucks, I can't believe that people find that acceptable let alone good

>> No.7110610

Based, white, and redpilled.

Wind Waker is another piss-poor rehash with nothing going for it.

>> No.7110626

lol WW is literally the best Zelda game by FAR, and one of the best games of all time

>> No.7110636

no, the Oracles were

>> No.7110642

If being unfinished garbage is all it takes to be considered a good zelda games then I'd say the entire series is a 10/10

>> No.7110646

Gamecube babies actually believe this.

>> No.7110647

i didnt like it

>> No.7110650

Was the Zelda game that made me check out. It wasn't any fun, and when it was over I really felt that the franchise had gone down a path that wasn't Zelda anymore to me.

>> No.7110652

I kind of like that about Wind Waker though. It's as soulful as the games before it, but it feels separate from them. You can play Wind Waker without having played a Zelda game before and it works as its own experience.

>> No.7110661


It was, however, the first really shitty one.

Nah I’m just kidding OOT was the last good Zelda game.

>> No.7110663

'cept for all those parts where it won't stop riding OoT's dick and never gets its own identity.

>> No.7110667

It has its own identity. It's an ocean adventure with pirates and shit. That's a pretty far cry from the type of series Zelda usually is.

>> No.7110687

It's an aborted unpolished mess but yes it's the last good zelda game in the sense that at least it's actually entertaining to play. In contrast TP, SS, and BotW were exercises in pure boredom.

>> No.7110689

>it's the last good zelda game in the sense that at least it's actually entertaining to play
Maybe like 40% is entertaining. Most of it is dull and brainless.

>> No.7110697

>reddit spacing
>doesn't like MM
Check out

>> No.7110769

It's the last Zelda game that I've beaten twice. I'll go back and replay TP and SS one of these years.

>> No.7110773

Don't bother with SS. That game sucks shit out of Bob the Builder's hairy asshole.

>> No.7110805

Wind waker isn't the first game in the series with pirates

>> No.7111004 [DELETED] 


>> No.7111015
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>> No.7111020

zelda was never good.

>> No.7111027


Any of you brainlets wanna elaborate on your worthless opinions, are has multiple choice quizes rotted your brains?

>> No.7111042


>> No.7111064

No. Most Zelda games are good, even the new ones. The worst (TP, PH, SS) seem to be a brief period of rot that is being countered by the open world focus of the newer ALBW and BOTW. Hopefully whatever they come up with next has some stronger difficulty.

>> No.7111071

>The worst (TP, PH, SS)
TP & PH are not bad

>> No.7111340

it was the first bad one lol

>> No.7111346

i just didnt like it

>> No.7111348
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fucking zoomers

>> No.7111349

>some stronger difficulty
zeldas have been easy since zelda 3

>> No.7111373

Twilight Princess's latter dungeons want a word with you. I think you have to take the good with the bad in every case with the Zelda series. Wind Waker is easy. Others have too much filler or slow pace. But there are always elements that really stick fondly with me, so for me it's about gearing up mentally for a playthrough and preparing to make the most of it. Patiently endure what is less than ideal. Enjoyment of things takes a bit of skill.

>> No.7111420


>> No.7111456

Not retro, but Spirit Tracks was the last good Zelda game.

>> No.7111575

TP is gargage

>> No.7111613


>> No.7111619 [DELETED] 

Not retro

>> No.7111730

>Others have too much filler or slow pace.
Wind waker's entire overworld was filler and slow paced

>> No.7111746
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>gamecube era
>leaps of 3d animation and nicer quality of video games graphics
>hurr durr cel shaded
>babby link on a boat
fuck this shit

>> No.7111786

WW is worse

>> No.7111830
File: 20 KB, 640x370, donnie-snarko-atgeraldinreverse-well-well-well-if-it-isnt-the-consequences-of-my-own-actions-125-am-29-sep-18-777k-retweets-159k-likes-WFNpr[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a guy who can't beat octoroks in the first game and said he never wanted to make a game like Zelda
>put him in charge of the franchise
>series immediately torpedoes in quality

>> No.7111843

Not retro

>> No.7111861

Try reporting this thread then.

