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7107069 No.7107069 [Reply] [Original]

Will there ever be another entry in the Alone in the Dark series or has Atari killed it for good?

>> No.7107093

probably not people didnt like the last one

>> No.7108029

if they do i'd like them to go back to the old-timey feel of the first one; that being like the Victorian/early century vibe of the original, not some edgy grimdark thing.

>> No.7108672

That would be for the best. Maybe with the success of the Resident Evil remakes we are going to see something.

>> No.7108712

Re3make was trash. You don't really want another series that you like going down that slippery slope.

>> No.7110371

This. The complexity of the object interactions and puzzles shouldn't be watered down too.

All RE remakes are soulless trash.

>> No.7111998
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>> No.7112019

No horror game ever beat the beginning from AITD. The attic, with the window and the trapdoor.

And then moving lower into the house, the zombies ambushing you. Every game has tried to copy that ever since.

>> No.7112260

It was already killed with the first sequel.

What do you think.

Publisher didn't understand what they had, lacked vision and wanted to play it "safe".

>> No.7113360

aitd2 is one of my favorite games ever

agree that is not the same atmosphere as the 1st but has another personality of its own

three is weird but I feel its not as intuitive as 2 is.

The first one gave me nightmares all along my childhood

>> No.7114690
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Did you play Shadow of the Comet? It shared a lot of creative staff with Alone in the Dark 1, even the same guy makes songs that would not feel out of place with Alone in the Dark 1.


>> No.7114928

Now and forever:


>> No.7115168

AITD2 has a great soundtrack, and the game is solid too if you're willing to overlook the fact that its not horror


>> No.7116419

>that its not horror

Retard Alert.

>> No.7116614

I copped the AITD trilogy off the GOG sale a couple weeks ago. I'm so stoked that I forgot all the puzzles. It's like playing the game for the first time.

>> No.7117581

It reallyy isn't though. AITD2 is neither survival, nor horror. AITD2 is to AITD what Dino Crisis 2 is to Dino Crisis.

In a way, that also makes the game ahead of its time, but that's not what the franchise needed, and it's not what the original creators wanted either. There is a reason why the next 2 sequels went back to horror.
Like I said, the publisher didn't know what it had.

>> No.7117598
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>AITD2 is neither survival
Very limited health items, very limited ammunition, avoiding battles is much preferable to fighting, and battles can only be avoided using creative thinking instead of running past enemies? It's more survival than 99% of survival horror games out there.
>nor horror
It's pretty scary in a strange and absurd, black comedy way. You don't need lovercraftian monsters or japanese ghosts or zombies to make a creepy game with twisted atmosphere. I found it creepier than any RE game.

>> No.7117617

It's owned by THQ Nordic, so maybe. The last two reboots were dogshit though.

>> No.7118047

Guy you replied to. I only said it's not horror to not trigger anyone, i know this board is autistic as fuck about the term horror. There's obviously plenty of horror elements, especially the first half of the game.

>> No.7118662

>Nothing is right, but what is wrong?
>When I close my eyes I see them.
>The triangles.
>The pointy edges pierce my very soul.
>For years they had me.
>In the void of nothingness.
>All I could see were his polygonal eyes.
>His constricted pupils. The eyes floating in front of his head.
>Despite all I was taking in from the scene laid out before me, my mind had drawn a blank.
>I was writing a description for a stupid Alone in the Dark video.
>Funny as hell, it was the most horrible thing I could think of.

>> No.7119215

It's about fucking pirates lmao.

>> No.7119737

Wow, nice spoiler bro. I didn't play AITD2 yet.

>> No.7121043

You are not missing out.

>> No.7122283

Is Prisoner of Ice any good?

>> No.7123213

Not as good as Shadow of the Comet, but way better than any Alone in the Dark sequel.

>> No.7123384

I played this Lovecrafty game around 2000 or so that was like AITD, but with more combat and less puzzles and the dude had this jacket that had good physics simulation. Anyone know what that shit was? The controls sucked ass, but it had its moments.

>> No.7123403


Nevermind, found it. It's Nocturne (1999).

>> No.7123963

Fuck yeah.

>> No.7124534


>> No.7124571

All they have to do is make a retro game with pre-rendered, tank controls and Lovecraftian mansion atmosphere, and in the currentyear they'd finche a loyal niche but no, Atari are retards would rather do AA abortions trying to chase after AAA RE.

>> No.7124709

>atari owns it
It's dead, sorry op

>> No.7125615

>they'd finche a loyal niche

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7126858

>not people didn‘t like the last one

As opposed to actual people?

