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7108332 No.7108332 [Reply] [Original]

Based or Cringe? Let's rock

>> No.7108458


>> No.7108469

Based af, the gameplay is frenetic and the characters charming. It had that heavy metal influenced energy and a good art style, compared to other heavy metal inspired products, this feels less like a parody and more like an honest effort. What I've seen over the years with rock influenced products it's that in general... They look like crap, they lack appealing designs and "soul" so to speak, and instead of a new GG you end up with a Hatred ripoff, I'm kinda sad that the rock influences disappeared in Strive and are much more urban/rap based

>> No.7109274

the most based series ever.

>> No.7109329

its cool but a lot of people pretend theyre into it

>> No.7109342

>we'll never get to play the canned Darkstalkers vs. Guilty Gear game

>> No.7109403 [DELETED] 

Pull those shorts down

>> No.7109962

But then you'll be able to see her bathing suit area!

>> No.7109970

The facts plain and simple

>> No.7111362

I like playing as Testament in XX.

Singleplayer or couch/cabinet versus only though. It's not as fun to play online with all those googling frame info, character balance and strats like the pathetic cheaters they are, and letting the game lose its own atmosphere to the sterile pseudosport community.

Fucking dogwhistle shitpost.

>> No.7111767


>> No.7113030
File: 701 KB, 1280x960, 281367-holy_order_sol__116_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The GGXX series is definitely the last great FG on the horizon. Even Arcsys' own followups to it are pretty underwhelming (BB, Xrd)

>> No.7113192

>love Darkstalkers, hear GG is based heavily on it
>all those system mechanics
Seems like a cool game but I don't know how people keep track of the shit on screen.

>> No.7113794

>Fucking dogwhistle shitpost

>> No.7113827


FRCs are a steep learning curve but you can get to at least intermediate play with the regular RCs. Also, pushblocking works waaay better than in Darkstalkers.

>> No.7113964


>> No.7115325

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7116259

They aren't better if they cheated by looking up strats and mechanical info.

>> No.7116493

Winning is winning, how it happens doesn't matter. No one cares about your imaginary rules.

>> No.7117357

So if we're playing Tekken at the arcade and you whoop my ass the first round and I look like I have 0 chance but then I bring out a knife IRL and stab you until you collapse and then finish off the remaining rounds with a perfect, then I ended up a better player than you?

>> No.7117371

Yes, but then you'd also have to serve life in prison. Hope the win was worth it.

>> No.7118497


>> No.7119415

I actually don't understand games like these, if you get hit once you can be juggled for 50-60% of your health, so on average you spend more time not playing the game than playing. The art and music are great, it's always a shame when fighting games decide to go the million-hit combo string route.

>> No.7119427

Please try playing a character that doesn't have a large throw-range, very generous normal priority and fucking invisible traps. If anyone is walking down easy street it's you scythe-boy.

>> No.7119502

>if you get hit once you can be juggled for 50-60% of your health, so on average you spend more time not playing the game than playing.

In GG, every character has the potential to do this and not just a stupidly OP select 3 like you'd normally see in a Capcom game (3s. MvC2)

>> No.7119520

Yes, the game appears to be relatively balanced but still even in high level tournaments you spend a fair amount of the game just sitting on your hands waiting your turn. I much prefer games like Alpha 3(excepting v-ism) where you have combos but you're back in control before you know it.

>> No.7120031
File: 170 KB, 500x664, man-stabbed-in-arcade-over-king-of-fighters-97-match-1674890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still won though retard, I'm dead but I won.

>> No.7120504
File: 91 KB, 600x450, teken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the real arcade experience. If you've never been threatened with violence for abusing throws you never played fighters.

>> No.7121626

Cry more, I only chose him because he's the coolest by far.

>> No.7122343

I like that the moves list isn't too large, for my character at least. It's quick to learn so that you can instantly go straight to working on actual fighting technique and apply them there.

>> No.7122384

Who do you play, Ky? GG has some of the biggest move lists I've ever seen.

>> No.7122754

Can someone explain to me like I'm an idiot in GGXXAC+R which "counter" defense I'm supposed to be focusing on doing and when? I've read the dustloop page for defense and I don't understand why there are so many different things.:
>Faultless Defense, just a 100% better block with no downside except you need >0% tension.
>Should I instant block or slashback? In effect they seem the same.
>Why Dead Angle Attack when you can just super the first chance you get to make room and maybe get a hit in.
I've watched some videos on Youtube and can barely identify what's going on except virtually noone actually uses their supers, they just use gauge for these techniques or FRC.