>> No.7111862

Majora's Mask was the first game Aonuma directed.

>> No.7111879

That only proves the point.

>> No.7111883


>> No.7111929

zoomers don't even know what the Oracle games are, their idea of Zelda begins and ends at the 3D titles

>> No.7111934
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>> No.7112362
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It's really gay how "REMEMBER THE '90S???" types of people were universally despised 10 years ago but the same thing hasn't happened yet for 2000s fetishists.

Probably because too many jews are still profiting off the nostalgia. What a worthless fucking decade. Shitty games, shitty music, shitty movies, shitty fashion, shitty culture. Bury it all. Fuck the PS2 and fuck the GameCube. N*gger.

>> No.7113148

>Probably because too many jews are still profiting off the nostalgia.


>> No.7113171

You are just mad that the PS2 made basically everything that came before it worthless to the point of cringe.

>> No.7113221
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>> No.7113650
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>> No.7113734

>linear as fuck
>good zelda game
You can’t have both. Zelda was the last good zelda game.

>> No.7113752

Wonder boy in monster land is a better execution of the ideas here

>> No.7113767

That's not a Zelda game.

>> No.7113851

Not with that endgame

>> No.7113989
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it was the first bad one actually

>dude what if we got rid of all the gritty elements that were essential to zelda's aesthetic
>dude what if we made the ocean huge and empty with the same repeating blue color throughout
>dude what if we got rid of all challenge from every aspect of the game
>dude what if we told you how to solve a puzzle in the final dungeon when the solution was a door over
>dude what if we got rid of a few dungeons and replaced them with stupid triforce hunt shit
>dude what if we tried to give ganon a sympathetic motive at the final battle, never expanded on it and killed him anyway
>dude what if we added a multi-weapon mechanic but made it useless since it drops after opening a door and are all shittier than the master sword anyway
>dude what if we made it so you constantly have to change the wind pattern to even navigate through the shit overworld
>dude what if we made it so that the biggest side quest in the game involves a camera with an extremely limited photo inventory
>dude what if we copy pasted shitty enemy gauntlets all over the world for padding
>dude what if we made the teleporting mechanic limited to a couple squares of the world
>dude what if we had the first major area in the game open up with a shitty stealth segment for no reason
>dude what if...hear me out...what if we made the players farm for butterfly charms to progress

>> No.7114006

This has been debunked. Even you like Wind Waker since you keep posting Wind Waker reaction pics.

>> No.7114008

objective facts about the game are not debunkable

>> No.7114012

>Advancing game gens was inevitable, anon!
>Don't listen to doomers, /vr/ won't change!
>There was shitposting before this!
The /v/ cancer has spread way faster than I thought it would after this change - so many fucking threads that just result in dumbshit arguments. Fuck whatever tranny mod decided this was a good decision.

>> No.7114016

Here you go.

>> No.7114018
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>Wind Waker is one of Nintendo's grittiest games

>> No.7114023

what dont you like about it

>> No.7114028

>starts his "counterargument" by calling WW one of the grittiest nintendo games
lmao you think I'm going to waste my time reading the rest of that shit?

>> No.7114031

You have to remember Nintendo isn't a company known for gritty games. Nintendo's grittiest franchises are Zelda, Metroid, and possibly Mother.
Compared to most Nintendo games, Wind Waker is pretty gritty since it deals with the apocalypse, has a pretty dark villain, and has a pretty melancholy feeling to it overall. It's no Silent Hill obviously, but it's more mature than Nintendo's usual games (Mario, Kirby, Pikmin, Nintendogs, etc.)

>> No.7114042

wrong, their grittiest series are xenoblade and FE. And zelda is gritty due to titles like OoT and MM, not fucking wind waker lol

>Wind Waker is pretty gritty since it deals with the apocalypse
no, it isn't. it's the most baby display of a post-apocalypse setting of nintendo. Everyone lives happily except for a few girls who temporarily get kidnapped. Contrast this with games like xenoblade x or metroid prime where the entire planet is annihilated or the sentient beings are all dead from radioactive poisoning.