>> No.7127858
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>> No.7128239

It never changed its owner. It was owned by Infogrames right from the get-go, later on Infogrames bought out Atari for pennies and then changed their name to Atari because it was more recognizable.
Infogrames has a history of shitty decisions being made by corporate people. It's why AitD2 was so different from the first one; the game's director (who was also the lead developer) got fired over some petty disagreement with higher-ups. They fired their best talent, the guy responsible for an impressive polygonal 3D engine.

>> No.7129183

>petty disagreement with higher-ups.

Tell us more.

>> No.7130392
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>> No.7130404

>pirates cant be scary

It's pretty good, but you need an actual guide because the game is tough as nails. The enemies are overpowered and ammo is really scarce.

>> No.7130512


>> No.7130550

>Lone survivor
My guy

>> No.7131987

>Oh no. This video was supposed to be out by April 1st. Since everything is on fire and I have no idea what I'm doing, I'm going to upload it now instead of waiting a year. The project file corrupted and I haven't had enough free time to manually piece everything back together as quickly as I would have liked.

>It would be greatly appreciated if you pretend I uploaded this on April first, but you don't have to if you don't want to...

>> No.7132857
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>> No.7133071

Kinda depressing how I played almost every PC title already

And System Shock 2 is still the top 3 scariest of them all

>> No.7133986


>> No.7134073


I always feel bad for these guys who do good videos but get no algorithm juice. Needs to shill more I guess.

>> No.7134089

alone in the dark is a really badly designed game. its nothing but trial and error instant death traps. resident evil took its premise and made it actually good. other than that the series is basically worthless.

>> No.7134250

Ok, zoomer.

>> No.7135352

Not an argument.

>> No.7135396

I don't remember any instant death traps desu

>> No.7135519

>its nothing but trial and error instant death traps.
Are you too retarded not to touch the ghosts and fall into holes? Also that's what the quicksave feature is for you absolute brainlet. You probably didnt bother to read the books either, they warn you about the traps and dangers the house possesses.
>resident evil took its premise and made it actually good.
Resident tranny is a boring console shit with zero mystery and suspense.

>> No.7136782

>Resident tranny

Rent Free.

>> No.7137718

For what purpose?

>> No.7138190

As much as I love the first game, I feel like it was a lucky shot. The atmosphere and music are perfect, but then the sequels are tedious action games with a handful of simplistic puzzles... so yeah, I think Frederick Raynal and his team didn't realize how good the original game was (well, Raynal still realized that the company absolutely destroyed the soul of the series).
I still want my future house' second floor to look like Derceto, with that huge and comfy library.

>> No.7139192
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I still want to play the sequels. I don't recall Atari doing much anymore, last game I played of theirs was Bulletwitch. The first AitD still has the mood with the harsh Yamaha sounds from the Soundblaster.

>> No.7140119

Where is Koudelka?

>> No.7140937
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You have good taste in games. Didn't think of it but it does have a nice spooky haunted house vibe.


>> No.7142018

Do you have Shadow Hearts 1?

>> No.7142035

"dude just quicksave every 10 seconds in case theres another unavoidable death trap". yeah, great game design right there.

>resident evil is bad because its on a console!

not an argument

>> No.7143072

>It's more survival than 99% of survival horror games out there.


>> No.7144134

>i know this board is autistic as fuck about the term horror.

>> No.7144652
File: 1.67 MB, 2016x1081, Now_what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean my favorite Midway game? Maybe.

Back on topic, on the back of the US Koudelka manual is an ad for Alone in the Dark.

>> No.7144976

So people actually see the shit he spent time making?

>> No.7146083

Not good enough.

>> No.7146092

Resident Evil killed it. People (including Atari itself) see the series as a shittier, more primitive version of RE when it has more in common with ghost stories than horror films.

>> No.7146142


This is why the first game was good.


>> No.7146649

It took a quarter century and a lawsuit for them to acknowledge he made AITD.

>> No.7147003
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Less faggotry, more talking about Pregzt.

Why did he become the tree?

>> No.7148068


>> No.7148143

Trees live much longer than humans.
His plot was to wait until he finds himself a suitable new body, that's what he wanted to use Jeremy Hartwood (and later the player characters) for.

>> No.7148296

Those damned Yankees shot him and burned down his manor. It's assumed that his voodoo slaves were the ones who bound his soul to the tree in the underground labyrinth in an effort to save him.

>> No.7149506

Makes perfect sense.

>> No.7150329

Fire was Pregzt's only apparent weakness in both life and arboreal undeath. Did Lovecraft ever mention anything about fire being the only thing that could hurt quasi-immortal Cthulhu cultists in his stories? Or did Infogrames just totally make that shit up?