>> No.7122786
File: 10 KB, 176x300, Respect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faultless Defense
You only gain meter when playing offensively. Use FD to escape corner pressure and bring it back to neutral
>Should I instant block or slashback?
Slashbacking cannot be done consecutively like instant blocking. Only do SB when you KNOW you can followup with a powerful reversal
>Dead Angle Attack
Use this to prevent your guard gauge from rising up to dangerous levels. A reversal is something most will expect at the end of their pressure chain, so it will be blocked and you will most likely be punished for it

>> No.7122790

All of them (^:

Each one has a use, focusing on only one entirely would just limit your options. Don't expect tp learn everything going in, you will pick up on how to use stuff over time.

>> No.7124025

>virtually noone actually uses their supers
The state of FGC.

>> No.7125219

Aba is.

>> No.7125716


>> No.7126629

>juggling with Testament's specials

>> No.7126969

They could just have mid-combo counters.

>> No.7127998

>its cool but a lot of people

Retard Alert.

>> No.7128275
File: 532 KB, 1422x1407, psx_ggear_screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first game was psx exlclusive
how did they expect you can play it with psx controller?
anyway, no saturn version, no arcade version.
It's actually surprising the series survives its first installment.

>> No.7128305


Have some pretty nifty videos, anon.



Just to put here a quick note - Faultless Defence keeps you in blockstun longer, it pushes you both away farther, and it lowers your tension gain to 80% after you use it.
Instant Block helps you recover faster, keeps both of you closer to each other, and gives you tension. It's less safe than FD tho, because it still gets your guard gauge up and doesn't help against chip damage.

>> No.7128337

>Ishiwatari was only 23 years old when development started
>Got the greenlight with nothing but a college degree and intense passion for the fighting genre

This is something that literally would not be able to happen in today's absurdly rigid and unforgiving market.

>> No.7129363

It probably helped that he has composed most of the Guity Gear songs to this day.

>> No.7130060

And that's a good thing. These devs were lucky exceptions

>> No.7130938

What's wrong with Under Night?

>> No.7132016


Been a long while since I last checked on it, but isn't UNiB the game where 90% of the cast has dumb full screen attack range, with touch of death combos being full doable from said range?

>> No.7132860

>Guilty gear has a lot of defensive options and the question you have to ask whenever you're learning a new bread and butter is, was that safe? The best way to find out is to hop into training mode and try your attacks against Instant Block, Faultless Defence and Slashback.

>A lot of special moves in guilty gear aren't safe when Instant Blocked, keep this in mind when running a blockstring against your opponent because if you start seeing them flashing, you might be in more trouble than you think!

>> No.7133948

[citation needed]

>> No.7135042

Holy Orders

>> No.7135109
File: 657 KB, 1200x1600, COCONUT!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7136619

Big Blast Sonic

>> No.7136658

Most commentary surrounding those mechanics are just theoretical. For instance if somebody could slashback perfectly everytime then they would always win, but since that's impossible to reliably do it's a moot point. Fighting games are about you capitalizing on your opponents mistakes.

>> No.7137609
File: 2.04 MB, 2016x1512, Too_cool_for_school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It still impresses me how well balanced the game became. With the varied playstyles of all the characters and possible matchups, it is a sort of wonder how they are all viable, even the grappler character. The music is so good.

It was amazing that such great animations were achieved with the Playstation hardware. For a $10USD pickup, it created a fan in me for the rest of the series. The attacks were designed to fit the diamond layout of the control pad face buttons, and it worked very well. While I would have preferred it be on the Saturn, it was a showcase title on the Playstation for me.

>> No.7138245

Let's rock.

>> No.7138323

Lmao based anon, putting excrement playing scrubs in their place

>> No.7138924

No, because once you kill me you're not playing against me anymore dummy.

>> No.7139205
File: 2.29 MB, 2016x1512, No_no_pessimist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For that, I'll recommend Fatal Duel:

>> No.7140013

A good chunk of the cast has really good range and movement options, but TOD? Not in the current iteration. Some of the corner pressure can get intense, but neutral is a blast in this game, and having some lengthy combos adds to the rewarding feeling of a right read.

>> No.7140875

>2020 still listening daisuke's masterpeice

>> No.7141872

That is the best area.

>> No.7142769

How come?

>> No.7143096

Aesthetically and structurally it is very impressive and even more so when Daisuke did, if not all of the work to make it. However Guilty gear didn't get a solid clean up until XX, X and especially missing link are broken as fuck. Game ending IKs that you have no limit on and easy infinities. Even XX is pretty busted but significantly less so than X and missing link.

>> No.7143258

>normal priority
Are you a Slayer player complaining about Potemkin?

>> No.7144137

Let's go with that.

>> No.7145247

>X and especially missing link are broken as fuck.


>> No.7146089

I just explained missing link (This is what the re-release of guilty gear 1 was named) but I've now done my homework on X. The main reason is FDC, you can cancel 2Ds into Flauntless Defense on the first frame of startup, and from there you can do a normal>Gatling>2D ender FDC to normal>Gatling>2D ender FDC...infinite combos and blockstrings off of just one move.

>> No.7147182

>Don't expect tp learn

>> No.7148228

Heavy Day