>has a pretty dark villain
a complete pussy version of his OoT self, WW ganondorf doesn't even do a tenth of the shit OoT ganon does

>has a pretty melancholy feeling to it overall.
no it doesn't, not even close. MM would be melancholic, WW makes light of absolutely everything and tries to reconcile in the very end by killing off king hyrule for no reason. Even something as small as sages no longer being able to see link is stripped away with markar and medli being seen in the ending greeting link.

TL;DR, WW is baby mode

>> No.7114046

>melancholic feel
What in the actual fuck are you on about? You can't actually think this is true.
>b-but here's my headcanon explaining why I'm right
fuck off, I like the game but you are delusional.

>> No.7114047

this guy thinks WW is one of nintendo's gritty games, he's beyond help

>> No.7114050

>Wind Waker is one of Nintendo's grittiest games.
It's not. It's post-apocalyptic, but not in a way that focuses on death. Ganondorf has depth, but not in a way that darkens the text.
>The ocean is beautiful.
The islands are beautiful. The ocean is average.
The only challenge is the gauntlet. When your difficulty comes solely from attrition for one section, you're not THAT hard.
>Citation needed.
I assume they're talking about the torch puzzle where the whole thing is extremely telegraphed? If you love the game so much, why don't you remember it?
>I like the Triforce Hunt.
You're the only one posting subjective shit.
>Ganondorf isn't meant to be sympathetic, he's manipulating Link.
It's still not expanded on, and Ganondorf dies.
>Challenge, bitch.
How is a skippable mechanic challenging?
>Legitimate criticism.
As are most of the rest of these.
>I like the Nintendo Gallery sidequest.
>Wtf does that even mean?
There's a shit-ton of mini-dungeons that are repeated elsewhere in the Sea.
>Learn to sail.
No, the real rebuttal is that there shouldn't be 49 warp points in a game.
>There's a stealth segment at the beginning of OoT.
After an entire dungeon and a good deal of optional content.
>You pick up Joy Pendants naturally as the game goes on, no farming needed.
Yeah this is pretty much on point. If you're stopping to clear out the repetitive towers, you should get plenty of Pendants.

>> No.7114054

I once read a YouTube comment that said Fire Emblem is for babies. How would you respond to that?

Anyway, I can't really argue with how you perceive the game. It's really a matter of how I remember it when I was a kid. I remember thinking WW had kind of a melancholy atmosphere with dungeons like the Forbidden Woods and the Earth Temple, which I still feel have an ethereal, otherworldly quality to them. Maybe it is just nostalgia, idk.
I will insist that WW's portrayal of Ganondorf is dark though, in the sense that he's made into more of an ambiguous villain than he was before. You can debate whether he's still pure evil or if he has a tragic past that explains his character. He also tries to kill children.

I explained the "melancholic feel" in this post.

>> No.7114057

>I once read a YouTube comment that said Fire Emblem is for babies. How would you respond to that?
I wouldn't, I don't comment on youtube. I wouldn't argue against him thinking FE is for babies, but if FE is for babies, than wind waker is for zygotes.

>> No.7114062

Honestly, my opinions have changed since I posted that stuff in that thread. I cringe reading it over.
I still think WW is a masterpiece, but I understand other people have issues with it. One of the things I love about it is the atmosphere, and I say that with the full knowledge that someone's gonna call me a söyboy. It's the last Zelda game that really made me feel like I was in another world. Again, I don't know if it's just nostalgia, but it's a beautiful game IMO.

