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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7106958 No.7106958 [Reply] [Original]

It's been over 20 years and still no better horror game than this. (pic related)

>> No.7106972

>Playing it in the attic
No thanks bro I'm fine with my hello Kitty game
Also I expected this to be a high effort re4 thread

>> No.7106978

>re4 thread
is someone crying?

>> No.7106982

N-No sir I'll go back to the attic

>> No.7106995

the real scary part is leaving your ps1 out in the sun

>> No.7106996
File: 293 KB, 239x635, 20181216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that game's jewel case being suspended in.between the floor's planks

>> No.7107023
File: 2.57 MB, 450x338, 1602680025880.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the dusty children's piano

>> No.7107040

>caring about story in games

>> No.7107065

Clearly to help with the piano puzzle.

>> No.7108020

I agree.
Also playing in the attic is max spooks, jeez anon.

>> No.7108042
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>> No.7108074

SH2 isn't spooky.

>> No.7108098

lol, what? You on drugs or something? NOT SPOOKY???? WHAT??? You not good at having a meaningful opinion.

>> No.7108137

Damn... you live like this?

>> No.7108152
File: 96 KB, 1536x864, 1096570_screenshots_20201022221422_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Song of Horror is better

>> No.7108204
File: 33 KB, 102x122, face212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats a pile of rat shit on the floorboards beside the piano.

>> No.7108295

He's right actually

>> No.7108342

>composite cables

>> No.7108345

>playing Silent Hill in a dusty attic near an old piano
My friend, you are doing it right!

>> No.7108417

>I'm just going to unplug this bathtub

>> No.7108427


The sun itself doesn't yellow consoles. It's the sun rays through those huge windows that turned the PS1 yellow.

Open the windows when there is sun or leave the console outdoor and in a few days it'll de-yellow by itself. Granted that doesn't work too well until spring/summer.

>> No.7108851

No one else noted that controller in OP's pic is a Dual Analog instead of a Dual Shock...

>> No.7108897

SH2 is severely overrated and the weakest of the original trilogy. If you suck off Silent Hill 2 you're likely some landwhale from tumblr who thinks Invader Zim is teh epicz and They Live isn't about jews as that would be wrong. Get fucked cunt. Preferably up the ass before I blow your brains out with my ASSSSSS bitch. BITCH! POOPY ASS SNIFFING BITCH POOPY PUFFER POOP POOP YOU POOP YOURE POOPY PANTS DUMBASS POOPPPPPPY AAARRGGHHH IS THAT POOP I';M LOSING ME YUFCKIGN MIIIIIIIIIIIND

>> No.7108916
