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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7101227 No.7101227 [Reply] [Original]

...And thus, the video game industry was revived.

>> No.7101235
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>> No.7101243

Strong Bad's game room?

>> No.7101297

Amerinonce detected.

>> No.7101304

In America lol. It was never struggling in any other parts of the world. It wasn't that video games were "struggling" per say, either. It was more people were just playing them on computers rather then consoles.

>> No.7101774

>It was more people were just playing them on computers rather then consoles.
Computers like... the Spectrum?

>> No.7101840

Realistically, it wasn't really struggling here, either. Atari finally collapsed under the weight of its own hubris. Life, and the industry, moved forward. Frankly, it probably helped more than caused any sort of "crash" in the marketplace. 2600s on sale for $40 and games for a buck a piece in the bargain bin? Yes, please. If nothing else, it made for a pretty happy childhood. I'm sure I wasn't the only one, and it kept the idea of video games in the public mind, as did arcades. I really think the impact of the "Crash of '83" is grossly overstated and wholly American-centric. I also firmly believe that the industry didn't actually need Nintendo to swoop in and save it, although it certainly didn't hurt anything.

>> No.7101913

The video game crash didn't happen anywhere in the world, not even in America. Atari 8 bit computers were still selling well, along with Vic 20, C64, TRS80, and Apple II. The only thing that happened in the US was the crash of game cartridge sales in toy stores. Carts were slow and expensive to manufacture. Game publishers started selling their games in floppy and cassette format. Atari 2600 got the Starpath Supercharger to make it accept the cassette format.

The NES' success in the US was solely caused by luck. American parents didn't mind paying extra for console games that resembled computer floppy games for their kids. That's the reason why Nintendo was so uptight and keen on censoring their games. It was unsuccessful in Europe where the kids were already computer literate, unlike American kids.

>> No.7101915

>nah bro we were totally fine with the speccy

>> No.7101986

In the US only, and the home console market only

>> No.7102007

And we were, yanks like you wouldn't understand.

>> No.7102087

>The NES' success in the US was solely caused by luck. American parents didn't mind paying extra for console games that resembled computer floppy games for their kids. That's the reason why Nintendo was so uptight and keen on censoring their games. It was unsuccessful in Europe where the kids were already computer literate, unlike American kids.
You were doing great until you started making up nonsense. I get that this thread is meant to be bait, but you don't have to let it be. You can actually try to have a real discussion.

>> No.7102146

That's right. We had the best imports to compliment the already decent domestic output. You almost shovelwared your industry into oblivion. Cope.

>> No.7102167

By what? Some lines? The fuckin' shit do you mean?

>> No.7102170

>American parents didn't mind paying extra for console games that resembled computer floppy games for their kids
This is indeed nonsense. The last thing anyone wanted was a computer; it's why Nintendo made the NES look like a VCR.
>That's the reason why Nintendo was so uptight and keen on censoring their games
Nope. Religitards and other moralfag busybodies.
>It was unsuccessful in Europe where the kids were already computer literate, unlike American kids
Half true. Sega marketed the fuck out of the Master System. You would have been hard-pressed to find an ad for the NES on Yuro TV. As for for the Yuros being more computer literate? True. Only nerds coded in Burgerland, while just about everyone had a go in Europe. Europe was a miserable place in the 80's, so young boys and men actually made use of their computers to pass the time.

>> No.7102187

I have always suspected that Nintendo made overmuch of the Videogame Crash of '83, in an attempt to bolster their own oft-repeated corporate savior myth. I'm not doubting that the crash itself happened; that'd just be foolish. But, as I have aged, I seriously begin to question the narrative that the market would've remained "dead" for any significant length of time.

>> No.7102223

Why are you using a Famicom logo in reference to something that only happened in the US?

>> No.7102229

Why are you replying to me? I didn't post anything you quoted.

>> No.7102291

>Europe was a miserable place in the 80's
east of the wall it certainly was

>> No.7102357

>kids were already computer literate, unlike American kids
>You were doing great until you started making up nonsense

>> No.7102364

Doubt they were more computer knowledgeable in Europe or that 90% of people there knew how to do anything more with a computer than insert a game cassette in the player, turn the power on, and type LOAD.

>> No.7102367


>> No.7102598

You seem to be having some real issues following the reply chain.

>> No.7102932

Your inability to comprehend what has been posted is infinitely more worrying. Double dilate with an elephant's necrotic cock, retard.

>> No.7102937

Do you really not get it?

>> No.7103279

>literally zero argument
Seethe. A lot of European computer games were developed by teenagers as young as 14-15 year olds. The brits had coding TV shows and radio broadcasts for kids and teenagers, and they would broadcast their programs' source code as sound files so people could record it on their cassette tapes and access it with their computers. Coding magazines were very plentiful, and the ones in Europe were especially targeted towards young coders.