>> No.7114063

>easier than oot and mm. In regards to both combat and dungeon design. All wind waker dungeons lack large-scale or complex puzzles and will rarely have backtracking or maze-like elements.
>art style was arguably worse. The cartoon style really didn't add anything but allowing link to be more expressive. This ended up sacrificing a lot shit like interesting monster designs and interesting dungeon aesthetics (wind temple is particularly awful) none of the other NPCs benefited from the cartoony art style, either.
>failed to build on the gameplay systems of either Ocarina or Majoras Mask. Sailing aside, it was yet another rehash of Alttp's formula and sailing was just a means to travel the otherworld. It didn't lend itself to interesting gameplay whatsoever. I suppose you could make an argument for it leading to a number of gameplay aspects of BOTW, though (enemy weapons stealing, gliding)
>it's unfinished. Nintendo pushed this game out in two years? Which is astonishing because it came out not too long after "A delayed game is eventually good" Ocarina of Time.
>story was the first in a long line of zelda games failing to leave Ocarina's shadow, the game's story cam barely stand on its own.
>more than half the islands are copy pastes or minor edits. Seriously. Take out the reefs, the fairy islands, the triangle islands, the featureless archipelagos, and the like and how many islands with interesting features are you left with?

>> No.7114078

wanna know something? I played WW as a kid and for years I considered it my favorite (between 2007-2012). Then I decided to replay it objectively with the thoughts of nostalgia put aside and my eyes were opened. WW has so many flaws, I couldn't bring myself to enjoy the game anymore. If the overworld wasn't so barren or the dungeons weren't so mediocre it would have been fine, but neither are good here

>> No.7114084

Wind waker is the game Miyamoto is talking about when he says bad games are forever

>> No.7114092

the best is Twilight Princess because it tried to be mature

>> No.7114759

>wolf link
>that shit final fight

uh no

>> No.7115035

i'd take wolf link anytime over that baby link shit in WW

>> No.7115114

BOTW is great

>> No.7115196

That's not majoras mask

>> No.7115437

it was unironically the first bad zelda game if you don't include four swords

>> No.7116643


>> No.7116665

awful game, how the hell could anyone enjoy the wolf mechanic or the boring dark world

>> No.7116717

Didn't wind waker predate four swords?

>> No.7117612

Cadence of Hyrule is alright.

>> No.7118561

get lost tumblrbabby

>> No.7118565

good job, you posted the WORSE 2D Zelda even.

>> No.7119736


>> No.7119738

BotW was top tier Zelda, the fuck out of here with WW

>> No.7119750
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Breath of the Wild is Dora the Explorer.

>> No.7119797
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No TP is but it's reasonable to think WW is shit because it's got no content, it's short and the overworld is terrible.
The real retards are people who think Breath of Ubisoft was acceptable.
/vr/ was already repeat /v/tier threads about dumb fucking shit. Half the board was consolewars or 'DO PEOPLE ACTUALLY THINK OOT/SOTN IS GOOD?
Fuck off retard, you're probably sitting straining trying not to tell people just how old you are.

>> No.7119843

Botw is an ok game, but it is barely a zelda game.

>> No.7119858
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 0C1CF416-6684-492E-9A81-1987FBB6ADE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

def. has the hottest version of link

>> No.7120049

That's Wind Waker.
BotW is more of a Zelda game than anything else with Aonuma's name on it.

>> No.7120067

BOTW has more in common with Grand Theft Auto than anything else with the Zelda name on it.

>> No.7120086

What do you mean "that's Wind Waker"?

>> No.7120102

Threads about the Zelda franchise in general belong in /v/ since it covers a lot of games that are not retro.

>> No.7120110 [DELETED] 

Reported and banned for not retro

>> No.7120264

Yes, but also no, you just grew up. But yeah, it's also probably secretly the best.

>> No.7121052

Cool story, bro.

>> No.7122363

The best Zelda with boring ass sailing?

>> No.7122380

>Literally the best set of final bosses in the franchise

Difficulty isn’t everything, especially when it comes to Zelda.

>> No.7122834

>Half of that shit came out when zoomers weren't even born or were 2 at most

90s kids were never despised. People just found them annoying in the same way people find weebs annoying.

>> No.7122842

>90s kids were never despised. People just found them annoying in the same way people find weebs annoying.

Oh cool thanks for clarifying! Really made all the difference in the world

>> No.7123941

>Not trap Link

>> No.7123943

I don't get this fixation with Zelda, is it nostalgia? Never got into any of the games except the GBC ones.

>> No.7124159 [DELETED] 


>> No.7124180

Don't know if I'm responding to bait, but I'm curious as to what makes WW "unfinished"? I didn't hate the game as much as I thought I would, but I don't put it on any pedestals, either. I haven't completed it since the time it came out so I definitely have forgotten some stuff.

>> No.7125298

What makes the Oracle games better than Link's Awakening?

>> No.7125347

Twilight Princess was good. Not as good as WW but still pretty fun.

>> No.7125363

No. Twilight Princess and ALBW deserve to be called at least good, let alone BoTW. Inb4 "not retro," fuck off.

>> No.7125364

Nothing because ain't

>> No.7125383

TP is all right. You have a point there.

>> No.7125419

I love threads about the Zelda series as a whole
They're the only place on 4channel where i can discuss breath of the wild, my favourite retro game.

>> No.7125423

BotW isn't retro.

>> No.7125463

Then why are so many people talking about it in here?

>> No.7125474

When you make a thread like OP clearly talking about future games in a series people are obviously going to talk about non-retro stuff. No need to play retarded or get overly butthurt.

>> No.7125481

I made the thread to discuss Wind Waker, a retro game.

>> No.7125484

Then you're retarded and should have actually said
>hey I like wind waker
Instead of doing what you did.

>> No.7125487

>hey I like Wind Waker
Sounds like a very interesting thread. I'll be sure to make it and see how many replies it gets.

>> No.7125493

Not my fault you can't think of a good OP that doesn't invite non-retro talk.
Might have helped if you actually brought up anything about Wind Waker to talk instead of just pointlessly inviting what amounts to gen wars

>> No.7125540

The game turns into complete trash after the forest dungeon.

>> No.7125661

I'm not a fan of wind waker to be honest. Never was. It's not a bad game, by all means, but I wouldn't really consider it a Zelda game. The artstyle never really fit with the franchise, and it still doesn't to this day. Most of the game is rather boring considering that most of the overworld is just a massive ocean with barely anything interesting going on, (even more boring than twilight princess's overworld). The dungeons are alright but the way they brought in new races such as Korok's and the Rito tribe being evolved versions of the Kokiri and Zora species was fucking dumb (which I'm extremely glad that this stupid explanation was retconned in BotW.) This game should have been its own standalone game instead of being a zelda game. We should have gotten something that expanded on the ocarina of time formula or at least something similar to the tech demo that was showed off that one e3. before anyone asks, No, I'm not a Twilight Princess shill. That game has its own problems but we're not discussing them in this thread now are we?

>> No.7125662

fuck I forgot to delete the name. oh well lesson learned

>> No.7125663

That's one of the things I really like about WW though. You can play it as its own game without having played any Zelda games before and it works just as well.

>> No.7125669

That is true. Like I said, it works as a standalone game. It's not a bad game and I've played it several times already and I've never had a bad experience with it. It's just not what I'd call a good zelda game.

>> No.7125683

Why the fuck am I reading this in AVGN's voice?

>> No.7125870

>Responding to the wojak autist
Dude literally posts that picture every chance he can get in zelda threads.

>> No.7125874

>in Zelda threads

>> No.7125921

The only good Zelda games are the first two on the NES, and BotW. ALttP started a terrible linear plot-focused tangent with lots of bad “puzzles”. Their only redeeming quality was the atmosphere, which isn’t dependent on their poor mechanics.

>> No.7126413

This is a board for retro games. Games that will be retro in the future are not eligible.

>> No.7126563

Pretty much this.

>> No.7126587

>It's not a bad game
A lot of the game is trash. But OoT itself was full of trash in the first place, the reason its 3D sequels kept getting worse with each new installement until BotW tried to make things right is because they were building upon everything that was wrong with OoT.