>The last thing anyone wanted was a computer; it's why Nintendo made the NES look like a VCR.
Do you have any proof to back that up? Though that's believable, americans were always retarded and have always hated anything remotely educational and productive.
>Nope. Religitards and other moralfag busybodies.
And nintendo listened to them because? They were trying to sell their console to these kind of dumbfuck amerilard parents, that's why. They were their target demographics.
>Sega marketed the fuck out of the Master System
And yet the sales figure for the whole europe was only 6 million or so. I think Amstrad managed to sell a lot more gaming computers, even the basic CPC model alone sold 3 million, Spectrum's original model sold 5 million, and C64 must've sold over 10 million. It was nowhere remotely as successful as NES in the US and Japan, Nintendo sold 33 million and 19 million in the respective regions.

>> No.7103291

>Though that's believable, americans were always retarded and have always hated anything remotely educational and productive.

In fact if you looked at the UK C64 magazines, they were mostly just focused on games and had an edgy punk rock aesthetic to them. American C64 mags were really dry and often discussed the computer's use in education and productivity.

>> No.7103297

>Nope. Religitards and other moralfag busybodies.
>And nintendo listened to them because? They were trying to sell their console to these kind of dumbfuck amerilard parents, that's why. They were their target demographics.
in all fairness, even in Japan they liked to market themselves as a family company and stuff like eroge games wasn't allowed

>> No.7103301

>A lot of European computer games were developed by teenagers as young as 14-15 year olds
That certainly explains why they all suck.

>> No.7103350
File: 185 KB, 765x1055, YourSinclair_48_Dec_1989_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody in the US would believe this magazine has coding and computer hacking lessons

>> No.7103493

>kids were already computer literate, unlike American kids
>You were doing great until you started making up nonsense
(my post)
>>literally zero argument
I wish you could read. If you could, then then you'd know that this is what I said:
(also my post)
"Only nerds coded in Burgerland, while just about everyone had a go in Europe. Europe was a miserable place in the 80's, so young boys and men actually made use of their computers to pass the time."
You can kill yourself now, retard. Spare the world your spasticity. R-r-r-r-r-reeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaading COMPREHENSION!

>> No.7103616

>Only nerds coded in Burgerland
Sounds like a third world country with poor human development index.

>> No.7104359

You're so angry over literally nothing that you don't even know who you're replying to anymore. At least you're keeping a failed bait thread entertaining.

>> No.7104674

>The NES' success in the US was solely caused by luck. American parents didn't mind paying extra for console games that resembled computer floppy games for their kids. That's the reason why Nintendo was so uptight and keen on censoring their games. It was unsuccessful in Europe where the kids were already computer literate, unlike American kids.
Was he right, /vr/?

I didn't see counter arguments, just whining.

>> No.7104782

You made the assertion. It's on you to actually prove it first.

>> No.7104982
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Fucking Angloid zoomers with their shitty meme. Nobody gave a fuck about PC gaming back then. PCs were for work. Get it through your head.

>> No.7105025

>You're so angry over literally nothing
No. I'm not fuming with every letter I type. That's you. I have nothing to be angry for. You see, brainlets like you are a source of amusement for me. The reason why you THINK I'm irate is because that's the state of mind you're always in when you talk to people online. Take a chill pill, faggot. Don't worry; you're safe. You're too old to be sexually abused by your parents now.

>> No.7105027

b-but nintendo bad!

>> No.7105068

>i have absolutely no idea why i'm still trying to troll anyone and have completely forgotten what triggered me in the first place
I hope you get better soon, anon.

>> No.7105083
File: 3.21 MB, 2164x1488, BIDEN SAMA I KNEEL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go worship your goy emperor, amerilard

>> No.7105086


>> No.7105115

>anyone who makes fun of brits is a burger
not how it works.

>> No.7105407

>>i have absolutely no idea why i'm (sic) still trying to troll anyone and have completely forgotten what triggered me in the first place
>I like manufacturing nonsense because I'm incapable of providing a cogent argument (you)
Like I said, imbeciles like you are nothing but a source of amusement to me. And what you've vomited is here for all to see, which makes it all the more funnier. It's the equivalent of you having your pink spandex skid marked g-string pulled down to your ankles, and your tiny little cock displayed for the whole world to mockingly laugh at. Pathetic and hilarious.

>> No.7105682

>literally everything has triggered me
>i'm not even sure what nationality i am anymore
>what consoles do i like?
>is this real life?
>pink spandex
This is starting to get good.

>> No.7106152

I don't see how it's hard to grasp the cultural impact the Famicom (and all its iterations around the world) changed gaming forever.
>b-but nintendo!
Famiclones are literal piracy, it's anti-nintendo if anything, but the cultural impact FC had in the world of video games compared to nearly any other console, and especially before it, is undeniable.
>but microcom-
shut up.

>> No.7107226

You've repeated yourself to the point of ad nauseam. This is a sign of a lack of ingenuity. You're shitting up the thread with your profound and utterly grating stupidity, so just stop.