>> No.7126724
File: 150 KB, 800x450, avgn[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, Wind Waker. I get a lot of requests for this one. Back when it was revealed, if you can believe this, everyone hated the graphics. The graphics are actually pretty cool, it's like you're playing a cartoon. But GODDAMN, if it's a cartoon it's like one played in slow motion! Link moves so SLOW on those stubby little legs of his... like a doped up snail covered in molasses. Getting in your boat is no better. If you're not going in the direction of the wind, you aren't going anywhere. So what do you do? Well first you open the menu... equip the rod... then you gotta hold the direction of the wind song, not time it like you'd THINK you have to do, then the game plays the exact same song you just played. THEN you can change direction, and watch Link confused at the sky every time. FUCK. Is all the song and dance really necessary?! It's an actual song and dance! And don't think you can avoid this, you'll need it to find the triforce pieces which are scattered all over the world... though good luck finding them, since it's all the same MS paint blue!

And even if you KNOW where they are, guess what? You can't see them unless you pay this fat little dwarf guy 400 bucks to tell you where they are. 400 bucks! And there's 8 pieces! This is worse than that guy who sold me those old Atari games! Now there's nothing wrong with triforce pieces, in the Legend of Zelda you had to find 8 of them too. But they were in dungeons, full of monsters and dead ends and this weird grumble grumble guy. Not a little kid's scavenger hunt! What were they THINKING!?

Wind Waker? More like SHIT TAKER! The wind isn't the only thing that blows! I'd rather get buried under Dodongo dung! I'd rather get manhandled by Manhandla! I'd rather dig my own grave with Digdogger!

>> No.7126735

>> “are has”

>> No.7127209


>> No.7127619

Seems that way.

>> No.7127643

This is your mindset on nostalgia

>> No.7127658

All genuine points and are exactly the reasons Wind Waker just isn't a good game, impressive for a faggot shitposter, keep it up

>> No.7127932

Imagine being such a contrarian you think BOTW isn't the best zelda game.

>> No.7128915

>Not Link's Awakening

>> No.7129058
File: 31 KB, 437x350, 90s+Kids_03878a_3970793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's really gay how "REMEMBER THE '90S???" types of people were universally despised 10 years ago but the same thing hasn't happened yet for 2000s fetishists.
because 2000s kids weren't obnoxious about most of their shit like 90s kids were.

the worst you got was overlap with weebs but that's basically it.

>Probably because too many jews are still profiting off the nostalgia.
on what fucking planet or parallel earth are people profiting off of 2000s nostalgia? most of the major nostalgia callbacks have been things from the 80s or 90s.

>> No.7129064


>> No.7129071

If u say so, shit taste

>> No.7129076

it’s literally >>7110594 this thread was over after the 2nd post

>> No.7129686

damn actually captured his voice pretty well. made me lol

>> No.7130670

>That game sucks shit out of Bob the Builder's hairy asshole.

That is awfully specific.

>> No.7130687

Come on guys Breath of the Wild is by far the best retro Zelda game.

>> No.7131178

The links awakening remake was good.

>> No.7132297


don't act like BotW doesn't have its own issues that people are too willing to sweep under the rug

>> No.7132359

I unironically enjoy this game

>> No.7133704


>> No.7133759


It's been a long time since I played it, but il give you changing direction and the camera quest, camera quest especially was fucked.

>> No.7134662

>but il give you

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7134952


Choose one, friend. You can't have both

>> No.7136616

What Zelda clones do you like instead?

>> No.7137630


>> No.7138248

Which had them first?

>> No.7138952
File: 90 KB, 217x310, Cap'n_and_Piratians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not them but Majora's Mask had the Gerudo Pirates and the Oracle games had undead pirates

>> No.7139183

Its the beginning of the end taking zelda a white cultural supremacist game that is every white mans most deepest most desired fantasy with his gods and his religion and his history is represented and present and he can feel like an aryan hero.... Is all substituted for silly kyoto cartoon slapshit. eheheheehehehhe tinkle is so wacky!!! Ha ha look at beetle.

>> No.7139427

Okay bros but what about Breath of the Wild, the greatest Zelda game and dare I say it, the greatest retro game.

>> No.7140309


>> No.7140446

>the greatest retro game.
>March 3, 2017

>> No.7140941
File: 3.88 MB, 2880x2160, 20201202_220901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twilight princess of a new life in your own mind and an anime thing that was just like a bad idea of it and i dont have to do with the fact its vidya is something you can get away from here too and you have a good time and i don't know how much i just want you dont have a good idea to rush though and oml it is not that hard for you and you have a good idea to ask about the game is just not the best thing about linux and it's still pretty good at the end game is just not a big problem for me to do with it and it is not the same thing but it was just the first one so he was just trying too much time to make a good idea to rush though its probably not a big problem

>> No.7140961

u wot m8

>> No.7141547

This is actually true. Stinky tastelets seething.

>> No.7142474


>> No.7143636

What makes you say that?

>> No.7143652


Twilight princess is COMPLETE shit, but the series recovered afterward

>> No.7143680

Everybody rags on Twilight Princess starting slow even though Wind Waker is literally worse. TP has the advantage of fast text speed and skippable cutscenes for one. The tutorials are extremely brief in TP as well. WW makes you do a significantly longer sword tutorial just so you could fight two enemies and then get cucked out of combat for the next half an hour so you can do the second shittiest stealth section in Zelda history.

That is what riles me up the most about WW's opening. It sets you up with the classic tunic, the sword and the shield before setting you off on a perilous journey to rescue your sister, only for the game to slug you with a gay ass rope jumping tutorial and then the Forsaken Fortress which immediately denies you any chance of having excitement and fun by disarming you. Then afterwards you will undoubtedly get side tracked with Windfall Island's eleven trillion sidequests before slowly dragging yourself to and through Dragon Roost Island before you finally step foot inside of a fucking dungeon two hours later. It's complete dogshit! Sure, herding goats and collecting bugs sucks in TP but they both still go significantly faster than this shit in WW.

>> No.7144151

Except almost nobody outside of few WW nostalgiafags is calling the game good. Trying to use such a thoroughly flawed game to prove that this other game isn't bad isn't doing that other game any favors.

>> No.7144346

No, after it came Twilight Princess for the Wii, and that was the last good Zelda game.

Also the adventure of link is a piece of shit. I don't see why people like that stupid cunt of game so much. Even Zelda 1 is way better.

>> No.7144347

Don't care what anyone says, Skyward Sword was good. Top 5 Zelda game. BOTW was the shitty one. Didn't even feel like a Zelda game. WW and TP are meh.

>> No.7144351

No. Majora's Mask was. But what's even worse is when hot take faggots put Majora's Mask above Ocarina of Time.
Every time you play OOT, it feels like the first time.

>> No.7144352

Well, it's a game about exploring and having an adventure, not about beating it in 10 seconds.

>> No.7144369

>exploring and having an adventure
When does that happen in wind waker?

>> No.7144373
File: 239 KB, 800x748, Zelda II - New Adventure of Link0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that would be Zelda 2.

>> No.7144380

Link the pedophile

>> No.7144397

about 3 hours in after you slog through the tutorial, FF, and 3 dungeons(since the KoRL wont let you travel anywhere that isnt a dungeon or windfall). But see, youre not supposed to go on an adventure yet, because youre supposed to save all youre exploring until the trifocre hunt so it feels fresh and exciting and not like an overtly long, drawn out fetch quest

>> No.7144405

What's your favorite Zelda then? They all have restrictions like those you are mentioning.

>> No.7144410

no, they dont. no other zelda game forces you into a lengthy stealth segment, taking away your main method for defending yourself, and then restricts all movement to and from towns/hubs until you finish 3 specific dungeons, and leaves all the fun content """available""" (except you dont have the megaton hammer yet, lol :^)) for you but actually intending it to be done at the end of the game, because you have to pay an NPC to literally CONTINUE THE GAME

>> No.7144435

Okay, I won't deny the part of lengthy stealth segment. But what about it? It was fun. Majoras Mask keeps you as a Deku for 3 days mandatory without being able to leave Clocktown.