>> No.7107371

>2600s on sale for $40 and games for a buck a piece in the bargain bin? Yes, please.
It's almost like economists hate the consumer and consider it a "crash" when suppliers aren't able to pilfer your entire paycheck.

>> No.7108027

>i can't remember what nationality i'm supposed to be larping as
>why was i angry again?
>weren't we talking about old games or something?
>oh god, what's happening?!
Your nervous breakdown is endlessly amusing.

>> No.7108983

bumping this gem

>> No.7109026


There was old video game studio (made DOS games) that had a very similar logo. Can't recall what their name was... hmmm.... does anyone know?

>> No.7109054
File: 13 KB, 219x230, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ackshually! the video game crash didn't affect the rest of the world outside of USA because we were playing jet set willay

>> No.7110293

OK, for real this time, how can we make people stop thinking that Nintendo is good? We must find a solution.

>> No.7110432
File: 114 KB, 1200x798, 71161commodore-64.system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What in history could have possibly taken the NES's place?

>> No.7110439

At first, Commodore wanted to sell the C64 as a game console with a keyboard and BASIC cartridge sold separately. The NES wouldn't be able to compete.

>> No.7110446

No, but we need to find a way to stop nintendo schizos like you from seething this hard.

>> No.7110449

I hate nintendo though, I make threads shitting on them every day here.

>> No.7110459

Ok schizo.

>> No.7110469

just because I make anti-nintendo threads every day doesn't mean I have mental illness.

>> No.7110480

The NES would still have the advantage of no load times or piracy though.

>> No.7110494
File: 138 KB, 1032x1129, sotb-cartridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost but in the late C64 period there were banked cartridges that permit insta-streaming of ROM data much like how NES games can do.

>> No.7110515

That technology has existed since the atari 2600 era. It was never difficult to make banked game cartridges, but it was expensive compared to shipping them in disks and tapes. People could just use fastloaders anyway, it worked with most games.

>> No.7110540

>but it was expensive compared to shipping them in disks and tapes.
On the other hand, the higher cost was offset by less piracy. And being able to live stream cartridge data lets you do things that aren't possible with magnetic media. The guy who did the C64 Prince of Persia port said using a banked cartridge was a necessity and he couldn't pull it off had it been a disk game.

>> No.7110552

to be entirely honest, i read his development blog and he confessed that he had memory space issues because he used bitmap mode in an attempt to keep the game as true to the Apple II original as possible. if he used character mode that probably wouldn't be an issue.

>> No.7110604

Insta-streaming was used with later NES mappers and games like Kirby wouldn't have been possible without it.

>> No.7110725
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>Do you have any proof to back that up?
Do all yurofags suffer from this level of cognitive dissonance, or just the limeys? Genuine question here.

>> No.7110738

It's pure bullshit, the reason the NES didn't sell as well is threefold. First, Europe's economy wasn't as healthy as the booming Japanese and American economies were. This in turn led to nintendo not advertising as heavily in the region, and finally Europe had retarded tariffs making domestic alternatives like oi' me speccy more competitive. Yuropoors have never been good at economics though, except for maybe the huns.

>> No.7110740

>the higher cost was offset by less piracy
Tbh I think they should've released games in both cartridge and disk/tape format. All the necessary resource (player sprites, enemy sprites, UI screens, main game files, fastloader, etc) should be contained in a 16K or 32K cart, while the extra stuff like level data, background, more enemy and NPC variations, text files, and music should be streamed from the disk/tape. This could probably minimize the load time while at the same time evade piracy without having to produce expensive high capacity carts.

>> No.7110749

Yeah that was the one definite advantage the NES had over C64 and it wasn't actually realized until the later years of the console. MMC1 and discreet mappers work much more like a tape or disk--you switch in each separate game level and then switch in the next level afterward.

>> No.7110759

>Europe's economy wasn't as healthy as the booming Japanese and American economies were
Is that why the FDS sold really well in japan?
>This in turn led to nintendo not advertising as heavily in the region
SEGA did and I don't think their console outsold the home computers.
>Europe had retarded tariffs making domestic alternatives like oi' me speccy more competitive
C64's were imported from the US though, and highly successful all over europe, even within the UK.

It's possible to produce MMC-like carts for the C64, or any computer/console with a cartridge slot for that matter.

>> No.7110784
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In fact Dragon Quest 1 does it when you go over the bridges and is a CNROM (Japan)/MMC1 (US) game. The game switches in a different set of enemy sprites for each region of the map. You can tell because when you cross a bridge, there's momentary lag.

>> No.7110803

big deal, if the game was on C64 you'd just have it stop and load the next group of enemies from disk

>> No.7110813

I don't get this thread, why are people talking about NES vs C64?

>> No.7110818


Started here.

>> No.7110895

Because C64 saved video games.

>> No.7110914

Why are retro computer fans like this? These threads are always the same.