Every Zelda restricts your movement until you get the item needed. And if I remember correctly, after you beat Dragon Roost Dungeon you can go anywhere, the problem is you don't have shit like the tornados for warping or items to enter some of the islands. But that's like saying you don't have the 3 stones from OoT to continue the story and warp in time.

The only thing I agree with you is that the beginning is awfully long, but Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword are worse in that aspect.

>> No.7144441

>And if I remember correctly, after you beat Dragon Roost Dungeon you can go anywhere
no, you literally cant,. You get in the KorL, point anywhere but...forest temple(?), and set the sail and the KorL stops you to say you have more important things to do. You literally cannot explore anywhere until you do a sequence of dungeons

>but Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword are worse in that aspect
its not. You cna skip cutscenes and speed through dialouge, and the training dummy with the kids is a HELL of a lot shorter than orca's stupid fucking sword swinging lesson

>> No.7144442


>> No.7144443

Well fuck it, you win anon

>> No.7144453

>>insultingly easy, boring, and tedious game
At least Twilight Princess manages to get better after its tutorial

>> No.7144456

i still think it's fun :0)

>> No.7145537


>> No.7146060

I could never get into Windwankers art style

>> No.7146074

Open world. Yes? Well the first Zelda was too. So if anything gta mimics a game from 1985 according to your logic

>> No.7147121


>> No.7147130

TP isn't bad but it's so uneventfully flat for most of the game. It's by far the safest game in the series.

I didn't not enjoy the game but at the same time it's hard to get over how rigidly it sticks to the mold.

>> No.7147135

It was the last good 3d Zelda game. 2d zelda is better than 3d though.

>> No.7147148

>dumbass gimmicky wolf segments for an hour at a time
Haha no TP was ass

>> No.7147164

I like Skyward Sword so I disagree with the OP for reasons beyond just looking towards TP.

>> No.7147192

>2 good 3d zelda games
>4 good 2d zelda games, 6 if you're generous

I loved zelda as a kid, but I can barely stomach it now.

>> No.7147197

I hope you're talking about MM and not OoT...

>> No.7147978

We still going?

>> No.7147986

i just enjoy Zelda games. i like the music, the art direction, the dungeons, the swordplay. i like the experience as a whole.

>> No.7148148

Kind of. Oot and mm are the '2 good 3d zeldas'

>> No.7148236

sadly yes but that doesn't mean the N64 and CD-i ones were good

>> No.7148406

tbf it isn't just TP that got off to a slow start but it's a disturbing trend in all modern games. In the first Zelda you could get the sword on the first screen. In LttP a casual player would get the sword in 5 - 10 minutes. In TP it took me 3 hours and I only had about an hour a day to play bc of work.

>> No.7149568

Imagine being so lazy that you don't spell out "because" in a long ass reply.

>> No.7149793

found the /v/tard
what do you think of Link's Awakening?

>> No.7150375
File: 53 KB, 679x516, 1600122425040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>found the /v/tard
Ironic. Stop shitposting or go back to your fast board containment.

>> No.7150427
File: 82 KB, 719x879, chadhominem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, retard

>> No.7150439

found the /v/tard

>> No.7150445

Where's the candle puzzle webm bros?

>> No.7150652

your criteria for good gamin is weak

>> No.7150976

he had Koizumi to balance him out
WW was his main project and the decline is noticeable

>> No.7151792

Its literally called Zelda 2.

>> No.7151795

Wait people DON'T like this game?

>> No.7151797

The DS games are fine but Twilight Princess is absolutely the worst game in the series.

>> No.7151832

>not enjoying that part of the game

>> No.7151842

Skyward Sword needs a non-motion controlled remake. Its a good game with god awful controls.

>> No.7152143

not that.

>> No.7153693

Yes it is.

>> No.7153696

I wouldn't go that far.

>> No.7153701

Yeah, Twilight Princess wasn't terrible.

>> No.7153759
File: 138 KB, 683x817, 9cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude what if we made the ocean huge and empty with the same repeating blue color throughout
you mean like the ocean?